Hypocrisy update November 20, 2022:
#204: Pelosi’s transgender swan song is just more shameless, anti-conservative bigotry.
You know the saying: don’t let the door hit you on your way out.
Instead of handing over her gavel and showing a little dignity by rising above the left-wing mob, Nancy Pelosi opted for the political gutter and spread even more anti-conservative bigotry. She needn’t bother. There are plenty of Democrats more than up to the task, whether they are spreading anti-Israel anti-Semitism or lying to Americans about where the real scourge of gun violence comes from.
To honor Transgender Day of Remembrance Pelosi pulled out all the stops to politicize “the scourge of transphobic violence.” Here statement talked about “the wicked forces of hate” and not surprisingly, blamed MAGA Republicans for an alleged epidemic of attacks against transgender Americans:
That fight remains more urgent than ever, as right-wing extremists target transgender Americans’ most fundamental rights and freedoms. Whether spouting dangerous rhetoric from cable news desks or openly bullying schoolchildren from the halls of power, MAGA Republicans are cruelly undermining the safety and well-being of our transgender community.524
True to form, this is about Pelosi taking credit:
Horrified by such shameless bigotry, House Democrats are proud to march alongside our trans friends, neighbors and siblings as we work to uphold justice and dignity for all.525
She mentions “so many beautiful souls murdered by hate,” but doesn’t offer any numbers or facts to back up her words. We can certainly assign numbers to the people killed in the cities her party controls. She claims that “trans people of color” are the most impacted by this wave of violence. Non-trans people of color are murdered by the score and Democrats not only remain mute to the problem while they focus on an anti-conservative assault weapons ban, they persist with pro-violence legislation like Illinois’ no cash bail Safe-T Act.
If you are waiting for Pelosi and her party to decry last week’s California tragedy where a man mowed down 25 police recruits with his car and was released with no bail, don’t hold your breath. The attack has no political value for left-wing politicians who stake their claim to divisive identity politics and defunding law enforcement.
If Pelosi wants a “safer, more just America” she need only look to her city, her state, and the urban hellholes Democrats claim for their own. The epidemic of violence in America isn’t just about identity politics, though this is a convenient way to ignore the forgotten victims of Democrat Party policies. When the liberal officials who run cities like Chicago and Los Angeles get serious about the violent crime they can’t use for political mileage, then all Americans will be safer.
Hypocrisy update November 26, 2022:
#205: White House denounces and promotes violence against women.
President Biden wants us to know that “Ending violence against women has been the cause of my life.” 526
He has a strange way of showing it. Either he’s lying or his staff doesn’t want our Human Trafficker in Chief to know what’s going on at his lawless southern border.
I’m opting for the first explanation. It wouldn’t be the first time the president plays dumb to something we know is true, like the cause of inflation or our spiking energy bills. The border crisis he inflicted on Americans is no different.
Just when we thought there was no conceivable way that the hypocrisy behind White House gaslighting could get worse, the president came out supporting the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. He went down the roster of groups his administration’s policies support: women in Ukraine, Russia, and Iran, members of the LGBTQ community, and women of color and those with disabilities.
The president left out one group: women and girls from Mexico, Central America, and other countries who make the journey to America. That’s a curious omission, as it certainly sounds like no one is excluded from his moral imperative:
We must recommit ourselves to ending violence against women and girls in all their diversity—wherever and whenever it occurs. Ending this scourge is a moral imperative, and it is in our strategic interest to strengthen security and stability for us all. When women are safe and fully integrated into their societies, everyone does better.527
As America’s Human Trafficker in Chief, Biden should be more knowledgeable about what’s happening to women and girls who make the trip to his promised land. It’s not as if congressional lawmakers haven’t sounded warnings about the fate of those who fall into the hands of the criminal cartels that are thriving thanks to our president.
Republicans warned in January 2022:
This has caused severe human misery as vulnerable women and children put themselves in the hands of dangerous smugglers and human traffickers to be physically and sexually abused and, at times, even murdered.528
They sounded the alarm again last month:
Leaving the door open for anyone in the world to enter our country unlawfully encourages drug smugglers and human traffickers to take advantage of our broken immigration protocols. The Biden Administration’s neglect has served as a gateway to heinous abuses against women and children at the hands of criminal drug cartels, who are generating billions in profits.529
Senator Ron Johnson offered a harrowing account of what happens to women and girls brought here by cartels taking advantage of Biden’s border policies:
I had not heard of the rape tree, the panty tree, the taunting tree. I had never heard of that. Our last trip down here, we saw dead bodies floating in the Rio Grande. In my hearings, I’ve heard of children being sold for $84. How do you think the young women pay off their five, six, seven, $8,000 human trafficking fee. I think we all know.530
For Biden, leadership means empty words to cover for the unthinkable harm you cause:
We still have more to do. No one should live under the threat of violence. No one should go through their life fearing violence, abuse, and persecution.531
Yes, our president has a lot more to do to stop the violence. He’s not going to do any of it. Violence against women and girls is just another example of collateral damage from irresponsible and dangerous White House policymaking and a hypocritical president who doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions and assumes if he keeps lying to us we won’t, either.
