Hypocrisy update January 14, 2021:
#74: Democrats refuse to blame each other for inciting America
Blowhard Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) laid his impeachment cards on the table yesterday:
The violent attack on the U.S. Capitol was an act of insurrection incited by Donald Trump.93
Jeffries insists that “the big lie that he told cannot be ignored.”94 It’s not being ignored, of course. Jeffries and his party haven’t had this much fun since they found out about the Trump-Ukraine phone call. What they ignore is the impact of their claims that the police kill black and brown people “with impunity.” This is lie. They disregard the impact of telling Americans that constitutionally-appointed Judge Amy Coney Barrett means we now have an illegitimate Supreme Court (see Hypocrisy Update #61). That’s another lie. They refuse to acknowledge that their rhetoric validates aggression towards completely innocent, uninvolved citizens and business owners targeted by left wing activists.
Every time there is a police-involved shooting or a decision on whether or not to prosecute a police officer cities go on lockdown. The National Guard was mobilized in Kenosha before the charging decision in the Jacob Blake shooting. This is not out of fear from the right. Had Donald Trump won the 2020 election we can only guess at the extent of the riots and looting on inauguration day.
That inauguration won’t happen. Instead, fear is spreading of more trouble from the right as power is transferred to Joe Biden. At least we can rely on Democrats to heal the nation by resisting the temptation to provoke more pushback with remarks that exploit the violence at the Capitol for partisan advantage:
We must ensure that this is nothing more than a last gasp for Donald Trump and his Republican co-conspirators in the House and Senate.94
Congressional co-conspirators? The witch hunt is getting started:
We cannot begin to heal the soul of this country without first delivering swift justice to all its enemies – foreign and domestic.”95
As Democrats take over control of Congress the wildcard is who they will decide these domestic enemies are and whether they will resort to a national anti-conservative search and destroy movement to prevent any further attacks to protect a democracy their response will surely destroy.
Hypocrisy update January 23, 2021:
#75: hypocrisy defines Biden’s first three days
It’s only been three days, four if you count this morning. The Biden Administration is already walking back promises that put him in office.
Biden’s COVID hypocrisy is just getting started
Where to begin? The Hill observes that the vaccine rollout isn’t much different from what Donald Trump delivered. 96 What’s so much worse, though, is how Biden used 400,000 dead Americans to get elected and now admits there is nothing he can do to stop the dying:
If we fail to act, there’ll be a wave of evictions and foreclosures in the coming months as this pandemic rages on, because there’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months.97
That bit of expected bad news came as the president pushed the massive spending Democrats are good at to placate the nation for not saving our lives. Stopping the dying is a priority they are suddenly bad at now that they are rid of Trump.
Biden didn’t tell the truth about COVID relief, either. He plans to skim $600 from the $2,000 checks he promised in Georgia. If the state’s voters already spent the $2,000 Biden told them was on the way they learned the most important lesson about Democrats: they don’t tell the truth when they want something.
Enough COVID. Biden was just getting started.
Asylum seekers: don’t come
When his future Democratic voters started on their trek from Central America the administration told them not to come.
Our troops can sleep in the garage
Despite his campaign vow that we have a “truly sacred obligation” to care for our troops, when the National Guard came to Washington they were banished to the cold, hard floor of a parking garage for their night’s rest.
Where is the domestic terror coming from now, Joe?
Terrified Democrats fortified the Capitol and state houses around the nation as they warned us about white supremacist Trump supporters ready to launch their attack. That never happened. It sounded fishy form the start. The only ongoing insurrection is from the radical left tearing apart Portland and Seattle. Biden is off the hook on this one because domestic terror doesn’t include destroying federal property as long as it doesn’t come from the right.
Why is Fauci still hanging around?
Last, we have Biden buying into career bureaucrat Tony Fauci’s efforts to distance himself from Trump so he can hang around Washington in perpetuity. Now that he’s successfully ingratiated himself with his new boss Fauci is publicly blaming his last boss for our death toll.
Why would you keep a supposed public health expert around who advised Americans not to wear masks when your political campaign pushed for a national mask mandate?
Instead of cleaning house and replacing this guy with someone who can keep their stories straight the Biden administration opted to keep our liberal public health darling around for now. After all, truth is all in the spin.
