UPDATE December 7, 2021:
Great Thing About America #59: we don’t allow the deaths of our fellow Americans to go unanswered and unpunished.
Joe Biden’s diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics rubs more salt into the wound of 787,000 Americans killed by COVID-19. Does he think this is the unifying act we are still waiting for? It isn’t. Americans should be furious.
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Gregory Meeks (D-NY) argued for this boycott over human rights abuses in China:
With the United States now leading by taking a clear stand, I am calling on other countries to join in refusing to send official delegations to the Olympics. We need to speak with one voice and make clear that silence is not an option when any country, no matter how powerful, grossly undermines universal human rights.185
The right to live is the most universal human right of all. It was violated by the PRC with a virus that quickly spread around the world, keeps changing, and shows absolutely no sign of abating.
That’s about all we know. If Biden and his Democrats spent a fraction of the time demanding accountability from China that they dedicate to persecuting Trump supporters at least the families and friends of COVID victims could feel like their country made an effort to find out why their loved ones died. Instead, our government decided to score points with a showy diplomatic slap that sends a message to deaf ears.
When Trump spoke the truth with the pejorative “Chinese virus” Democrats cried racism. Now, when the time arrived to protest our participation in the winter Olympics our president never even mentioned the toll in American lives China is accountable for.
Ironically, COVID-19 gave our federal, state, and local governments the opportunity to seize power on a level China’s government would applaud, so we can’t say there isn’t a silver lining in this pandemic for Democrats.
Biden lap dog Pelosi doesn’t mention 787,000 American deaths from the Chinese virus, either
Like other lawmakers praising the Biden administration’s decision, presidential lap dog Nancy Pelosi didn’t bother to mention the Chinese virus in her congratulatory press release:
As House Speaker, I applaud President Biden’s strong leadership in announcing that there will be no official U.S. diplomatic presence at the 2022 Winter Olympics. While we must support and celebrate our athletes, America – and the world – cannot give our official imprimatur to these games or proceed as if there is nothing wrong with holding the Olympics in a country perpetrating genocide and mass human rights violations.186
Strong leadership? This is a flaccid diplomatic swipe at China’s government that ignores the enormity of the death and suffering COVID-19 brought to our nation. Our government doesn’t have much to say to China about the deaths of Americans whose right to life was cancelled. Instead, we get the usual empty assurances about accountability:
The Congress has and will continue our long bipartisan and bicameral commitment to holding China accountable.187
That’s a lie. With Trump gone we won’t hold China accountable with anything but words. The deaths of 787,000 Americans will go unanswered and unpunished.
One of the great things about America before Biden is that we had faith our nation would avenge the loss of our peoples’ lives. Now we tread carefully and rely on a nonexistent international coalition to make things right as the one millionth U.S. death from COVID looms in our future.
When we reached 700,000 deaths Biden said “we must not become numb to the sorrow.”188 That’s exactly what he did. Refusing to use this opportunity to acknowledge the loss of our fellow Americans to the Chinese virus proves it.
UPDATE December 18, 2021:
Great Thing About America #60: America’s president leads in a time of crisis. Biden spreads fear and blame instead.
Nearly a year has passed. We’re still wondering who the doddering old fool is that took up residence in the Oval Office. He’s can’t possibly be the president of our great country. Joe Biden is no leader. Even on his best days he fumbles, stumbles, and then does the wrong thing. Instead of leadership this person Americans can’t depend on spreads blame and fear while the deaths on his watch continue to climb.
When Democrats are in power, COVID deaths are collateral political damage.
Biden eagerly hung our COVID deaths on Donald Trump during the 2020 election cycle. Democrats worked in sync to shut down state and local economies with case numbers far lower than we have now. For example, Biden sycophant and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker issued his shelter at home order to shut down businesses and schools when the state was seeing less than 1,000 daily cases. The blame for the resulting damage went to President Trump.
