Veterans Day 2021 Hypocrisy Update #2: Pelosi forgets Afghanistan.
Over and over we’ve heard Democrats call the Afghanistan conflict America’s longest war, as if the length of our involvement somehow excuses Biden’s disastrous exit and the lives it claimed.
The war in Afghanistan was long and costly to be sure, but it hasn’t been that long since the president decided to pull out and leave Americans behind. In her Veterans Day statement Nancy Pelosi mentioned Yorktown, Normandy, Vietnam, and the Middle East. She even mentioned “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and transgender service members, but Pelosi never mentioned Afghanistan or the men and women who served there. Not once.
She did, however, unintentionally remind us of how badly the man whose “strong leadership” she praised in her statement betrayed our nation’s obligation to our fellow Americans:
Today, and every day, let us vow to honor this sacred pledge: that just as the military leaves no one behind on the battlefield, we leave no veteran behind when they return home.273
That was shameless praise for Build Back Better spending, which was the real purpose behind Pelosi’s remarks. Whether or not those Biden left behind were members of the armed forces doesn’t matter. Our country doesn’t leave Americans behind, or at least we don’t until now. I suspect those serving in the military would agree, including those who served in our longest war and didn’t merit the slightest nod in Pelosi’s Veterans Day commemoration.
Hypocrisy Update November 17, 2021:
#130: Democrats spend $4 billion to prevent overdose deaths they help cause
President Biden should have left well enough alone after summoning the gall in August to recognize National Overdose Awareness week. Instead, today he announced 100,000 overdose deaths from April 2020 – April 2021:
Today, new data reveal that our nation has reached a tragic milestone: more than 100,000 lives were lost to the overdose epidemic from April of last year to April of this year.274
It’s really not that tragic for Democrats or the White House. Democrats get to spend billions and the 100,000th death gave Biden a chance to pat his party on the back:
Through the American Rescue Plan, we’ve delivered nearly $4 billion to strengthen and expand services for substance use disorder and mental health.275
I’m not a substance abuse expert, but it seems to me we would be a lot better off preventing drugs that kill people from reaching the streets than spending money to treat them after they’re hooked.
If the results of our border politics are any indication, Democrats clearly disagree:
The crisis that has seen millions of people illegally trying to cross our southern border has also included a dramatic increase in the flow of illegal drugs at the border. The average amount of fentanyl seized from 2018 through 2020 was 321 pounds a month. Through the first nine months of this year, the monthly average is 830 pounds. In fiscal year 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized 10,586 pounds of fentanyl at the southern border, more than double the amount seized in FY 2020.276
That’s a staggering amount of a drug as lethal as fentanyl, but Democrats and our president love social spending no matter the cost. In this case that cost is American lives. If a little extra fentanyl sneaks across the border they can shed their crocodile tears and spend even more money to fix a problem they helped make worse.
Hypocrisy Update November 20, 2021:
#131: Build Back Better pays Americans to be less healthy
When I read over a really long piece of legislation I always go to the end first. That’s where you find the dumbest provisions. Perhaps lawmakers assume we won’t read that far. With a bill as unwieldly as H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, that makes sense.
Of all the ridiculous liberal spending vehicles tucked into this bill, one of the most hypocritical pays Americans to purchase an electric bike. We spend fantastic sums on health care and know for a fact that being overweight or obese is not good for us. The CDC’s most recent estimate is that 42.5% of adults are obese and nearly three-quarters are overweight. The problem is even worse among non-Hispanic Black adults (49.6% obesity) and Hispanic adults (44.8% obesity).277 The
Enter Build Back Better’s Sec. 36E, electric bicycle tax credits
For those with sizeable incomes who don’t want to pedal:
There shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to 15 percent of the cost of each qualified electric bicycle placed in service by the taxpayer during such taxable year.
There is a cap of $8,000 on the sale price of an electric bike. That sounds like a lot of money, considering they aren’t terribly useful in the winter or during a thunderstorm. I found electric bikes online for $10,000 and more, which pushes this seasonally useful vehicle beyond used car territory.
The bill doesn’t say whether these bikes will be subject to the socialist national mileage tax the infrastructure bill will study. Considering Democrats’ obsession with equity it seems rather hypocritical that (1) they are encouraging Americans to buy bicycles that won’t make them healthier, and (2) these E-bikes are out of reach of many living in the underserved communities that much of this legislation focuses on. Perhaps that’s a good thing. “Health” appears 725 times in H.R. 5376, so if it’s such a priority why are Democrats giving tax credits to couples making $150,000 annually to be less healthy?
