UPDATE October 6, 2019:
#29: confusing impeachment and democracy
This kind of misleading nonsense from Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) is what House Democrats expect the people to believe while they try to circumvent the outcome of our last presidential election:
President Trump’s actions represent the highest type of crimes that threaten the very fabric of our democracy. While the House Committees have been relentlessly conducting oversight hearings and investigations into this Administration’s corruption, it is clear that an official impeachment investigation is the only avenue we have left to hold this President accountable.4
At least the last comment is true. Impeachment is the only avenue Democrats have left. They will do anything, including lying to the people in the name of democracy, to make it happen.
Trump has not been formally accused of a crime. Even Democrats admit they are only holding an inquiry. Unfortunately for our democracy, politicians can say anything they want with absolutely no accountability knowing that those they represent will believe what they want to hear.
Democracy is about democratic processes, including an election which the Democratic Party refuses to honor. They know they aren’t going to get rid of the Electoral College and even if they do, it won’t change the fact that Trump is president.
The only option left is the most un-democratic process we have: discard the people’s decision with a trumped-up case for impeachment based on “the highest type of crimes” they are still trying to make a case for.
Our democratic system allows Democrats to do this, but don’t tell us impeachment is in the name of protecting democracy. It’s in the name of putting Democrats back in power by telling the American people their vote doesn’t count.
UPDATE October 10, 2019:
#30: Corporate profits vs. rising congressional pay
Senators and Representatives make $174,000 per year. That’s not a lot of money, but America’s median household income of $61,937 pales in comparison to what we pay these politicians.
For those who believe in free enterprise there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this. In our country being a politician is a business, too. Elected representatives have a lot of responsibility. Some have tremendous power, even freshman reps with large mouths who manage to keep themselves in the spotlight with absolutely no track record.
Hypocrisy enters the picture when these individuals blast private industry for profit taking at the expense of working Americans. Elizabeth Warren, who like most of her colleagues is doing much, much better than most of her supporters would dare to dream, felt compelled to announce that she will reintroduce her Accountable Capitalism Act because of a disturbing thirty-year trend:
Senator Warren first introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act in August 2018 to reverse the harmful corporate trend over the last thirty years that have produced record corporate profits for American companies but stagnant wages for American workers.5
While Warren singles out “the wealthiest top 10% of Americans households”6 and her fact that “50% of American households own no stock at all,”7 senators and representatives boast an impressive jump in pay over the same period of time.
According to a Congressional Research Service Report, thirty years ago senators were making $98,400 annually and representatives $96,600 per year.8
That number has nearly doubled over the same period that Senator Warren uses to lament the plight of the American worker.
At least corporations contribute to building wealth for some Americans. Congress, at the moment, contributes absolutely nothing because Warren’s party is too obsessed with removing a sitting president to do anything else.
Meanwhile we pay her salary and those of her fellow senators. Impeachment-happy Democrats in the House get their cut of our paychecks, too.
Next year is an election year. Don’t expect any progress in 2020, either. Our highly paid senators and representatives will be too busy getting reelected.
UPDATE November 1, 2019:
#31: Democrats help unions cut our throat
Help me out with this. Democrats insist that unions are the future of the American worker even though experience warns us what unions do when they decide they want more money. We just saw a prima facie example in Chicago, where kids lost out for 11 days because the teacher’s union decided to flex its muscle for the sake of larger paychecks and a bigger headcount.
This Democratic Party – Big Labor synergy seems like the ultimate government hypocrisy, but in the end it makes perfect sense. Why? Because government doesn’t generate revenue. Taxpayers do. In the end Democratic public officials risk nothing by backing unions. They just pass the cost along and stick to their age-old leftist lies about collective bargaining and what makes the American worker so great.
UPDATE November 17, 2019:
#32: Ending voter suppression by suppressing the people’s vote
In nonsensical statements made during a November 13, 2019 press conference House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) claimed:
We didn’t come to Congress to impeach this president or any president. We came to Congress to get things done on behalf of everyday Americans.9
That remark was made as the impeachment circus became very real. Jeffries and Democratic Vice Chair Katherine Clark (D-MA) also talked about Trump’s “relentless attacks on Dreamers and sabotage of our nation’s health care.”10
Jeffries claimed that Democratic attacks were really just “our effort to defend our democracy For The People”11 and to end “the era of voter suppression once and for all.12
There is so much hypocrisy in these remarks it’s difficult to know where to begin, so let’s keep it simple:
1. The only thing on the Democratic Party’s agenda for the foreseeable future is impeaching Trump or defaming him so completely that he can’t win in 2020. Nothing else matters and this gives party members something to talk about during the campaign season other than their party’s failure to accomplish anything else.