Last week Illinois reported 11,585 new cases on Thursday and 10,765 cases on Friday. Businesses and schools remain open. Pritzker’s reelection campaign is in full swing. Biden is spared any blame. Instead, this is an epidemic of unvaccinated Americans who, alongside parents who go to school board meetings, are now our worst enemies.
How many will die because of Biden’s mask mandate threat?
Nothing makes Americans dig in their heels like a rabid autocrat with no credibility issuing demands that violate our freedom. We’ll never know how many people remain unvaccinated because of pushback against the Biden vaccine mandate that just received a green light from a federal appeals court. There are better ways to go about this. A real leader would know that.
Omicron grants Biden a temporary reprieve.
It’s lucky for the president that omicron handed the White House a new excuse to spread fear and attack Americans:
For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.189
Those aren’t the words of a leader. Neither is a promise the administration can’t support:
But unlike last winter, we now have the power to protect ourselves.190
Last winter Biden warned of the “dark winter of the COVID-19 pandemic.” 500,000 American lives were already lost.191 Ten months later 300,000 more lives are gone. 100 days to stop the spread are long forgotten. As the percentage of vaccinated Americans rises, so do the number of breakthrough cases and deaths. That doesn’t mean vaccines don’t help, but “protect ourselves?” This is already proving to be another hollow promise from a desperate White House.
America is a great nation with many great things to be proud of. Biden’s failed leadership during this dark time is not one of them.
By now most of us realize that the majority of Americans and especially those who are vaccinated don’t need to cower in fear from COVID-19. Instead, we should fear Joe Biden. America needs a leader, not a fear monger masquerading as America’s president. The pandemic is one of many crises we face. Our president is not up to the task of tackling any of them.
UPDATE December 25, 2021:
Biden spent the year trying to destroy what makes America great and now he’s taking credit for the very best thing about us.
There is no reason 2021 had to be as bad as it was. Liberal politics insisted that Americans suffer pain and torment until we dropped to our knees and begged Joe Biden and the Democrat Party to save us.
That didn’t happen. You can only push people so far. Biden and Harris’ hilariously low approval ratings show just how far the administration crossed that line.
Widespread disapproval of her boss didn’t stop Jen Psaki from praising the White House’s accomplishments two days before Christmas:
Thanks to the American Rescue Plan and our successful vaccination program, Americans are back at work at a record-setting pace. And we are not in the same place we were at — in the beginning of the pandemic.192
She is right. The explosive spread of the coronavirus over the past few weeks, renewed restrictions, and record-setting case counts despite widespread vaccinations put us in a very different place than we were at the beginning of the year and it’s not a good place to be. No matter how many times the White House repeats the word “vaccination,” the reality is if Trump were still president the entire nation would be on lockdown and Democrats would be blasting the failing economy. With Biden in office it’s all sunshine, triumph, and roses.
The administration takes credit for more jobs created than “any first-year president in history.”193 We’re told “our jobs recovery is one of the strongest ever.”194 Nancy Pelosi’s office parroted these remarks and credited all the things Biden didn’t fix for the “U.S. Economy Massively Outperforming [the] Rest of the World.”195
Despite being awash in all this greatness, Biden and Pelosi still expect us to buy into socialism to save our “massively outperforming” economic system because the greatest thing about America – the American spirit – must be broken by an agenda meant to put us under their party’s thumb once and for all.
What Biden and his Democrats will never understand about what makes America great is the very best thing about us.
In 2021 the White House turned great into awful.
The Biden White House blew it. Everything the administration touched in 2021 became a liability for America whether that meant fleeing Afghanistan, opening the border, ignoring the supply chain until it became a crisis, failing to live up to promises to curb the pandemic, overseeing a national explosion of crime, lying about current events like the Rittenhouse trial that ran counter to Biden’s agenda of lies, or attacking parents who pay the salaries of teachers and school administrators that increasingly run indoctrination centers instead of public schools.
