Is there a more worthwhile goal than bettering humanity instead of exterminating mankind?
We have all probably had the “if only we could work together” epiphany, that bleak acceptance of what humanity will never accomplish because we are incapable of working together to tackle common problems.
We forgo combining the financial and intellectual might of nations to develop new cancer cures, a final farewell to diseases like polio and tuberculosis, and a united front to face the next pandemic.
Reliable, clean energy sources that moronic Green New Deal socialists could never begin to imagine could light us up for pennies and turn windmills and solar panels into museum artifacts.
The end of poverty, famine, and pestilence would be within reach.
We could make life better around the globe with the trillions spent in pursuit of destructive political goals responsible for the war in Ukraine, aggression from China, and the violent religious nationalism that fuels Islamic radicals in the Middle East.
Naive and nonsensical? Absolutely.
At the most basic political level even House Republicans offered a historic opportunity to lead will have a tough time joining hands to move America forward. It only gets more difficult as we draw conflicting ideologies into the equation. We live in a country so divided that blue cities like Chicago swear allegiance to illegal immigrant criminals instead of pledging support for our new president.
When our own leaders are at each other’s throats and make it a point to not cooperate, how on earth can we cross international political boundaries and start building progress instead of growing nuclear arsenals?
We can’t and we won’t. Politics will end humanity. Our leaders are the reason. The Biden presidency is a masterclass on how easily this can happen.
Armageddon and the end of humanity is finally within reach again. That’s not an accomplishment.
Four years of Biden’s weak, America last leadership not only brought America to the brink, it brought the end of humanity closer than it’s been in years.
Joe was 100% right that America is defined by possibilities. He threw Armageddon into the mix after Vladimir Putin responded to his cowardly “It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion …”1 stance on Ukraine into a neverending war funded by U.S. taxpayers:
Let me put it this way. Think about it: We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis. We’ve got a guy I know fairly well; his name is Vladimir Putin. I spent a fair amount of time with him. He is not joking when he talks about the potential use of tactical and nuclear weapons, or biological or chemical weapons, because his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming.2
He warned about the potential for Putin to use a tactical nuke on the battlefield:
It’s part of Russian doctrine that they will not — they will not — if the motherland is threatened, they’ll use whatever force they need, including nuclear weapons.
I don’t think there’s any such thing as an ability to easily lose [sic] a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon.3
Two years later, instead of exercising U.S. leadership to put an end to the conflict, our president threatened the motherland by approving Ukraine’s use of American long-range missiles to strike targets inside of Russia.
This is how politics and incompetent leaders will end humanity. From the discord on Capitol Hill to the wildfires in California to blue state battles with Trump to the global battle for superpower hegemony, conflict driven by politics will one day drive mankind to extinction. When America is weakened by internal political turmoil and falters on the global stage, that likelihood grows stronger.
Trust will end humanity
The “trust, but verify” maxim is sneaky. It’s not about trust. It’s about distrust and the consequences of placing trust where it doesn’t belong.
Working together is not in our nature. It requires trust that mankind is hardwired to resist. Trust is anathema to the survival of nations. It is also essential for cooperation whether that means veering away from nuclear conflict or joining together to stop a lethal new virus.
Nationalism, imperialism, greed, and self-interest protect nations from aggression. These things also prevent cooperation and bring us closer and closer to the final, catastrophic conflict Biden seemed determined to hasten.
We are born to compete and to win at the expense of others. On a global scale this means striving for economic dominance, guarding new technology, and spending phenomenal sums on military hardware so we can prevent Armageddon by threatening the end of humanity.
Trusting fools who lead nations is a recipe for humanity’s extinction. For proof we need look no further than our own backyard.
Trusting the American Dream: capitalist opportunity vs. socialist right?
We can’t expect our adversaries to trust us if we don’t trust ourselves. The lies, disinformation, law fare, and sheer hatred America’s left has directed at Donald Trump is unprecedented in our history. Now he’s our 47th president. Cities and states have vowed to dig in and resist his every move. They declare to the world that we don’t trust the decision of our voters, our democratically-elected leader, or his government.
When America’s president calls a majority of Americans who chose Trump “garbage,” it’s difficult to justify our leadership on the world stage. Why would any nation trust a superpower ruled by garbage?
The American Dream is based on trust. It offers a chance and only a chance to prosper from hard work and perseverance. Some will win. Some will lose. It’s a capitalist opportunity, not the socialist right to a middle-class income espoused by radical Democrats.
There are exceptions to this paradigm, of course. Western society depends on haves and have nots to inspire competition. While the American Dream for the working and middle classes relies on some sort of tangible economic contribution, the haves who rise to the near celestial heights of wealth don’t necessarily get there for the same reason.
Sports figures and Hollywood celebrities boast incomes that mock avarice, but playing games and make believe don’t build anything. They don’t keep our roads and bridges safe, protect Americans from crime, manufacture goods or provide necessary services. Paradoxically, while these individuals should get on their knees and thank America for their success, they are just as likely to engage in anti-American displays like publicly disrespecting our national anthem before a game or denigrating our country during awards ceremonies.
Our political leaders also tend to do very well, often without making any contributions that make America better. The Biden and Harris clown show aside, we may never have better examples of highly successful failures than California Governor Gavin Newsom, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, and the blame-shifting bureaucrats faced with explaining what looks like the fiery end of humanity in California.
