Hypocrisy update March 19, 2023:
#228: Our tough guy president protects America from you.
Our president is a tough guy. He talks tough and doesn’t take any guff from reporters or many questions, for that matter. Biden once challenged a heckler to a push up contest. He even stood up to vicious hoodlum Corn Pop because that’s who Joe Biden is. With enemies in both hemispheres and an invasion across our southern border testing our resolve, he’s the kind of no-nonsense tough guy we need to stand up for America. So who is he protecting us from?
Our tough guy president protects America from you
Expensive gasoline is good for us
The president is adept at protecting America from Americans like you and me who don’t know what’s good for us. That’s why he worked so hard with Democrats to raise prices and skyrocket inflation. It was time we learned our lesson. There was no other way to protect us from climate threats like cheap gasoline and heating fuel that threaten our survival. When you’re still around in five or ten years, thank Joe Biden.
More crime reflects America’s values
Most of us don’t appreciate how social justice values make it smart to deny law-abiding Americans safety, security, and police protection. Creating more crime to atone for past wrongs is a complicated concept best left to Democrats and local officials who know better than we do why this is a good thing.
The White House also understands why eliminating any pretense of a secure, sovereign border is an endorsement of what we value as a nation of immigrants and not a stupid, reckless, dangerous sop to the Democrat Party as Republicans warn. That’s why it’s so important for us to understand that a secure border is not a sacrosanct boundary that deters foreign nationals from walking into America whenever they want to stake their claim. It means we’re protected from those who would violate our values and refuse to give America away to anyone who asks. Doesn’t make sense? That’s why this is another decision best left to wiser brains than ours who truly understand what it means to protect America.
Protecting America’s soul from Americans comes first
Yes, America has a soul. To protect the Soul of America our president was forced to call out Republicans for the Trump-loving, semi-fascist, dangerous right-wing political scum they are, conservative radicals so extreme that they even object to sexually-charged drag queen events designed especially for children. Why would anyone who values the Soul of America object to that?
The Biden administration even protects us from domestic terrorists who threaten our classrooms because they think that taxpaying parents should know what is taught to their kids. Fortunately, our liberal security state has our back. That’s why it’s so important that the government also filters the news and information we receive to make sure it’s safe for public consumption and we only get the important truths we really need to know. How else will we be able to separate dangerous disinformation like the Hunter Biden laptop tale and our president’s alleged compromising financial dealings with China and Russia from legitimate threats like the Trump collusion with Russia that Democrats warned about for years?
Who else do we need to be protected from besides each other?
With so much effort devoted to protecting America from Americans, it’s a wonder that our government can still protect us from our global adversaries. It’s true that keeping our enemies in line is a much larger challenge. Standing up to Russia’s attack on a U.S. drone, for instance, required decisive action to show American strength and resolve. Karine Jean-Pierre made it clear exactly where we stand:
Well, look, a couple of things there. And we’ve been clear, the Pentagon has been clear, my colleagues at NSC has been clear as well: The actions by Russian pilots in international airspace were reckless and dangerous. We have raised those concerns directly with Russian leadership. And we will continue to exercise our rights in international airspace.625
Okay, it’s not quite up to Soul of America semi-fascism attack standards, but this is Russia and not the American people. Perhaps the White House is using Barack Obama’s red line in Syria to guide this overwhelming response?
Our proxy war against Russia is just part of the big picture. China’s relentless attacks on our homeland including the spy balloon circus, the Wuhan COVID-19 coverup, and the fentanyl continuously shipped across our border to kill Americans are genuinely dangerous threats that require real leadership. That’s why after the spy balloon incident our president showed Xi Jinping in no uncertain terms that America is no patsy for the CCP:
And then we shot it down, sending a clear message — clear message: The violation of our sovereignty is unacceptable.