Hypocrisy update November 26, 2022:
#206: Pelosi obsessively pursues Trump, but abdicates her duty to investigate President Biden.
Those of us who watched President Donald Trump’s 2020 State of the Union address will never forget the spectacle of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tearing up her copy of his speech. Her hatred for Trump was so grotesque and overwhelming that she couldn’t help but cast decorum and propriety to the wind and focus attention on herself. There could be no question in anyone’s mind how much she hated this man. After two failed attempts to impeach him she persisted that he was, in fact, impeached forever.
Nearly two years have passed. Trump is still very much a player while Democrat election losses relegate Pelosi to the murky backwaters of pending political obscurity. America will be better off for it. We need leaders who govern for the people and not to assuage their personal animosities.
Since Trump left office Pelosi has successfully assisted Joe Biden in the destruction of America. The damage she helped cause will not impact the speaker. She is a very wealthy woman living far beyond the means of the people she makes a show of representing even while their lives continue to deteriorate.
We can only imagine the celebration on Tuesday when the Supreme Court granted her wish that Trump hand over his tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee. In a public statement the speaker claims:
These documents are vital to meeting the House’s Constitutional mandate: guarding the public interest, defending our national security and holding our public officials to account.532
Like her January 6th Committee’s findings, what Democrats will tell the nation they discovered in his tax returns was in all likelihood decided many months ago.
More important, if Pelosi really cared about these things and wasn’t laser focused on her personal vendetta against the former president she would be directing scrutiny at our current president. There are plenty of questions to ask about Biden’s business dealings and yet her all-important “Constitutional mandate” will not be upheld by the speaker or anyone else in her party.
Trump is out of office. The former president is not nearly the threat to our national security as our current commander in chief. He is not a public official nor does he have anything to do with the public interest, though arguably he is inimical to the Democrat Party’s interest.
On the other hand, Joe Biden’s reported involvement with and possible remuneration from his family’s dealings with foreign governments and the Chinese Communist Party, in particular, are a potential and very real threat to the interests of every American. Too bad for us that Pelosi’s “ethical, transparent governance For The People”533 only applies to her political opponents.
Like the loyal Biden lap dog she is and will continue to be until the moment she hands over her gavel to the GOP, the speaker is the consummate partisan who cares only about growing her party’s power. Facts are relative. The truth is flexible. Party comes first and “guarding the public interest, defending our national security and holding our public officials to account” comes second or in Joe Biden’s case, not at all.
UPDATE December 2, 2022:
#207: Ice cream hypocrisy.
For Americans struggling in Biden’s economy, watching left-wing royalty whoop it up on our dime isn’t a feel-good moment. We’ve seen the photos of liberal elites and Hollywood heavy-hitters decked out to attend the Biden-Macron state dinner. We read about the lavish menu complete with the same lobster that’s being regulated off of our dinner tables for those who can still afford it.
This was Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) moment to make a statement about a president who has done incalculable damage to American families and decided to rub our noses in White House opulence. The likely GOP speaker could have declined to attend the dinner for exactly this reason. Sadly, he chose not to seize the moment and donned his formal attire instead.
One might ask why Chef Boyardee foods were not on the menu for these VIPs per Democrat Sean Patrick Maloney’s (D-NY) suggestion to cash-starved Americans. It would have been a gracious gesture, considering that the people who paid for this affair are still hurting with no end to the pain in sight. Attendee Nancy Pelosi insists that everything she does is for the people. This would have been a perfect time to prove it.
That didn’t happen, either.
Biden, Pelosi, and the French Revolution
Ice cream, a Biden favorite, was served with dessert. If you recall back to the early days of the pandemic, Pelosi fessed up to being especially fond of one expensive designer brand of this confection. She sat in front of her very expensive refrigerator and bragged about her costly habit while the unwashed masses who pay her salary suffered and died in government-mandated COVID seclusion. Pelosi got her hair done. Gavin Newsom dined at the French Laundry. Our kids sat at home and got stupid.
