Hypocrisy update July 27, 2022:
#179: Just admit it, Nancy. It’s all about Politics Over People.
Even when Nancy Pelosi says she wants Democrats to focus on “Putting People Over Politics”441 she’s still talking about putting politics over people:
We encourage you [House Democrats] to hold events throughout the August District Work Period highlighting our work for Lower Costs, Better Paying Jobs, and Safer Communities. We also encourage you to highlight Republican efforts to criminalize women’s health care decisions, end Social Security and Medicare, and attack our democracy.442
Democrats can stage as many phony public sideshows as they want. No one believes the party of high costs and violent crime is going to do an about face no matter how many times they promise that success from their legislative schemes is just around the corner.
The delusional speaker still thinks that the “contrast between Democrats and extreme MAGA Republicans”443 is going to help her party gain back some traction.
Sadly for the soon to be dethroned Pelosi, it’s not Republican extremists that voters are sick and tired of, assuming any exist who can compete with Democrats for the “extremist” label. It’s the extremists in Pelosi’s party and their largely successful efforts to turn America into a less pleasant, more expensive, and increasingly dangerous place than it was in better times before the real extremists took over in January 2021.
Putting People Over Politics also means lying to voters about Republicans wanting to end Social Security and Medicare by not telling them that the idea comes from one Florida senator, Rick Scott, and not the Republican Party. As far as attacking our democracy is concerned, Republicans aren’t the ones behind the January 6th Kangaroo Court and Pelosi’s absurdly overreaching effort to deny Americans the right to vote for the candidate of their choice in 2024.
After a career putting politics before people it’s tragic that Pelosi can’t give herself more credit for advancing the Democrat Party at our expense. She might as well do it loudly and publicly because it’s too late now, anyway.
Hypocrisy update July 30, 2022:
#180: Pelosi doesn’t say which children are worth saving and which can die.
Nancy Pelosi got her assault weapons ban through the House yesterday. She’s parading the bill as a victory, though it wasn’t a very difficult feat. Only five Democrats said no.
H.R. 1808 is truly historic because it sets a precedent for Democrats to chisel away at the constitutional right to gun ownership. While they beat their chests and shed crocodile tears over the federal right to an abortion, they passed this bill to save lives while they boast a legacy of policies that kill children every day.
I can’t believe Democrat lawmakers weren’t rolling on the floor in laughter during Pelosi’s floor speech promoting this legislation:
Let me be clear: House Democrats are for People Over Politics. And say to our friends in this body, and down the hall, and wherever they are, your political survival is insignificant compared to the survival of children who are at the mercy of these guns.444
Liar? Hypocrite? Career hack? Yes, the speaker is all of these things. Democrat policies snuff out lives in appalling numbers, but those lives only matter when they can be used as weapons against Republicans. That’s not how People Over Politics is supposed to work, but People Over Politics is not what Pelosi believes in. Remember, this is the politician who was banned from communion by the archbishop in her own city because of her zeal for killing unborn babies. Now she wants to take away a constitutional right to save children? If you are looking for an example of hypocrisy from our government, you won’t do any better than this.
In yesterday’s floor speech the speaker mentioned children six times. She erroneously tied her bill to the “survival of our children:”
I urge my colleagues to support the assault weapons ban, recognizing, again, that the survival of our children is more important than the political survival of any of us.445
After that Pelosi lapsed into pure political fantasy, considering she’s one of the most powerful members of the party of defund the police:
We believe that every American deserves to live in a safe community, where they and their families can thrive. That’s why Democrats are funding our police, while making reforms for better law enforcement training and accountability, as we give them the tools – the police – the tools they need to prevent crime.446
No doubt her wealthy, privileged life shields her from what’s happening in her city, or in Democrat-run Los Angeles, or New York. She can claim no knowledge or information about the horrendous violence in Democrat-controlled Chicago where children are murdered so frequently that we stopped being shocked by the killings long ago. They’re just more bad news in a city with an earned reputation for violence and brutality that knows no age limits.
With midterms around the bend Democrats are suddenly the party of funding the police. In her role as chief lapdog for the Biden administration I’m assuming Pelosi’s “reforms” refer at least in part to the White House’s proposed woke Safer America Plan and its brazen giveaways to cities that have Democrat Party laws in place to prevent effective criminal law enforcement. Besides, how do we take any law enforcement initiative from this party seriously after Biden cracked down on ICE’s powers so illegals don’t have to worry about breaking the law?