We will act to protect our country, and we did.626
All Xi needs to do is look at whatever images he has collected of our southern border and he’ll know without a doubt how much America’s commander in chief values our sovereignty. It’s also reassuring to know that our allies will stick up for us if we drop the ball:
We briefed our diplomatic partners and our allies around the world, and we know about China’s program and where their balloons have flown.
Some of them have also raised their concerns directly with China. 627
President Biden is a busy man, so it’s reassuring to know that after the latest ICBM launch from North Korea we have his national security team to demand we “engage in serious dialogue.” When it comes to international threats, serious dialogue is the best kind. In fact,
The United States will take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the American homeland and Republic of Korea and Japanese allies. 628
That assumes, of course, that the homeland is already secured against threats from Americans. That takes a lot of hard work, but as you can see this White House is up to the task. If you think the steady schedule of DNC fundraisers the president and vice president attend are just about raising campaign money, consider these resolute foreign policy remarks from Kamala Harris at a New Jersey DNC fundraiser last week:
And I also talk about the fact that we, in many ways, are living in unsettled times, where we see a war in Europe, in terms of Ukraine; where we see, most recently, the highest court in our land, the United States Supreme Court, which just took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of America, from the women of America; where we see attacks on voting rights in our own backyards. Issues that we thought were well settled. 629
Leave it to our vice president to talk about complex issues in a way that helps us understand. Who would have thought that thermonuclear Armageddon has something in common with protecting abortion and voting rights?
The big brains in the Biden administration can connect the dots in this dangerously complicated, unsettled world and America is all the better for it. That’s why it’s so important to protect us from people like you and me who can’t comprehend how great a job our government is doing. In fact, it’s such a complicated issue that if we didn’t know better we might accuse the president of being a hypocrite for talking tough about protecting America and only displaying the courage to attack our own people because he has other interests at heart that pay off a lot better. Shame on us. We are the real hypocrites for demanding that tough guy and Commander in Chief Biden protect America from our opponents without realizing that the only threat that matters is us.
Hypocrisy Update March 23, 2023:
#229: White House FIVE-ALARM FIRE Meltdown attack against Republicans is Biden hypocrisy at its best.
The White House launched a telling attack this morning with an absurdist press release that screams in all caps “FIVE ALARM FIRE: The House Freedom Caucus’ Extreme Budget Proposal Hurts Seniors:”
The extreme MAGA Republican House Freedom Caucus has made their priorities clear: imposing devastating cuts that would hurt seniors and increasing costs for working- and middle-class families, all to protect and extend tax breaks skewed to the wealthy and big corporations.630
Whoever writes this drivel for the president needs to come up with a new label for Republicans instead of beating us over the head with “extreme MAGA” because it’s the only ammunition the White House has to support its disastrous economic agenda. Like accusing Americans of racism, it loses its impact after the first few hundred iterations.
The FIVE ALARM FIRE warning resorts to “extreme MAGA” nine times, so presumably our fear of Trump is calculated to override what Democrats and the Biden economic agenda have done to America and the most economically vulnerable, in particular.
The administration ignores or denies outright the massive inflation and price increases it created for life-saving essentials like food and heating fuel. The White House prefers to blame Republicans while threatening Americans with an alleged GOP “largest Medicare benefit cut in decades”631 by repealing the pork barrel, climate-obsessed Inflation Reduction Act.
The FIVE ALARM FIRE turns out to be much ado about nothing. A proposal to increase wait times for Social Security disability benefits ignores the fact that Social Security was meant to be a safety net retirement plan, not a disability plan that begs for fraud and abuse. The White House claims that extreme MAGA Republicans will “rob seniors of healthy meals.” When was the last time Biden’s propaganda staff was honest about the history of the CPI for food since our radical left president took over?
The FIVE-ALARM FIRE concludes with the threat that not paying for Housing Choice Vouchers for 100,000 households will “put seniors across the country at greater risk of homelessness.”632 According to HUD, the program helps:
very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market.633
These are the groups most damaged by the high cost of living in Joe Biden’s America.
