Hypocrisy update April 25, 2023:
#237: Brainwashing our children to be a new class of identity politics misfits does not make them safe.
Joe Biden can’t even pronounce the acronym for his favorite identity politics victims, but that didn’t stop him from turning a Teacher of the Year celebration into a venue to promote brainwashing our next generation:
But across the country of late from our — some of our friends on the extreme right, LBG [LGBTQ] students and teachers are under attack from hateful laws.660
He meant to say enemies, not friends, but honesty was never the president’s strong suit.
What is more hateful than using children to advance a political agenda that places them on the far-left fringes of society? Brainwashing them to make a life-changing decision with no going back before they have the maturity and experience to know the consequences of what they are doing. Perhaps the president’s anger and revulsion at efforts to protect children from being sexualized before they can read and write stems from his belief that concerned parents his administration targeted as domestic terror suspects don’t own their kids:
Our nation’s children are all our children.661
With predators like gender transition-obsessed teachers’ union operatives and Democrats in search of the next generation of dependent identity politics misfits to politicize, we can’t allow our children to be the nation’s kids. The political landscape is far too dangerous.
Are transgender reparations in our future?
Brainwashing kids with transgender confusion before they are old enough to understand basic biology is a shameless effort by a political left that will benefit when America eventually come to its senses. What happens when we finally realize that pushing surgical mutilation and chemical neutering on our youngest, most vulnerable and impressionable was a big mistake we can never make right and must atone for? Do we pay reparations for the harm we promoted?
Biden doesn’t care. This is about politics, not right or wrong or protecting our kids. He seems to think that a simple falsehood covers up what Democrats are so obviously up to:
Our schools should be places where everyone is safe and safe to be themselves.662
The problem is that unless “to be yourself” means denying the basic biology of what you are because a union hack masquerading as a teacher you trust brainwashed you into confusion about your gender or sexual identity, then schools are not places where children are safe. Instead, public education threatens to make kids part of a new generation of Democrat Party supplicants who can’t and won’t be able to assimilate into mainstream American society when we finally disavow ourselves of the ridiculous and destructive gender fantasies the political left uses to advance itself at the expense of the well-being of its victims.
Hypocrisy update April 27, 2023:
#238: Venezuela policy is a warning to every American who believes democracy matters to the Biden administration.
If Joe Biden was even remotely capable of understanding the stupid, destructive absurdity of the socialist Green New Deal policies his controllers are forcing on America he might have the prescience to slow things down. That’s a big “might,” but there is no doubt that the energy policies punishing Americans are a roadmap to ruin foisted on us by activist politicians who care only about power and privilege and pandering to climate activists. America’s survival is an afterthought. When the day comes that their salaries are paid by the CCP, Xi’s money is as good as anyone else’s.
Biden’s 2024 announcement video bangs the drum of American democracy as if it’s something he values. We don’t have to travel very far to discover the truth. If you want to know just how much democracy matters to our president, consider his commitment to the people of Venezuela.
The White House affirmed our dedication to democratic government after Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer led a U.S. delegation to Colombia for an international conference on Venezuela:
During the conference, Finer made clear that the United States remains firmly committed to the Venezuelan people and will continue to work with the international community to support the restoration of democracy and the rule of law in the country so Venezuelans can rebuild their lives. He outlined the United States’ vision of a step-by-step approach where concrete actions toward restoring Venezuelan democracy, leading to free and fair elections, are met by corresponding sanctions relief by the United States.663
That step-by-step approach doesn’t include boycotting Venezuelan oil. Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee point out just how desperate Biden’s controllers are to block the responsible use of American energy:
President Biden continues to turn to foreign dictators and adversaries for energy, rather than encouraging more oil and gas production here at home. Over the weekend, President Biden issued permits to drill oil in Venezuela. Earlier this month, he vowed “no more drilling” in the United States.664
Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) remarks in support of H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, are even more damning for our pro-democracy president:
“Now, what Republicans have said and what H.R. 1 gets us back to is why don’t we get our energy from America? It’s a pretty straightforward answer. President Biden said no to America, but again, begging Russia, begging Saudi Arabia, begging Venezuela. He’s trying to ease sanctions on Venezuela right now to get more of their oil.665
The Venezuelan people aren’t the only ones suffering:
Rather than tapping into our own vast oil and gas reserves to lower prices at the pump and create good, family-wage American jobs, President Biden has chosen to make us more dependent on one of the world’s most notorious dictators.666
According to an article on The Hill, Maduro plans to ramp up policing and more than double the number of officers by 2024. Democrats plan to increase the number of IRS employees to 87,000. Intimidating the people is anti-democratic, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an effective weapon for leaders who don’t care about democracy and in Joe Biden’s case, who refuses to use the natural gifts under our feet so we don’t empower another autocrat who denies his people the democracy his administration hypocritically claims it wants to restore.
Hypocrisy Update May 5, 2023:
#239: Seriously?? This is how Kamala Harris assures Americans she can protect us from AI.
Who would place someone who has no natural intelligence in charge of protecting America from artificial intelligence? Joe Biden, who just tapped Kamala Harris to save us from the dangers of AI.