According to the International Dairy Foods Association, ice cream was likely consumed by French Royalty in the 1500s.534 It is entirely possible that Marie Antoinette enjoyed this treat. One of the charges that led to her demise was draining France’s national treasury. With our oil reserves depleted and massive Democrat spending kick-starting our highest in 40 years inflation, one can easily draw an analogy between the unfortunate queen’s excesses and Biden, Pelosi, and fellow dinner attendee Janet “transitory inflation” Yellen, who Fox News reports recently blamed inflation on Americans’ lust for luxury spending.535
Do you remember when the lefty media viciously attacked President Donald Trump for hosting a fast-food feast for the Clemson Tigers? There will be no such outrage in response to this showy Biden excess. Instead, the worshipful media reports of modern-day royalty started rolling in well before the first toast. For now, I’m going to call this ice cream hypocrisy. It’s a common thread going all the way back to Marie Antoinette. The big difference is that the French queen was punished by the people. In our case the American people are being punished by a government that lies to us about how well we are doing and then expects us to sit back and enjoy the spectacle of extremely well-off people enjoying themselves at our expense while we decide between eating lunch, filling the gas tank, and paying the heat bill.
Hypocrisy update December 8, 2022:
#208: Griner’s release should not be a Biden identity politics victory, but how else can it be justified?
9:33 a.m. I’m not going to judge whether negotiating Brittney Griner’s release and leaving Paul Whelan in a Russian prison was right or wrong. That’s a moral and ethical question best answered by the Biden administration officials responsible for swapping Griner for a Russian arms dealer. Suffice it to say that her sentence for possessing cannabis was extreme and impossible to justify. However, Russia is not the only country where possessing marijuana is met with extreme penalties and in some, trafficking in cannabis still carries a death sentence.
What I can and will judge is how the White House takes Biden’s victory lap. If Griner was just another white guy like Whelan locked up in a foreign prison would the trade be deemed worth the risk? If the president or anyone in the White House falls back on identity politics to applaud Griner’s release, then we’ll know this was another horribly cynical calculation from the Biden administration based on political expediency.
Nothing in politics is by accident.
4:50 p.m. Is it coincidental that Biden cheered House passage of the Respect for Marriage Act on the same day he announced Brittney Griner’s release and invited her spouse to the White House?536
Today, Congress took a critical step to ensure that Americans have the right to marry the person they love. The House’s bipartisan passage of the Respect for Marriage Act—by a significant margin—will give peace of mind to millions of LGBTQI+ and interracial couples who are now guaranteed the rights and protections to which they and their children are entitled.537
You decide. Meanwhile, Paul Whelan is still serving a 16-year sentence in a hellish Russian prison.
Identity politics finally shows its face.
6:05 p.m. I’ll give President Biden credit for keeping identity politics out of his remarks. The same can’t be said for Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre:
As the President said this morning, he will — he will never stop working to secure Paul’s release and return home. And he will not give up.
On a personal note, Brittney is more than an athlete, more than an Olympi- — Olympian. She is an important role model and inspiration to millions of Americans, particularly the LGBTQI+ Americans and women of color. She should never have been detained by Russia. And we are — I am — deeply proud of the work that the President has done, this administration has done to get her home.538
When asked about what impact being part of the black and LGBTQ+ communities with support from related special interest groups had on Griner’s release, Jean-Pierre responded:
And, yeah, you know, does that matter? Of course that matters. But I want to be very clear as well: The President has been committed to this. He showed — he has shown his commitment just the past almost two years of his administration, when it comes to bringing home Americans who have been wrongfully detained.539
Should it matter? I’ll leave that up to you to decide.
December 9, 2022: Pelosi adds being a sports celebrity to the reasons for Griner’s release.
8:40 a.m. It seems Karine Jean-Pierre’s nod to identity politics wasn’t enough to explain yesterday’s prisoner swap. Nancy Pelosi offered another reason:
Brittney being a basketball star, and her name was more famous to everyday Americans. But Paul Whelan is of at least equal concern to us to have his freedom.540
That’s a pretty shocking thing to say, but Democrats are so removed from reality at this point that we shouldn’t be surprised. Before that revelation about what’s really important to international prisoner swaps she joined Jean-Pierre in bringing identity politics into the discussion. As I suggested yesterday, House passage of the Defense of Marriage Act on the same day as Griner’s release seems like more than a coincidence:
And one of the final bills as Speaker the first time around that I signed, December 2010, was the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. So now, here we are now, and we have the repeal, we have the Respect for Marriage Act. And what it does, it repeals certain things.
How wonderful is it that, on the same day that Brittney Griner is going to be free – thank you, President Biden, thank you to the Secretary of State and other national security people and to our colleague Greg Stanton, who represents Arizona – Phoenix, Arizona – in the Congress. He has brought her here.541
It’s not as if we didn’t already know what was lurking behind this deal, but it’s still appalling to hear our political leaders admit what’s really important to America. In this case, it’s being a sports figure and part of the LGBTQ community. How that compares to being a notorious international arms dealer or American servicemember, Pelosi didn’t say. At least she admitted that Bout is a “bad guy,” but apparently not deemed bad enough to add another American to the trade.
Hypocrisy update December 12, 2022:
#209: Jeffries is serious about Democrats rejecting antisemitism.