The Biden economy puts Americans across the country at greater risk for destitution. All the propaganda in the world won’t cover up the simple fact that the FIVE ALARM FIRE the administration started on January 20, 2021 is still burning and the only thing that will stop it is some economic sanity from the extreme MAGA Republicans we are supposed to fear above all other things.
UPDATE March 24, 2023:
#230: Biden administration issues dire warning about Republican plans to weaken America’s national security.
Yesterday we were threatened with a MAGA Republican budgetary FIVE-ALARM FIRE replete with warnings that life in America would get very expensive and very difficult if we didn’t submit to the president’s new budget proposal. The Biden administration’s track record with the economy suggests otherwise, but this is a propaganda war, not a discussion of facts.
This morning we have another all caps FIVE-ALARM FIRE press release with a different warning:
FIVE-ALARM FIRE: The House Freedom Caucus’ Extreme Budget Proposal Weakens Our National Security
We have to give the White House credit for hubris, at the very least. After the border catastrophe, the balloon fiasco, Russia’s drone takedown, the deception about our president and his family’s financial dealings with our adversaries, the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster, and a new, never-ending war in Ukraine, it’s hard to imagine what Republicans could do to endanger our national security more than the Biden administration already has.
Inexplicably, the argument isn’t just about national security. It’s also about domestic social insurance:
That’s in sharp contrast with the President’s Budget, which invests in America, lowers costs for families, protects and strengthens Medicare and Social Security, and reduces the deficit by $3 trillion over 10 years, while ensuring no one making less than $400,000 per year pays a penny more in new taxes.635
The threats about a Freedom Caucus budget proposal that “will be a disaster for families in at least five key ways” include endangering public safety, another domestic policy issue. If there is a way to make our cities less safe than they are now short of emptying America’s jails to the streets thanks to the Democrat Party’s anti-police agenda, I’d like to hear it.
The White House claims the Freedom Caucus budget will:
Undermine Military Readiness
Damage Efforts to Deter China
Set Back the Navy and the Air Force
Weakening Our Economic Competitiveness with China636
The White House has already accomplished these things and undermined our security in such a calculated fashion that it speaks to agenda and not unfortunate happenstance. That doesn’t deter the Biden administration from threatening us with what has already happened:
The extreme MAGA Republican House Freedom Caucus proposal will be a five-alarm fire for families—including by weakening our national security with drastic cuts.637
Families that can’t afford to put food on the table, pay their rent, heat and cool their homes, and fill their cars to get to work probably aren’t losing sleep over our economic competitiveness with China. If by chance they are immersed in trending White House budgetary propaganda, how many are deluded enough to believe this administration will make us more secure from domestic or international threats given the series of America last crises we have already suffered? Look to Biden’s rock bottom 38% approval rating for your answer.
Hypocrisy update March 28, 2023:
#231: Let them eat ice cream? The other reason the president’s witless remarks should anger and disgust every American.
Like many Americans, I was shocked and disgusted that our president kicked off his comments about the Nashville school shooting with laughter about his designer ice cream habit:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. My name is Joe Biden. (Laughter.) I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband. (Laughter.) And I eat Jeni’s Ice Cream, chocolate chip. (Laughter.) I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream. (Laughter.)
By the way, I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. (Laughter.) You think I’m kidding, I’m not.638
Biden shares his love for luxe ice cream with Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who boasted her love for the same brand in front of a very expensive freezer while Americans were suffering Democrat Party lockdowns during the early months of the COVID pandemic.
We will never have a better example of how disconnected our liberal political elites are from the people whose lives they destroy in the name of representative government. While the CPI for food soars, the president repeatedly pats himself on the back for his economic triumphs and how he is making life better with what he calls “breathing room” for working and middle class families.