Assuming this bill passes the Senate, only time will tell whether an assault weapons ban will make a difference or whether it will create a thriving black market. If passing laws to ban things that kill have an impact, why are fentanyl deaths on the rise and why are black market guns still an issue?
We all know the answer to that, just as we know that Pelosi’s assault weapons ban is another example of Politics Over People. If Democrats want to prove otherwise, they can stop the wanton killing of children in their cities and cease promoting the mass slaughter of unborn babies as if it’s something our society should be proud of.
Hypocrisy update August 6, 2022:
#181: this is what Biden said about deaths at the border when he wanted to be your president.
Holding politicians accountable is easier than ever thanks to their online activity. It still amazes me that candidates who win don’t take their campaign websites down immediately to stop us from looking back at the inevitable betrayals and false promises they think are long forgotten.
President Biden’s passing acquaintance with the truth and record of using his officials to spread disinformation and lies will be part of a horrendous legacy that future generations will remember as an especially dark period in our history. Among other catastrophes, the president assumed the role of human trafficker-in-chief by allowing a massive invasion of foreigners across our sovereign border. In the process he created a humanitarian crisis incalculably worse than what he blamed Donald Trump for when he ran for our highiest office and presented the Biden Plan for “Securing Our Values as a Nation of Immigrants:”
It is a moral failing and a national shame when a father and his baby daughter drown seeking our shores.446
Even Democrats like Texas Rep. Vicente Gonzalez are now calling out the tragedy Biden’s open border policies precipitated:
Seeking a better life in the U.S. should not be a death sentence.447
Illegals seeking a better life where they don’t belong shouldn’t be a death sentence for Americans protecting our sovereignty either, but it was for Texas National Guardsman Bishop Evans. Neither should it be a death sentence for Americans from the drugs that accompany Biden’s illegals. This is another example of hypocritical liberal orthodoxy taking precedence over responsible governance. That’s another value this president has no acquaintance with and Biden’s atrocious poll numbers prove it.
Hypocrisy update August 13, 2022:
#182: did Big Pharma strangle us or save us?
Not too long ago Joe Biden promised us that if we got the COVID-19 vaccine we wouldn’t get sick. He was dead wrong. We can only guess how many Americans may have died neglecting to take other precautions because the president falsely told them they were safe.
Even so, I find the anti-vax stance adopted by some voices on the right unreasonable. The vaccine propaganda issued by the White House was a desperate attempt to avoid the condemnation Democrats eagerly heaped on President Trump for the COVID deaths during his presidency. This was politics, not public health. Per party protocol they ignored their own role in turning Americans against the vaccines, including statements from Biden and Kamala Harris shedding doubt on the safety of anything developed under Trump.
Two years later we have a surfeit of vaccines that may not prevent us from contracting this virus, but ameliorate severe sickness and death. The White House and Democrats take credit for the success of Operation Warp Speed. Biden is still relentlessly pushing vaccination.
Midterms are almost here, so it’s politically advantageous for Nancy Pelosi to assume the threat is over so she can declare war on the pharmaceutical industry that supplied both the vaccines and COVID treatments. The speaker went on the attack during a floor speech yesterday promoting her party’s deceptively titled Inflation Reduction Act:
Make no mistake: these measures [capping prescription drug costs] are a big blow to Pharma, which has had a stranglehold for decades, preventing us from making this move. Now, we have relaxed that stranglehold a bit. More to be done, but giving more leverage and more breathing room to America’s families.448
Considering what is in this bill and the disinformation dished out to Americans who would be outraged if they knew what “Inflation Reduction” really means, Pelosi asked a question that seethes with hypocrisy:
How can you vote with Pharma at the cost of America’s seniors and America’s working families?449
We might better ask how anyone can vote with Democrats after what they have done in collusion with the radical left and President Biden to hurt America’s seniors and working families with sky high prices that are not going to come down anytime soon whether or not this bill is passed.
More important, with new COVID variants popping up faster than we can name them, polio in New York, monkey pox suddenly everywhere, a scary new virus in China, and whatever biological surprises are around the corner, attacking the pharmaceutical industry for being just as predatory as the Democrat Party is a foolish, counterproductive strategy.