Hypocrisy Update November 24, 2021:
#132: Democrats, where is your outrage about the Waukesha massacre?
Democrats weren’t shy about imposing their racial narrative after the tragic Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) referred to what happened as “racist terrorism.”278 Don Beyer (D-VA) called the act of driving a car into a crowd an act of domestic terrorism.279
The word “terrorism” is tossed about freely when Democrat Party hacks see an opportunity to arouse their base. Even parents who advocate for their kids at school board meetings risk wearing this moniker thanks to Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland.
No one who is not on the left is surprised at the lack of outrage from Democrats after what happened in Waukesha, Wisconsin last weekend. We haven’t heard the word “terror” or “terrorist” or “terrorism” despite their tendency to apply it freely whenever the opportunity to grandstand beckons.
Would I call this tragedy a terrorist incident? I’m not part of our criminal justice system or even a lawyer and while I have my opinion, it does the public no service to stir the pot for my own gratification. I’ll leave that up to politicians like Beyer and Jayapal. Suffice it to say if the details of the incident were reversed Democrats would have plenty to say and the nation would be on fire. Their silence now is the height of hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy Update December 3, 2021:
#133: Biden boasts jobs and unity but still wants to Build Back Better
There are less than 100 words in yesterday’s presidential statement on the new unemployment claims numbers. It was more than enough for Biden to contradict his demands that we fund his plan for a socialist-leaning economy. The president boasted:
America’s jobs recovery is strong, and our COVID strategy is allowing millions of workers to find and keep jobs.280
That’s great news that contradicts the need for massive spending to create jobs unless we’re preparing to bail out the workers who will be tossed into the street if the president prevails over the courts with his planned vaccine mandated.
It’s obvious that the White House is desperate to create praise for this stunningly unpopular administration. Otherwise, Biden’s wouldn’t make statements like this that prove we don’t need his economic agenda:
This morning, we received additional evidence of the strength of America’s historic economic recovery and Americans getting back to work. New unemployment claims are now at a level not seen since March 7, 2020 and last week’s claims were revised down to their lowest level since 1969. 281
Joe wanted to make sure we got the message:
America’s jobs recovery is strong, and our COVID strategy is allowing millions of workers to find and keep jobs. 282
That strategy also persuaded workers to quit their jobs to avoid Biden’s needle, but no matter. With just a few words left our president lavished more praise on himself:
Today’s data underscore the historic progress we are making and the importance of building on that progress in the weeks ahead.283
By “building” I think he means spending, even though almost everything he said proves we don’t need to spend on jobs or all the Democratic Socialist accountrements that accompany his scheme.
Later in the day Biden got in front of the cameras to discuss his COVID strategy. He indulged more tiresome credit-taking for the fastest economic growth in four decades. Then he threw out what has become the Big Lie of his administration, this time in service to battling COVID-19:
We have moved forward in the face of COVID-19 and the Delta variant. And we’ll move forward in the face of Omicron variant as well. And we’ll do it by keeping the faith and doing it together as the United States of America.284
He made a point to emphasize “United,” just to make sure we got that point, too, and the message that we’re all in this together.
We’re not and under Joe Biden we never will be. Trust me on that.
Hypocrisy update December 5, 2021:
#134: hypocrite Jeffries blames Republicans for being mean.
Do Democrats think we’ve forgotten their dirty tricks? Do they think we’ve forgiven them for trying to remove a constitutionally-elected president with two sham impeachment trials, the Russia collusion hoax, and constant attacks painting Donald Trump as a racist and white supremacist? The party’s vitriol still isn’t satisfied. Members obsess about Trump and continue to attack anyone who ever had any contact with him, as evidenced by Trump-hater Nancy Pelosi’s scorched earth January 6th Select Committee.
Knowing they are going to get their backsides handed to them in less than a year makes Democrats frantic to cover up the damage they wreaked on America after the 2020 election. Instead of trying to mend fences that may be too destroyed to fix, longtime congressional hypocrite Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) blames Republicans for doing what Democrats do best:
Republicans are having a complete and total meltdown. “Liar,” “clown,” “trash,” “grifter,” “nuts.” What happened to the “kindler and gentler” Republican Party? It doesn’t exist. They’re having a complete and total meltdown. Instead of focusing on the problems of the American people, they are attacking each other. It’s not a three-ring circus, it’s a four-ring malignant circus. And the so-called leader has no control over what’s happening and the American people are hurt as a result.285
Jeffries and his party like Americans and Republicans, in particular, to be kindler and gentler. It makes it easy to be abusive and steamroll over anyone who won’t agree to their demands.
