President Biden has already racked up an impressive list of accomplishments. He proved he can destroy some of the great things about America without any help from Congress. All it takes is a pen and someone to tell him where to sign.
The executive orders Biden signed on Day One were just the beginning of a series of bad moves, misjudgments, blunders, lies, and flagrantly anti-American policy decisions.
Biden won’t look back at the damage he’s done. He’s too busy making plans to destroy our future. Working closely with Democrats in Congress he has more than enough power to do exactly that.
Here are the newest updates to the great things about America Biden is destroying right now:
NEW: 10 Ways Biden Seeks Revenge Against America.
Biden destroyed the sanctity of America’s commitment to our allies. Japan should be very afraid.
“F Biden?” President says little kids are giving him the middle finger.
Looking for more? Here are all of our recent updates about how the president is destroying our country.
These are the great things about America Biden is destroying
Our ancestors gifted us with the greatest country on earth. We are the success story every nation aspires to. Hundreds of thousands of Americans laid down their lives to preserve and protect what the president is callously tearing apart and replacing with identity politics and liberal globalism.

The president didn’t waste any time apologizing to the rest of the world for the Trump years. Crawling back to the international community tops the list.
Great thing about America #1: respect for who we are
Trump commanded respect from our allies and our adversaries. He knew when to say no. Unlike Barack Obama when he drew a line in the sand he stuck to it. He didn’t care that our allies weren’t happy when he called them to task. He wasn’t afraid of China. Trump refused to allow America to be taken advantage of. He didn’t lack the courage to call out those who tried.
Biden? He made this remark to world leaders assembled for last week’s 2021 Munich Security Conference:
I know — the past few years have strained and tested our transatlantic relationship, but the United States is determined — determined to reengage with Europe, to consult with you, to earn back the position of trusted leadership.1
Trump made sure America stood tall. He knows we don’t have to earn back anything with anyone.
Biden put us on our knees.
Great thing about America #2: equality
We don’t need to worry about equal rights any longer. Now we value equity.
The Biden administration’s identity politics places skin color above all else. It opens the door to all manner of expensive, vote getting social engineering.
To the best of my knowledge the color of your skin doesn’t determine your competency for a job, but the White House bases its domestic policy and hiring decisions on a color and gender preference palette that allows the president to claim diversity victories.
Even science depends on diversity. A Biden order “Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking” makes science and diversity inseparable:
This report shall include a review of the impact on scientific integrity of diversity, equity, and inclusion practices related to the Federal scientific and engineering workforce and scientific Federal advisory committees.2
The ghost of the Obama presidency dictates Biden’s equity policies:
President Biden will reinvigorate the federal government’s role as a model employer by expanding and building on the efforts of the Obama-Biden Administration, by requiring all agencies to take affirmative steps to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as by requiring accessibility.3
Enforce is more accurate than promote. It means we appoint agency heads like Justice Department Civil Rights Division nominee Kristen Clarke. According to the The Daily Caller she promoted a theory of black racial superiority.4
If Clarke espoused white superiority she would be run out of town, possibly investigated, and almost certainly would never work again. Lucky for her Democrats have an unlimited ability to ignore what they condemn when it applies to them. Illinois Senator Dick Durbin did exactly that when he justified Clarke’s nomination with hate-laced talking points about President Trump:
While the former President was disrespecting the Constitution, undermining democratic institutions, spreading hate, and inciting insurrection, he also reduced the DOJ Civil Rights Division to a shell of its former self. Kristen Clarke is a Justice Department veteran who has the skills, experience, and tenacity to revitalize the Civil Rights Division and renew its commitment to protecting civil rights and ensuring equal justice under the law,” Durbin said.5
Durbin didn’t bother to explain how someone who espouses racial superiority will ensure equality of anything, but equality isn’t the issue. Equity is what’s important even if means advocating racial superiority to balance the books.
Equity is especially scary when we consider the millions and millions of illegal immigrants the president is determined to turn into citizens. What will it take and how expensive will it be to achieve equity for people who arrive with nothing and little, if any education? Biden has already started to answer that question by forgiving their crimes. Taxpayers will get their answer later after the damage is done.
Great thing about America #3: the rule of law
The Wild West isn’t gone yet. We still have shootouts and carjackings in broad daylight on the streets of our big, Democrat-run cities while cash bail is legislated away. Police-involved incidents involving black or brown people mean violent protests as activists and the media get the word out before the facts are known.
