UPDATE October 4, 2020:
#56: demanding transparency from Trump while Biden stonewalls
Apparently the opacity of the Biden campaign doesn’t mean the Trump campaign should expect the same accommodation from Democrats. Yesterday House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) emphasized the importance of knowing more details than usual about the president’s health:
Transparency is going to be important as it relates to the president’s health and well-being and his condition moving forward. It’s in the best interests of the presidency, of our republic, of the American people that the White House provide us with a level of information that they are not accustomed to providing and that it be accurate.59
It was reassuring to hear that Democrats are concerned about Trump’s well-being, but then Jeffries drilled down to what this is really about:
Now is not the time to play political games or to try to project some level of manliness that has gotten us into the situation that we are in right now. The Trump administration is a toxic combination of arrogance and ignorance, and hopefully they can see past that dynamic in this moment of crisis right now.60
Arrogance. Ignorance. We’re back to hate as usual.
It’s ironic that Democrats who never had any use for Trump for anything but an impeachment-worthy punching bag consider his coronavirus scare a crisis. As far as the party is concerned this should be a moment of glee that could only be surpassed if the president’s condition took a turn for the worse.
What’s so hypocritical about this is the Biden campaign’s refusal to agree to a drug test that Trump agreed to take. This is a prerequisite to employment for many job-seeking Americans, but Democratic Party elites tend to hold themselves above the people so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. The question remains, though, as to why the man who wants to be entrusted with our nuclear arsenal would not agree to this simple test.
The charade over scanning the two candidates for listening devices also raised a question about the faculties and well-being of a man who could be our oldest president. This typifies the ignore- the-obvious stance Democrats have adopted on everything from protest violence to the health and constitution of the man they insist will right the wrongs of Trump. Their words and deeds seethe with hypocrisy because they know the party faithful don’t care.
UPDATE October 5, 2020:
#57: rules for wearing a mask depend on who you are
Nasty Nancy Pelosi couldn’t resist lashing out at the president while he was temporarily sidelined by the coronavirus. In a media interview she criticized Trump for inviting his illness by “going into crowds unmasked”61
The speaker also asked us to pray for the president’s health.62 Pelosi has her own set of rules, so we can only guess what she is praying for. She reassured us “that continuity of government is always in place.” 63 The implications of that remark are too horrifying to contemplate.
For now suffice it to say her beauty parlor trip still lingers in our memory just as the pictures on her congressional website show that mask wearing is something for the people around her and not for the Speaker of the House.
Among a bevy of maskless photo-ops in her slideshow is a picture titled “Remembering George Floyd” that shows Pelosi in the company of three men wearing masks. I can’t display the picture here for copyright reasons, but suffice it to say that this time she stooped to wearing a face covering that’s pulled down so only part of her mouth is covered, which is something I believe science and Dr. Fauci frown on.
In the scheme of things none of this really matters except for one thing. Pelosi & Company are promising Americans handout after handout in advance of the election. The speaker talks about “one country, one destiny.” When the voting is over, does anyone seriously think that her rules and her destiny will have anything to do with ours?
UPDATE October 17, 2020:
#58: a fair tax increase for Illinois
When he’s not blaming Donald Trump for his state’s coronavirus woes, Illinois Fat Cat Democratic Governor JB Pritzker is going all out to sell his fair tax amendment to voters. Special interests are lined up behind him. Taxpayers are threatened with the consequences of not doing what we’re told and checking “yes” to bail out the state. We are deluged with ads for this new tax and spend scam. The biggest lie of all comes from our seat of government in Springfield that dares to claim that our “fiscal health depends” on this new fair tax system.64
It’s too late for that. Illinois is terminal. To add a little perspective to how bad things are, the revenue haul from being fair will be less than 2.5% of the state’s pension debt.
There is no such thing as a fair tax that punishes people because partisan rhetoric needs an enemy. That doesn’t mean liberal billionaire Pritzker wont’ be able to sell his biggest campaign promise. Like Joe Biden’s refusal to talk about court packing, the governor is not being honest with voters about how little this perfunctory stab at a tax increase will accomplish and what it could mean for our future.
The Illinois Policy Institute points out that if the amendment passes the total tax burden could exceed 50% for state small businesses.65 Being fair also means senior citizen incomes could be tapped for the first time:66
Plans to punish taxpayers during a soaring pandemic is bad enough. Lying to us about fairness in a fundamentally unfair state with talk about restoring Illinois from the people who will put the final nail in our coffin is reprehensible. This is government hypocrisy at its very finest.
As with most things there is a hidden silver lining to Pritzker’s fair tax. If you are out of work this is a great time to start a moving company.
UPDATE October 31, 2020:
#59: public health’s flu shot messaging
I get a flu shot every year, no fail. Years ago I didn’t think it was important and then I got the flu. I don’t ever want it again.
