Hypocrisy Update October 19, 2021:
#124: the president honors police his party calls brutal and racist
Thank Democrats for keeping quiet during the 40th Annual National Police Officers’ Memorial Service. Unless the police are saving their skins during an insurrection they already made it perfectly clear how they feel about our nation’s law enforcement professionals:
We have seen too many brutal videos of Black Americans being killed by police. These long overdue reforms will promote accountability and begin to change a culture of impunity that is pervasive in too many police departments.250
Biden’s party eagerly spread propaganda about police torture and brutality:
Our country is now witnessing the expected result of African-Americans being brutalized and dehumanized for centuries. Police have been accused of torturing and murdering African-Americans for a number of years usually with no consequence.251
Despite the left’s anti-police native the president stumbled through the 40th Annual National Peace Offers’ Memorial Service. After what sounded like a joke crediting DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for doing a “great job” he praised America’s heroes:
We expect you to be everything. We expect everything of you. And it’s beyond the capacity of anyone to meet the total expectations. Being a cop today is one hell of a lot harder than it’s ever been.252
Biden reminded us that “2020 was the deadliest year for law enforcement on record.”253 He never drew any connection between that sad fact and his party’s self-interested anti-policing propaganda. Democrats blamed Trump’s words for their Insurrection but they would never consider that calling America’s police brutal, racist murderers might have tragic consequences.
Neither did the president mention that the reasons the job is harder than ever include Democrat politicians in our cities who shackle law enforcement, pander to the public by attacking the police, and work with prosecutors who don’t lock up criminals.
As the symbolic, if not entirely coherent leader of his party Biden shares responsibility for America’s anti-police narrative and the legislative agenda that supports it. He is right about one thing:
We’re waking up to the notion that unless we change the environment in which the job can be done, we’re going to have trouble having enough women and men come forward to want to do that job. 254
Democrats demand maximum accountability and even personal liability for split-second, life-threatening situations that they will aggressively prosecute in the media and to their base if the suspect fits the proper color profile.
When Biden says “we’re going to have trouble” recruiting police officers, who is he talking about? He should have checked with his party. This is precisely the outcome Democrats want.
Hypocrisy Update October 27, 2021:
#125: Pelosi claims “we must never fail to combat bigotry” but fails to end House bigotry.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke of the evils of antisemitism today as she remembered the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting:
“Over the last several years, Jewish communities at home and abroad have suffered an alarming spike in antisemitism, from attacks in supermarkets and synagogues to the disturbing chants heard on the streets of Charlottesville. Sadly, these same dark forces of hatred have reached into many other communities as well, offering an urgent reminder that we must never fail to combat bigotry in all its ugly forms, wherever and whenever it arises.255
“Wherever” doesn’t include those dark forces reaching into Pelosi’s House. The speaker recycled Charlottesville but failed to mention the antisemitism in her own party.
Americans are no strangers to the anti-Semitic outbursts from members of the Democrats’ House Squad. On June 11, 2021 eight Republicans sent a letter to Pelosi detailing Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) record of antisemitism and her “Fueling anti-Semitic violence against Jewish communities by perpetuating false stereotypes and anti-Semitic tropes.”256 The GOP also pushed for passage of a House Resolution to censure Squad members:
A contributing factor in these tragedies [attacks on Jewish Americans] has been the rhetoric espoused by members of the ‘Squad’ such as comparing Israel to the terrorist group, Hamas. Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar went even further, equating the actions of the United States to the Taliban, who have murdered our nation’s service members.257
This all went nowhere, of course. When one of their own is accused of an offense that would inspire immediate demands for removal of a Republican, Democrats wrap their protecting arms around the offender.
Despite their glaring hypocrisy and Pelosi’s, in particular, we have to give them credit for staunch adherence to party loyalty that we don’t often see from Republicans. Too bad it’s in service to the hatred and bigotry they condemn in others and refuse to stop when it comes from their own ranks.
Hypocrisy Update November 2, 2021:
#126: Pritzker announces $250 million in violence prevention grants. Why now?
Did Virginia’s Youngkin-McAuliffe race make Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker nervous?
Pritzker is already panting down the 2022 campaign trail. Yesterday he followed Biden CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s lead and announced that gun violence is a public health crisis in Illinois. Now he’s ready to do something about it.
It’s curious that people have been shot, killed, assaulted, and carjacked with abandon in Illinois’ largest city and now, suddenly, the governor is ready to pass out $250 million in community-based grants at the same time his party gets a wake-up call from true blue Virginia.
