Have you had the conversation about what will happen if Trump wins in November? It goes like this: protesters will burn America to the ground if Biden loses. If he wins, they will loot and burn America in celebration and no one will do anything to stop them.
Sound familiar?
The threat of repeating the post-George Floyd mayhem on an even larger scale and the fear it creates is very real for many Americans, especially those who lost their businesses to rioters. Democrats will never call left-wing domestic terrorists what they are or admit their influence. They are too important to advancing party policy and the Democratic cause.
The alleged militia plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer shores up Democratic accusations that right wing terrorism is the only thing we have to worry about. It’s no surprise that Trump is blamed for this as well, instead of Whitmer taking responsibility for lawlessness, disorder, and chaos in her state thanks to her leadership failures.
Are voters dumb enough to believe that every negative manifestation of the Democratic Party’s divisive dialogue is Donald Trump’s fault?

U.S. Dept. of Defense*
Domestic terrorists fit the bill
The FBI defines terrorism as:
Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.1
That certainly fits the bill for what we suffered during the spring and summer. It’s scary to contemplate just how pivotal left wing domestic terror is to the Democratic Party’s 2020 election strategy.
The protests still taking place around the nation allegedly reflect the values of angry, disheartened Americans fed up with the abuses of the police, our racist nation, and our incompetent, white supremacist-backed Republican administration.
This is a pretty good story that sells well enough to liberal voters and the white guilt set who are willing to swallow the dangerous fiction that violent uprisings against our people, businesses, and institutions are a valid form of political expression and an exercise of First Amendment rights.
Peaceful doesn’t mean non-violent
Democratic voices turned their backs on the threat of domestic terrorists over the summer by repeatedly disregarding or outright ignoring what we could see for ourselves. The situation in Seattle became so extreme that leftist radicals were allowed to set up their own violent Autonomous Zone. What’s so astounding about this isn’t that CHAZ happened. It’s that Washington state’s governing liberal elite allowed it to continue.
When Trump stepped in to restore order in Portland, five Oregon Democrats cried foul in a letter to AG William Barr:
In recent weeks, the federal government has deployed to Portland a number of DOJ and DHS officers. This politically driven federal response is intolerable,” the lawmakers wrote.2
Sadly, the liberal Democratic fiction of peaceful protest rights being violated by brutal law enforcement is now entrenched in the minds of many Americans. Instead of supporting the police, protecting citizens and local businesses, Democratic policy demands a hands-off approach based on the lie that “mostly peaceful” means non-violent:
Despite the mostly peaceful nature of those demonstrations, protesters have been met with unnecessary police violence, and upwards of 10,000 people have been arrested. 3
This isn’t much of a comfort to business owners who lost everything, but party priorities come first and this year the only thing that matters is using Joe Biden as a feeble excuse to put Kamala Harris and radical left lawmakers in charge.
Right-wing radicals aren’t the only domestic terrorists to fear
“Mostly peaceful” wasn’t good enough in Chicago, Kenosha, Seattle, Portland, or other cities where the reality of left-wing domestic terror was ignored or worse, excused.
Instead of blaming the perpetrators liberal left Democrats went all-out to convince Americans that acts of terror are the sole province of the right instead of a threat from ideologies that can come from anywhere. This defines the difference between responsible leadership and partisan divisiveness. It also means that Trump-inspired insurgents can take the place of Russia in this year’s Democratic election interference conspiracy:
The President’s actions have emboldened white supremacists, neo-Nazis, right-wing militia groups and their supporters who often turn to Facebook to spread rumors and misinformation about the election,” said the lawmakers in their letter. 4
Obama presidency: white supremacy and hate
White supremacists were not created by Donald Trump. Right-wing terror has been important to Democratic Party ideology for years, as evidenced by a letter twenty congressional Democrats sent to President Barack Obama warning of the threat:
Our government needs to do more to address the threat of right-wing extremism. Countering violent extremism requires a comprehensive strategy that begins with a commitment to address hate crime in all its forms.5
This was the beginning of the party’s hate crime hypocrisy. They blamed Trump for extremism and hate, but America’s hate crime numbers increased while Obama sat in the Oval Office. No one blamed him for this. Instead they blamed Trump in advance for a problem Obama’s own party warned about a decade before Trump was elected:
Previously redacted portions of the [2006 FBI] document, made public for the first time today, reveal startlingly prescient FBI warnings about the potentially dangerous effects of infiltration of law enforcement bodies by violent white supremacist ideas, attitudes, and organizations.6
We can add that to the list of Obama failures Democrats refuse to take responsibility for.
