UPDATE July 26, 2020:
#49: destroying property and threatening the public to end brutality
Is it just me, or is destroying property and threatening people a bad way to spread a message about ending brutality?
Label it anti-fascist, if you wish. It doesn’t really matter whether the protest is about systemic racism or police brutality or White House fascism. The very moment a mass movement employs the threat of violence and especially when it acts on that violence the message turns into something else: coercion.
What could possibly lead the left to believe that coercing people into agreement by threatening their property and persons will lead to constructive social change? Perhaps it’s youthful naiveté, but not all of the protesters are young. It could be a few bad apples that make the rest of the mob look bad, but it seems that there are more than just a few.
Or it could be that there is no unified message, no constructive purpose, unifying principle, or worthwhile value behind what’s happening. The left is so wrapped up in loud, mindless chants and distorted symbols that it doesn’t understand that the only thing it’s protesters stand for is a threat to the law-abiding public.
Those of us who aren’t involved in this childishly naïve, albeit destructive acting out understand that sooner or later enough will be enough. When that happens the left will scream fascism and brutality. What’s so incredibly hypocritical about this pointless liberal uprising is that protesters expect the system to work for them to create meaningful change even while they reject everything about it.
That’s not naïve. It’s just stupid.
UPDATE August 18, 2020:
#50: playing our National Anthem at the start of the Democratic Convention
Yes, listening to a chorus of youthful voices singing our National Anthem last night to kick off the Democratic Party’s 2020 convention was stirring. It almost brought me to tears, but not for any reason you’ll hear from the media outlets gushing over last night’s canned performances.
If the party gets what it’s after, the future of every voice in that choir will be enslaved to Democratic policy prerogatives that will become more extreme year after year as liberal politicians struggling for power strive to top the excesses of their predecessors. The great economy we saw just before the pandemic struck will be a memory unless you are a party operative.
If Democrats scripting this sham convention had even a shred of honesty left the choir would have performed Gosudarstvennyy Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii. They may oppose Russian interference in our elections, but they don’t seem to have any problems with the socialist system that lies behind it.
UPDATE August 25, 2020:
#51: sixty-six to one: Democrats decide which Black Lives Really Matter
Democrats put their own unique spin on Black Lives Matter. Sometimes people who are shot have value. Sometimes they do not.
While the fires in Kenosha, Wisconsin raged after a police-involved shooting and an explosion of criminal violence, Joe Biden emerged to make a shallow statement parroting the party line about holding the police accountable.
A little to the south in Chicago the latest numbers from the weekend came in. 66 people were shot. 5 died.
This fall Democrats will demand more money for big cities they control. They will tell you that poor people need jobs, education, and opportunity. They will ignore the elephant in the room as they always have. It’s more expeditious politically to point fingers at police who are involved in solitary incidents. More often than not these police officers are white, so the race card is easy to throw. When people of color murder each other by the hundreds it runs counter to everything Democrats believe so they either ignore it, blame it on the lack of social spending, or relegate the deaths to that favorite new liberal catch-all, systemic racism.
Can you imagine an honest Democratic politician with the courage to not only call crime what it is, but to defend all black lives and not just those that benefit the party politically?
Neither can I.
UPDATE August 28, 2020:
#52: Green Deal spending won’t save Social Security or Medicare
Are Democrats stupid, did they skip out of their accounting classes, or are they so caught up in their own ridiculous rhetoric that they believe the nonsense they keep putting in print?
The bright liberal bulbs on the Task Force on Aging and Families declared:
Americans are facing both a public health crisis and an economic one due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is nothing short of cruel that President Trump has chosen this moment to plunge Social Security and Medicare into chaos, along with the millions of children and older Americans who survive on these earned benefits.52
Perhaps they forgot that an equally dim Democratic bulb, VP hopeful Senator Kamala Harris cosponsored Medicare for All and radical socialist nitwit Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.
In Democratland tens of trillions might rescue our economy.
In accounting class spending to incur more debt is the beginning of the end.
UPDATE September 5, 2020:
#53: blaming Trump for unproven remarks about our troops
No one in the media, on Capitol Hill, or on the Biden campaign trail knows for certain what Trump did or didn’t say about our troops during that controversial 2018 trip to France. Absent an audiotape we’ll never know for sure. Given the incendiary nature of our politics, even if there was a tape the right would scream fraud and conspiracy. In the absence of proof Democrats parrot their newest evidence proving the very worst about the president.