The governor already took credit for eliminating cash bail. That won’t happen until after the 2022 election, so he can safely pat himself on the back without risking fallout from the easily foreseeable consequences. With his new Reimagine Public Safety Act we’re going to add “unprecedented statewide investment,” an “unprecedented amount of dollars,” and “evidence-based and data driven” “community based”258 policies that are “informed by science”259 to tackle Illinois’ gun violence problem.
This is a lot of jargon to process, but I think you get the picture. Other than giving the governor more bullet points for a 2022 campaign that’s already churning out self-congratulatory videos how much violence prevention does $250 million buy?
That’s impossible to gauge, of course. There is no mention of more cops and more jail cells. In keeping with woke Democrat Party guidelines “equity” is mentioned five times in the PR write-up. We’re getting an Office of Firearm Violence Prevention (OFPV). Considering the weekly death toll in Chicago it’s a bit of a surprise that we don’t already have one, but remember we’re spending $250 million to get serious about violence. Part of the OFPV’s job is to administer “grants focused on technical assistance for violence prevention and youth development and intervention.”260 That sure doesn’t sound like more cops and jail cells.
The executive summary the plan assures us that “violence can be prevented” with goals like fostering social connectedness and belonging, supporting health, advancing equity, and promoting collaboration in the state bureaucracy. 261 Most important, this is also about stopping violence with “public events for prosocial opportunities,” early childhood programs, equitable employment opportunities, and culturally responsive “positive social norms programs.” 262
No one mentions locking people up and tossing away the key, but violence prevention isn’t really what this is about, is it? With years of bloodshed under Pritzker’s watch why did it take an election to announce it’s time to stop the killing?
Rhetorical question. You knew that, too.
Author’s note November 3, 2021: the Reimagine Public Safety Act sounds a lot like the Department Of Public Safety that Minneapolis voters shot down in yesterday’s election. Pritzker might want to keep quiet about this one until after next year’s election.
Hypocrisy Update November 4, 2021:
#127: Pelosi ignores the voices of voters and demands voting rights because we are a racist country.
The day after Democrats received a resounding no to their America is a racist hellhole and we’re not going to take it agenda, Speaker Nancy Pelosi hopped back on her stump and accused us of racism:
Our House-passed Voting Rights Advancement Act empowered the Justice Department to block voting restrictions imposed by states with dark histories of discrimination so every voter has fair access to the ballot box – a cause to which our beloved John Lewis courageously devoted his entire life.263
Instead of backing off on the PR campaign for Democrat bills that condemn America, Pelosi chose the Joe Biden approach and revived Jim Crow:
Right now, our nation faces the most sinister and severe campaign of voter suppression since Jim Crow. Across the country, Republican state legislators and Republican-appointed judges are silencing the voices of voters – especially in communities of color.264
She ignored Tuesday’s very obvious warning to Democrats and opted for political gain over democracy:
While Republicans in Congress shamefully abandon their oath to defend our democracy and greenlight this brazen assault for their own political gain, Democrats are fighting back.265
Pelosi would no doubt agree that the vote is central to our democracy. On Tuesday voters let Democrats know what America does and doesn’t want. Despite this resounding slap to the Democrat Party’s absurdly misguided woke agenda, what Democrat politicians want comes first. America’s voice will not only be disregarded, the election results will inevitably be blamed on Democrat mainstays: racism, white supremacy, and the influence of boogeyman Donald Trump.
Only Pelosi’s voting rights bills can right this tremendous wrong.
The day after the election dawned bright for Democrats. The speaker sounded as if nothing changed:
Today is another momentous day in our historic effort to make the future better for the American people, For The Children, to Build Back Better With Women, to save the planet.266
Yes, it was a momentous day. Keep it coming, Madame Speaker. November 9, 2022 will be even better.
Hypocrisy Update November 6, 2021:
#128: disgusting hypocrite Pelosi takes credit for making your life better after Biden and her party made it worse.
I wish I could write off Nancy Pelosi’s nonsense to senility like we do with Joe Biden. The truth is she seems pretty with it. Pelosi is a disgusting hypocrite and quintessential party hack who pays no attention whatsoever to the veracity of what she spews to the public. She isn’t senile. She simply doesn’t care. Remember, this is the woman who bragged about her luxe ice cream habit in front of her expensive freezer while Americans struggled with the pandemic.