Democrats demanded a reckoning. We got one.
Divisive election year liberal politics insists that we disavow left-wing extremism. Democrats embraced a national “moment of reckoning:”7
The Trump Administration’s decision to ignore the involvement of white supremacist groups in these protests in favor of spreading wildly exaggerated rumors about Antifa has only served to encourage right-wing militias provoking violence, to delegitimize the grievances of peaceful protestors, and to add serious danger, intimidation, and fear to already emotionally charged situations,” the Chairs wrote.8
It’s dangerous to point out that it’s highly unlikely many of the protesters we watched setting fires and looting were members of white supremacist groups because they were not white. Anyone doing so will be called a racist. I’ll do it anyway.
Protesters aren’t the only ones who matter even if they are the Democratic Party’s most potent 2020 election weapon. The American public also matters. We have every reason to be fearful and intimidated over threats that aren’t coming from the right.
The political value in inciting divisiveness aside, the discussion should be about all threats to our nation and people and not a partisan contest over which side has more domestic terrorists. That’s the difference between confronting threats as a nation and creating them for political benefit.
New Homeland Security Threat Assessment includes a warning about the radical left
A new Homeland Security Threat Assessment of domestic violent extremism is being used to support Democratic fear-mongering about white supremacy because this is the only part of the big picture congressional liberals want you to see.
What you won’t hear from Democrats without reading the DHS report is the ongoing risk of “anti-government, anti-authority and anarchist violent extremism:”9
As of the date of publication of this HTA, we have seen over 100 days of violence and destruction in our cities. The co-opting of lawful protests led to destruction of government property and have turned deadly.10
DHS doesn’t discriminate between left and right when it warns of the potential for radicalized protesters:
The Department works with other Government, non-Government, and private sector partners to prevent individuals from making this transition from protected speech to domestic terrorism reflected by violence.11
Some of us see domestic terror and violence for what it is.
Some of us still deny its existence.
Yes, neo-left terrorists exist
In 2019 Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) proposed a resolution designating Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. S.Res. 279 states:
Whereas members of Antifa, because they believe that free speech is equivalent to violence, have used threats of violence in the pursuit of suppressing opposing political ideologies;12
The resolution concludes:
Whereas there is no place for violence in the discourse between people in the United States, or in any civil society, because the United States is a place where there is a diversity of ideas and opinions …13
The resolution never advanced, but after protest violence erupted this year cosponsor Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) observed:
But the violence, destruction and anarchy brought to cities across America by mobs incited by Antifa are not principled protests and are detracting from the peaceful protests. Antifa activists too often ignite tensions, commit acts of violence, instill fear and spread chaos.14
Democratic cover-up? A dialogue of denial.
The Democratic Party cover-up is so ridiculous that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) blasted Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) for his claim that violence from Antifa does not exist.
180 Democrats signed on to further their dialogue of denial with a domestic terrorist prevention bill.
The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2020 opens with this statement:
Recent reports have demonstrated that White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States ….15
The statement is more believable when you refuse to call violent left-wing protesters domestic terrorists.
Even if right-wing extremism is a larger threat, it doesn’t mean left-wing domestic terror doesn’t exist or that it’s not an important policy tool for the Democratic Party. If it isn’t, why are Democrats so determined to disavow that it exists and why won’t they work with Republicans to suppress it?.