Biden’s arrogance and witless boasting about his freezer full of costly ice cream while America struggles to make ends meet because of the price increases his party and administration created with their Green New Deal, spend and tax economy is an absolutely appalling example of the hypocrisy of our liberal, socialist-leaning government.
Our president doesn’t care about anything except power and politics. That’s why his remarks about the Nashville shooting were subordinated to bragging about his favorite ice cream while Americans are buying theirs in the largest, cheapest mass market tubs they can find if they can afford this nonessential treat at all.
Six deaths in Nashville are just talking points in canned, scripted White House remarks that show how little Biden cares about anyone or anything but himself, his presidency, and his 2024 campaign. When the time arrived to show support for Americans, jokes about ice cream came first.
Shocking and inappropriate: president jokes again after Covenant School shootings.
It seems that none of our president’s caretakers had the nerve to tell him that joking about a mass shooting incident is inappropriate even if it can’t be used to leverage the threat of white supremacy or racism or anti-LGBTQwhatever. This flippant exchange came right on the heels of Monday’s shockingly inappropriate jokes about ice cream:
Q Sir, do you believe — sir, do you believe that Christians were targeted in the Nashville school shooting? Do you believe that Christians were targeted?
THE PRESIDENT: I — I have no idea.
Q Josh Hawley believes they were. What do you say to that?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I probably don’t then.
Q Probably don’t then.
THE PRESIDENT: No, I — I’m joking. No, I have no idea.639
He’s not joking and we all know it. Deaths that challenge radical left Democrat orthodoxy, whether from shootings in a Christian school or the fentanyl the administration allows across our border, don’t matter to the Biden White House so they are best made light of.
Hypocrisy update March 30, 2023:
#232: United States Strategy on Countering Corruption reeks of White House hypocrisy.
If I was President Biden, I would think twice about boasting my strategy to combat corruption until after the 2024 election. While it’s true that America’s Democratic Party machine, our liberal media, and Big Tech monopolies work perfectly in sync to protect the White House and left-wing politicians in general, sooner or later there is a limit to what they can misconstrue, deflect, and cover up.
No matter how strong the left’s seemingly impenetrable firewall around the Oval Office, the revelations emerging from House Republican investigations will, like Hunter Biden’s deep-sixed smoking gun laptop, become too overwhelming to ignore:
After receiving a $3 million dollar payout from a Chinese energy company two months after Vice President Biden left office, Rob Walker then sent over a million dollars in incremental payments to Biden family accounts and a similar amount to another Biden family associate. These records reveal that the three parties likely all received a third of the money from China and it is unclear what services were provided in return.640
Democrats do not care what the president does or may be guilty of as long as they hold power. So extreme are their efforts to ignore and discredit any investigation of Biden corruption that Trump-Russia collusion hoaxer Jamie Raskin (D-MD) continues to engage in the politically-motivated persecution of former President Trump and his family while his party vociferously defends their president.
If we had an honest and ethical Washington, Raskin’s comments about “foreign government payments” to Trump in a letter to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) would be part of a Saturday Night Live comedy routine:
Yet I fear your actions may also reveal that your priority is catering to former President Trump’s demands that Congressional Republicans use our Committee’s power to seek any and all information that could be used to politically weaken and embarrass President Biden, his family, or, seemingly, anyone they have ever associated with, in service of President Trump’s recently announced bid to recapture the presidency,” wrote Ranking Member Raskin.641
With the tripartite Democrat Party-media-Big Tech protection racket in full force, the White House apparently doesn’t see any hypocrisy and certainly no risk in promoting the president’s “United States Strategy on Countering Corruption.”