The southern border is a free-for-all that’s going to get incalculably worse thanks to Biden’s amnesty stance and catch and release immigration policy. Crimes by illegal immigrants will not only be forgiven, if Biden gets what he wants we will turn them into Americans as quickly as possible. Can Democrats give them the vote before 2024?
The response from the left to the destruction of the rule of law is to demand we restrain law enforcement while we put more criminals back on the streets. Obviously this puts law-abiding citizens at risk, but an even greater danger is the progressive destruction of the threat of consequences for criminal acts.
The one exception? Trump supporters. If you plan to riot and loot make sure to do it in the name of progressivism. All will be forgiven.
Great thing about America #4: good jobs
It’s no surprise that people from all over the world want to come to America. There is no greater place to earn a living and raise a family.
Depending on what you do and where you work there is no greater tragedy than losing the means to make that living.
This country is all about the independence and initiative we’re about to lose to a president backed by socialist-leaning Democrats who will dictate one standard of living for politicians, party bureaucrats, and big money donors and a separate standard for everyone else.
Americans who already lost jobs with one stroke of Biden’s pen thanks to the left’s radical climate policies are being asked to wait for good paying, green union jobs to replace what the administration took away. Despite a White House promise to share details about what’s next for those whose jobs the president destroyed, when pressed Press Secretary Jen Psaki turned combative:
Well, I’d certainly welcome you to present your data of all the thousands and thousands of people who won’t be getting a green job. Maybe next time you’re here, you can present that.6
That’s not what you want to hear when the president just took away your livelihood and put you at the mercy of whatever liberal politicians have planned for your future.
Great thing about America #5: we are all Americans
These days it feels hypocritical to use the word “American.” Now we’re just an assortment of different colors and more genders and sexual preferences than we can keep track of.
Our national identity was the one thing all Americans could rely on no matter what. When a crisis hit we set down our differences, drew together, and did what we had to do to get through it.
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of those crises. Democrats used it to drive us apart. They even managed to inject racism into their anti-American argument as if hundreds of thousands of deaths weren’t sufficiently painful for the nation.
COVID will soon fade into the background thanks to the vaccines developed on Trump’s watch that Biden is taking credit for. That’s bad news for Democrats and the White House. Lucky for them if the worst happens and we actually get this pandemic under control they already have a fallback: domestic terrorism at the hands of anyone who might support Donald Trump in 2024.
Liberal identity politics drive us apart. We’re easier to dominate when we’re divided. That’s why even during the very worst days of the pandemic Democrats were hard at work stirring up trouble and ignoring the destruction caused by their radical base.
This won’t get better with Joe Biden in office. It’s going to get much, much worse. Nancy Pelosi is already hard at work channeling Joe McCarthy and she’s just getting started.
Great thing about America #6: self-reliance
Obama’s flawed liberalism globalism is back:
The Biden Administration has already taken a number of disastrous steps to undo President Trump’s success in countering China. Rather than demonstrating American leadership through a strategy based on peace through strength, the Biden team so far has exhibited a pattern of weakness, and a return to Obama’s failed approach of engaging rather than holding China accountable for it’s bad behavior.7
Like Obama, Biden trades America’s self-reliance for dependence on our adversaries:
The Biden Administration’s recent climate agenda orders will reverse much of that hard work by making the U.S. more dependent on energy imports and technologies from China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. This will not result in more affordable, reliable energy for Americans and raises serious national security concerns.8
Biden eagerly negated Trump-era policies without the slightest thought to the good they accomplished. As we crawl back to Obama’s international community and beg forgiveness for the four best years America has seen our self-reliance will fall to the demands of allies and opponents who will suck us dry if they can get away with it.
Under Biden, rest assured they can and will get away with it while the administration pats itself on the back for re-engaging with our partners.
The last, greatest thing about America that Biden will destroy?
Great thing about America #7: being American means something
These are confusing times. Being an American used to be a big deal. Now it could mean being an illegal immigrant. It might not mean a citizen the left believes doesn’t deserve to be called American like white people, the police, Republican politicians, and anyone else who offends their woke values.
Being American is the first, greatest thing about living in America. Now we’re back where we were during the Obama presidency with a nation ashamed of its own greatness and a party of anti-American liberals pushing to offer citizenship to anyone lucky enough to stumble across the border with their hand out.