Politics makes the extinction of humanity not only possible, but likely
Lawmakers famously reject efforts to unfairly enrich themselves. After ducking years of James Comer’s (R-KY) investigations into the “Biden Crime Family,” our president took a thinly-veiled swing at Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) with his farewell comment about congressional insider trading. Efforts to restrict pork and earmarks are routinely rejected. Passing term limits legislation is a joke that lawmakers have laughed at for decades.
During December’s government shutdown circus, House lawmakers tried to sneak in their own special Obamacare exemption. This is why everyday Americans don’t trust politics or politicians. The winners are easy to predict. So are the losers.
On a macro scale, those who lead the political lives of nations stand in the way of that impossible, let’s all work together pipe dream. Some of this is justified. Only a fool would empower the leaders of Iran and yet Biden willfully made this terrorist state stronger by reinvigorating an economy decimated by Trump’s sanctions.
Placing party politics over moral leadership after the October 7, 2023 genocidal terror attack on Israel is an unforgivable affront to humanity and yet the pro-Hamas narrative spread quickly through our society as the White House waffled on support for Israel.
Politics will not save mankind. It won’t bring humanity together. From small town assemblies to state legislative houses to Capitol Hill, the White House, the Kremlin, and Xi’s stronghold in Beijing, the leaders who stand behind political narratives too often exploit the worst aspects of humanity’s competitive nature.

Are Trump’s internment camps built yet?
I’m surprised that the left hasn’t spread a hoax that Biden tried to sell off parts of the border wall because Trump planned to use them to build internment camps for his political opponents. Perhaps I missed it? Hillary Clinton, Biden’s Medal of Freedom in hand, has experience with anti-Trump hoaxes. She would probably be more than eager to help.
Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are empowered by four years of American weakness and yet Democrats are still lost in their Trump derangement insanity instead of cooperating to fulfill what our new president’s MAGA slogan represents.
Patriotism and nationalism are not Hitleresque affectations. They make America strong. We should all thank Biden for showing us what happens when our strength and moral resoluteness falters.
Humanity is not going to save itself. We will never draw together absent a global threat like an incredibly lethal pandemic, an asteroid, or perhaps an alien invasion, though in the latter case politics would again intervene as the leaders of nations maneuver for mercy at the expense of their neighbors.
Absent global leaders having their own “work together” epiphany, saving humanity has everything to do with saving America. Are we up to the task?
American politics thrives on destructive conflict
The destructive, anti-American agenda enforced by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the radical, weaponized Democrat Party was diametrically opposed to the needs and wishes of Americans who threw them out on November 5, 2024.
The left’s seething hatred for incoming President Trump is noteworthy for the determination to stall progress and shift attention to things that not only don’t matter, but hurt people. Open borders, genital mutilation of children, expensive Green New Deal socialism, pro-crime policies, and the denunciation of religious freedom for Christians while pandering to Islamic terrorists are emblematic of where the leaders of America’s left want to take us whether we like it or not.
This is the kind of insane, counterproductive competition that will one day end humanity. When America’s great experiment in self-government shows the world that cooperation is impossible and that policies like protecting illegal immigrant rapists and murderers from law enforcement reflects our values, we lose any right to exercise moral leadership to resolve global conflict.
Biden warned about a nuclear end to humanity. He seemed determined to bring us there and we will never know how close Russia may have come or still is to the first use of a nuclear weapon in Ukraine.
Until mankind decides that enough is enough and it’s time to set our armies and arsenals aside, peace through American strength is still the only viable path to saving humanity from itself. That strength relies on Making America Great once again after four years of our leaders doing the opposite.
January 20, 2025:
America cannot survive without moral authority and neither can humanity
The long, dark night of the Biden presidency is finally over, but not before Joe took a parting shot at good, law-abiding Americans by handing out more pardons to members of his family and the January 6 Committee. The list included Liz Cheney, who faced a House criminal witness tampering investigation for her communications with Cassidy Hutchinson.4
We expected this, just like we expected the pardon lying Joe Biden dished out to his son Hunter.
During Thursday night’s farewell rant, he harangued Americans about playing by the rules and paying our fair share in taxes. That bit of hypocrisy and the pardons sent a clear message that capped a legacy of destroying America’s moral authority: laws, rules, and taxes are for the little people who don’t matter. They do not apply to our leaders and those lucky enough to be in their inner circle.
America subjected to the Rule of Biden lost any claim to moral authority. Like the old joke about lawyers, if our president or the hacks in his administration moved their lips we could be confident they were lying to us. When a government engages in a policy of deliberate dishonesty in its communications with the people who grant it the authority to govern, the values a representative democracy depends on for survival are destroyed.
When our allies and adversaries see that our president and those who do his bidding are dishonest, amoral, reject the rule of law, and have no respect for those who asked them to lead America, our moral authority is also destroyed on a global scale. A world without the strength of American moral authority is not friendly to humanity’s survival, a fact Biden amply demonstrated with the war in Ukraine and the genocidal attack on Israel.
Above all things, the absence of the slightest nod to ethics and moral authority defines the Biden legacy. Now, thankfully, it’s over. We can breathe a much-needed sigh of relief. Under Trump our great nation will claw its way out of Biden’s pit, but we must never forget what happens when we trust our moral authority to the wrong hands.
1“Remarks by President Biden in Press Conference.” The White House. January 19, 2022., retrieved January 18, 2025.
2“Remarks by President Biden at Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Reception.” The White House. October 6, 2022., retrieved January 13, 2025.
4“Chairman Loudermilk Releases Second January 6, 2021 Report.” Committee on House Administration. December 17, 2024., retrieved January 20, 2025.
*Image retrieved from “Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Response.” Occupational Safety and Health Administration. on April 19, 2024.
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