Hypocrisy Update September 11, 2021:
#116: far left Democrats are hypocrites who have no right to commemorate September 11
The commemoration of the 20th anniversary of September 11 is about an attack by Islamic terrorists that killed nearly 3,000 Americans. It is not about Islamophobia or hate crimes. It’s not about punishment for our imperialist behavior. Nothing justifies what happened on that day. So why are the media and left wing politicians choosing to honor the victims and survivors of 9/11 by rubbing America’s nose in their hypocritical propaganda about hate in America?
The media and far-left politicians are using September 11 to further their narrative that racial and ethnic hate are flourishing in the U.S., as if terrorists murdering thousands was somehow lessened because of bad behavior on the part of America.
Democrats speak of post-9/11 Islamophobia as if the opportunity to tarnish our respect for that day 20 years ago was just too good to let slip by.
Sadly, there were attacks on people who looked Middle Eastern, wore turban or hijabs or tradition clothing. A cab driver was severely assaulted. Women expressed being fearful of taking their children to school. 227
The media was there to back them up. I have yet to hear a mainstream news story that didn’t quickly segue from the terror attack to anti-Muslim hate. Democrats blame Americans for hate every day of the year. This was one day they could have given it a rest.
By far the most hate-ridden, hypocritical gesture was a congressional resolution announced on September 10, 2021 by Representatives Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Ilhan “some people did something” Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Judy Chu (D-CA):
The resolution puts forward a series of recommendations to support those affected by the hateful profiling and targeting that has occurred during the 20 years since the September 11 attack. 228
It’s beyond reprehensible that these four congresswomen would choose the day before the September 11 anniversary to issue their propaganda piece. They condemn America for a “climate of hate”.229 after 9/11 despite Tlaib and Omar’s history of anti-Semitic remarks that were met with tacit acceptance by members of their party.
We are importing an untold number of Afghan nationals who are Muslim. They will be supported by U.S. taxpayers whose non-hateful generosity will never be acknowledged by the far left. Instead, Democrats will find every anecdotal account of bad treatment towards these refugees that they can find to feed their narrative of what a hateful place our country is. Don’t believe a word of it. This is about the far left politics of divisiveness and discord. What’s is important about September 11 is how we came together after the terror attacks and still support those afflicted by the aftermath. We honor this day because of American greatness, not because we need to atone to Democrats who stake their claim to America being a refuge for hate that no one who isn’t wealthy and white would ever want to live in.
Hypocrisy Update September 15, 2021:
#117: declaring Mexico and Central America major drug producing countries
The August 31, 2021 update explored the hypocrisy behind Joe Biden’s National Overdose Awareness Week proclamation. We can never have enough government hypocrisy, so the president pushed the envelope even further:
I hereby identify the following countries as major drug transit or major illicit drug producing countries: Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Burma, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.230
Many of the countries on his list are also major illegal immigrant-producing countries. The White House tends to ignore or lie about whatever truths makes it look bad, so don’t expect administration officials to make any connection between Biden policies, drugs, and illegals.
Lucky for us Kamala Harris is on the job. Our vice president has already announced $310 million more in aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras for “humanitarian relief and to address food insecurity.”231
Sounds like the drug traffickers are keeping the profits all to themselves. That’s too bad, since business seems to be booming. Perhaps we can persuade them to be more generous as a condition of more U.S. financial support. We negotiated with the “professional” Taliban, so I don’t think anything is off the table.
Hypocrisy Update September 17, 2021:
#118: First Amendment protest defiles our nation’s purpose.
It’s funny how arson and looting are peaceful protest, but exercising our First Amendment rights during Constitution Week are an “attempt to defile our national purpose.”232
That was part of the message House Speaker Pelosi sent to her colleagues as she spread fear about the planned September 18, 2021 “Justice for J6 Rally.” As per usual she gave far too much lip service to a Constitution her remarks show she has little respect for. She mentioned Constitution Day and then made it very clear how she feels about the First Amendment and tomorrow’s rally:
At the same time, there is a wish by some to continue the assault on the U.S. Capitol with misinformation and malice.233
If exercising the right to peacefully protest is “misinformation and malice,” where does that leave our democracy?
According to the speaker it leaves us with this week’s national purpose: reconciliation. Strong-arming socialism and amnesty for illegals is the only option Democrats have to go around lawmakers and Americans who don’t think that destroying our economy and defecating on everything that made America great is a prudent way to move forward.