Justifiably thrilled to be saved from the fire by yesterday’s passage of the infrastructure bill, a joyous Pelosi claimed her legislative victory makes our lives better:
The American people sent President Biden to the White House and Democratic Majorities to Congress to deliver results that make their lives better. Last night, by sending an historic and bipartisan infrastructure package to the President’s desk, that is exactly what we have done.267
I didn’t notice any difference in my life this morning. The truth hasn’t changed since the bill passed. Pelosi and Biden haven’t done anything but make our lives worse.
Prices are up on items like food and gas which hurts lower income Americans most. I was told at the grocery store this morning that items I buy every week are no longer available. The business I work for can’t secure the vessels we need to ship goods from overseas and even if we could, the shipping containers aren’t going anywhere when they reach the port. Even our children’s Christmas toys are threatened, though this is doubtless of no consequence to radical Democrats who would probably cancel the holiday as a racist celebration if they thought they could get away with it.
We are subjected on a daily basis to an endless litany of missteps, failures, and destructive policy moves so extreme that it seems that Democrats’ goal is to make life in America intolerable. The only ones who stand to benefit are illegal immigrants holding their hands out for the proposed $450,000 payouts Biden finally admits he knows about.
Pelosi is already applauding the passage of her Marxist reconciliation bill:
Together, our bills will forge the greatest progress for families in a generation.268
She didn’t define “progress.” Nor did she say which families she was referring to. I’m willing to bet the speaker meant the families of prominent Democrats who, like Pelosi, lie about their accomplishments to an adoring liberal electorate that will entrench these autocrats in power and luxury while Americans’ lives continue to deteriorate because Democrats delivered results to make our lives better.
Hypocrisy Update November 8, 2021:
#129: Homeland Security allows vaccinated foreign tourists to enter the U.S. if they have the right paperwork.
Homeland Security announced today that fully vaccinated foreign nationals with the correct documents can enter the U.S. for reasons as banal as tourism:
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reminds these travelers to be prepared to (1) provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination, as outlined on the?Centers for Disease Control (CDC)?website; and (2) verbally attest to their reason for travel and COVID-19 vaccination status during a border inspection.269
I haven’t heard that we impose the same vaccine requirements on illegal immigrants. Perhaps there are too many of them for us to manage all the hoops we require legal entrants and U.S. citizens to jump through:
Travelers are advised to expect longer-than-normal wait times, familiarize themselves with the new guidelines, and have appropriate documentation ready during a border inspection. 270
Documentation? Inspection? If foreign tourists want a real “coming to America” experience they should consider joining a migrant caravan instead. They won’t have to bother with all the red tape and they can meet interesting people from all over the world. If they’re lucky our government might even put them up in a nice hotel for the night. That’s American generosity no tourist should pass up!
Veterans Day 2021 Hypocrisy Update #1: $450,000 in the bank is better for veterans than Build Back Better socialist handouts
The White House is determined to use its mammoth Build Back Better socialist spending proposals to benefit all the sacred cows Democrats neglect until they need a win. Since today is Veterans Day, veterans are at the top of the list.
This doesn’t mean veterans matter to the Biden administration. They are another excuse to spend lots of money and since today is Veterans Day, why not?
Frankly, if I was Joe Biden I’d stay away from anything about America’s service members until the memory of the 13 killed in Afghanistan fades because of other bad news. Instead, the White House decided to use veterans to push for trillions in spending and a socialist system that is completely at odds with what our armed forces fight to defend.
The new administration fact sheet on “How the Build Back Better Act Will Deliver Critical Investments in American Veterans and their Families” starts with a massive contradiction:
Joe Biden believes that there’s no greater economic engine in the world than the hard work and ingenuity of the American people.271
Obviously, if Biden really believed in our hard work and ingenuity the White House wouldn’t be pushing what Democrats call their “once-in-a-generation transformation” away from the freedoms of free market capitalism. If he really believed in veterans he wouldn’t talk about them as if they are helpless government dependents, either:
The Build Back Better Act includes critical investments that will help meet our sacred obligation to care for veterans and their families — both while they are deployed and after they return home.272
Instead of justifying his panoply of social spending schemes, perhaps the president should make veterans the same offer his administration made to illegal immigrants who broke our laws and sued America because we didn’t welcome their families, or whatever they passed off as families, when they trespassed at our border. $450,000 per veteran would send a lot stronger message about how we honor the sacrifices of our service members and their families than manipulating their needs as part of a White House propaganda campaign that, hypocritically, picked Veterans Day to push socialism on the backs of those who sacrificed to protect democracy and our capitalist economic system.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.