When you devalue citizenship, destroy our national sovereignty, and apologize for our success you have destroyed what makes America great. This appears to be the point of everything Biden is doing.
Why? Let me know your thoughts.
1“Remarks by President Biden at the 2021 Virtual Munich Security Conference.” February 19, 2021., retrieved February 19, 2021.
2“Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking.” January 27, 2021., retrieved February 25, 2021.
3“FACT SHEET: President Biden to Take Action to Advance Racial Equity and Support Underserved Communities.” January 26, 2021., retrieved February 21, 2021.
4Safe, Marlo. “A Joe Biden Justice Department Pick Argued In 1994 That Blacks Have ‘Greater Mental, Physical and Spiritual Abilities’ Than Whites.” January 12, 2021., retrieved February 21, 2021.
5“Durbin Discusses Justice Department Priorities With Kristen Clarke, Nominee For Assistant Attorney General For DOJ Civil Rights Division.” February 3, 2021.
press-releases/durbin-discusses-justice-department-priorities-with-kristen-clarke-nominee-for-assistant-attorney-general-for-doj-civil-rights-division, retrieved February 21, 2021.
6“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, February 8, 2021.” February 8, 2021., retrieved February 25, 2021.
7“RSC Backgrounder: Biden on China – Bad Policies, Bad Personnel.”
rsc_china_memo.docx.pdf, retrieved February 26, 2021.
8“Energy and Commerce Republican Leader Rodgers and Republican Subcommittee Leaders Upton and McKinley Joint Statement on Biden Climate Agenda.” January 28, 2021., retrieved February 26, 2021.
*Herbert, Neal. “Yellowstone River.”, retrieved February 26, 2021.
Continued on next page
Biden is full of s*** up to his old grifter ass.
That’s one of the great things about America. Even a second-rate tinhorn hustler can grow up to be president.
Such a shame US please keep out of Australia
Biden is destroying America with his policies altogether. Rising gas prices that shouldn’t be rising at all, if anything which they should be going way down since we never had it this high in a very long time. He doesn’t do anything about the border, and if Trump had been president which the wall would had been completed already. They complain about the virus so very much which the people coming in the USA are really spreading the virus even much more as well without being tested. They need to impeach Biden before it gets much worse, since what is going on in our country shouldn’t be happening at all to begin with.
It’s hard to believe this is America, isn’t it? Not only does Biden refuse to protect the border from invading illegal immigrants, his administration is suing Texas for doing his job to secure the homeland. That’s what we get with a washed up, left wing career politician who will always put himself and his party before the American people.
If the country was split in two between republicans and democrats
we would still need a wall to keep the democrats from crossing
the border after they destroy their half.
Once they crossed they would lecture us on how to run our half.
I wonder if anyone told Cori Bush she has some serious anger
issues. Has anyone ever seen her talk without looking like she
wants to kill someone. Just saying….
Thanks for your comments, Bob. I agree. They would demand taxes from the Republican half to keep themselves afloat and when they didn’t get their money they would try to take it over.
Watched a clip of Cori Bush on Tucker Carlson last night. She was so agitated she became incoherent. Could not understand what she was saying, though her anger seemed to be the point. Scary to think she has a say in what happens in America and there are voters who thought sending her to Washington was a good idea.
This might get banned 🙁
[EDITED] Yeah, Biden IS destroying the country, but we don’t need Trump. HE WAS WEAK. He did NOT stop the destruction of neighborhoods summer of 2020, he believed his KOOK lawyers who fell for what to me was an obvious OP (Q rubbish), guaranteed to pull in the morons. MORONS. Trump did some really good stuff, but he was also naive, easily duped and not cunning at all.
No, we need someone a LOT stronger than Trump made himself out to be. After all, he was duped by Paul Ryan, which is why the wall never got built. Whose idea was that retarded 1st step crime bill which we see now ends up with criminals on the streets? We need someone STRONGER, SMARTER and RUTHLESS as hell. We need to eradicate the terrorists ripping our neighborhoods apart – ERADICATE. ERADICATE drug dealers and cartels here, and I mean eradicate. The Phillipines did it. Singapore did it. WE can do it.