If you are a radical Democrat Biden didn’t do what he promised for you, either.
The one group that did benefit was illegal foreign nationals and they don’t even have a right to set foot on American soil, so chalk that up to another Biden failure.
What Biden and his party can’t and won’t understand is that the American spirit is the reason Americans rallied and carried our country through the year despite everything the White House did to derail the nation and turn us against each other. In the face of historic failure they are taking credit for our tenacity and perseverance and yet despite these boasts about jobs and the economy the administration still pushes socialism to save America for Americans.
Once sentence from Jen Psaki sums up how Biden is destroying America.
The Biden administration is so woefully out of touch with mainstream America that Jen Psaki couldn’t even say a simple “Merry Christmas” to those assembled to listen to more administration lies and propaganda. Instead,
Merry Christmas Eve eve for those who celebrate.196
This is America. Most of us celebrate Christmas. Those who take offense are offended because they want to be.
Publicly marginalizing the Christmas holiday is emblematic of why Biden is failing so massively. The American people, our spirit, and all the great things about our nation don’t matter to this president. Agenda, ideology, and power for the left are what count. That means all the good things about us must be destroyed. All the successes Biden claims for his own prove he can’t do that.
UPDATE January 1, 2022: vaccine refusers who died in 2021 may be the patriots of the pandemic who prove Biden failed to destroy the greatest thing about America.
Let’s get something out of the way. I am vaccinated and boosted. I wear not just a mask, but an N95 because I can’t afford to kill my elderly mother by bringing COVID-19 with her groceries and prescriptions or infecting her during a trip to the doctor. Not all Americans agree with my decision, particularly those coerced by our government to get the shot. Are these people the real patriots of the pandemic?
With over 800,000 Americans dead from COVID-19 why would anyone refuse to get a vaccine that might prevent them from dying? Look no further than Joe Biden’s divisive authoritarian politics and his empire of hatred and lies.
Thank Biden’s failed leadership and tacit approval of the disinformation and falsehoods spread by Democrats and the media for the hatred between liberal and conservative Americans that steadily grew over the course of the year. Whether it was lies surrounding the Rittenhouse trial, accusing unvaccinated Americans of veritable manslaughter if not outright murder, targeting parents as domestic terrorists to placate our largest teacher’s union, or slapping the racist label on everything the left disagreed with, the unity that makes us great vanished before the year even got underway.
In a way the president’s failed COVID strategy showed that the goal of unity is still within reach. The federal vaccine mandate and the threat of job loss endorsed by ruling state and city Biden sycophants and a public health propaganda campaign that didn’t ring true predictably brought Americans together.
Sadly, some of those who dug in their heels and refused the vaccine died. Their decision might have been reversed had the rollout not been preceded by Biden and Harris’ questioning the safety of the vaccines developed by Donald Trump or ended with an authoritarian president damning Americans who didn’t follow his orders.
Americans will also lose their lives because Biden’s senile fixation on one word – vaccinate – put therapies like monoclonal antibody treatment on the backburner. As Glenn Greenwald reports on Substack,197 the city of New York went so far as to establish different eligibility requirements for white and non-white residents to receive this lifesaving treatment. That’s Joe Biden’s agenda speaking, pure and simple.
There is no way to know or even estimate how many Americans will die because of vaccine hesitancy created by Biden’s demands or his failure to prioritize treatments instead of boosters that his own experts admit aren’t sufficient. Threatening our livelihoods over a shot that offers questionable protection because a political agenda demands it is a sure way to unite those who reject the president’s authoritarianism.
Our unity as Americans is the single greatest thing about us and the biggest threat to this administration. That’s why Biden did everything in his power to take that unity away. People will die because of this just as they died in the American Revolution. Ironically, alongside the medical personnel who fight this virus the real heroes of the pandemic may turn out to be those who died or lost their jobs and were turned out on the street because they said no to Joe Biden.
