President Biden has already racked up an impressive list of accomplishments. He proved he can destroy some of the great things about America without any help from Congress. All it takes is a pen and someone to tell him where to sign.
The executive orders Biden signed on Day One were just the beginning of a series of bad moves, misjudgments, blunders, lies, and flagrantly anti-American policy decisions.
Biden won’t look back at the damage he’s done. He’s too busy making plans to destroy our future. Working closely with Democrats in Congress he has more than enough power to do exactly that.
Here are the newest updates to the great things about America Biden is destroying right now:
NEW: 10 Ways Biden Seeks Revenge Against America.
Biden destroyed the sanctity of America’s commitment to our allies. Japan should be very afraid.
“F Biden?” President says little kids are giving him the middle finger.
Looking for more? Here are all of our recent updates about how the president is destroying our country.
These are the great things about America Biden is destroying
Our ancestors gifted us with the greatest country on earth. We are the success story every nation aspires to. Hundreds of thousands of Americans laid down their lives to preserve and protect what the president is callously tearing apart and replacing with identity politics and liberal globalism.

The president didn’t waste any time apologizing to the rest of the world for the Trump years. Crawling back to the international community tops the list.
Great thing about America #1: respect for who we are
Trump commanded respect from our allies and our adversaries. He knew when to say no. Unlike Barack Obama when he drew a line in the sand he stuck to it. He didn’t care that our allies weren’t happy when he called them to task. He wasn’t afraid of China. Trump refused to allow America to be taken advantage of. He didn’t lack the courage to call out those who tried.
Biden? He made this remark to world leaders assembled for last week’s 2021 Munich Security Conference:
I know — the past few years have strained and tested our transatlantic relationship, but the United States is determined — determined to reengage with Europe, to consult with you, to earn back the position of trusted leadership.1
Trump made sure America stood tall. He knows we don’t have to earn back anything with anyone.
Biden put us on our knees.
Great thing about America #2: equality
We don’t need to worry about equal rights any longer. Now we value equity.
The Biden administration’s identity politics places skin color above all else. It opens the door to all manner of expensive, vote getting social engineering.
To the best of my knowledge the color of your skin doesn’t determine your competency for a job, but the White House bases its domestic policy and hiring decisions on a color and gender preference palette that allows the president to claim diversity victories.
Even science depends on diversity. A Biden order “Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking” makes science and diversity inseparable:
This report shall include a review of the impact on scientific integrity of diversity, equity, and inclusion practices related to the Federal scientific and engineering workforce and scientific Federal advisory committees.2
The ghost of the Obama presidency dictates Biden’s equity policies:
President Biden will reinvigorate the federal government’s role as a model employer by expanding and building on the efforts of the Obama-Biden Administration, by requiring all agencies to take affirmative steps to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as by requiring accessibility.3
Enforce is more accurate than promote. It means we appoint agency heads like Justice Department Civil Rights Division nominee Kristen Clarke. According to the The Daily Caller she promoted a theory of black racial superiority.4
If Clarke espoused white superiority she would be run out of town, possibly investigated, and almost certainly would never work again. Lucky for her Democrats have an unlimited ability to ignore what they condemn when it applies to them. Illinois Senator Dick Durbin did exactly that when he justified Clarke’s nomination with hate-laced talking points about President Trump:
While the former President was disrespecting the Constitution, undermining democratic institutions, spreading hate, and inciting insurrection, he also reduced the DOJ Civil Rights Division to a shell of its former self. Kristen Clarke is a Justice Department veteran who has the skills, experience, and tenacity to revitalize the Civil Rights Division and renew its commitment to protecting civil rights and ensuring equal justice under the law,” Durbin said.5
Durbin didn’t bother to explain how someone who espouses racial superiority will ensure equality of anything, but equality isn’t the issue. Equity is what’s important even if means advocating racial superiority to balance the books.
Equity is especially scary when we consider the millions and millions of illegal immigrants the president is determined to turn into citizens. What will it take and how expensive will it be to achieve equity for people who arrive with nothing and little, if any education? Biden has already started to answer that question by forgiving their crimes. Taxpayers will get their answer later after the damage is done.
