Hypocrisy update October 6, 2022:
#192: There is nothing more extreme than political policies that kill Americans.
The raid on Mar-a-Lago must have generated too much negative publicity for Democrat-controlled Washington’s rapidly evolving police state. The obsession with destroying Trump has faded into the background noise as Democrats recite over and over that Republicans are extremists to distract you from who the real extremists are.
Adam Schiff, who seems to think we regard him as trustworthy, accused Republicans of what his party is most guilty of:
The Republican Party put forward this week an extreme agenda for the country that would make it less safe, less prosperous, and less free for all.486
“For the People” is another favorite Democrat Party phrase that’s still circulating after the failure of H.R. 1, the For the People Act that would have placed elections under federal and presumably Democrat control. Nancy Pelosi even claims that her party will “restore dignity to our democracy and give power back to the people”487 after trying to take that power away from states with this bill and decrying the Dobbs decision that also returned power to the people.
Power to Democrats is what matters. Pelosi is no stranger to hypocrisy, but how hypocritical can Democrats be? When it comes to government hypocrisy, it’s tough to beat policies that kill Americans because politics is more important than lives.
No matter what the Republican Commitment to America contains, it can’t be more extreme than Democrat Party policies that kill people.
Who are the real extremists? Let’s set the lies, propaganda, and hyperbole aside. When we go to the polls in 33 days we have one very short, very simple question to answer that will decide who the real extremists are:
Are political policies that kill Americans extremist?
Should you vote for Democrats this November? Answer these questions:
Do you support killing Americans with Democrat “for the criminals” policies like no cash bail, early release, and emptying our jails and prisons?
Do you believe that open border policies that help spread fentanyl across America so more people die from overdoses are a good idea?
Do you approve of abortion up to the very moment of birth?
Do you support ignoring violent crime and gun violence in our biggest cities that kills scores of Americans in predominantly low income communities so Democrats can focus on politicizing random mass shootings?
Do you care if people entering our country illegally are violent criminals and terrorists?
Do you support Green Energy Policies and the massive, inflation-promoting spending they require that forces Americans to choose between food, fuel, and medical care?
Do you think it’s a good idea to politicize a catastrophe like Florida’s Hurricane Ian disaster with racially divisive equity rhetoric after lives are lost and more lives hang in the balance?
Do you believe it’s right to lure migrants to America with an open border knowing the death toll from the journey?
Are you tired of having to live under the rule of Democrats who enforce policies like these because far left orthodoxy is more important than American lives?
“Yes” answers define Democrat Party extremism. It doesn’t matter what Republicans propose or what they promise to do. It can’t possibly be worse than policies based on the incredibly cynical calculation that dead Americans are a necessary cost of enforcing a far left, socialist agenda on our nation.
No one will argue that for the people should be what America is all about. Where we disagree with Democrats is that it should not promote killing the people, too.
Hypocrisy update October 11, 2022:
#193: Harris reminds Democrats who elections benefit by not using the seven words that matter to Americans.
Vice President Kamala Harris reminded an audience at a New Jersey DNC finance event yesterday:
And as a result of what you did, yes — and thank you — Joe Biden and I were elected.488
She needn’t worry that Americans who aren’t elite Democrat donors will forget that calamitous decision. We remember when we fill our cars, go to the grocery store, and look over our shoulder walking down the street. We remember when we worry if the Biden-Harris fentanyl surge has arrived at our kid’s school, or when we ponder whether our children will live to grow up or be annihilated in the nuclear conflagration our doddering commander in chief warns about.
We also remember when America is repeatedly embarrassed on the world stage because of Biden and Harris’ stunning failure of leadership and obvious disdain for the values America used to stand for, values that were respected by our allies and feared by our adversaries.
Yes, we remember. We thought that elections were supposed to be for we, the people and not we, the Democrat elites with deep pockets who use our money to put radical ideologues like Biden and Harris in office.
We, the people were dead wrong.
This is probably why Harris didn’t mention the things that matter to Americans and tend to be trivialized by liberal elites as partisan hoaxes or Russian disinformation or extremist conspiracy theories in need of cancellation. The vice president mentioned “inflation” three times in her speech, but not to highlight administration efforts to tamp down the 8.3% Biden-Harris tax that is destroying Middle American household budgets. Instead, she championed what her party falsely calls an Inflation Reduction Act to lure gullible voters who still believe that what Democrats tell them is true.