2. Democracy is all about the people choosing their leaders. Democrats began their effort to deny Republicans their democratic right to choose even before Trump took office.
I don’t know what Rep. Jeffries sees when he envisions “The People,” but trust me. If you voted for Trump you are not included.
UPDATE December 8, 2019:
#33: Obama’s palace is Democratic Party hypocrisy at its finest
I don’t fault Barack and Michelle Obama for trying to enjoy themselves after eight years of hell. A $400,000 salary is not a lot of money for what a president goes through. The $200,000+ pension that follows isn’t a lot either, though most Americans would be overjoyed to receive a fraction of this sum when they retire.
Fortunately this isn’t usually all our ex-Commanders in Chief have to live on. A life as a public service celebrity tends to start and end well, as we saw with the announcement last week of the Obama’s purchase of a veritable palace on Martha’s Vineyard.
To put things in perspective, the average U.S. home price in September 2019 was $362,700.13
Had Donald Trump bought a house like this last week it would be part of next week’s impeachment proceedings. His persecutors would go after every scrap of paper no matter how remotely connected and irrelevant. Subpoenas for real estate records would fly. The documents would be put on display so every American can see the evil the fruits of wealth.
Barack and Michelle are liberal superstars but they are also exempt from scrutiny as they should be. They have left public service and a legacy of attacking the wealthy behind.
The Trumps don’t enjoy the same privacy. Even the president’s son Baron is fair game for liberal haters who believe a child should be ridiculed as part of the Democratic Party’s impeachment charade.
While we look forward to a new presidential campaign season during which Democrats will demand that we strip the evil wealthy of every dime possible, Jimmy Carter is living an entirely different ex-presidential life. The Library of Congress offers pictures of his very humble residence.14
Despite a less than stellar presidency President Carter chose a different path that shows what a life of service means. We may not agree with his politics or some of his remarks directed at our current president, but we can’t call him a hypocrite. By all appearances he lives his values.
UPDATE December 19, 2019:
#34: Rule of law means many things to Democrats
After admitting he’s served the House for nearly four decades Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) engaged in the same lengthy, hubris-laden remarks Democrats subjected us to for hours on end before doing what they told us they would do long before they had a reason to do it:
The votes we are about to take concern the rule of law and our democracy itself. Let us not forget the words of the philosopher John Locke, so influential to the Founders of our republic. He warned: ‘Wherever law ends, tyranny begins.15
Good for Hoyer for having the courage to try to slip the Locke reference past us to justify his impeachment vote. Bad for the American people who listened to his nonsense and were credited many times over yesterday with the reason the House achieved this historic milestone that isn’t going anywhere except the history books.
Hoyer’s party likes the idea of the rule of law but it has a very flexible, self-interested interpretation of what it means. When it suits Democrats to honor it the rule of law prevails. When it runs counter to their goals like lax immigration policies, flexible drug policies, and the growing fascination with “de-incarceration” as part of the radical left’s social justice agenda, the rule of law is set aside.
When it comes to a Republican president the rule of law is a maxim we can’t ignore:
The rule of law is what makes this country great, and today, the House of Representatives held President Trump accountable for breaking the law,” Rep. [Norma] Torres continued. “The only question now, is will the Senate follow suit, or let him get away with it?”16
When it comes to other issues like immigration and a border fence the rule of law is a very bad thing indeed. In fact, in Torres’ view it contradicts the values our country stands for:
The Trump administration’s executive actions on immigration are an attempt to appease the far right at the expense of our values, security, and economic well-being.17
That was from January 2017. Talk of removing Trump was heating up. The conversation with Ukraine that led to yesterday’s political travesty would not happen for another 18 months. The rule of law is a complex thing for Democrats, so let’s assume it took each and every one of those 18 months to figure out how it should best be used to suit their objectives.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.