Great thing about America #3: the rule of law
The Wild West isn’t gone yet. We still have shootouts and carjackings in broad daylight on the streets of our big, Democrat-run cities while cash bail is legislated away. Police-involved incidents involving black or brown people mean violent protests as activists and the media get the word out before the facts are known.
The southern border is a free-for-all that’s going to get incalculably worse thanks to Biden’s amnesty stance and catch and release immigration policy. Crimes by illegal immigrants will not only be forgiven, if Biden gets what he wants we will turn them into Americans as quickly as possible. Can Democrats give them the vote before 2024?
The response from the left to the destruction of the rule of law is to demand we restrain law enforcement while we put more criminals back on the streets. Obviously this puts law-abiding citizens at risk, but an even greater danger is the progressive destruction of the threat of consequences for criminal acts.
The one exception? Trump supporters. If you plan to riot and loot make sure to do it in the name of progressivism. All will be forgiven.
Great thing about America #4: good jobs
It’s no surprise that people from all over the world want to come to America. There is no greater place to earn a living and raise a family.
Depending on what you do and where you work there is no greater tragedy than losing the means to make that living.
This country is all about the independence and initiative we’re about to lose to a president backed by socialist-leaning Democrats who will dictate one standard of living for politicians, party bureaucrats, and big money donors and a separate standard for everyone else.
Americans who already lost jobs with one stroke of Biden’s pen thanks to the left’s radical climate policies are being asked to wait for good paying, green union jobs to replace what the administration took away. Despite a White House promise to share details about what’s next for those whose jobs the president destroyed, when pressed Press Secretary Jen Psaki turned combative:
Well, I’d certainly welcome you to present your data of all the thousands and thousands of people who won’t be getting a green job. Maybe next time you’re here, you can present that.6
That’s not what you want to hear when the president just took away your livelihood and put you at the mercy of whatever liberal politicians have planned for your future.
Great thing about America #5: we are all Americans
These days it feels hypocritical to use the word “American.” Now we’re just an assortment of different colors and more genders and sexual preferences than we can keep track of.
Our national identity was the one thing all Americans could rely on no matter what. When a crisis hit we set down our differences, drew together, and did what we had to do to get through it.
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of those crises. Democrats used it to drive us apart. They even managed to inject racism into their anti-American argument as if hundreds of thousands of deaths weren’t sufficiently painful for the nation.
COVID will soon fade into the background thanks to the vaccines developed on Trump’s watch that Biden is taking credit for. That’s bad news for Democrats and the White House. Lucky for them if the worst happens and we actually get this pandemic under control they already have a fallback: domestic terrorism at the hands of anyone who might support Donald Trump in 2024.
Liberal identity politics drive us apart. We’re easier to dominate when we’re divided. That’s why even during the very worst days of the pandemic Democrats were hard at work stirring up trouble and ignoring the destruction caused by their radical base.
This won’t get better with Joe Biden in office. It’s going to get much, much worse. Nancy Pelosi is already hard at work channeling Joe McCarthy and she’s just getting started.
Great thing about America #6: self-reliance
Obama’s flawed liberalism globalism is back:
The Biden Administration has already taken a number of disastrous steps to undo President Trump’s success in countering China. Rather than demonstrating American leadership through a strategy based on peace through strength, the Biden team so far has exhibited a pattern of weakness, and a return to Obama’s failed approach of engaging rather than holding China accountable for it’s bad behavior.7
Like Obama, Biden trades America’s self-reliance for dependence on our adversaries:
The Biden Administration’s recent climate agenda orders will reverse much of that hard work by making the U.S. more dependent on energy imports and technologies from China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. This will not result in more affordable, reliable energy for Americans and raises serious national security concerns.8
Biden eagerly negated Trump-era policies without the slightest thought to the good they accomplished. As we crawl back to Obama’s international community and beg forgiveness for the four best years America has seen our self-reliance will fall to the demands of allies and opponents who will suck us dry if they can get away with it.
Under Biden, rest assured they can and will get away with it while the administration pats itself on the back for re-engaging with our partners.
The last, greatest thing about America that Biden will destroy?