Hypocrisy update February 3, 2021:
#76: Democrats honoring a fallen law enforcement officer
It’s shameful that Nancy Pelosi could be so utterly shameless as to honor a fallen police officer, much less serve as the congressional mouthpiece for a tribute to Officer Brian Sicknick who died after the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill riot:
Through the heroism of Officer Sicknick – and all who defend our great country – God has truly ‘shed his grace’ on us, on America, from sea to – ‘brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.’ 99
I couldn’t agree more, but it offends me that Pelosi would tarnish the memory of any fallen officer with words made hypocritical by a party that accuses police officers of killing black people with impunity, that negates their efforts by supporting cities that release illegal immigrant criminals into local communities instead of holding them for ICE, and turned mute last summer when violence raged and police officers were attacked. Instead of supporting the men and women who were called on to restore order they called them “storm troopers.” When two FBI agents were killed in Florida President Biden used the opportunity to compliment the “vast majority” of law enforcement personnel who are decent.100
That’s no compliment and no way to honor the two agents who died.
Pelosi should be on her knees apologizing to the brave men and women who keep us safe and especially those who risked their lives protecting lawmakers on January 6. When not in fear for their own skins Democrats would eagerly defund their salaries and use them as examples of American racism.
Hypocrisy update February 11, 2021:
#77: illegals are welcome. Republican voters are terror suspects.
Americans like me who are suddenly white supremacists because we didn’t vote for Joe Biden keep asking a question the president and Jen “I’ll circle back to you” Psaki refuse to answer. Who will come across their open Southwest border? Since we no longer consider crimes committed by illegals to be actual crimes, this is a pretty serious question that even die-hard, head-in-the-clouds liberals should demand an answer to as well as what the plans are for screening these foreign nationals for COVID-19.
There is an even more serious question that will never be answered by Biden, Harris, or anyone else in the Democrat Party. How can any American possibly justify marginalizing over 74 million U.S. citizens as possible right wing terrorists while we turn a blind eye to whatever will swarm across our border now that the word is out that the wall is distasteful Trump legacy and no one will be turned away, much less arrested and held if they commit crimes when the get here.
Biden’s version of U.S. Customs and Border Protection has already announced that the floodgates are opening:
CBP remains fully committed to implementing President Biden’s immigration and border security-related executive actions, including the pause of construction on the Border Wall System and adjusting its operations to enforce the proclamations related to travel and entry to the United States.101
The word is also out that we won’t arrest illegals who commit crimes while Americans who voted for Republican candidates are very possibly white supremacist terrorists and a lethal threat to our democracy?
“Trump supporter” is something to condemn and investigate. “Illegal immigrant” means roll out the welcome mat. This deceitful, destructive hypocrisy is disseminated by the Democrat Party to consolidate its power and seal off all avenues of dissent. Over 74 million of us did not drink this anti-American Kool-Aid, but we don’t count any longer. In fact, we’re now a bigger risk than criminal illegal immigrants.
Hypocrisy update February 14, 2021:
#78: protecting democracy by manipulating future elections
Trump’s second impeachment circus reminded me of the movie plot where the protagonist with certain knowledge of the future tries to manipulate events to stop a coming catastrophe. For all the hot air about saving democracy this time-wasting, sham proceeding was all about preventing a Trump campaign in 2024. Democrats know they are going to overreach and make fools of themselves over the next two years, lose the House, and then have to face their worst nightmare at the end of a disastrous Biden first term.
States are the fallback to stop Trump after manipulating the 2024 election failed in the House and Senate. We’re already hearing about investigations in Georgia and New York which, thanks to Governor Andrew Cuomo, now has a historic chance to demonstrate the same kind of democracy-saving political integrity Democrats used against Trump.
Democrats chanting insurrection blamed the president for a false narrative about the outcome of the 2020 election. They will not apply the same measuring stick to their own false narratives about two failed impeachments.
For example, after Catastrophic Impeachment Failure #1 Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) claimed the trial wasn’t fair:
In our democratic system, an acquittal means next to nothing if the trial wasn’t fair. And that is exactly how this process was conducted at the hands of Senate Republicans, who blocked key witnesses and documents, and rigged the process to protect the President.
The excuses after Impeachment Failure #2 aren’t much different whether it means claiming victory despite a humiliating defeat:
While he has been acquitted, again, Donald Trump was found guilty by a historic number of Senators from his own party.103
… or a ridiculous appeal to the Constitution after an unconstitutional impeachment charade:
GOP Senators chose party and loyalty over the Constitution and OUR democracy.104
… or the astounding inability for Democrats to apply their thinking to themselves:
Future generations will remember those who aided and abetted the former President and refused to stand up to his tyranny.105
How much more of this hypocrisy can the Constitution and American democracy survive? Future generations will remember two failed impeachments conducted for partisan political purposes. The weeping and moaning and appeals to democracy don’t alter the fact that they tried to stop a candidate from running from office years before the next election. This sounds like a plot to a bad movie. Sadly, it is not. It is how the Democrat Party conducts business.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.