185“Meeks Issues Statement on Administration’s Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics.” foreignaffairs.house.gov. December 6, 2021. https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/2021/12/meeks-issues-statement-on-administration-s-diplomatic-boycott-of-the-beijing-winter-olympics, retrieved December 6, 2021.
186“Pelosi Statement on President Biden Announcing No U.S. Diplomatic Presence at Winter Olympics in Beijing.” speaker.gov. December 6, 2021. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/12621-0, retrieved December 7, 2021.
188“Statement by President Joe Biden on 700,000 American Deaths from COVID-19.” whitehouse.gov. October 2, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/02/statement-by-president-joe-biden-on-700000-american-deaths-from-covid-19/, retrieved December 7, 2021.
189Press Briefing by White House COVID-?19 Response Team and Public Health Officials.” whitehouse.gov. December 17, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/12/17/press-briefing-by-white-house-covid-19-response-team-and-public-health-officials-74/, retrieved December 18, 2021.
191“A Proclamation on Remembering the 500,000 Americans Lost to COVID-?19.” whitehouse.gov. February 22, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/02/22/a-proclamation-on-remembering-the-500000-americans-lost-to-covid-19/, retrieved December 18, 2021.
195“Presents on Time for Christmas, Gas Prices Falling, U.S. Economy Massively Outperforming Rest of the World.” speaker.gov. December 22, 2021. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/122221-0, retrieved December 25, 2021.
196“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, December 23, 2021.” whitehouse.gov. December 23, 2021. Op. cit.
197Greenwald, Glenn. “New York is Using Race to Determine Access to a Limited Supply of Life-Saving COVID Treatments.” greenwald.substack.com. December 31, 2021. https://greenwald.substack.com/p/new-york-is-using-race-to-determine, retrieved January 1, 2022.
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Fire joe biden and Harris now. Get rid of pelosi and Schumer and nadler also.While we at it oust AOC and the rest of the radicals that wormed their way into the system by crooked means.America needs people who care about America not their own pockets.
John, it’s amazing that such a great nation tapped these hacks for our highest offices (let’s add Kamala “passage of time” Harris to the list). Now that we’re faced with three rogue states and the prospect of nuclear apocalypse because of dangerously weak, incompetent American leadership from the top down perhaps people will wake up and pay more attention to the left’s lies.
Even during Obama’s reign of idiocy I never found myself this scared for the future of America. I often breakdown in tears over the massive destruction perpetrated by Biden and the left. The left MUST BE STOPPED! Our very lives depend on it!
You are absolutely right, Sherri. Biden’s domestic policy disasters were bad enough, but now we have to worry about nuclear war for the first time in how many decades? We went from strong leadership to no leadership. Biden’s threats are hollow and meaningless and our adversaries know it. God only knows what he’ll come up with in Europe this week. With any luck no one at the meeting will be able to understand what he says because whatever it is, it won’t further America’s interests.
Very well written! With my son fighting for OUR country right now, I have ZERO respect for Biden or Harris. How he was POSSIBLY elected is impossible! (and I used to be a Democrat…or so I thought..Until I educated myself and stopped listening to the mainstream media)
Jamie, if the best Biden and Harris get from Americans is no respect we’re being kind. I’ll also admit to voting for Democrats years ago. Then I grew up and realized how much putting the wrong – and in this case outright bad – people in office costs us. Thanks for your thoughts and best wishes to you and your son.
I thank your son for his service! I will not apologize for being white! The media will not report when a black person is causing violence! Let’s talk about the facts…I too was upset when I saw what happened to Georege Floyd but he was no saint…take a look at his rap sheet…he robbed a pregnant @ gun point & held her captive but the media doesn’t talk about that…they have made him a martyr he was not…this guy was in & out of jail!@
He was also passing a phony $20.00 to an 18 year old who’s boss was going to take it out of his pay. When the kid asked Floyd to take care of it, Floyd blew him off. The store owner came out, Floyd blew him off so he called the cops. Floyd was under the influence and nodding off in the car too. Chauvin et al. blew it and Floyd’s passengers should have been more honest about him just eating Fentanyl pills.