Domestic terrorists advance the goals of the left
The biggest difference between left-wing terrorists and right-wing terrorists is who supports them and who does not. Both parties reject white supremacy. Only Republicans reject left-wing terror. Democrats can’t because they depend on it.
Democrats are so confident that they can pin any and all protest violence on the president that they have no reason to acknowledge left wing terrorism. The bonus is that they can also market horrific images of looting and burning to voters as symbols of Americans justifiably outraged at Donald Trump. Domestic terror serves a political purpose they fully appreciate but will never admit because they benefit so enormously.
For the time being the Democratic Party is still a legitimate political organization. That doesn’t mean it will continue that way into the future. In the short time since the party took control of the House we’ve seen proposals targeting the bulwarks of our society and economy. We’ve seen a House speaker whose obsessive fanaticism with removing the president approaches insanity.
Worst of all, we were forced to let our cities burn and allow our job creators to be plundered. In return were offered only shallow excuses why it was all the fault of the White House.
After 9/11 America feared Islamists radicalized over the internet. Nearly twenty years after the twin towers fell we watch fires and listen to breaking glass while Democrats inspire revenge on America because they know their base will accept whatever they are told about our wretched, racist, unfair country. As November approaches we fear what might happen no matter who wins the race.
If that’s not domestic terror, I don’t know what is.
UPDATE October 11, 2020: how far will Democrats push their domestic terror fantasy?
Democratic lawmakers have adopted the same approach to radical left terrorists that Biden chose with packing the court. They won’t answer.
It’s amazing how much effort has gone to investigating something liberals call a conservative scare story. Now Democrats use these two words every time a fire is set, a police officer is injured, or a building is destroyed.
In June 2020 37 lawmakers signed a letter to AG William Barr citing instances of Antifa violence that raised the question their liberal colleagues don’t want to answer:
ANTIFA groups who use violence as a tool to advocate for their beliefs and their radical-leftist agenda can carry out these vicious and well-organized attacks due to their ability to obtain adequate funding. In an effort to subdue these attacks, I urge you to investigate the funding mechanisms behind these volatile groups bringing such reprehensible and destructive behavior amongst our society.16
The letter coincided with the United Nations decrying Barr’s designation of Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization. Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz responded to the UN “Antifa endorsement:”17
And, you know, if the left now has adopted the mantra of “defund the police” in our communities in our neighborhoods to keep us safe, well, why are they so in favor of funding the global police at the UN?18
The reason is pretty obvious. Radical leftists at home and abroad hate this country and everything it stands for and would happily subordinate the U.S. to international governance.
Wray’s comments about Antifa ignored. Why?
FBI Director Christopher Wray’s warning was ignored by the left as our violent summer got underway:
It has to stop. We’re seeing people who are exploiting this situation to pursue violent, extremist agendas—anarchists like Antifa and other agitators. These individuals have set out to sow discord and upheaval, rather than join in the righteous pursuit of equality and justice.19
Peaceful rioting escalated. Republicans continued their effort to find out who and what is funding left-wing domestic terror with a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Trump-hater, and Antifa-denier Jerry Nadler:
Mr. Chairman, you recently said in an interview that Antifa – an organization inciting violent riots across the country – was “a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.” The reality is that Antifa’s actions are not a “myth.” We know from federal agencies like the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that Antifa’s actions pose a security threat to many communities across our country.20
That security threat and Wray’s discord and upheaval are the Democratic ticket to the White House as long as voters can be duped into believing this is all about Trump and fascist extremists. This is a high stakes fraud perpetrated on the American people by a party that will stop at nothing to get what it wants. The only comfort for conservatives faced with the increasing likelihood of a Harris-Biden presidency is that left-wing extremists likely won’t accept the kind of neo-socialist authoritarian rule the duo and their congressional enablers have in mind any more than they accept the leadership of Donald Trump.
When radical left terrorists take the next step and rise up against Democrats, will Antifa finally exist?
1“What We Investigate. Terrorism.” FBI. https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism, retrieved October 6, 2020.