Yes, we remember how much elections matter. Harris reminded her audience:
Because what we did then was we said, “Okay, we want to make sure that we are bringing relief to the American people. We need people who stand for the idea that when others are suffering, we must figure out how to uplift their condition.”489
It’s easy for liberal elite Harris to talk to a friendly audience about how she uplifted the “condition” of America’s bedraggled masses when she leaves out seven very important words:
1. Immigrants
2. Migrants
3. Fentanyl
4. Border
5. Prices
6. Energy
7. Crime
Each one of these words are why elections matter. Thank the vice president for yet another reminder:
All of this is because of what you did in 2020. Think about that — the impact — impact (inaudible) — the impact that will be generational because of the hard work that was put into understanding elections matter. Elections matter.490
Yes, we think about the impact of the 2020 election every single day. We think about it when we read about the crime and killing in our cities and when we see images of the Biden-Harris open border that do-nothing Czar Harris didn’t even mention in a recent speech in Texas. We think about the impact when we worry if our kids will have the opportunities that we did or will instead have their futures relegated to Democrat Party socialism. We consider the impact of elections when we look at our sinking 401(k)s and wonder if Biden’s atomic firestorm will intervene to relieve our worries about retirement.
Do not forget the vice president’s words when you go to the polls on November 8:
I’d ask first that we take the time always to reflect on what the people here did in 2020, because it’s really important to remember the result of that extraordinary work that everyone here did that led to the outcome of the election in 2020.491
Harris is right. We should reflect on the outcome of the 2020 election and what it’s done to our lives. The result she boasts must be stopped by voting against everything Democrats stand for so we can start the long, difficult process of saving America from people like her.
Hypocrisy update October 13, 2022:
#194: Did Biden really say that?? Patronizing our pain so he can take credit lies somewhere between hypocrisy and treachery.
As cynical as I am about the failed Biden administration and our government in general, every once in a while I’m taken aback by something especially atrocious, something so out of bounds that it’s difficult to image it’s real.
Falsely accusing our Border Patrol of whipping migrants to shore up the left’s conviction that America is fundamentally racist is a tough example to beat, but the president may have outdone himself with a remark he made today about skyrocketing prices:
Americans are squeezed by the cost of living: that’s been true for years, and they didn’t need today’s report to tell them that. It’s a key reason I ran for President. Working to give middle class families some breathing room in dealing with their costs is critical.492
Yes, Joe Biden said that. He patronized Americans hurt by his economic agenda and patted himself on the back in the very same breath.
Could this be our fault? Have we misjudged our president and blamed him for a horrendous economy when inflation is really only 2%?
Inflation over the last three months has averaged 2%, at an annualized rate.493
That’s not 0% percent like it was in July, but it’s hardly the over 8% inflation we’ve been worrying about. Joe Biden is president and he of all people should know, just like he knows how to fix the problem:
Because of my economic plan, the United States is in a stronger position than any major economy to take on this challenge. And my policies—that Democrats delivered—directly tackles price pressures we saw in today’s report, like health care.494
Remember that and stop whining when you go to the grocery store or gas station. Nothing is different. It’s been this way for years. Inflation is only 2%.
Thank heavens we have Joe Biden to set us straight and not Republicans who will ruin the economy:
Republicans in Congress’ number one priority is repealing the Inflation Reduction Act. That’s the exact wrong thing to do in this moment. If Republicans take control of Congress, everyday costs will go up – not down.495
I’ll settle for 2% any day, but I do have one nagging question before I change my midterm plans and vote for Democrats. If this is true, why do we need to spend big on an Inflation Reduction Act?
Hypocrisy update October 22, 2022:
#195: Student loan hypocrisy. Biden attacks Marjorie Taylor Greene because he thinks you are stupid.
With the exception of boogeyman Donald Trump, few Republicans terrify Democrats more than Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). She threatens the cozy relationship between the GOP and Democrats that stalls progress and enriches lawmakers at our expense behind a cloak of phony partisanship.
Greene filed articles of impeachment against Merrick Garland on August 12, 2022. That’s the difference between the sorry, establishment politicians who infest the Republican Party and a congresswoman who is willing to take a risk and not play along with Democrats.
We’ve washed our hands of Liz Cheney (R-WY). We don’t need Mitch McConnell (R-KY), either. We need more Marjorie Taylor Greenes.
While we wait for a Republican majority to take over and start delving into the Biden family’s financial dealings with America’s two chief adversaries, President Biden just had his shameless midterm handout for student loan borrowers halted by an appeals court. In his displeasure he resorted to attacking Greene:
Marjorie Taylor Greene: She got over — she and her husband had $180,000 in business loans forgiven from the PPP program. She said it’s “completely unfair” for us to forgive student loans for working- and middle-class Americans.496
The president also called out Vern Buchanan (R-FL) and started in on Ted Cruz (R-TX) before his audience at Delaware State University intervened with a loud chorus of boos.
A state university is a reliably safe venue to display the administration’s hypocrisy over student loan forgiveness. Biden should have tried the same speech in front of an audience of Americans who worked two jobs to pay for their children’s college, or taxpayers like me who were harassed mercilessly by collectors early in our working lives when we had difficulty making the payments and yet found a way to pay back 100% of the money we borrowed, with interest.