This year I’m rethinking my flu shot. The Illinois Department of Public Health and Governor Pritzker succeeded in their efforts to make sure I am scared absolutely s***less over COVID 19. I got the public health message loud and clear: no one is immune, everyone is at risk, and anyone could be a carrier. A horrible, lonely death is lurking just around the corner if I make the slightest misstep, come near the wrong person, touch the wrong thing, or inhale the wrong air.
So if death is everywhere, why would I go to a pharmacy or doctor’s office or public health department so I can be in an indoor place sharing air with people are most likely to be ill? Why should I risk my life for a flu shot?
Online public health resources don’t offer any guidance on how to safely get vaccinated against the flu. They only offer dire warnings about the tragic consequences of selfishly refusing to do the right thing.
The new COVID-19 case count in Illinois was nearly 7,000 yesterday. That’s a new record. We’re setting a lot of records these days. Public health warns that the fall and winter will be as close to viral Armageddon as we’ll see in our lifetimes, especially when seasonal influenza is added to the equation. Hospitals could be overwhelmed. God forbid we should fall ill from the flu and need medical assistance.
Restaurants and bars in Illinois are shut down for indoor service. The pot shops are open, of course. I could go stand in line at a state-sponsored drug dealing store so I can line Springfield’s pockets, but paying exorbitant taxes to risk catching COVID seems like a risky plan. I could also stay at home in my bubble, get curbside everything like I’ve been doing since March, and interact with no one. That means I probably won’t be exposed to the flu, COVID, or any other communicable disease.
This year I’ll get my flu shot as soon as IDPH and our doomsday pronouncing governor tell me how to do it without dying. Perhaps they can figure that little conundrum out by the time flu season is over.
UPDATE November 1, 2020:
#60: not accepting responsibility for 9,711 deaths in Illinois
How many times have you heard that doing something yourself is the only way to do it right? Let’s add something to that. You should never blame others for not doing something you are also incapable of. Apparently that thought never crossed Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker’s mind, or perhaps he is too preoccupied with pushing his unfair fair tax amendment.
As of this morning 9,711 Illinoisans are dead from COVID-19. The governor wears the same teflon suit popular among Illinois Democrats, so these deaths aren’t his fault. Inexplicably, they might be President Trump’s. Pritzker has blasted the White House for the pandemic response while he sheds responsibility for what has happened to his state. The governor patted himself and his public health officials on the back for the short-lived drop in positivity we enjoyed during the summer.
Short lived it was.
Now things are worse than ever. Case counts are exploding. Someone has to take the blame and it’s not going to be our governor or anyone in Springfield. The governor has attacked President Trump and the federal response from the beginning. His stay-at-home order and new restaurant and bar indoor service shutdowns demonstrate that he has the power to do what he wants. Why hasn’t he stopped the pandemic in Illinois? If he knows what Trump is doing wrong, can’t he just do it right?
It’s insulting to my readers to point out the obvious so let’s leave it at this. No one knows what to do about COVID-19. Even our mask-wearing governor has been forced to quarantine, so blaming Trump’s recklessness for becoming infected is rather hypocritical. The worst aspects of this disease are political, not medical, because they distort the facts and drive us apart. The governor needs to take off that teflon suit and wear the same clothes he expects the president to put on every morning. Then he can explain why we have 9,711 dead Illinoisans.
UPDATE November 4, 2020:
#61: calling our government illegitimate so you can use it for your illegitimate purposes
When is a Constitutional provision illegitimate? When Democrats don’t agree with it.
I must have skipped the civics lesson where we learned that the purpose of our Federal Government is to serve the Democratic Party. Obviously Nancy Pelosi learned that lesson and never forgot it.
Now that we have a new Justice Barrett, Democrats have shifted strategy from obstruction to undermining the Supreme Court’s legitimacy. Pelosi has already labeled the confirmation process illegitimate.67 That wasn’t enough, so on Election Day she also told voters that Barrett is an illegitimate justice.68 That sets the stage for having an illegitimate president if the election winds up in the high court’s hands and the decision goes Trump’s way.
A legitimate Supreme Court is not owned by any political party, though listening to the repetition of “illegitimate” in outraged Democratic Party press releases gives exactly that impression. Democrats claim the people should have a say, but that say is only legitimate if the people agree with what they want. The party can’t have it both ways. The court was not constructed to match ideology to the whims of the prevailing political party.
Pelosi already raised the specter of the 25th Amendment to get rid of the president. That might come in handy for a President Biden too, but that’s not the point. Every aspect of our government is suspect except one. The president is incompetent. The Supreme Court confirmation process and newest justice are illegitimate. Senate Republicans are guilty of heinous crimes against our democracy for overseeing a sham process Democrats could not control.
What’s left? Pelosi’s House, a glowing tribute to American government done right in a sea of federal illegitimacy. Everything else is illegitimate until Democrats take it over.
The larger issue isn’t Justice Barrett, who isn’t going anywhere. It’s the damage done by the Democratic Party’s scorched earth take on the legitimacy of anything they don’t own and control. That makes their hypocritical stance on the separation of powers and the Constitution wholly illegitimate, but when you don’t care about these things it doesn’t really matter, does it?
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.