Hypocrisy update August 1, 2023:
#250: Instead of defunding the police, Illinois Democrats ask foreign nationals to carry guns and arrest Americans.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is gone, so we don’t have to listen to her weep and moan about the illegals her sanctuary city brags about welcoming into its embrace. Brandon Johnson took over in May and immediately established more bureaucracy with three new deputy mayors, including a Deputy Mayor for Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights,
to assist with efforts to address immediate needs and long-standing policy and programmatic goals to ensure the efficacy of Chicago’s status as a welcoming and sanctuary city.706
If you can sift through the jargon, the city is still boasting its sanctuary status while blue cities like New York are screeching to the heavens about the financial impact of a veritable trickle of illegals their left-wing values promised to welcome while Texas is deluged by the president’s border invasion.
It’s refreshing for those of us on the right to get some I Told You So payback from this kind of blatant government hypocrisy, though there may be something more sinister at play. State and local Democrat officials like nothing better than overloading their budgets so they can beg their big brothers and sisters in Washington for money.
Did Democrats think values come cheap?
In New York Mayor Eric Adams’ case that money allegedly totals in the billions according to the New York Post,707 which is a pretty hefty price for taxpayers to pay because city politicians were dumb enough to make a display of rolling out the sanctuary welcome mat. Did they think they would never have to make good on their radical beliefs?
While Adams whines about the cost of his city’s values, Illinois took a different approach with just-signed HB3751 that allows foreign nationals including DACA recipients and green card holders to be police officers. This means starting January 2024 a gun-toting citizen of another country can pull you over, arrest you, place you in handcuffs, and haul you away.
While the bill does not include illegal immigrants without authorization to work, the hypocrisy of legislation to encourage foreigners to join local police departments after Democrats ran a 2020 campaign demanding we defund the police is stunning. Chicago’s new mayor also has a history of advocating that we slash law enforcement funding, a decidedly bad idea considering his city reels from violence each and every day and no cash bail is almost here.
According to WGN News, over 1,000 Chicago police officers turned in their badges last year.708 Now, with the get out of jail free provision of Illinois’ Safe-T Act beginning one month from now, perhaps the governor and Springfield Democrats fear what will happen if the ranks of Chicago’s men and women in blue are too decimated to deal with what may happen because of their other really bad bill.
How this can be a foot in the door for non-citizen voting.
Pritzker may do stupid things and recklessly sign bad legislation, but he’s no dummy. He must have factored in the foot in the door aspect of allowing non-citizens to be cops. Like the legal weed that started with medical use legislation and is now sold for recreation throughout the state, it seems that Democrats are hedging their bets that Biden’s illegal immigrant invasion will have to be dealt with by loosening immigration restrictions. Is HB3751 the immigration version of a medical marijuana bill, or is the next argument that police officers risk their lives and should be allowed to vote?
There is a tremendous amount of hypocrisy for Democrats to swallow here. Just a short while back they wanted less police and smaller law enforcement budgets, but now Illinois has adopted a contrarian position by deciding that policing by non-citizen cops is a great idea.
Word will spread, of course, and it won’t always be accurate. Will migrants flood to Illinois under the mistaken impression that they, too, can get jobs in law enforcement? That remains to be seen, but we all know what happened when the Biden administration told them to stop coming.
Hypocrisy update August 5, 2023:
#251: Politicizing violent death with essential progressive lie won’t save lives in Democrat cities.
Democrats like nothing better than to politicize tragedies. The president is fond of using racial incidents to stoke division. Mass shootings that fit a particular profile like the August 3, 2019 shootings at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas also fit the bill. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) marked the fourth anniversary of that tragedy on Thursday:
Four years ago, a gunman motivated by white nationalist conspiracy theories terrorized El Paso’s Latino community and stole 23 innocent lives while leaving 22 more injured. Today, we continue to pray for the families of the victims and the entire city of El Paso and we remain committed to ending the scourge of gun violence and xenophobia once and for all.709
We also know what motivates Jeffries. The agenda-laden buzzwords kept coming:
We will never forget the lives lost in this horrific act of domestic terrorism and we will continue to call out the dangerous, anti-immigrant rhetoric that caused this tragedy.710
And so on and so forth. This is how Democrats politicize death. They are very good at what they do, even when their statements seethe with hypocrisy about America’s gun violence problem.