The Biden administration tried this with the fossil fuel industry. We all know what happened. Democrats are still trying to lie their way out of it.
Hypocrisy update August 23, 2022:
#183: Pelosi still doesn’t get the problem with food prices.
The USDA’s July 25, 2022 update on food prices paints a grim picture of what the Biden economy has done to the budgets of working class families:
In 2022, food-at-home prices are predicted to increase between 10.0 and 11.0 percent, and food-away-from-home prices are predicted to increase between 6.5 and 7.5 percent. In 2023, food-at-home prices are predicted to increase between 2.0 and 3.0 percent, and food-away-from-home prices are predicted to increase between 3.0 and 4.0 percent.450
None of this is a surprise to anyone who shops for groceries and especially those who face the reality of deciding what they can and can’t afford to eat.
Not everyone is impacted by the Biden economy equally. This includes politicians like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi who are wealthy and whose policies helped make high food and fuel prices happen. They do not accept responsibility. In fact, the speaker feigned ignorance yesterday during a discussion on hunger and food insecurity:
But here’s the thing. As Tanis was speaking, you would think: ‘How could that be happening in the United States of America, the greatest country that ever existed in the history of the world?’ And it’s why I, frankly, am in politics. I have five children. And the fact that people would say one in five children in America goes to sleep hungry at night, was just – no. Who would I choose is going to be hungry tonight? It’s just – we have to have a different statement of values about our country.451
If this is why Pelosi got into politics, then we’ll let the results of her leadership speak for themselves.
The speaker tried to distract from the real problem at hand by blaming Republicans and Donald Trump for the fight over the farm bill in 2020 and Democrats’ victory securing $8 billion in nutrition funding, but the simple fact is that everyone except the terminally progressive understands that inflation is killing family food budgets and massive inflation rode in with Joe Biden.
With an election coming, Democrats will claim that feeding America’s hungry is a pivotal issue. Let’s never forget that passing Green New Deal climate spending passed off as inflation reduction came first. If families can’t afford food they won’t be able to take advantage of tax credits for electric cars and solar panels, but the day to day horrors of having no money or not being able to afford groceries are not things Pelosi and her party tend to worry about when they have an agenda to pass.
You can tell when the speaker is trying to distract her base from the truth. She does it on the backs of children:
And our President is – I mean he – how can I say. I have a phrase about him that he considers – President Biden – have fought to honor our sacred obligation to our children. So thank you for your leadership in so many ways, every day for our children, but for establishing this Conference, which again, we hope to bring your ideas to, by way of our distinguished Chairman.452
I wonder how children felt while they watched Pelosi boast her super-expensive ice cream habit in front of her super-expensive freezer in her super-expensive kitchen while they sat with their families during Democrat Party pandemic lockdowns? It’s unlikely that inflation has had much of an impact on her eating habits since then, but I’m willing to bet there is a lot less ice cream of any kind on America’s kitchen tables than there was before Biden and the Democrats seized control of our economy and drove the price of everything through the roof.
Hypocrisy update August 28, 2022:
#184: you will need to be a racist for just a bit longer.
Our Great Unifier delivered some disappointing news with yesterday’s statement about the 59th Anniversary of the March on Washington. It looks like we’re going to be divided for longer than we’d hoped:
But we have much more to do. Nearly six decades later, this day reminds us of how far we’ve come, where we need to go, and how far and how much longer the journey is.453
Despite every effort imaginable and spending beyond imagination by Democrats to even the playing field, it seems we’re little better off than when we started. The goalpost keeps moving. We’re told America still doesn’t measure up:
One of the core values and beliefs that should bring us together as Americans is standing against hate and racism, even as we acknowledge that systemic racism and white supremacy are ugly poisons that have long plagued the United States.454
If you wake up every morning hoping that today will be the day we can join hands and live in racial harmony, don’t despair. This is a journey that is never meant to end. It’s not your fault. Democrats are in the unfortunate position of having nothing to offer except encouraging Americans to resent each other’s existence so they can spend money on a problem too valuable to let go of.