Congressman Jeffries isn’t stupid, though statements like this certainly raise questions about his grip on reality. Their anger and nastiness aside, Democrats still can’t agree how far to go with Build Back Better socialism because they can’t reconcile the disputes between their far left radical socialists and run of the mill lefties. In Jeffriesspeak this is a two-ring circus.
So determined are these hacks to whitewash the truth that they say whatever pops into their empty liberal heads that might attract attention and curry favor with their base. That includes taking credit for something their party did not do:
Vice Chair Aguilar: As we mentioned last time, the last time we were here, we talked about Democrats delivering the Build Back Better Agenda. We did that. We passed our bills.286
No, Democrats did not deliver Build Back Better. The House passed its version of the bill. Build Back Better is still just the Democratic Party’s socialist pipe dream. With any luck it will go up in smoke with the rest of the radical agenda the party can’t agree on. Dirty tricks won’t fix that. Neither will blaming Republicans for what Jeffries’ press release proves Democrats are really good at even if they can’t deliver Biden’s agenda.
Hypocrisy Update December 11, 2021:
#135: authoritarian White House defends our democracy from authoritarianism
The Biden administration has strayed so far into its arrogant liberal wonderland that authoritarianism is now a vehicle for strengthening American democracy. A December 8, 2021 press release ignored the White House’s authoritarian leanings and instead boasted actions to repair a nation that was doing pretty well before Biden and his radical crew got their dictatorial mitts on it:
The Administration has also advanced a broad range of actions to repair the fabric of our democracy, from bolstering workers’ rights and unions, an essential bulwark of democratic societies, to combating domestic violent extremism.287
Unions are an essential bulwark of Democrat Party funding, but democracy? As far as violent extremism is concerned, any good Democrat will tell you that it’s only a problem for the right.
A number of decidedly non-democratic actions were left out of Biden’s press release. There was no mention of sending Merrick Garland’s DOJ to do the NEA’s bidding and pursue parents who pay for schools and wish to have a voice in their children’s
education. The White House was silent on the president’s failed authoritarian vaccine mandate. There wasn’t a word about witch hunter Nancy Pelosi’s targeting of prominent Trump administration officials as part of her January 6th Select Committee proceedings. The press release was silent on forcing Americans to accept illegals the administration dumps into their communities.
Need I go on? Biden is an autocrat and democracy is a casualty, not a priority. We can’t trust anything we hear from him and we can’t believe anyone in his administration. Just consider the first sentence of the fact sheet on the president’s efforts to restore and strengthen democracy:
From the first day in office and every day since, the Biden-Harris Administration has taken decisive action to restore and strengthen American democracy, from cracking down on corruption and promoting transparency to taking critical steps to ensure the federal government works for every American — no matter what they look like or where they live.288
One of his examples of fighting corruption is restoring the independence of the Department of Justice, presumably so it has more leeway to investigate Americans whose only crime is not supporting Democrat Party authoritarianism and CRT in their schools.
There is nothing remotely transparent about the “Biden-Harris” administration. How many times have you seen the back of Joe’s head as he walks away without taking questions from the press? How many times has he contradicted himself because either no one in the White House is in charge or he hasn’t been briefed on the newest lies?
Best of all, do you feel like the federal government is working for you? If you are a conservative the White House and the House and Senate majorities hate everything you represent. The “Biden-Harris Administration” would happily sew your mouth shut, reeducate your kids, and shut you down so you can never vote for Donald Trump or put any Republican in the White House if they could figure out a way to get away with it now that the House’s pro-Democrat voting rights bill is DOA at the Senate door.
Democracy is just a word the Biden White House exploits for the suckers who can be convinced that authoritarianism is a prerequisite for democracy. At this point the best thing we can do to restore and strengthen American democracy is vote Democrats out of Congress in November 2022 and throw the Biden-Harris Administration to the curb in 2024. Then we can begin to restore what America’s founders intended. Authoritarianism was not part of their plan.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.