2“Wyden, Merkley, Blumenauer and Bonamici Demand Answers from DHS and DOJ after Federal Agent Shoots Peaceful Protester in Head.” Suzanne Bonamici. July 14, 2020. https://bonamici.house.gov/media/press-releases/wyden-merkley-blumenauer-and-bonamici-demand-answers-dhs-and-doj-after-federal, retrieved October 8, 2020.
3“Subcommittee to Hold Briefing on First Amendment Violations of Black Lives Matter Protests.” House Committee on Oversight and Reform. June 25, 2020. https://oversight.house.gov/news/press-releases/subcommittee-to-hold-briefing-on-first-amendment-violations-at-black-lives, retrieved October 5, 2020.
4“Jayapal Urges Facebook to Curb Voter Suppression Efforts by White Supremacists, Other Hate Groups.” Pramila Jayapal. September 28, 2020. https://jayapal.house.gov/2020/09/28/facebook-voter-suppression/, retrieved October 6, 2020.
5“Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs & House Democrats Urge DHS to Update Report on Domestic Right-Wing Extremism.” Congressional Progressive Caucus. July 15, 2015. https://cpc-grijalva.house.gov/press-releases/progressive-caucus-cochairs-house-democrats-urge-dhs-to-update-report-on-domestic-rightwing-extremism/, retrieved October 6, 2020.
6“Subcommittee Chairman Raskin Releases FBI Document on White Supremacists in Law Enforcement.” Jamie Raskin. September 29, 2020. https://raskin.house.gov/media/press-releases/subcommittee-chairman-raskin-releases-fbi-document-white-supremacists-law, retrieved October 7, 2020.
7Oversight Committee Chairs Demand Trump Administration Investigate White Supremacist Activity at Protests.” Jamie Raskin. June 15, 2020. https://raskin.house.gov/media/press-releases/oversight-committee-chairs-demand-trump-administration-investigate-white, retrieved October 7, 2020.
9“Homeland Threat Assessment. October 2020.” Homeland Security.p. 4. https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/2020_10_06_homeland-threat-assessment.pdf, retrieved October 9, 2020.
2S. Res. 279 – 116th Congress (2019-2020).” Congress.gov. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-resolution/279/text, retrieved October 6, 2020.
14“Loeffler Cosponsors Resolution Designating Antifa as Domestic Terrorist Organization.” Kelly Loeffler. June 1, 2020. https://www.loeffler.senate.gov/loeffler-cosponsors-resolution-designating-antifa-domestic-terrorist-organization, retrieved October 6, 2020.
15“H.R. 5602.” Congress.gov. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5602/text, retrieved October 8, 2020.
16Dabney, Miranda. “Hern leads 37 Members of Congress on letter supporting DOJ efforts to investigate Antifa.” Kevin Hern. June 23, 2020. https://hern.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=201, retrieved October 11, 2020.
17“Gaetz Slams the United Nations for Antifa Endorsement.” Matt Gaetz. June 24, 2020. https://gaetz.house.gov/media/hottakespress/gaetz-slams-united-nations-antifa-endorsement, retrieved October 11, 2020.
19“FBI Director Christopher Wray’s Remarks at Press Conference Regarding Civil Unrest in Wake of George Floyd’s Death.” FBI.gov. June 4, 2020. https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-director-christopher-wrays-remarks-at-press-conference-regarding-civil-unrest-in-wake-of-george-floyds-death, retrieved October 11, 2020.
20“Congressman Biggs Requests Judiciary Committee Hearing to Investigate Source of Riots Across America.” Congressman Andy Biggs. October 2, 2020. https://biggs.house.gov/media/press-releases/congressman-biggs-requests-judiciary-committee-hearing-investigate-source-riots, retrieved October 11, 2020.
*Lance Cpl. Victoria Ross. “Riot Ready.” U.S. Dept. of Defense. 161118-M-DX405-138A.jpg. https://www.defense.gov/observe/photo-gallery/igphoto/2002036139/, retrieved October 10, 2020.
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