Great thing about America #7: being American means something
These are confusing times. Being an American used to be a big deal. Now it could mean being an illegal immigrant. It might not mean a citizen the left believes doesn’t deserve to be called American like white people, the police, Republican politicians, and anyone else who offends their woke values.
Being American is the first, greatest thing about living in America. Now we’re back where we were during the Obama presidency with a nation ashamed of its own greatness and a party of anti-American liberals pushing to offer citizenship to anyone lucky enough to stumble across the border with their hand out.
When you devalue citizenship, destroy our national sovereignty, and apologize for our success you have destroyed what makes America great. This appears to be the point of everything Biden is doing.
Why? Let me know your thoughts.
1“Remarks by President Biden at the 2021 Virtual Munich Security Conference.” February 19, 2021., retrieved February 19, 2021.
2“Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking.” January 27, 2021., retrieved February 25, 2021.
3“FACT SHEET: President Biden to Take Action to Advance Racial Equity and Support Underserved Communities.” January 26, 2021., retrieved February 21, 2021.
4Safe, Marlo. “A Joe Biden Justice Department Pick Argued In 1994 That Blacks Have ‘Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities’ Than Whites.” January 12, 2021., retrieved February 21, 2021.
5“Durbin Discusses Justice Department Priorities With Kristen Clarke, Nominee For Assistant Attorney General For DOJ Civil Rights Division.” February 3, 2021.
press-releases/durbin-discusses-justice-department-priorities-with-kristen-clarke-nominee-for-assistant-attorney-general-for-doj-civil-rights-division, retrieved February 21, 2021.
6“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, February 8, 2021.” February 8, 2021., retrieved February 25, 2021.
7“RSC Backgrounder: Biden on China – Bad Policies, Bad Personnel.”
rsc_china_memo.docx.pdf, retrieved February 26, 2021.
8“Energy and Commerce Republican Leader Rodgers and Republican Subcommittee Leaders Upton and McKinley Joint Statement on Biden Climate Agenda.” January 28, 2021., retrieved February 26, 2021.
*Herbert, Neal. “Yellowstone River.”, retrieved February 26, 2021.
Continued on next page
Excellent article, this is exactly what is going on in Biden Administration. He is looting America, so many folks have paid the highest price for this “great” country. America is not racist, unless your the Democratic Party. America is not in distress or violent unless you live in a Democratic controlled city. The United States ?? of America is the best country on the planet earth. If the USA is such a awful place as the Democrats to be, then why are we the envy of the world? Why are people flooding the southern border to come to the ?? USA.
It seems like every day Biden Harris doing something new to destroy America. I can’t think of anything positive they have done
Unfortunately you are not exaggerating a bit. He isn’t worried about winning a second term either because chances are he won’t live through the 1st, hell his mind is losing gears already
If you’ve ever known someone with dementia it’s a sad, downward slope that’s written all over Biden’s public appearances. Really scares me to think about where his disintegration is headed, but you are absolutely right. 2024 is a long way off. In the meantime, if he fails completely were we better off with a president who says things that causes big problems, or a vice president who takes over and can’t put a coherent sentence together? Seems like we are going to find out.
Thanks for your thoughts, Tim. I should add Biden’s escalating war of words with Russia while China goes scot-free. Democrats were eager to hang U.S. COVID deaths on Trump, but China? Crickets. You are exactly right about the U.S. We can give the president’s illegals credit for one thing: they have appreciation for American greatness sorely lacking in the people letting them in.