They go on spreading panic about covid rubbish meanwhile tons of illegals are coming in and they have covid – so, really, nobody is afraid of it. Immunology 101: covid is NOT gonna go away. Deal with it. Move on. Natural immunity IS better than any vaccine. Immunology 101. They want to blame republicans for not getting the TRUMP VACCINE? Are they kidding? Everyone on FOX News is vaxed. TRUMP GAVE US the vax. It was Biden and cackling fool that spewed doubt on the TRUMP vax. HA! In NYC 70% of blacks are not vaccinated! I’d like to see the gov do something about that, ha ha. The blacks are the ones that can’t go anywhere with the ban on unvaxed.
These people need to be taken DOWN [EDITED]. and then someone REALLY strong, smart and ruthless as hell has to become president. Criminals need to be [EDITED]. Dangerous ones in jails, legit convictions only, eradicated – clear out the jails. I don’t want to PAY for their room and board and meals.
Got ANY IDEA what kind of president we’d need to DO this? Heh. I would also encourage Eastern European countries LIKE Hungary to get out of NATO and the EU – get free of them. I’d get the US out of NATO as it is a waste of our time – and they don’t help us. They just invite trouble into their own stupid nations, like RAPEugees. E. Euro countries should rethink a unity with Russia since it’s no longer communist. Russia is nationalist.
And I know this post will be banned.
Seems to me that we elect presidents as reactions. Obama was a reaction to Bush. Trump was a stronger reaction to Obama. Now we’ve got Joe Biden, a very extreme reaction to Trump who will likely be met with an even more extreme conservative response along the lines of your remarks thanks to the national catastrophe he is creating alongside complicit public officials.
Here in Illinois our governor signed a no cash bail law that takes effect in January 2023 after the next gubernatorial election in November 2022. There’s a reason for that, of course. As I look at the morning tally of shootings in Chicago it’s incomprehensible to me that anyone could think this is a good idea unless they are determined to create a problem they can convince gullible voters that only Democrats can solve. The same goes for promoting illegal immigration and all the other Biden WH policies that will destroy this nation if they continue.
Thanks for commenting, Tani. For now we still have a First Amendment, though I have to moderate a bit more than before Biden took over. There is a lot more scrutiny over free speech that threatens the left than we should be comfortable with. Appears I am permanently banned on Twitter. No explanation was provided or sought, for that matter.
Thanks Bob when I want a voice of reason I turn to Tucker Carlson.
Tucker didnt hold back when he called out CPL…Michael Avenatti while
CNN and MSNBC had their heads so far up his backside they were blinded
by their hate for Trump. Watching Rachael Maddow lay out trumps impossible
path to victory election night 2016 and then seeing her trademark smirk
change to concern was priceless. None of them have any shame or humility.
No matter how wrong they are their ready to lecture us all again the next day.
Wolf Blitzer is a good man but I think its time for him to retire and spend some time
with the grand kids. Both parties are guilty of an obsession with power.
I always think dont some of these people have anything better to do at that
age. The worst I would say is good old Nancy. Trump said it best…thats one
sick puppy. My favorite is Senator John Kennedy. His paused responses when
questioned on fox are great. You see him trying to find words to explain
the complete stupidity and he comes up with great ones.
Tom Cotton is great and you always want Jim Jordan leading
the attack. I agree the democrats would be back trying to screw up
our half. Not unlike a teenager that doesnt listen to reason and is going
to leave home because he doesnt need his parents help.
I saw Cori on Tucker its tough getting that image out of my head.
She belongs on Jerry Springer and when your hatred for white people
is so strong you lose any sense of logic its pretty scary.
She could care less about the young children killed in the crossfire of
the wild west democratic cities. Theres good and bad in all the races
in this country. I hope people will see this stuff and realize we should all
be voting for people that believe in this country. The extreme groups on
both sides are always the most pathetic the human race has to offer.
And the endless screams of kid in cages has gone quiet on the left.
I live in Mass and listen to a radio show called nightside on WBZ.
The democrats call in and just repeat all the talking points the media
puts out there. Its hard to blame them for thinking their being told the
truth. If people really understood what the modern democratic party
is doing they would never win an election. There real base is the uneducated
and misinformed. They sure act proud of it and that says all you need to
know about them. This is the first time I ever wrote anything in a public space.
You have a good way of wording your thoughts and responses.
People can get crazy behind keyboards.