The president is counting on his audience’s lack of knowledge about how the PPP program works and what the bill contains. The loan forgiveness provisions under that program and his student loan handout are not even remotely similar, but Biden hopes we are too stupid to know the difference.
Loan forgiveness was built into the PPP, a bill overwhelmingly supported by Democrats. There is no similar forgiveness provision for the student loans the White House wants to pay down, nor is there any reason to think that the president can do this with a wave of his order wand just because he knows that Congress will never agree.
After he blasted Greene, Biden claimed:
My commitment when I ran for President of the United States: that if I was elected, I’d make the government work and deliver for the people.497
So far, delivering for the people means life-altering pain at the pump and grocery store, bullet-riddled and corpse-strewn streets, paying for illegals spilling over Biden’s open border, and tinkering with our children’s futures with the transition from a sound, free market capitalist economy to a Green New Deal Marxist hellhole.
America’s president is a serial liar and a hypocrite who repeatedly banks on a naïve, half-bright electorate. We are tired of having our intelligence insulted and are about to go to the polls to prove it. His student loan forgiveness is based on the partisan premise of America’s fundamental unfairness rather than the Democrat Party’s habit of encouraging the same lack of responsibility in the American people that its lawmakers display in Congress. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the provisions of the Paycheck Protection Program and saying that it does just makes Biden look worse than ever.
Hypocrisy update October 25, 2022:
#196: Democrat Party’s agenda For the Children promises ignorance, moral decay, gunshot wounds, and mutilated bodies.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a habit of using children as pawns. She portrayed President Biden’s Build Back Better Plan as a “historic opportunity to build a stronger fairer future for the children.”498 Under her leadership we’ve fought for the children, had a Day of Action For The Children, and a Keeping Kids Fed Act. Before the last presidential election Pelosi used children to attack Trump over coronavirus relief, claiming:
When the President walked away from coronavirus relief negotiations yesterday, he did great harm to America’s children. As a mother and grandmother, I am particularly outraged by this act of cruelty.499
Not spending money on Democrat priorities isn’t cruelty. It’s politics. Cruelty is fostering a society where children are failed by our schools, shot in our cities, and killed by illegal drugs coming over our open border. If Pelosi wants to be outraged, she should be angered by Democrat Party special interests whose cruel agenda for our kids includes sexual grooming and exposure to freakish drag queens, cancelling puberty, chemical castration, and hacking off breasts and genitalia.
Shot and forgot.
9 children were among the 51 shot in Chicago last weekend.500 The story didn’t make the headlines. Biden didn’t travel to the Windy City to make a speech. Why? Democrats favor politicizing shootings that don’t reflect poorly on their policies and can be used to attack Republicans, especially those involving assault weapons or race. Children shot in their cities by day-to-day acts of violence are collateral damage best ignored.
Being ignorant beats being shot, but it’s still not something to strive for.
Being ignorant is preferable to being shot, but it’s not something we should be proud of. Yesterday’s release of the new “Nation’s Report Card” showed that 69% of 8th grade students were not up to reading standards and nearly three-quarters were below expected proficiency in mathematics.501
Our kids may be undereducated in the essentials, but there is enough time and money to indoctrinate them about fringe sexuality and gender dysphoria that Republicans proposed the Stop Sexualization of Children Act of 2022:
Federal grants from the Department of Health and Human Services were recently used to fund an event in Alaska where a drag queen performed for children. The Department of Defense is funding drag shows for families on military bases, and incorporating radical gender ideology into curricula at DOD schools.502
Radical gender ideology opens the door to what the White House calls “gender-affirming care.” The similarity to calling abortions “reproductive health care” is disturbing. An October 4, 2022 letter from Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra blasted a Biden administration proposal that would require medical professionals to provide these kinds of services:
As it is written, this rule would force hospitals and doctors to administer gender affirmation procedures and hormone blockers to minors. This is unconscionable. Under no circumstances should a child under the age of 18 undergo gender reassignment surgery or take hormone blockers. This type of surgery and sterilization is irreversible and the fact that the Biden Administration may make it easier for an adolescent who has not fully developed to choose to mutilate his or her body is despicable.503
As Burchett makes painfully clear, this is not care for children but child cruelty for the sake of the woke ideology promoted by Democrats and our president:
To put it bluntly, the Biden Administration is sacrificing children on the altar of wokeness. Many children who receive vaginectomies, mastectomies, puberty blockers, and other treatments will mature and realize they made a grave mistake.504
The fact that children are too young and inexperienced to make an informed decision about the long-term consequences of mutilating their bodies to satisfy a radical agenda that will likely die out and leave them as disfigured societal outcasts is irrelevant to a Democrat Party seeking to expand its special interest base. It’s true that this is for the children, but not in any way a responsible, ethical society cares for its vulnerable youth.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.