ENUFF SAID!! Every American needs to read this article and face the cold brutal reality that the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION has destroyed our country in his first 100 days in office & now only hammering the final nails in our coffin. Hands down THE WORST PRESIDENCY in my lifetime. In the history on this country. WE THE PEOPLE are no more. We are divided now more than we ever were. The BIDEN ADMINISTRATION cares NOTHING ABOUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. He made that blantantly clear from his first day in office forward. He has put a serious hurt on US & it will be all about SURVIVAL from here. Taking away our freedoms. Endangering our lives with all he has done risking our local & national security. Raising taxes. Taking our jobs. Ludicrously disrespecting villifying & betraying our law enforcement officers & our military. Handing EVERYTHING to the immigrants at THE TAXPAYERS EXPENSE. HE SPENDS SPENDS SPENDS & it will lead to the collapse of our great nation. Its already happening. There will be no limit to the DESTRUCTION unfolding. Both Biden & Harris must be impeached. They are killing our economy. Thru their actions innocent people are dying all over the country. Our great country is shattering. We may never recover from what they have already done. Are continueing to do. It is very scary to watch all of this happening before our eyes. Do not think for one second that our allies & enemies do not see us now as anything but a TARGET with a extremely weak president who can be controlled. Terriorist Attack 101 is coming. They want to take away our protections that keep us safe? We will do what we.must do to keep ourselves & our families safe. It is DISCUSTING how they tear down & claim the Trump administration left the country in decay & ruin & how they have had to UNDO & clean up everything in the aftermath. THE BRUTAL TRUTH is TRUMP DID INCREDIBLE GREAT THINGS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE & THIS COUNTRY. YET BIDEN BURNED IT DOWN IN HIS FIRST 24 HOURS IN OFFICE. WE THE PEOPLE KNOW THE TRUTH. WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE THE ONES THAT MATTER. WE THE PEOPLE ARE WHO ARE IMPORTANT. OUR LIVES. OUR LIVELIHOOD. OUR FREEDOMS. JOE BIDEN has made it painstakenly clear THE IMMIGRANTS mean more than THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The hardworking taxpaying American people. MAKE NO MISTAKE…WE THE PEOPLE ARE ANGRY BECAUSE OF HOW WE ARE BEING TREATED & WHAT THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS GETTING AWAY WITH IT. AND WHY OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION IS NOW NO MORE THAN A PIECE OF PAPER FULL OF EMPTY WORDS? WE THE PEOPLE MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. AND JUST FOR THE RECORD ALL LIVES MATTER. THERE ARE MILITARY SOLDIERS IN MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY THAT FEEL BETRAYED BY THE VERY COUNTRY THAT THEY SERVED. THESE ARE THE AMAZING PEOPLE WHO WERE WILLING TO DIE FOR YOU & FOR YOUR FREEDOM. AND FOR THEIRS. IT IS ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC THE DISRESPECT THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION IS SHOWING OUR MILITARY MEN & WOMEN AS WELL AS LAW ENFORCEMENT. The day Biden and Harris took office was the saddest day for our nation. We knew it was going to be bad. But THIS? INSANE. Our future looks extremely bleak. We have HOPE. That is ALL we have. With our lives, our security, our country, everything we once believed in is rapidly being destroyed. We will never be the same & our great United States Of America may never ever recover. People. Families. Businesses. Jobs. Still not recovered from the Pandemic. Admist all of this complete utter chaos. I guess we will have to grow wings & fly to our jobs because who can keep driving to work with the ridiculous price of fuel? Being the fuel is crap & burning at a rapid rate & have to keep fueling more than normal. Not to mention how taxes have gone up. Along with everything else. Biden sure has put the hurt on the American people. Your article was BRILLIANT!!
Las Vegas, NV
Thanks very much, April. I couldn’t say it any better. We the people means something completely different when it comes from Biden and his party. We can only hope we make it to 2022 when we have a chance to start taking our power back so we can begin to repair the damage this administration is doing to our country.
That was absolutely beautiful, My mother is a U.S. History major so she teaches me what is right and wrong, and Joe Biden is definitely wrong. Everything your said is something that everyone should read. Biden may have cheated his way through the elections, but in 2024 we will realize we can’t have him and stand tall in truth.
Sounds like your mom taught you well! If we’re still around in 2024 – and at the rate Biden is taking down what makes America great where we will be in four years is up for grabs – we can only hope voters make the right decision and put a responsible leader in office.
Thanks for your comments and kind words.
Dumbest bunch of drivel I’ve ever read. I’ll give you this. You are a good propagandist.
If that means someone might rethink their support for this president and the destructive course he’s chosen, then I suppose being a propagandist is a good thing.
Thanks for reading.
I’am REALLY OUTRAGED what this president has done so far to RUIN this country.