We’ve heard it from the president over and over. America hasn’t lived up to our promise. He’s fond of dredging up bad memories to make himself look good while reminding us of America’s shortcomings. Yesterday, Biden claimed:
As we face another inflection point in our nation’s history, I’m proud that my Administration has worked every day to bring us closer to that [equal opportunity] dream. On my very first day in office, I signed a historic executive order to make advancing racial justice and equity a priority across the entire federal government, as well as another executive order on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday directing my Administration to expand access to the sacred right to vote.455
Equity is not equality, but at this point does it even matter? If lying about state voter laws that protect against election fraud and encouraging racial preference and outright discrimination in everything from the classroom to the doctor’s office is what it takes to make Americans good people, then that’s what Democrats will do. This is about partisan politics, not ethics or values, so we should expect a certain degree of rhetorical leeway. To that end, Joe Biden insists that white supremacy is everywhere:
White supremacy is a poison. It’s a poison — (applause) — running through — it really is — running through our body politic. And it’s been allowed to fester and grow right in front of our eyes.456
That’s a pretty strong condemnation from America’s president. He should define what he meant by “body politic” after he’s done explaining what he means by calling Americans “semi-fascists.” It sure sounds like he’s denouncing millions of Americans to score a few badly-needed political points.
It’s stunningly hypocritical to hear a divisive president who repeatedly directs his rhetoric towards driving us apart take credit for trying to bring us together. He talks about “perfecting our union.”457 Unity is the absolute last thing on Biden’s mind and a far cry from what the Democrat Party is after.
What does all this mean for you? You will have to be a racist for just a bit longer, though just how long is difficult to say. If Democrats lose in November you will be more racist than ever. If you are part of the body politic you’ve already been declared a white supremacist and if you vote Republican you’re some degree of fascist, so maybe being racist as well isn’t that big of a deal. It’s not as if anything you say, do, or believe will change how much the left and our Great Unifier despises you. The only fix is to vote for and even better, donate to Democrats. From my perspective I’d rather wear whatever hateful, divisive label they decide to hang on me.
Hypocrisy update September 2, 2022:
#185: Pelosi spreads dangerous hypocrisy about Republicans inciting violence.
It seems that Joe Biden venting his anger at Republicans with a repulsive speech that begged the question of who the real fascist is was not enough to please Nancy Pelosi. After an address from the president that will go down in American history as the deranged rant of a semi-dictator, the speaker doubled down and accused the GOP of inciting violence:
In the Congress and across the country, extreme MAGA Republicans are orchestrating a sinister campaign. From criminalizing women’s health care to ending Social Security and Medicare to undermining our elections, the GOP is working to turn back the clock on many of our most fundamental liberties while fanning the flames of violence and division.457
In a statement the speaker applauded Biden’s address, which she referred to as “defending democracy.”458 She did not attempt to qualify or even narrow who “the GOP” refers to.
We’re used to lies and hyperbole from Pelosi, but what’s so disturbing here is her astoundingly hypocritical comment about Republicans inciting violence and division. Domestic terror and violence are tools of a political left that tore apart our cities after George Floyd’s death. The Dobbs decision precipitated left-wing terror attacks on women’s health centers that don’t provide abortions:
Several pregnancy centers in Michigan were attacked in the span of just three days. One of the centers had multiple windows broken and graffiti of the phrase, “If abortion isn’t safe neither are you!”459
A pregnancy center in Colorado was set on fire. In June alone there were over 30 reports of vandalism and threats.460
Republicans rightly pointed out:
Instead of supporting and defending more pro-life pregnancy centers that provide health care and support to women at every stage of life, President Joe Biden and the Left are working to dismantle the work of these amazing centers. They won’t strongly condemn the violence and threats pregnancy centers are facing.461
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh narrowly avoided an assassin. The Hill reports that a Republican Party office in Florida was vandalized last weekend with an obscene, make no mistake “eat s*** fascists” slur which we can only hope isn’t the start of an anti-conservative trend inspired by the Biden administration.
All of these things took place before the president’s inflammatory, divisive speech last night. Democrats will rewrite the event in the hearts and minds of their base and Biden is already backing down from the wide “semi-fascist” net he cast over Republicans. Pelosi, on the other hand, opts for full-bore hypocrisy based on a lie:
The American people are rejecting Republicans’ extreme MAGA agenda – instead, choosing Democrats’ unifying vision of People Over Politics.”462
I did not see or hear a unifying vision last night. I saw frightening blood red and America’s president abusing the military to send a message of hate that Nancy Pelosi is ready to endorse.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.