This is how election year democracy works. There is no difference between lies and the truth.
There is still a difference between right and wrong. We have incontrovertible proof of one thing.
Democrats unleashed their unabashed hatred for law enforcement by calling federal employees storm troopers and “Trump’s Gestapo.” Even our Speaker of the House joined in the fun.53 This would be an unforgiveable affront if it came from a Republican. Since it comes from Democrats it is justified and forgiven.
We know for a fact that the souls buried in that French cemetery died fighting against the same kind of fascist totalitarianism that Democrats claim our federal law enforcement officers are a part of. If anyone deserves an apology, these are the Americans who have been unjustly condemned. Unlike the newest election year scandal we know for a fact what was said. We should hold these politicians accountable.
UPDATE September 20, 2020:
#54: legislating from the bench
Hang on to your hats. Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing is about to dump a truckload of bipartisan hypocrisy on the American people.
Republicans detest legislating from the bench. During the summer battle over judicial appointments Wyoming Senator John Barrasso stated in no uncertain terms:
Let me assure people who are tuning in today: These judges will apply the law as written. They will not legislate from the bench. We’ve had enough of that.54
We heard the same thing during Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation:
Time and time again Hoosiers have told me the importance of confirming a mainstream choice for the Supreme Court — one that doesn’t legislate from the bench and understands his or her role in our Constitutional System. 55
Democrats don’t like legislating from the bench, either, especially if it means the rulings won’t go their way. During Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation they argued:
Based on a thorough review of his record, we have concluded that the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the highest bench would endanger historically significant legal precedents of importance to African Americans and, more broadly, the balance of inclusive justice itself.56
Illinois Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi was more specific about the problems with confirming a conservative justice who might not agree with his party’s values:
The next Justice to join the Court will be in a position to uphold or overturn key rulings preserving reproductive rights, access to affordable health care for all Americans, and legal protections preventing discrimination against our LGBTQ friends, relatives, and neighbors. In light of Judge Kavanaugh’s record on the bench and in legal scholarship, I find his nomination deeply disturbing.57
So if we don’t want to pick a justice who will violate this fundamental maxim, why are Republicans in an urge to confirm a new justice before time runs out and why are Democrats crying foul and threatening to pack the court?
Because they are hypocrites, of course. Legislating from the bench is precisely what this is all about. Nominating a justice is one of the most important powers a president has. Trump’s next move can shape SCOTUS’s decision making for years to come. Anyone who says otherwise is just unhappy they don’t have the opportunity to do the same thing from the opposite side of the aisle.
UPDATE October 2, 2020:
#55: leveraging Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis
The news is fresh so America is just beginning to weigh in, but for all those who plan to turn the president and first lady’s positive COVID-19 tests into a win for Biden, Harris, and Democrats in general just don’t do it. Public officials on both sides have been sidelined by this virus. Even vitriolic Trump critic and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is currently quarantined for a second time after his own possible exposure.
House Democrats already have a deplorable record of using Americans pandemic deaths to their advantage. In a September 22, 2020 press release they appeared to make light of this national tragedy:
This has been a very difficult year for many throughout America in a time where leadership is desperately needed. We remain in the midst of a deadly pandemic. 200,000 or so Americans dead. More than six million Americans infected by the coronavirus. Over 100,000 small businesses have permanently closed. Tens of millions of Americans remain unemployed. And yet Donald Trump and the Senate continue to do nothing about it. It’s cruel, callous and cold-hearted
But what else have we come to expect from Trump, McConnell and the boys? .58
It’s not clear who “the boys” are. Was this intended as a joke? There is nothing funny about this disease. The only thing worse than using it for laughs is using it for partisan gain.
Politicizing this pandemic is just as inevitable as blaming the person who sits in the Oval Office. In the coming days we will hear all manner of ramped-up hatred and blame vented at our president by people who will take Trump’s positive diagnosis as absolute proof that he bungled our pandemic response.
Take these remarks for what they are, consider who they come from, and think about what these anti-Americans expect to gain in return.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.