The vice president is the absolute last person in the White House or anywhere else who I would pick to do anything. For Harris, uttering a coherent sentence is a herculean task that inevitably meets with failure. Her border is completely, hopelessly overrun and is about to get much worse with Title 42‘s expiration. Over and again, the vice president proves she is only good for comic relief and yet she doesn’t seem to understand through all the cackling that she is the butt of the joke. So why on earth is Harris in charge of overseeing our government’s strategy for dealing with something as complicated and potentially threatening as AI?
One possible reason emerged during remarks she made yesterday after meeting with CEOs from companies advancing this scary new technology:
As a United States Senator and member of the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, we investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election and produced empirical evidence that state actors will use technology to undermine democracy.668
Can you imagine the lights flickering on in Democrat heads when they heard that? Using AI to undermine democracy is a tremendous opportunity for the party that pushed the hoax of Trump-Russia collusion and election interference and got away scot-free.
Secure in the knowledge that Democrats will never be held accountable for anything they do, imagine the possibilities to create video and audio clips of remarks their opponents never made, to fabricate evidence to win elections that will make the Steele Dossier look like a kindergarten project, and to alter the record to absolve themselves of blame for whatever new scandal is trending in their ranks.
If Harris thinks that her role “investigating” the alleged 2016 Russian election interference that included Democrats spreading lies about Donald Trump colluding with a foreign government reassures us that AI will be used for the public interest, she is just as confused as she is about everything else. AI in Democrat Party control will be an unmitigated disaster for democracy and what remaining shards of trust the public has in our government. Harris unwittingly alludes to this likelihood, as well:
At the same time, AI has the potential to dramatically increase threats to safety and security, infringe civil rights and privacy, and erode public trust and faith in democracy.669
I think “end” is a better choice than “erode,” but communication is not our vice president’s strong point. If our government is going to get involved with this technology, then it needs to be a bipartisan congressional effort. Border Czar Harris proves that she is incapable of overseeing anything and even if she could, the Biden White House is the last place I would trust if I wanted to prevent AI from being used for nefarious purposes.
Hypocrisy Update May 9, 2023:
#240: Chicago’s dead should expect nothing from Democrats.
The White House seized the opportunity offered by the weekend mass shooting tragedy in Allen, Texas to announce a presidential proclamation to fly the American flag at half-staff at public and government buildings until sunset on May 11, 2023.
Ironically, May 11 is the same day Title 42 expires. I’ll explain what that has to do with this shooting in a moment.
In addition to the half-staff proclamation, President Biden and Vice President Harris released separate statements about the incident. Biden engaged in his usual divisive partisanship:
Republican Members of Congress cannot continue to meet this epidemic with a shrug.670
A shrug is how the president and Democrats in Congress respond to shootings they can’t politicize, like the recent mass shooting by a four-times deported illegal immigrant in Cleveland, Texas. The victims from that incident only merited a comment from Karine Jean-Pierre:
The Pre- — but the President believes prayers alone are not enough. Congress must act, because what makes tragedies like this one all the more heart-wrenching is the fact that it is entirely within our power to take these weapons of war off our streets.671
She didn’t say anything about taking illegals off our streets, which would seem like a good idea considering what’s coming in just two days. Even with Title 42 in place our country is invaded at a rate that overwhelms the meager White House response to a crisis the president created the moment he sat down in the Oval Office and put pen to paper cancelling Trump’s border protections.
We can only assume this invasion of foreign nationals is by design. No competent, responsible president would permit this affront to American sovereignty and domestic security otherwise.
Politically embarrassing gun violence
Nor would a president who governs with decency and integrity exploit politically useful shootings while ignoring politically embarrassing gun violence.
Fox 32 reports 4 shot dead and 20 wounded last weekend in Chicago. The weekend before that ABC 7 reported 5 dead and 27 wounded.
These are small numbers in comparison to what we see during the summer months and especially over hot holiday weekends when the city has seen upwards of 50 or even 60 shootings in years past.
I single out Chicago because I live close to the city and listen to reports of the nonstop, day in and day out violence every single day. Babies, women, children, students with bright futures ahead of them, police and other first responders, the list goes on and on. No one is immune. The bullets fly, the numbers of the dead keep growing. The White House and Democrats in Congress sit on their hands and look for new ways to attack Republicans.
This pick and choose approach to gun violence defines the partisan government hypocrisy that plagues our nation. The Allentown tragedy is worthy of a presidential proclamation. The illegal immigrant mass killing in Cleveland, Texas merited little more than a hypocritical mention from an administration that not only makes it easy for criminals like the shooter to come to America and stay here, but for his victims to arrive in the promised land to be killed by another illegal.
The Windy City’s gun violence casualties can expect nothing from Democrats. Handgun shootings are of little use to left-wing gun control activists who want to pass a foot in the door federal assault weapons ban to punish Republicans and their base by taking away a constitutional right. Black on black homicides are even less useful because they don’t inflame the kind of politically useful racial tensions that led to the Democrat Party’s peaceful George Floyd race riots.
