Government hypocrisy update January 31, 2022:
#142: Equity for all? How is that possible?
In today’s “Presidential Proclamation on National Black History Month” Joe Biden repeated a line he’s used more than once to remind us that America doesn’t measure up:
Our Nation was founded on an idea: that all of us are created equal and deserve to be treated with equal dignity throughout our lives. It is a promise we have never fully lived up to but one that we have never, ever walked away from.306
The president says that America was founded on equality, but he doesn’t believe in it. Biden promotes equity. He doesn’t seem to understand the difference:
But by facing those tragedies openly and honestly and working together as one people to deliver on America’s promise of equity and dignity for all, we become a stronger Nation — a more perfect version of ourselves.307
His equity for all is deceptive. It doesn’t mean equality and it doesn’t mean everybody. It means favoring some and not others, as in the FDA and New York state’s race-based guidance for deciding who gets lifesaving COVID drugs. You can’t have equity for all unless you are referring to those favored and those left out or punished by race-based preferential treatment.
By the end of his proclamation Biden concludes that equal equity is what we want:
Let us continue to fight for the equity, opportunity, and dignity to which every Black American is due in equal measure.308
Looks like we’ll have to wait a while to fulfill that promise of equality and equal dignity we were founded on. Since much of what this administration seeks to do is based on keeping inequality alive, so don’t expect that to be a big problem for the White House.
Government hypocrisy update February 7, 2022:
#143: Pelosi condemns China’s cowardice, tells Olympic athletes to shut up, and sits on her hands with fellow Democrats over the 900,000 Americans dead from the Chinese virus.
When it comes to feeble protests it’s hard to beat Nancy Pelosi’s hypocrisy over the winter Olympics. The games offered her a chance to grab some face time in a press conference condemning China’s treatment of the Uyghurs:
But, the United States and the international community know the truth: the People’s Republic of China is perpetrating a campaign of gross human rights violations, including genocide. Over the next two weeks, it is our urgent moral duty to shine a bright light on the many human rights violations being perpetrated by the host nation.309
That bright light didn’t extend to the American athletes who Pelosi warned to keep quiet because of big, bad China:
I would say to our athletes, ‘You’re there to compete. Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government, because they are ruthless.’310
After advising fear and cowardice she criticized the fear and cowardice of others:
So, I would just say to the business community – and to those who are afraid, as they demonstrate their cowardice vis-a-vis the Chinese government and the cowardice of the government — they’re afraid of your values, your courage.311
How about our government’s values? Do they reflect bravery and courage? 900,000 Americans are dead from a highly suspicious, endlessly inventive virus from China that Democrats condemned Donald Trump for calling the “Chinese Virus.” We still don’t know COVID-19’s origins or what China knows and has never shared with the world. As we approach a landmark one million Americans killed by this virus, where is the bravery and moral authority from Democrats who rule the House, Senate, and White House? They are too busy investigating Republicans, Donald Trump, conservative Americans, white supremacists, and parents to bother with China.
All of this is lost on Pelosi. The speaker rambled on about cowardice from the safety of her stump:
What I see is the cowardice of the Chinese government. The cowardice of their actions, to take actions against family members because you are speaking out in other places, as some of you have mentioned. The cowardice of the business community, not to be able to have confidence in their ability to compete but to fold to the Chinese government without speaking out.312
Glass houses are risky places for hypocrites. The Chinese government sees the cowardice of the Biden administration and congressional Democrats despite a death toll that is more than twice the number of lives America lost in WWII. Hypocrite Pelosi speaks of moral authority over challenging human rights violations in China, but when it comes to the lives lost here at home it’s much safer and more politically expedient to investigate Americans and a former president for political reasons than to risk the wrath of our most dangerous adversary.
Government hypocrisy update February 10, 2022:
#144: Democrats propose a bill to protect the global LGBTQI+ community, but they forget to protect the people they represent.
Yesterday the House passed the Global Respect Act. The bill denies visas to individuals who violate the human fights of LGBTQI+ people in other nations. It also requires the president and State Department to keep a list and monitor the bad actors overseas. Good luck with that, Joe.