This is government hypocrisy of the highest order. Pelosi has cleverly traded the threat of Americans exercising their First Amendment rights with the very real threat of Democrats destroying the world’s greatest economy. I don’t know about you, but I’m backing the Constitution.
Author’s note September 19, 2021: When it was over it was, in fact, a small and peaceful First Amendment protest with a strong Democrat Party police state presence. No buildings were burned. No businesses were destroyed. No car windows were smashed. No one was injured.
Sorry, Madame Speaker. I’m sure you hoped for better news.
Hypocrisy Update September 20, 2021:
#119: border overseers with whips aren’t treating migrants in accordance with the law
By now you’ve heard the story. Border Patrol agents are using whips against helpless migrants who only want the better life U.S. taxpayers are obligated to provide. Our media leeches are gleefully sucking on this one. The border crisis reflects so terribly on their support for Joe Biden that the only refuge left is that favorite standby, America’s history of racism.
On the very same day that DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas thanked the U.S. Border Patrol for its efforts during a catastrophe he dubbed “a critical migration challenge,”234 America’s left was lapping up this tasty story about immigration overseers with whips.
Jen Psaki was smart enough to not get mired down. When asked if this was an “appropriate tactic” because people were upset about the reports, she responded:
Yeah, understandably so. I — I’ve seen some of the footage. I don’t have the full context. I can’t imagine what context would make that appropriate. But I don’t have additional details.235
I can fill in that context for her in the unlikely event that media reports are accurate. Our country is being invaded. This is a desperate situation. We might as well call it warfare. The pictures of what Biden precipitated at the border are horrifying. By all appearances our government is doing nothing to stop it. Instead, lawmakers are arguing over legislation to turn illegals into citizens that will only make matters worse.
There is almost no conceivable action a Border Patrol agent could take in defense of our nation’s sovereignty that I would hold against them. They are obviously overwhelmed. No one from Washington is helping them.
Pelosi border hypocrisy x 2
Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi ignores the obvious, as if the Border Patrol is dealing with a manageable, orderly procession of foreigners with their hands out:
All migrants seeking asylum must be treated in accordance with the law and with basic decency. Any acts of aggression or violence cannot be tolerated and must be investigated.236
She conveniently disregards the fact that America’s laws are supposed to apply to everyone, even illegals and our ruling liberal elite who have a habit of ignoring their own tyrannical pandemic policies.
Pelosi’s next remark should be enough to push most Americans over the edge:
The situation facing Haitian migrants at the border is heartbreaking, and Congress will continue to closely monitor developments.237
The speaker’s press office must have been rolling on the floor when they wrote that. Monitor developments about the heartbreaking situation they created so they can do what? Make sure the numbers of refugees don’t start to decline before they can find a way to pass their amnesty bill?
Cackles Harris weighs in
The Hill reports that Vice President Harris also weighed in on the Border Patrol story, claiming that what she saw was “horrible”238 while declaring that we have a duty to “support”239 these individuals. Meanwhile, the Border Patrol agents forced to deal with this no-win scenario created by the Biden-Harris administration and the Democrat Party are about to be supported for defending our country by a withering attack from the left.
Harris might also consider donning a uniform and putting herself in the same shoes as our Border Patrol. This would test her ability to do something other than smirk, cackle, and cast blame. Is she really so arrogant that she thinks we don’t notice her failure to do anything about the border crisis except watch it get immeasurably worse for migrants, the American people and yes, our Border Patrol heroes?
Hypocrisy Update September 28, 2021:
#120: Biden administration puts a shackle on migrants of color?
During today’s press conference Jen Psaki answered a question about the 13,000 migrants the Biden administration admits letting in. She replied that placing these illegals in immigration proceedings doesn’t mean they get to stay in the U.S. According to the press secretary some are even fitted with ankle bracelets so we can keep track of them.
Her remark should shock the activist wing of the Democrat Party. The same Biden White House that attacked the Border Patrol for a debunked media story about using whips on migrants apparently puts a shackle on the ankles of people of color while they wait to be admitted to the U.S.? How many – thousands??
Democrats like to talk about how the foolish, irresponsible things they do are consistent with our values as Americans. I’d be curious to hear how they feel about this, since we all know what the reaction would be if this was the former administration: Trump puts leg irons on asylum-seekers of color.
Hypocrisy Update October 4, 2021:
#121: Biden blames Republicans for plotting against the economy
Joe Biden deserves applause for what may be the most hypocritical remark of 2021 made during a rant against Republicans over the debt ceiling:
A meteor is head to — is headed to crash into our economy. Democrats are willing to do all the work stopping it. Republicans just have to let us do our job; just get out of the way. 240
Getting out of the way is the reason Democrats are trying to block the infrastructure legislation Republicans were naive to help them pass. Biden’s reconciliation bill comes first.