Hypocritical Democrat orthodoxy maintains that white, conservative gun owners and better yet, white supremacists armed with “weapons of war” are the problem. The political left is determined to undermine the constitutional right to bear arms while they hogtie law enforcement that protects us and argue out of the other side of their mouths that our founding document mandates we remove any and all restrictions from killing babies up to the moment of delivery.
You will never hear the Biden administration issue a half-staff proclamation for Chicago or any other liberal city even when weekend shooting tallies reach astounding, double digit heights. Congressional Democrats will turn their backs and brainstorm how to attack their opposition over firearms while they ignore the obvious and extremists among them demand less policing, no cash bail laws, legal drugs, and solicitude for criminals.
During her press conference yesterday, Jean-Pierre speculated about the Allen shooter and a “right-wing organization” he allegedly had ties with. She spoke of the “need to restore the soul of this nation” and the president’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism,”672 which we now know expanded to include parents who threaten America by attending school board meetings.
Too bad those who are killed and wounded in the cities controlled by the president’s party don’t have enough political weight to matter. If those responsible for the shootings on city streets could be politicized as right-wingers the wrath of our White House, Congress, and federal justice and security agencies would descend like lightning. Instead, the maimed and the dead are ignored by the same politicians they probably voted for.
Hypocrisy Update May 10, 2023:
#241: George Santos is not President of the United States, but his story comes first.
If you wondered how stupid your government thinks you are, you got your answer this morning with the Rep. George Santos (R-NY) indictment. The news broke in time for James Comer’s (R-KY) House Oversight Committee press conference about the president and his family’s alleged pay-to-play shady foreign business dealings. A tour of liberal media outlets shows the Santos story at the top of their pages with oversized pictures and big, bold headlines.
Santos is a Republican congressman, so don’t expect much corporate media competition from Comer’s allegations against a Democrat president. That story will be relegated to the “nothing to see here” backwaters of their news coverage. By the end of the day we will be lucky if the Biden story isn’t denounced as Russian disinformation. After all, it worked for Hunter’s laptop.
The timing of the Santos indictment was Democrat Party politics 101. After Republicans promised a bombshell, we got more of the same from an Oversight Committee with nowhere to go no matter what they uncover. With Kamala Harris as impeachment insurance and a whole-of-government and left-wing media firewall in place for Biden, we need to hear what the end game is. That assumes the GOP has one.
Worse and frankly embarrassing for Republicans, Comer & Co. were outfoxed. Maybe they will think like Democrats next time and drop their bombshell on a Sunday morning. They might also consider not announcing it to the world days before. These are Democrats they are up against. What we heard this morning was the Republican version of bringing a butter knife to a gunfight. That’s not going to work against Joe Biden no matter what Comer’s evidence shows.
660“Remarks by President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at the 2023 National and State Teachers of the Year Celebration.” whitehouse.gov. April 24, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/04/24/remarks-by-president-biden-and-first-lady-jill-biden-at-the-2023-national-and-state-teachers-of-the-year-celebration/, retrieved April 25, 2023.
663“Readout of Senior Administration Official Travel to Colombia.” whitehouse.gov. April 25, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/04/25/readout-of-senior-administration-official-travel-to-colombia/, retrieved April 26, 2023.
664“E&C Republicans to Biden: Stop Pandering to Dictators When We Can Produce Energy Here.” republicans-energycommerce.house.gov. December 1, 2022. https://republicans-energycommerce.house.gov/posts/e-and-c-republicans-to-biden-stop-pandering-to-dictators-when-we-can-produce-energy-here, retrieved April 26, 2023.
665“Scalise: H.R. 1 is the Answer to Biden’s Energy Inflation.”scalise.house.gov. March 30, 2023. https://scalise.house.gov/press-releases/Scalise%3A-H.R.-1-is-the-Answer-to-Biden%E2%80%99s-Energy-Inflation, retrieved April 26, 2023.
666“The Tiffany Telegram: December 2, 2022.” tiffany.house.gov. December 2, 2022. https://tiffany.house.gov/media/newsletters/tiffany-telegram-december-2-2022, retrieved April 26, 2023.
667Arturo McFields Yescas. “Venezuela’s dictator loves dollars but lashes out at democracy.” thehill.com. January 22, 2023. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/3824778-venezuelas-dictator-loves-dollars-but-lashes-out-at-democracy/, retrieved April 27, 2023.
668“Statement from Vice President Harris After Meeting with CEOs on Advancing Responsible Artificial Intelligence Innovation.” whitehouse.gov. May 4, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/05/04/statement-from-vice-president-harris-after-meeting-with-ceos-on-advancing-responsible-artificial-intelligence-innovation/, retrieved May 5, 2023.
670“Statement from President Joe Biden on the Shooting in Allen, Texas.” whitehouse.gov. May 7, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/05/07/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-the-shooting-in-allen-texas/, retrieved May 8, 2023.
671“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.” whitehouse.gov. May 1, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2023/05/01/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-29/, retrieved May 8, 2023.
672 “Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.” whitehouse.gov. May 8, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2023/05/08/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-32/, retrieved May 9, 2023.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.