I worked in electronics for the last 35 years and decided to give it a rest at 58 years old. So excuse my lack of writing skills I just wanted to share my thoughts.
I almost called the Washington Journal on CSPAN again you just here how
misinformed people are because of the democratic machine that is destroying
this country. Watching WW2 footage should be required in high school so
people can understand you didnt have time to be offended when landing or Normandy beach. These violent protesters would be the first ones running for cover.
Thanks again I should give it a rest now.
It’s easy for Democrats to ignore what they have no experience with, isn’t it? They have their own security and don’t live in the urban hellholes their policies create. The body count that I’m watching rise again this weekend in Chicago is good for a talking point and that’s about it. Urban violence is another issue that has more value to the left in not being solved.
You are absolutely correct about media outlets lining up to disseminate the same narrative. I hear remarks on the evening news that are absolute falsehoods, but when the people hear falsehoods often enough they become the truth. The media has a tremendous responsibility. Over the years it has shifted from information to outright propaganda in service to the left.
Appreciate your thoughts, Bob. Thanks for taking the time to put them in print.
I think Joe Biden is destroying America, I think he has done nothing for this country but run our country in the ground call just to waste billions and trillions of dollars and to put our economy in bad shape by raising cost of gas prices and causing everything else to go up in price such as food oil And our coal miners he’s caused millions of people to lose jobs he’s the worst president ever. I am a Donald Trump fan and Donald Trump should still be our president not sleepy Joe Biden. He is separating our country and he is causing nothing but problems wasted money.
You nailed it, Donald. I can’t imagine how we could have created a worse situation than what is happening in Afghanistan. This never would have happened with Trump. Domestically, as you point out, the damage is mounting and only going to get worse.
yes sir
Please stop Biden he is The Enemy
He certainly proved that yesterday. Biden is well on his way to being the most despised president in history.
He is the most despised awful president in the history of modern times. I guarantee the history books will not be kind to a selfish, unless narcissist criminal that has taken a wrecking ball the our great United States of America. Everyone I talk to agrees with me. Those who don’t, and there are some can go down with the rest of these liberal idiots This guy is a colossal disaster! God pray for the USA. We need to fight back harder than ever!?????????
Amen, Catherine. The wreckage of the first seven months is so extreme it’s hard to imagine we’ll make it to midterms next year. Even Democrats I know are unhappy, though in that case they got what they asked for so it’s hard to be sympathetic. If we don’t reclaim what we’ve lost we can say goodbye to our great nation because the people who are running it simply don’t care.
Thanks for reading and your insight!
“selfish, unless narcissist criminal that has taken a wrecking ball”.
Best describes Trump, you deplorable. Learn to spell. Trumpsters are so low IQ (“unless” = “useless”).
Out of curiosity Avril, what does “you deplorable” imply?
please Democrat, Crawl back into your Hole.
Idiot mother FR this is what you want
avril, you are an idiot. bottom line. your either an incredible idiot or a socialist. one is excusable the other is not. being an idiot is excusable do to the fact our education sistems are a joke. if you are a socialist you are a brainwashed fool that is incapable of free thought and you are also an incredible idiot. inexcusable. all typos are intentional jus to irritate you you insufferal boob.
You are an idiot you damn democrat
yes thank you for seeing it !
This situation is just like Bible times and yes its all true they let criminals out of jail and Biden is an awful person and he would be better off in a mentle hospital. Biden is so confused he fell up the stairs instead of down them that being said its said whats happening in our country and the people ruining it and that maybe in a few years my family wont know what its like to live in a free country or no one will. The wickedness happening in this world is terrible like abortion like they say a woman should have a choice to murder her baby but no should have a choice to get the vaccine and me I would die if i got the vaccine because of a medical problem but they would still make me get it because are free country isnt so free anymore ……
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Johnny. What can we say of a president who protects illegal immigrants but refuses to protect Americans in Afghanistan, one who tries to mandate vaccines for Americans but allows hordes of unvetted illegals into the country with no requirements whatsoever? The paternal figure Democrats tried to present during the election is gone. This is the worst kind of authoritarianism.
Biden is Gods judgement on the US
Joe biden is the very best that the Democrats could come up with to run for president,that alone tells us all we need to know.