What is the endgame? This was all done on purpose. Nuclear annihilation? Does the Left want to decimate the planet and start from scratch? Are humans bad for the planet? Or just break America, reduce it to a large Cuba or some imagined utopia? Is it some kind of retribution for the “evils” of Christianity and Western Civilization? There is something so very evil, so pernicious about this. Does history have a precedent? I’ve just found this site and you are thinking like me. Help me out please!
That’s a perplexing question, Stephen. If the left is sincere about climate change a nuclear war isn’t going to solve their problem, but it seems that’s the direction the administration has chosen even if Biden doesn’t realize it.
As you point out, it seems the endgame really is to break our country socially, morally, and economically. As long as Democrats stay entrenched in power – and I don’t believe the midterms are secure or a slam dunk by any means – the damage won’t impact them. They will get richer and more powerful while the American people’s lives are decimated. After a time the people will thank the government for anything it permits, anything it offers, anything it lets us keep for ourselves. If history has a precedent, it’s every country that decided a socialist economy and authoritarian government was a good idea.
Appreciate your remarks. As this plays out let me know what you’re thinking!
Biden is evil here is the antichrist along with the left he is destroying the best country on earth he must be stopped now
Amen to what you said. God Bless all who know the truth! Biden is the racist and the evil one. Everything Biden calls Republicans is what the Democrats really are. They hate everyone and anyone who disagrees with them. Why do they fear Trump, he speaks the truth and Democrats hate truth. God help us all get out from under the tyranny of Biden.
Hate seems to be the Democrat Party’s buzzword for the 2022 midterms, doesn’t it? It’s all Biden and the Democrats talk about and they spread it around every chance they get.
The Biden Administration is a War on America !!
The current Democratic Party is a War on America !
This is the way they came up to defeat this great country.
This Clinton – Obama – Biden , sick and mental
Democratic Administrationn is trying to end the USA !! On purpose !! They all sold out long ago. China is the main problem in paying all the above traitors.
They are all so corrupt or mentally ill !! It’s sad
This bullshit won’t last too much longer, because All Americans of all colors and race ; will and are standing up to stop it.
Democratics today aren’t even human !!
They are mostly blind sheep.
Talk, talk talk. All you and Fox News do is talk. One of the great things Donald Trump said to the destroyer of California was “What climate change?” Climate change is a crock and everyone knows it. Keep talking and we’ll get nowhere.
Anyone who can put on a pair of shoes can see he’s a soulless thief, taking our children to destroy their futures while he sniffs his neighbors hair at that kitchen table that socialist 24/7 dinner party that him pelosi and shummer come to every day, include the great brain child few rhino republicans like skeletons in the closet Chaney and that baby pouty faced guy who cries everytime they speak to him. Im an American, a vet, and i love the planet, and respect others. I am the populous, we out number anyone who wants to bring our eagle down, do not tred on me.
Is hair sniffing so much worse than p*** grabbing and literally acting retarded?
Why does your vet status help you? You know the only children the government steals are the one’s who think it’s smart to join the military. Maybe that’s why you f****** are so broke: a math text book would have done more use than your ample rifle collection.
The democrats showed their hands. When someone lies they know whatever they have done is wrong, shameful, insulting,, dishonest,, and would bring about feelings that are uncomfortable and definitely the brakes would have to be permanently engaged. Right? Furthermore when someone counters you with lies it is because whatever the subject and its unjust rewards are not yet expired and there is more juice to squeeze and so its intention is to postpone or redirect the truthseeker for today or forever. Most liars don’t get lucky and get off Scott-free. One way or another, depending on the scope and depth of the lie and it’s deception as well as how much betrayal one feels as a result, or damages it causes; will only recoil and stain the Liars.