We have taken significant action to align U.S. government authorities and policy and to increase intra- and inter-agency coordination to counter corruption threats.642
Presumably, Mexican government officials, Chinese labs, and cartels making enormous profits with human smuggling and fentanyl sales thanks to the White House-Democrat Party open borders agenda are not included in Biden’s corruption policy:
We have acted to address vulnerabilities in the U.S. and international financial systems that corrupt actors exploit to launder and hide corrupt payments and proceeds.643
Most important, the president will be wholly and hypocritically exempt from the ethical standards this anti-corruption policy imposes on others:
We have taken decisive measures to hold corrupt actors accountable through both independent and coordinated action with our international partners.644
With growing allegations of compromise and corruption at the highest level of U.S. government, why would any of our international partners do anything but laugh at a Biden anti-corruption strategy that reeks of government hypocrisy as proof grows that America’s president is emblematic of the problem he wants credit for addressing?
Evidence obtained by Committee Republicans reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. The Biden family business model is built on Joe Biden’s political career and connections with Joe Biden as the ‘chairman of the board.’ Biden family members sold access for profit around the world to the detriment of American interests.645
625”Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.” whitehouse.gov. March 16, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2023/03/16/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-20/, retrieved March 18, 2023.
626“Remarks by President Biden on the United States’ Response to Recent Aerial Objects.” whitehouse.gov. February 16, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/02/16/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-united-states-response-to-recent-aerial-objects/, retrieved March 17, 2023.
628“Statement by NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s ICBM Test.” whitehouse.gov. March 15, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/03/15/statement-by-nsc-spokesperson-adrienne-watson-on-the-democratic-peoples-republic-of-koreas-icbm-test-3/, retrieved March 16, 2023.
629“Remarks by Vice President Harris at a Democratic National Committee Finance Event.” whitehouse.gov. March 15, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/03/15/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-at-a-democratic-national-committee-finance-event-5/, retrieved March 16, 2023.
630“FIVE-ALARM FIRE: The House Freedom Caucus’ Extreme Budget Proposal Hurts Seniors.” whitehouse.gov. March 23, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/03/23/five-alarm-fire-the-house-freedom-caucus-extreme-budget-proposal-hurts-seniors/, retrieved March 23, 2023.
634”Housing Choice Vouchers Fact Sheet.” HUD.gov. https://www.hud.gov/topics/housing_choice_voucher_program_section_8, retrieved March 3, 2023.
635“FIVE-ALARM FIRE: The House Freedom Caucus’ Extreme Budget Proposal Weakens Our National Security.” whitehouse.gov. March 24, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/03/24/five-alarm-fire-the-house-freedom-caucus-extreme-budget-proposal-weakens-our-national-security/, retrieved March 24, 2023.
638“Remarks by President Biden at the SBA Women’s Business Summit.” whitehouse.gov. March 27, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/03/27/remarks-by-president-biden-at-the-sba-womens-business-summit/, retrieved March 28, 2023.
639“Remarks by President Biden After Marine One Arrival.” whitehouse.gov. March 28, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/03/28/remarks-by-president-biden-after-marine-one-arrival-19/, retrieved March 30, 2023.
640“Comer Requests Transcribed Interview with Key Biden Family Associate.” oversight.house.gov. March 17, 2023. https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-requests-transcribed-interview-with-key-biden-family-associate/, retrieved March 30, 2023.
641“Raskin Releases New Information Suggesting Coordination Between Committee Republicans and Trump Attorneys to Block Evidence of Foreign Government Payments to President Trump.” oversightdemocrats.house.gov. March 13, 2023.
https://oversightdemocrats.house.gov/news/press-releases/raskin-releases-new-information-suggesting-coordination-between-committee, retrieved March 30, 2023.
642“FACT SHEET: Implementing the United States Strategy on Countering Corruption: Accomplishments and Renewed Commitment in the Year of Action.” whitehouse.gov. March 30, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/03/29/fact-sheet-implementing-the-united-states-strategy-on-countering-corruption-accomplishments-and-renewed-commitment-in-the-year-of-action/, retrieved March 30, 2023.
645”Biden Family Investigation.” oversight.house.gov. https://oversight.house.gov/landing/biden-family-investigation/, retrieved March 30, 2032.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.