That’s a sad fact, Jill. America’s left-wing elite conspired to make it happen. I was thinking yesterday that even a Hillary Clinton presidency looks pretty good right now compared to the rapidly unfolding disaster that is Joe Biden. We’re only nine months into it and he’s done more damage than the worst Democrats could do in two terms.
True brother true
And every week he makes it worse.
Biden is showing weakness and will run our once great country straight to the ground. Trump we need you!!
Yes, we do. I can’t imagine how different life in America would be if we didn’t have a president determined to destroy everything good about America.
Biden, controlled by the Democratic communist agenda,so sad he would take us down this road,we Americans must never give up our right for freedom.
Agreed, Alfred. Time for the GOP to step up and put an end to this. The Republican Party’s support for Trump was lukewarm in the last election and this was the result. If Biden and his party still permit Americans to hold midterm elections next year we have a chance to stop his destruction of our country and reverse some of the damage Democrats have done. How about we start with a plan to deport the illegals the president has let in?
Amen to that! Obama, Clinton’s and Soro’s is selling us out to China
I miss Trump also and we all know he should be our President right now. Biden has done already to much damage to America that I just don’t see us coming back from. Hold on to your hats because this rollercoaster is about to derail.
You’ve got that right. I can already hear him telling the nation that soaring gas prices are proof that we can’t rely on fossil fuels. That’s as good as it will get. I don’t even want to think about what could happen with someone this weak and incompetent in charge during a war in Europe.
Joe Biden was the safe bet for Democrats against Trump. Say nothing, hide in the basement and let Trump defeat himself. I give Democrats credit for this strategy but long term nobody wants their progressive ideology. In the end they cannot win on far left votes alone. They needed to convince moderate Democrats that Biden was safe.
The part that is scary is Biden seems more then willing to ruin America for a chance to give Democrats more government control over people. Honestly, I didn’t think Biden was that sort of Democrat. But apparently he is beholden to the far left who got him elected. Best we can do now is start removing these progressives from power in 2022 and 2024. Hopefully it won’t be too late to stop the madness and bring America back from the brink of socialism.
Hello John,
Thanks for your comments. I remember saying in early 2020 that Biden wasn’t a radical. I didn’t think he was that sort of Democrat either, but from day one it was obvious America elected a dupe for the far left. Progressives are doubling down on their agenda after Tuesday. I’m confident that their refusal to put what Americans want in front of what they want will alienate enough voters for a Democrat shellacking in 2022. You are absolutely correct, they don’t have enough votes to sustain their insanity especially when the people being hurt most by Biden’s agenda are the people Democrats claim to support.
Apparently Biden died last year, they are impersonating him with clones and actors, some similar and others wearing masks.
Of course all supported by the Plan-Panic of the false viruses; Obama-Soros-Clinton-Roschilds-etc.
President Trump never accepted defeat, caused by Electoral Mega Fraud.
America must Repent of So many Sins of Abortions and Immigrant children sacrificed to Molech.
Let us seek in Repentance to Jesus Christ and may God have Mercy on America and the world in the New World Order of the Antichrist; we are in the end times. Revelation 13
Let’s go Brandon not only to Biden but his entire administration including his handlers.
Agreed. Whoever is calling the shots, it doesn’t seem to be Joe. He just does what he’s told and tries to read what shows up on the teleprompter.
lets go brandon time for a REVOLUTION
yes please, he is killing america…he only cares about his illegal aliens for democratic votes……he is insane!!!!!
no i have not already said this, more conservative, being blocked for freedom of speech
You are so right, Donna. Now that he’s canceling Title 42 we can look forward to even larger surges. November is too far away!
Nobody blocked you from your last statement, no matter how bad this clown outfit of a admin is they are to stupid to destroy after they loss their seats in Congress binden is a lame duck without a pond
Can America survive the next 34 months with him asleep at the helm? It’s going to get a lot worse before it ever will get better. He need to be removed with the 25th amendment and his VP needs to be impeached. The SOH should as well be removed with the 25th amendment. I think at this point, no leadership is better and almost exactly the same as it is now.
34 months is a long time. When you consider the damage Biden and his team accomplished in a single year it’s hard to imagine we’ll survive another three. I’m even more concerned about midterms. Democrats are not going to relinquish power simply because America’s voters are fed up. Now they have Canada to show them how to crack down and silence dissenters. That doesn’t bode well for November or the future of what used to be America.
Thanks for reading – appreciate your remarks.