Unfortunately as we have all seen, the public have goldfish brains and memories.. This soviet bolshevikian Marxist selective censorship -almost a musical faux-court preceeding is a step off onto a branch too far. This entire occupation by the most ugly as they are evil- perfect form in their goosestep… Yet, this is beyond desperation and extreme, putting on a prime time concoction of cutting out the context and then making a “nancy pelosi face” out of a smorgasbord of materials inevitably making the opposition: a populous of a growing unified group of everyone who isn’t low iq, isn’t afraid of backlash and isn’t extreme and perverse.
These people know they have done one atrocity, after another abuse and another over step.. Another bill sandwiched into a huge bill that goes unnoticed that takes away more and leaves more suffering. The lies about doing everything. The extreme push to accept pedophilia and bestiality. The outrage demonstrated because infanticide could be taken away. The ugly discrimination against anyone who pushes back or believes differently. The behavior installed and the incessant condescension and the general reaction to anyone not an oligarch treated like a moron or their problems of zero consequence.. They are stealing from us, lying to us, allowing the world to rape our resources-gobble up affordable housing, get 400k dollar checks to spend us out of started homes, baby formula for select doctors and hospitals and plenty for those that lower our wages, stunt and devolve our classrooms, bring their problems and their poverty.. They have no plan and no sponsor. Tangent sorry…
Anyway if you really think about the special accommodations and the amount of money these politicians spent to make it so- all to cover their asses, create a distraction, try and manipulate the citizens by dishonest chop shopping of evidence, not allowing defendant testimonies, presenting evidence that would be thrown out for incalculable numbers of reasons, presenting this as a legitimate court trial to ignorant and inexperienced people, using rumor as evidence, cutting out testimony by witnesses, and other things; all to insure Trump can’t come back… when he is back, hopefully be just as effective and incensing people to be self reliant and have options and something to be proud of. This is not just hatred and fear of making their party and constituents suffer (lord knows conservatives are too kind and willing to make modifications to insure dual benefits) .. This is because they want us failing and poor and chained down from this planned demolition of everything innately American.
If they have to do all of this, the equivalent of an information narrative atom bomb on us, then you know to what degree and depth of their evil. It is abundantly clear and easy to see the size and scope of what it is they are all hiding. The absolute desperation and scrambling, even hiring a producer that is tied to helping cover up epsteins pedophilia problem… this should tell you everything. They aren’t ready to let go, but they are losing major grip and they aren’t apologetic and they are better than us filthy and unwashed people so they owe us no action or integrity.. they are disengenuous and they f***** up something huge and they can’t be found out. People are steadily evacuating these people and their disgusting parasitic and evil party. There isn’t a sand grain of humility in them and they refuse to show any soul and let us see what it is that they messed up and show remorse. Nope let’s spend hundreds of billions of dollars to cover up the lie we tell with more lies while degrading, denying, exaggerating and ignoring the lives lost by actions, deliberate jerrymandering and their choices- raping and diminishing the deaths of patriotic Americqns their relevancy and importance of their memory..
When we find out what these distractions are for and the reasons why and how they benefitted and the people behind it… There is going to be hell to pay.
I hope we can make communism Marxism and maoism a terrorist political ideology, and that we can source the 700 million dead as a result, and how it leaves misery and death in its wake. This also has been over a relatively short period of time to have such a high body count.. that’s every United States citizen dying, twice.
I don’t know what financial bracket it will take to be decimated for people to stand up and demand these people out of there- off to the gallows…
These people stole grandma and grandpas life’s work and golden years.. taking their ability to fulfill their dream while they still have their wits and health. That is absolutely cruel and evil.
Starving infants because nobody cares about babies unless they are aborted partially and harvested for vaccinations, now legal food products we consume (thanks obama), adrenachrome, devil worship, or horrifying experiments that Penn state and the niaid and nih are unlawfully qnd unethical doing (grafting body parts on rats), or medical cruelty..