The bill was introduced by Rhode Island Democratic Rep. David Cicilline:
This bill protects LGBTQI+ people from murder and torture and makes clear that abusers cannot act without consequence. This reaffirms America’s longstanding commitment to human rights.313
With Joe Biden at the helm protecting America there is no reason for anyone from another country to worry about consequences for anything. If a foreign national can’t get a visa all they need to do is walk across the border and into the loving arms of the U.S. government. While Cicilline and his House colleagues who passed this bill worry about the LGBTQI+ community they don’t seem concerned in the least about who they are allowing into America illegally or who is murdering people in our cities because Democrats believe that law enforcement is a matter of racial equity and not respect for the rule of law.
It’s an ironic coincidence that the winter Olympics were taking place in China while Democrats voted for the Global Respect Act. We sent our athletes to compete despite the ongoing Uyghur genocide, China’s fentanyl production for the U.S. addict market, and the growing worldwide death toll from COVID-19. China is responsible for all of these abuses and knows there will be no consequences from the Biden White House.
While the U.S. honors China by attending the games and countless illegals from around the world step across our border without that visa this legislation threatens to revoke, Democrats in the House occupy themselves by investigating the moral and ethical values of people in other places that are none of our business. This is a colossal waste of time, but it does give them an excuse to applaud their efforts while they don’t do anything to protect the people they are paid to represent.
Government hypocrisy update February 15, 2022:
#145: if we don’t need police then we don’t need gun violence legislation.
Half-bright loudmouth Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) complains:
The criminal justice system in the U.S. is broken, fraught with institutional racism, over-policing, and lack of accountability.314
Nothing speaks to lack of accountability like a Democrat who demands gun control laws out of one side of her mouth and defunding the police out of the other.
If we don’t need cops, then there must not be a gun violence problem.
Ocasio-Cortez credits herself for introducing:
legislation to end over-policing and over-surveilling of Black and brown communities, and to re-imagine public safety.315
She joined colleagues to pass an amendment that defunded Trump’s Operation Legend and Operation Relentless Pursuit because Democrats didn’t like federal law enforcement interfering with the peaceful protesters they defended during the 2020 riots.316
Now we’re reaping the benefits of all that hard work and inflammatory rhetoric demanding we put cops in their place and make nice to criminals. Instead of taking responsibility for the blood on their hands, Democrats are trying to pin the blame anywhere they can except themselves.
Pelosi uses children to push her party’s false narrative on gun violence.
When Nancy Pelosi has nothing left to make her case she uses children. Who can say no to saving kids?
Democrats can. They do it every day. For proof, look to the kids shot in Chicago and other cities where Democrats set the rules.
Pelosi used the anniversary of the Parkland school shooting to promote House background check legislation:
Yet, even now, an average of 106 people are shot and killed across the United States every day – including 5 precious children. That is why House Democrats have taken action to save lives and keep weapons out of dangerous hands, passing the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and the Enhanced Background Checks Act: commonsense bills that will prevent violent offenders from circumventing background checks and close the Charleston loophole.317
This isn’t the first time Pelosi has confused effort with results. Partisan House bills she takes credit for are not action. They are pieces of paper passed by majority Democrats that die in the Senate.
What Pelosi didn’t talk about and Democrats rarely do is the scourge of gun violence happening nationwide on their watch. Look at Chicago. Look at New York. Look at St. Louis. Look at Los Angeles.
Do I need to keep going?
Progressive politicians’ delusion that guns somehow manage to fire themselves or that gang members and convicted felons will go through the proper administrative channels to register their weapons before they commit a crime makes for good, preachy press releases and more of Pelosi’s precious children dead in the street.
The Parkland shooting was abhorrent, an unbelievable tragedy that has little in common with the day to day gun violence Pelosi and her ilk try to drag under their gun violence catchall. If Republicans ran the big, liberal cities where black and brown children are shot every single day Democrats would be screaming genocide. Instead, since the deaths are on their watch the problem is pieces of paper sitting in the Senate chambers while criminals with lengthy arrest records roam the streets so Ocasio-Cortez won’t blame America for over-surveilling black and brown communities.