Jeffries has great difficulty containing his dislike and at times, outright hate for Republicans. He repeats “extreme MAGA” as often as Kamala Harris talks about her moments and insinuates that the GOP is responsible not only for gun violence, but also for supplying the weapons:
While extreme MAGA Republicans have shown that they are willing to flood our communities with weapons of war, House Democrats are continuing to fight for commonsense gun safety legislation, like universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons like the one used in the El Paso shooting.711
His statement about the El Paso shootings didn’t miss a hot button in the liberal lexicon: white nationalist, conspiracy, xenophobia, anti-immigrant, domestic terror, weapons of war, assault weapons, and extreme MAGA.
What does all this add up to? Glaring hypocrisy from a mindless, partisan talking head who, like others in his party, couldn’t care less about gun violence unless it comes from a right winger bearing an assault rifle.
This is unfortunate for the vast majority of people shot in America who mean little or nothing to Democrats because they can’t be politicized to promote the party line. Instead, they point the finger of blame directly at progressives.
Surprisingly, Kamala Harris does a better job than Jeffries of spreading the essential progressive lie that gun violence is all about assault weapons:
Right now, in our country, one in five Americans has a family member that was killed by gun violence. Yet we have these feckless, so-called leaders who don’t have the courage to agree that it’s a false choice to say you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away.712
Her solution is the same:
We need an assault weapons ban, universal background checks. (Applause.) Elections matter. Elections matter.713
Yes, elections matter and so do criminals shooting people with handguns on the streets of Democrat-run cities. ABC 7 Chicago reported 47 shootings in the city just last weekend.
Cash bail in True Blue Illinois ends in less than one month. The massive departures from the city’s police department just prompted Governor J.B. Pritzker to sign legislation to allow foreign nationals to join the force. This is what happens when the Democrat Party gets its hands on law enforcement.

CBP photo.714
Federal data shows that over 77% of mass shootings involve handguns, not assault rifles. So why are Democrats so obsessed with “weapons of war” instead of controlling the street violence in their cities? Because this is about politicizing death and attacking Republicans to score points with their donors. Neither Jeffries nor Harris gives a rat’s ass about the gun violence victims in cities where Democrat public officials call the shots.
According to the CDC, young Black Americans are most impacted by gun violence:
The largest increases in firearm homicide rates were among Black males aged 10–24 (54.9 to 77.3) and 25–44 years (66.5 to 90.6) and among AI/AN males aged 25–44 years (18.9 to 28.7). Among females, the highest rates and largest increases were among those who were Black, aged 10–24 (6.4 to 9.1) and 25–44 years (6.9 to 10.2).715
Poverty was a decisive factor in the killings:
Rates of firearm homicide were lowest and increased least at the lowest poverty level and were higher and showed larger increases at higher poverty levels.716
There is glaring hypocrisy on the part of Democrats who take ownership of Black Americans for granted after years of poverty-inducing, economic neo-slavery. They oversee a near-genocidal body count in some urban communities that has nothing to do with white nationalism, racism, xenophobia, assault weapons, or MAGA Republicans and won’t be impacted in the slightest by background checks.
If you can’t get ID to vote, how do you pass a background check for your illegal handgun?
Remember, Democrats claim Black Americans don’t have the wherewithal to obtain ID to vote. How can they expect them to successfully complete a background check, assuming those intent on committing violent crime want to register their illegal handgun?
When you own something, you have control and decide its fate. Ownership comes with responsibility, and yet neither Biden nor Harris nor Jeffries raced to Chicago to make a speech after last weekend’s Chicago shootings. They know they don’t have to. Furthermore, they have no reason to care. The party line comes first.
Hypocrisy update August 15, 2023:
#252: Democrat Party’s rule of law already decided the 2024 presidential election.
Get ready for nonstop pontificating from power-mad Democrats about how yesterday’s fourth Trump indictment proves America’s rule of law prevailed. We will hear that no one is above the law. Americans will be reassured that the latest move to take out the Republican Party’s 2024 frontrunner and preeminent threat to the power of the Democrat Party proves that our system of justice works.
I’m sorry to say it’s all true.
Political power decides who is subject to the rule of law
Only the naive believe that America’s rule of law is anything but a political construct. It’s not about right and wrong or justice or fairness or protecting democracy. It’s about who has power and who does not. For now and the foreseeable future, Democrats decide what the rule of means and who is subject to it.