There is a big difference between Kanye West, Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN). West is an entertainment celebrity. Tlaib and Omar are elected officials, which should hold them to a higher standard except for one small detail. They are also members of the Democrat Party and Democrats protect their own.
Incoming House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) needs to make an impression right from the start. He no doubt understands that when it comes to hyperbole and unabashed hypocrisy Nancy Pelosi’s shoes will be difficult, if not impossible to fill. He’s giving it a good try anyway. Backed by Katherine Clark (D-MA) and Pete Aguilar (D-CA), Jeffries denounced West’s recent anti-Semitic remarks and drew a line in the sand:
The promotion of antisemitism and hatred against the Jewish community by anyone is unacceptable and unconscionable. House Democrats have and will always reject intolerance in any form.542
Really? Let’s rephrase that so it’s true:
House Democrats have and will always forgive intolerance in any form from members of their party.
Democrats have nearly limitless tolerance for antisemitism when it comes from within their ranks. Ilhan Omar’s past anti-Israel statements attracted the ire of her party and Israel as well. Her history of antisemitism and support for an anti-Israel agenda including the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement led to the Jewish State denying entry to the congresswoman and colleague Rashida Tlaib in 2019.
House Democrats failed to effectively address Omar’s attacks against Israel that were detailed in H.Res. 241. Predictably, the resolution calling for the House to express its disapproval went up in smoke.
As Politico reported, in February 2019 Omar attempted an apology after bigoted comments about pro-Israel campaign donations.543 Democrats took offense and then quickly circled their forgiving wagons:
We appreciate Congresswoman Omar’s heartfelt apology, and the unique life experiences she brings as a public servant. She has demonstrated genuine gratitude toward her Jewish allies for educating her on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes, while remaining true to her principles.544
Two years later:
In May of 2021, Democrat Rep. Omar accused Israel of committing “war crimes” following days of conflict between Israel and Hamas that saw thousands of missiles fired indiscriminately at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.545
Also in 2021, members of the Squad joined fellow Democrats to oppose $1 billion in Iron Dome Funding that pales in comparison to the tens of billions we are heedlessly sending to Ukraine.
Rashida Tlaib also has a problem with Israel:
Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI.) campaign paid $170,000 to an anti-Semitic and defund the police activist, Rasha Mubarak, who called for abolishing the police on multiple occasions and recently referred to Israel as an “apartheid state.”546
According to The Hill, in September 2022 Tlaib claimed that progressives could not be pro-Israel.547
Republicans condemned Nancy Pelosi’s refusal “to take any action”548 against party members for their antisemitism. Now, with the GOP about to take control of the House Omar played the victim card when Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) threatened to strip her of committee assignments:
From the moment I was elected, the Republican Party has made it their mission to use fear, xenophobia, Islamophobia and racism to target me on the House Floor and through millions of dollars of campaign ads.549
She shifted blame and avoided the real issue by charging McCarthy with ethnic hate and resurrecting the pervasive Trump boogeyman:
What it does is gin up fear and hate against Somali-Americans and anyone who shares my identity, and further divide us along racial and ethnic lines. It is a continuation of a sustained campaign against Muslim and African voices, people in his party have been trying to ban since Donald Trump first ran for office.550
Try as he might to live up to his words, Jeffries will have little choice but to forgive and forget. Democrats will come together to protect party unity long before they silence their small yet vocal anti-Semitic, anti-Israel contingent. Nevertheless, the new minority leader persists with a hopeful vision for the new Congress:
We must all come together to end antisemitism and other forms of hatred, and promote greater tolerance and understanding in America.551
Time will tell. I’m placing my bet on Omar, Tlaib, and their anti-Israel colleagues.
Hypocrisy update December 21, 2022:
#210: Biden administration denounces Taliban’s treatment of women and girls.
National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson gave us an opportunity to relive the president’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan and the consequences for those now living under Taliban rule:
The United States condemns the Taliban’s indefensible decision to prevent Afghan women from receiving a university-level education. This deplorable decision is the latest effort by Taliban leadership to impose additional restrictions on women and girls in Afghanistan and prevent them from exercising their human rights and fundamental freedoms.552
She threatens that the Taliban will be “further alienated from the international community,” as if this is something these terrorists have reason to fear after Biden turned tail and ran, leaving Americans and as much as $7 billion in military hardware behind.553
Considering Democrats have a difficult time even defining what a woman is, much less protecting their right to compete on a level athletic playing field that doesn’t include biological males, why would anyone in this administration bother to bring attention to this historic Biden disaster? We haven’t forgotten what happened and I’m sure the families of the 13 servicemembers killed during our precipitous exit haven’t forgotten, either. Thank Ms. Watson for reminding us that actions, like the election that put Biden in office, can have dire consequences that may never go away.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.