He and those of his thinking REALLY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about the people. They DO care about having CONTROL/POWER however. Think about it: Those in those government positions, i.e., senator, president, vice president, etc., etc., WILL RETIRE with a GREAT GOVERNMENT PENSION, and I believe their HEALTH CARE plan STAYS WITH them too–and if not, it’s not TOO much different than what it was when they were employed. A SENATOR is HIRED at SIX FIGURES! Even after taxes–that’s still a sizeable income. And MOST people are aware that those who have the money, can invest in a good TAX official to find EVERY TAX SHELTER and or LOOP HOLE available.
The FIRST thing this guy did when he was in offfice was to SHUT DOWN THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE! REPREHENSIBLE! And you had HORSES ASS up there (I beleive his name is John Kerry) talking about “…solar panel jobs..decent paying…”
These people are SO THE HELL OUT OF TOUCH OR, they REALLY DON’T GIVE SHIT, for the REASONS I just stated above–about LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS. It’s really NOT complicated/ambiguous/mysterious.
You have Mayorkas saying initially “There is no crisis”. “The border is closed” LOL! LOL! LOL! Oh, OK, so the videos we are SEEING of the ILLEGALS OVER-FLOWING those encampments, etc., that’s “just nothing…nothing to see here” eh? (I’m OBVIOUSLY being SARCASTIC here) ON TOP of their BULLSHIT, these people ACTUALLY have the AUDACITY to LIE to us. One of two things: They DON’T give a shit—which is REALLY LIKELY the REAL REASON–remember, when they LEAVE their government employ, they leave WELL TAKEN CARE OF FINANCIALLY–and HEALTH-CARE wise TO BOOT! Or, they REALLY thing the average American is too busy and or possibly stupid, to figure it out. I have a FLASH for their asses: A VAST MARJORITY–MYSELF included of course–ARE NOT–EVEN a LITTLE–OBLIVIOUS or STUPID!
Remeber too, THOSE in office (and even when they leave their government employ) DON’T have to LIVE in the areas they DECIMATE–and they DON’T. They CAN AFFORD to LIVE in a NICE/NICER AREA—some with GATED communities, etc. While the middle to lower class have to PUT UP WITH THE SHIT THEIR SORRY ASSES SET IN MOTION!
I SINCERELY HOPE and am BELIEVING the DEMOCRATS get thier ASSES HANDED TO THEM next time voting comes around.
Great remarks, Mark. Seems like Biden & Co. are banking on those who voted them in being so desperate to hear their radical fantasies confirmed that they’ll believe any lie the White House hands them. Climate change means no Keystone. We’re a nation of immigrants so criminal illegals deserve to live here. Anyone who stumbles into a polling place should be able to vote with no questions asked.
You are absolutely right. With $174,000 taxpayer paid starting salaries members of Congress don’t have to live in the urban hellholes their policies create. Many, if not most are wealthy in their own right anyway and can hide in the gated communities you mention.
They certainly deserve to be voted out and replaced with legislators who don’t hate America or believe that taxpayers exist to be plundered for Capitol Hill’s benefit. If Democrats are allowed to get away with this and keep their seats our nation is truly lost.
Thanks for your thoughts!
WOW…you’re on point!
It is refreshing & uplifting to see what I’m thinking and feeling put into words. The brainwashing & race divide that our leaders are pushing is sickening & hurtful. For the first time in my nearly 50 years of life I am feeling scared for my & my future generations security & safety. Those of us who truly love our country & remember & understand it’s greatness have to STICK TOGETHER & NOT BE SCARED TO SPEAK OUT!
Thanks so much for your comments. I couldn’t agree more. With Memorial Day just around the corner we need to stand up for the vision that so many died for because they believed that America’s future is worth it. Our best years don’t have to be behind us and you are absolutely right, it’s all about speaking out with one voice because that voice matters.
Best article I have read since Trumps presidency was stolen Biden will destory this country and the far left will be right behind him laughing cheering and gloating in their victory if the yget that far, I can only hope that in 2024 goodness will prevail, personally I would and will again vote for Trumo if he runs are anyone that will stand tall and fight,instead of kneel down and give in like Cowards do.