No matter what these democrats are involved in it is somehow raught with some ulterior and inevitable evil. It’s masked with good intentions and humane and dignified causes and then yoy find out it is a campaign used to bankrupt or acquire through. It’s disgusting. Kind of like the impossible meat.bill gates and Zuckerberg are ruining the meat industry in order to buy land, devastate small and medium farms, and force people to eat their disgusting plasti-petre meat.
F*** these people they need mulched feet first into the sun.
Thanks for your remarks! One sentence perfectly sums up where Biden and the Democrats have delivered the American people:
“This is because they want us failing and poor and chained down from this planned demolition of everything innately American.”
Desperate people will accept whatever they are offered. When people can’t afford to leave their homes to work, find empty shelves at the grocery store, and are left sweating in the summer heat because of rolling blackouts, they will accept any relief the government offers because they don’t have a choice. Nothing that is hurting us is by accident.
I agree their progressive, socialist/communist ideology is driven by their destructive tactics to deconstruct everything this country is founded on and that they are succeeding with executive orders and policies that are destroying the US (open borders, anti-law and order, killing the economy, allowing China to buy all the farm land, etc.). But in the long run, with their goal for the majority of Americans and the millions of illegal immigrants being driven in to poverty and dependent on the government as the president along with those in power create a caste system and one party state, what is their plan for funding their socialist/communist regime? How is it they can get away with so easily violating the Constitution and laws of the land?
That’s a great question, PJ. They have to be smart enough to not completely destroy the economy so there is still enough of a tax base to fund their socialist handouts. Democrats don’t seem to worry about debt or the long-range consequences of what they are doing, so this doesn’t seem to be something that concerns them yet. If you took a survey and asked them how the government is funded, I wonder what their answers would be?
I suppose if you are in power and have every federal agency under your control you can do whatever you want, especially when your opposition doesn’t have the spine for the kind of all-out partisan warfare and massive propaganda campaigns that Democrats are so good at. When an institution, policy, or person offends them, they destroy it. Even the Supreme Court is a target and the Constitution was throw on the trash heap long ago.
You Sir are SPECIAL! One of Gods Finest this to be true. I feel a renewd respect for all that is true thanks to your prophetic and the exactly correct words you have written down. I especially like the ending “” F*** these people they need mulched feet first into the sun”” ! God Bless!
We all need to follow God’s green great plan ,and keep fighting, stand up, stop ignoring, and start acting for what we all know is right
Ok initially trump pushed for an investigation into Hillary Clinton an right wing media was OK with that but when the tables were turned after trump one the general election he impeded the the investigation into allegations of his possible wrong doing. Then again pushed for an investigation into hunter bidens. Please explain that one
I’m not sure which allegations you are referring to, Gilbert, but Russian collusion was a Clinton campaign hoax and the Ukraine phone call charges didn’t pan out, either. The Hunter Biden issue is completely different. There is alleged hard evidence on a laptop in the FBI’s possession that was covered up by the media before the 2020 Election. Worse, the president’s statement that he knew nothing about his son’s business dealings have proved false. That’s the difference.
Very well said about the horrors that the Biden Administration and his commie friends are unleashing on our great country of America. I believe that the powers that be, God, karma and humanity itself will dispose of the Biden administration. They are a horrific disgrace to America and their injustice cannot stand. Good people will take back America, the land that we love
While it’s true that Pres. Trump has an offending personality to some people, he was a great leader for AMERICA. He truly is a “WE THE PEOPLE” president, so much that it angers the Leftist Democrat Communists who are out to crucify him….Since day one, they have not left him in peace. President TRUMP has to be “the most persecuted man in the world since JESUS CHRIST. And all he wants to do is restore AMERICA to its former glory and making her great again. We need to be praying for him daily…. Sorry ass democrats really are the Destroy America Party…
Exactly right. Trump put America and Americans first. Biden and his party are owned by radical activists who put themselves first and could care less about what it does to our country. It’s amazing how quickly they tore down what Trump accomplished and how difficult it will be to repair all the damage done. Unfortunately, we can’t bring back the lives lost from crime, fentanyl, and the other consequences of a Democrat-controlled nation.