Whether or not the Biden White House weaponized our justice and law enforcement agencies against the president’s political opponents is irrelevant because it works to the Democrat Party’s advantage. The fact that voters were prevented from accessing essential information about Hunter Biden’s laptop to influence the last presidential election does not matter, either because it helped elect Joe Biden.
There will never be accountability for spreading one of the greatest political lies in American history with the Trump-Russia hoax or the ensuing interference with a president’s ability to govern that included two sham impeachment trials. Democrats were the perpetrators and they decide the rules of the game.
The House Oversight Committee has amassed so much information pointing to President Biden’s corruption and compromise that any Republican president would already be impeached and removed from office. Biden is a Democrat and Democrats hold the reins of justice, so there is no evidence and nothing to see. Instead, the political left is focusing America on the Trump threat to Democrat Party hegemony and will use our weaponized rule of law to throw him in prison forever.
Enough Americans gobble up the propaganda that the indictments against Biden’s 2024 challenger are about truth and justice and enforcing the rule of law that it is no longer a left-wing fiction. Now it’s the truth. The rule of law will prevail, deny Republican voters their candidate of choice, throw Trump behind bars, and put the left’s barely functioning, likely corrupt and compromised autocrat in the White House for another four years.
Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) got the gloat fest rolling last night:
The fourth indictment of Donald Trump, just like the three which came before it, portrays a repeated pattern of criminal activity by the former president. This latest indictment details how Mr. Trump led a months-long plot pushing the Big Lie to steal an election, undermine our democracy, and overturn the will of the people of Georgia.717
The pair reassured Americans that we are “a nation built on the rule of law.”718 Most important,
The actions taken by the Fulton County District Attorney, along with other state and federal prosecutors, reaffirms the shared belief that in America no one, not even the president, is above the law.719
The knee jerk reaction from any conservative is what about Biden? Why is he above the law?
The answer is simple. Trump is guilty because he threatens the power of the left. Biden is blameless because the elites who control America and decide what our rule of law pertains to need a witless talking head in the White House who can sign what’s put in front of him.
No doubt Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin could discuss in great detail how their respective nations respect the rule of law. It’s not about law books or philosophy or impartial justice or even right and wrong. The rule of law is about power and here in America, Democrats just wielded it to decide the outcome of the 2024 election.
706“Mayor Johnson’s first executive orders elevate youth employment and establish new Deputy Mayors for Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights; Community Safety; and Labor Relations.” chicago.gov. May 15, 2023. https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/mayor/
MayorBrandonJohnsonSignsFirstExecutiveOrders.html, retrieved August 1, 2023.
707Gelinas, Nicole. “With no plans for endless migrants, Adams can’t truly claim his budget is balanced.” nypost.com. July 9, 2023. https://nypost.com/2023/07/09/with-no-plans-for-endless-migrants-adams-cant-truly-claim-his-budget-is-balanced/, retrieved August 1, 2023.
708Bradley, Ben and Schroedter, Andrew. “Officer Exodus: 1,000+ Chicago cops left the job last year.” wgntv.com. January 30, 2023. https://wgntv.com/news/wgn-investigates/officer-exodus-1000-chicago-cops-left-the-job-last-year/, retrieved August 1, 2023.
709“Leader Jeffries Statement Marking Four Years Since the El Paso Shooting.” democraticleader.house.gov. August 3, 2023. https://democraticleader.house.gov/media/press-releases/leader-jeffries-statement-marking-four-years-el-paso-shooting, retrieved August 3, 2023.
712“Remarks by Vice President Harris at a Campaign Reception.” whitehouse.gov. August 3, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/08/03/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-at-a-campaign-reception-5/, retrieved Augsut 4, 2023.
714“Agents Arrest Illegal Alien With Loaded Gun.” cbp.gov. February 5, 2020. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/agents-arrest-illegal-alien-loaded-gun, retrieved August 5, 2023.
715“Vital Signs: Changes in Firearm Homicide and Suicide Rates — United States, 2019–2020.” cdc.gov. May 13, 2022. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/
mm7119e1.htm?s_cid=mm7119e1_w, retrieved August 4, 2023.
717“Schumer, Jeffries Joint Statement on the Fourth Indictment of Donald Trump.” democraticleader.house.gov. August 14, 2023. https://democraticleader.house.gov/media/press-releases/schumer-jeffries-joint-statement-fourth-indictment-donald-trump, retrieved August 15, 2023.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.