All this admonistrtion wants is ti take our rights, freedoms and give them to anyone and everyone but those the Americans that deserve them, we have to prove who we are just to medical, homes, vote, drivers license, insurance, government help like food benifits, bank accounts and even jobs and yet if we come into this land illegally we are given all of these thing without question.
criminals get the benifit of the doubt , honest law abiding citizens have to oproof they deserve th ebenifit if the doubt, the left says law abiding gun carriers are now responsible for what ever a criminal does with a gun, how is it my fault when a criminal shoots someone, I did not do it thye did, but my rights are taken away.
this administration seems to think that laws stop criminals, jsut like they think locks stop criminals, a lock only keeps and honest man out and a more laws only make honest men at fault for what bad people do. Punnish the rightoues for the actions of the unrightoues
pardon the penmenship
You are absolutely right, Terry. Not only does this administration pander to criminals and illegal immigrants, it allows them to help Democrats force radical left policies by intimidating the American people with the constant threat of violence. We need a GOP with a spine and with the exception of a few voices we’re not seeing it yet.
I’d vote for Trump again, too. He’s the first president willing to stand up for the people in a very long time.
You are also right about who gets punished. After criminals have their way with America our incomes come next.
Thanks so much for your insight and comments!
I stand firm with you and all your readers , God has blessed America , and now the basement boy and his Muslim cow have turned everything that was good to pure hate, and if we don’t stand up for liberty and the pursuit of happiness we surely will go to hell in a hand basket for what it’s worth I think Ashli Babbitt should have a memorial in Arlington cemetery and her family should sue the capital for 27 billion dollars !!!!! And we should hold a day of memory for her !! We need to press on with a peaceful demonstration and be heard and drain that swamp once and for all and clean up our nation and rid it of all who condemn it
Thanks for reading and for your remarks. Amen to peaceful demonstrations instead of the violence the left creates with hate. We’re so much better than that and in time will reclaim what we’ve lost and what’s been taken away.
Nice research
Thanks, Craig. Always best to let politicians speak for themselves!
First off, this is a great article and I am thrilled that it keeps getting updated.
I would add that another great thing about America that is being destroyed is “The Constitution”
This is the first time I have ever seen, know of, learned of or ever heard of a president and his party, literally in front of the whole country tearing up and denouncing the Constitution, even that should make everyone that voted for him mad as hell, because without it, there would be no president and we would have no rights and we would not be free, we could not vote, we could not do a damn thing, we would be a country ran by a dictatorship or king, we would have zero freedoms, zero healthcare of any kind, we would work for free and be burned alive, have our heads cut off or executed if we even said the simplest of things concerning wanting to have rights or said anything against those in control.
Granted there would be no real violence because we would all be in prison or dead, you would not have to worry about guns, because you would be shot on sight if you had any, you would not have to worry about being bullied, because you would be shot on site if you opened your mouth.
We all truly would be nothing and sadly I believe that is what the democrats want, total annulations of freedoms, do as we say or else.
No Constitution means NO RIGHTS OF ANY KIND, maybe the left wingers should remember that, because if it does come down to that, I would guarantee that Americans will fight, they will stand tall, they will die for their freedoms.
“Give Me Liberty or Give me Death” will come about if in the truest of forms if government pushes to hard, history proves it, it has happened more than once.
I will always be proud to be an American, I will always fight for Country and Freedoms and those that can’t stand on their own, I will not bully, put down or disrespect any man, but I will never lay down, Bow Down or give in to any man either, especially one that thinks the constitution is not the “True and Absolute Law of the Land’ those that think it is otherwise in my book are Traitors to this fine Country that every other country seems to want to flock too and be part of, that right there proves something, would they come if we were ran by a dictatorship or a king, I think not.
Yeah I am a Republican and yes I voted for Trump, but I am also an American, serviceman, free man, thoughtful man, kind man, just man, hard working man and a man that will fight for the constitution that keeps him all of these things.
Any citizen that would not fight for the same, in my opinion is a coward.
Thank you so much for your kind words and inspiring remarks. This post is going to get a lot longer before Biden & Co. are voted out of office unless we lose that right, too.
I agree, it’s astounding and appalling that Democrats have not only gotten away with completely disregarding our laws, societal mores and as you wisely point out, the Constitution, but that so many Americans don’t seem to care. The idea of America is being devalued every day and too many of us agree to go along for the ride while Democrats warn that the real threats to America are people like you and me.