This article is more, or less, an Ode to Trump… rather than ways Biden is “destroying America.” Which is dramatic in itself.
But Trump never does anything wrong in the eyes MAGA crowd. He’s the victim of loving his country too much, right? Be real.
And it’s fun when people parade Trump around as a proud conservative. Remember, this is the same guy who said “take the guns first, ask questions later.”
And much of his economic success was a continuation of Obama era policies… no? Or are you going to tell me the economy was dead, until Trump came along and rescued it?
In another comment, you said the Ukraine “call” didn’t pan out? That’s not true. And if anything shows how Republicans are just as guilty at playing identity politics as the left. They all cowered behind Trump, rather than stand up to him. It happened again with the insurrection.
It’s disgusting that politics have devolved to “my side vs. your side.” And both parties are too blame for that.
But yeah… Democrats have destroyed America. Okay.?
I can agree to that, Kevin and yes, politics has turned into an us vs. them argument. When Biden accused Republicans of semi-fascism he emphasized the battle lines and now, a year later we have four indictments against Trump to prevent him from running instead of letting voters make the decision at the ballot box.
I would never argue that Trump was a perfect president or the perfect conservatoire candidate, but at this point I don’t see anyone else in the field of GOP candidates who can defeat Biden and Democrats know it. If Biden wins another four years – and I don’t agree with those who say he will not run – and Democrats take back the House, we are finished.
if america were a woman donald would have her crotch in his hand, republicons don’t mind is a couple hundred us officals assassinate a sitting president for being peaceful, and follow that tragic act up a conspiracy both parties will try to cover up that federal deed for 50 years. along this path republicons will destroy the fresh water supply aquifer, they will start a grand war in asia and send the 18 year olds ptsd or death, now they are not done the republicon will undercut the V.A. so veterans at home will never qualify for health care from war wounds, they will tell it too expensive to continue care. now back to the asia war after 8 years of making general dynamics wealthy they will tuft tail and surrender the war leaving american bodies soldiers where they lay. now that they have proven this business model reaps rewards for their family’s along will come a bush from texas oil n gas specialists and tell america we got to go to war and kill these people from the middle east, we will be at war for 25 years and gain nothing tangible pack our s### up and leave, screw america , they will also deregulate banks, credit unions and the business tax code, so the only ones that pay tax to treasury, and when we realize climate changes are creating storms we will tell the mom and pops they must buy an electric EV tesla that is made with chinese batteries and components and tell them it’s the best chance at more wealth for the wealthy! of coarse this is a life time of theory’s their is no real proof as the american justice dept. is not about putting politicans or white collar types in prison, just common folk, be well all keep smiling c earl
Thanks for reading. We’re still waiting for the rest of those JFK classified files, but if anyone thinks the government was responsible and we’ll someday know the truth about the conspiracy 60 years after the alleged coverup, that’s probably not going to happen. We’re still trying to figure out what happened to Jimmy Hoffa.
Your remarks certainly have merit, but I’d still rather stake the nation’s future on Trump or another Republican than Joe Biden and the radical left.
Trump spit on the Constitution the moment he installed fake electors and threatened election officials in Georgia with jail time if they didn’t find him enough votes to win.
Don’t pretend he’s the answer.
He’s part of the problem. But, and the left does this too, the right is so wound up in identity politics… they can’t see what’s right in front of them.
You don’t get to claim you’re a patriot, and then vote for a guy who would tear everything that people have died defending just to remain in power. It doesn’t work like that.