Government hypocrisy update February 19, 2022:
#146: who would know better how to make Biden’s COVID-19 test kits than the country responsible for over 900,000 American deaths?
On January 19, 2022 the Biden Administration announced the debut of its Made in America Council. Coincidentally, just five days before the White House had announced the purchase of one billion COVID-19 test kits that would be available to order on January 19.318 This was a wonderful opportunity for the president’s new council to live up to its mission:
The goal of the Council is simple: advance our Made in America goals by creating a regular forum and community for agencies to collaborate as they work to strengthen the use of Federal procurement and Federal financial assistance to increase reliance on domestic supply chains and reduce the need for waivers over time.319
Biden got a pat on the back, too for backing U.S. businesses:
From Day One, President Biden has made clear that when the Federal Government spends taxpayer dollars, it should support American workers and businesses.320
My COVID test kits arrived in the mail yesterday. I was already suspicious where they were made and I was right:
It wasn’t enough for our government to let China off scot free after releasing a virus that, by accident or design, killed over 900,000 Americans. U.S. taxpayers also have to help our adversary turn a profit from our loss.
Government hypocrisy update February 24, 2022:
#147: why Democrats who won’t defend democracy in America demand we defend democracy in Ukraine.
With its lawless, open border mandated by Joe Biden’s immigration agenda Texas is the perfect state for a hypocritical Democrat to rhapsodize about our obligation to defend democracy in Ukraine:
I stand with Ukraine. In my Democratic district deep in the heart of Texas, I have only a few Ukrainian Americans, but I have so many neighbors, who believe in freedom. That’s what is at stake now—defending freedom or yielding to aggression. A special salute to all, who gather today to stand for democracy, for self-determination, for the Ukrainian people, and against Russian aggression.321
That was from Rep. Lloyd Doggett. This is how he feels about Governor Greg Abbott protecting our democracy by resurrecting Trump’s wall to restrict the flood of illegals invading our nation:
There never has been and never will be a constructive purpose served by Trump’s ideologically motivated, wasteful, destructive wall.322
Doggett and his fellow Democrats only value democracy when it can be perverted to their needs. In this case that means ending American sovereignty and flooding the nation with illegal foreign nationals they hope to one day grant citizenship and the right to vote for Democrats.
Adam Schiff (D-CA) relied on falsehoods and disinformation about Donald Trump conspiring with Russia to undermine our democracy and sway voter opinion. When it comes to democracy in Ukraine, Schiff insists:
We must meet this challenge to democracy head-on, and stand with Ukraine.323
As you hear Democrats’ pleas to defend Ukraine’s democracy in the days and weeks to come do not forget how they show their support here at home:
This is the party that is intent on turning Homeland Security and the FBI into a clandestine, anti-conservative secret police force.
This is the party that threatened parents who want to be involved in their children’s schools.
This is the party that holds Americans involved in the January 6 riot pending trial while violent criminals walk free with no cash bail.
This is the party that gave a pass to Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists because race and identity politics take precedence over public safety, the small businesses that were destroyed, and the common good.
This is the party that tried to put our elections under federal control to ensure Democrat Party hegemony.
This is the party that believes ending American sovereignty with open borders is a virtue.
This is the party with a progressive climate agenda that inflicts pain on the American people and made it easier for Putin to launch an attack that will cause us even more pain.
Democrats toss out “democracy” whenever they seek popular support or wish to demonize Republicans even if it has no relevance whatsoever to the situation at hand. In this case, our involvement with the war in Ukraine is about democracy because they hope the American people who will suffer the economic fallout will believe this new lie that we are striking a blow for democracy.
We are not doing anything of the kind. If Democrats were interested in democracy they wouldn’t be doing what they are doing here at home and they would not be trying so hard to divert our attention away from their disastrous policies by appealing to a value their hypocrisy proves they have no respect for.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.