Wait until the next batch of Supreme Court decisions are handed down. If they don’t align with the demands of the leftist ideologues running our country we can kiss SCOTUS goodbye, too.
Appreciate your thoughts.
Oly-I wept when I read your post…so true and so very sad. We are Americans-freedom is our truth and we must water the tree soon or all is lost. Perhaps it already is….The bleak sci-fi tales of yore are truly becoming our new reality. Where is our national unity? Our fierce brave citizens? Our ancestors are weeping with me…and with all of us who uphold the tenants of our Unique Blessed Consitution!
It is so sad that so many of you have been lied to and fed this nonsense (by a reality TV star nonetheless) for so long that you actually believe that what you’re saying is right. What is even more sad is to think you’ve just been this out of touch and delusional all along , and just needed the right idiot to step into office so you could latch on to them. Newsflash: Trump knows you’re this stupid. That’s why he did the things he did. That’s the one this he’s good at.
Thanks for your comments. I’m not certain what you mean by “the things he did” any more than I see how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are an improvement. If the left’s version of America is what you seek you are certainly entitled to drink their Kool-Aid without being derided for your beliefs. Enough Americans did to put a doddering, semi-coherent old man and his cackling, do-nothing sidekick in the White House and call it a victory. Are we better off? I don’t see how.
I see this is copyrighted. Would sharing this great piece of art be in violation? I would love to share this so others can see it.
Yes, you are welcome to share as long as the source is noted. Thanks for your interest!
Joe Biden is picking up where the last anti Christ in the White House, Obama, left off. Biden is brain dead. He is not a leader but a follower. He is slow and feeble and a stark raving lunatic. God help American.
You got that right, Paul. Whoever is pushing his buttons has done more damage in six months than most of us could have imagined. The White House “Back Together” Fourth of July campaign is an incredible slap in the face to Americans who care about this country and have to listen to lie after lie from this doddering old man. 2024 seems a long way away.
Thanks and best wishes for the Fourth. Celebrate our independence while you still can!
I am saddened by the way the world is turning around us. It looks grim, not everyone is right and not everyone is wrong. We have to stand up to what the government is forcing of the American people. Biden because he is a catholic says he is a Christian, wrong. No one who claims to love God can kill babies. No one who knows better can spend the money he has and make the debt he has on this nation. If we take our for fathers beliefs from our foundation we will fall and that is where Biden and his people are taking us. I can’t say we were not having problems before he took office but at least we felt safe in our homes, to sleep at night and know that the communists weren’t creeping in over our borders and however they get here. Too much, too many coming in to get the free, free, no not free assistance from our hard earned money. Not Bidens, not the rich persons who sit in the chairs in Washington. Its from the pockets of our people who scrape to make a dollar and put up with hog wash to give their families the life they want to give. If you think today is hard, look around, at the speed that America is falling into the pits of despair, we will not survive another four years of this. Safety, fighting, angry people, morals turned upside down, killings, gays dancing in the street, abortion, public tv unable for decent people to watch. It is a shame we have come to this, this is a pitiful place , America where the most important thing is how will we protect ourselves from the Government and what it is turning us to . We need the structure of what America was born of, a Christian awakening fast. Come Father God come, you are the only one who can save us. My view as a Christian is I would hate to be the Bidens and the ones pushing this mess toward disaster, for they will HAVE to stand before OUR GOD and be punished for all they have done to ruin this country in its peoples eyes and in the eyes of all.
Hello Ms. Hickman,
I was thinking about the anger from the left over the celebration of the Fourth when you sent your comment. It’s sad to ponder that protecting ourselves from the government is what we think about on Independence Day. No nation on earth that I know of condemns the commemoration of its independence and yet in America, a beacon of freedom, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) grabbed the media spotlight by throwing the race card and claiming that black people are not free.
You are right, we need the structure of what created our country and not politicians who view disunity as a career move. Our founding is being torn apart with calls to reconsider the Constitution to match the Democrat Party’s agenda and a history that is falling to revisionists piece by piece. No American should tolerate the destruction of our history but in six short months this is where Biden delivered us.
Thanks so much for reading and your thoughtful remarks.