Democrats have told themselves so many times that the price of ruining the economy is zero that they seem to believe it, even if it means a $6 trillion tab:
“Yeah, absolutely,” [Senator Bernie] Sanders said when asked whether Democrats are discussing going it alone on a proposal as big as $6 trillion. 241
Biden is more of a realist that radical socialist Sanders, so for now we’re threatened with a more manageable price tag of several trillion in radical agenda spending. After the predictable double-cross over infrastructure it’s no surprise Republicans refuse to buy into sharing the blame for a new debt ceiling with Democrats.
As usual, Biden played dumb to political reality. Instead, he played the hero:
If you don’t want to help save the country, get out of the way so you don’t destroy it. 242
Biden and his party don’t need the GOP’s help to ruin America. They need Republicans to help shoulder the guilt.
Hypocrisy Update October 15, 2021:
#122: Biden claims character counts
Today President Biden proclaimed October 17 – October 23, 2021 National Character Counts Week. He is either 110% lacking in self-awareness, trying out a standup routine, or his hubris is so extreme that he simply doesn’t care what he says to the American people.
I’m going with the third option. What else can we think after this derision-inducing statement from a president who campaigned on a promise to unify the country and now makes every effort to do the exact opposite?
Our actions have the power to create or destroy, to heal or to hurt, and to unify or divide. 243
Biden chose destroy, hurt, and divide. That doesn’t stop him from pontificating about why character matters:
As Americans, our individual character — the sum of qualities that defines who we are and how we treat one another — shapes the character of our Nation and shapes the world we leave for our children.244
The president treats America like dirt. He doesn’t even believe we deserve a border. His sum qualities left Americans behind in Afghanistan after his actions led to the deaths of 13 more U.S. service members. The nation he wants to leave for our children will be a poverty-ridden socialist hellhole wholly lacking in the national character that made America great before Biden got his hands on it.
Perhaps the presidential handlers forgot to point out how his administration’s nonstop lies and obfuscations designed to take advantage of the uninformed point to a complete absence of moral character. Instead, we got this:
Character is also revealed by our choices.245
At least Joe got that right.
Hypocrisy Update October 17, 2021:
#123: Alejandro, you’re doing a heck of a job.
You might not remember who Michael Brown is, but you probably remember this after Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans and President George W. Bush was on the hot seat:
“Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.
As per usual, Democrats were incensed:
Pallone also urged President Bush today to fire FEMA Director Michael Brown. Despite admitting last Friday that the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina was unacceptable, the president turned around later in the day and said “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.”245
They were pretty quiet after we heard the same thing from President Biden yesterday. He lavished praise on his Homeland Security secretary, former Obama DACA amnesty czar Alejandro Mayorkas:
To Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, thank you for being here and for the great job you’re doing for us. Thank you very, very much. And it’s a tough job.246
I don’t know what Biden means by “tough job.” Mayorkas opened our border wide in service to the Democrat Party and lies to the American people because he knows we can’t do anything to stop him:
We have reiterated that our borders are not open, and people should not make the dangerous journey.?Individuals and families are subject to border restrictions, including expulsion.247
Yes, U.S. law makes illegals “subject to expulsion.” That doesn’t mean we are doing that. Instead, on October 8 Mayorkas’ agency announced that we are terminating border wall contracts,248 perhaps in preparation to make entering the U.S. even easier for the next surge of migrants from all around the world.
Now we’re getting promises we have no reason to believe that remain in Mexico will be back in November. If Biden and Mayorkas wanted to solve the migration problem they would make every effort to do a “great job” now, before this disaster gets worse if that’s possible. Instead, they listen to half-bright ideologues like California Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard who advocates ignoring American sovereignty:
MPP was an inhumane policy that forced asylum seekers, including women and children, to wait in dangerous border cities, placing them in greater risk of exploitation by cartels and criminal organizations. The decision to rescind MPP is ultimately a policy decision that is squarely within the authority of the Biden Administration to make.249
“Great job” means that illegals come first and Americans last. Our job is to pay taxes, shut up, and fear surveillance from Mayorkas’ agency if we exercise our Constitutional right to speak out. Meanwhile, our DHS Secretary is doing a great job on our dime by changing the American demographic for wholly partisan reasons that hypocrite Biden is more than happy to commend.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.