Hypocrisy update September 3, 2022:
#186: Salute to America is authoritarian and dangerous, but intimidating Americans defends our democracy.
In July 2019 the left tore its hair out over President Trump’s plans to “use tanks, fighter jets, and other U.S. military equipment in his Fourth of July “Salute to America” event.”463
Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) joined in the Democrat Party’s attacks on the president:
But most shameful of all is that our military is being co-opted for a gratuitous display of strength by a Commander-in-Chief who relishes the attention of dictators and despots. The American people should never allow any President of the United States to behave this way.”464
Virginia Democrat Don Beyer described Trump’s plan as “… an authoritarian-style marshal display.”465
Barbara Lee (D-TX) insisted that members of the military should never be used for political ends:
The sacrifice and bravery of the men and women in the U.S. armed forces are to be honored and applauded never to be used for political purposes to boost sagging poll numbers, as the President did today.466
Like the simple patriotism behind Making America Great, a Salute to America infuriated Democrats. They beat their chests over the cost to taxpayers, though lying to Americans about their own spending to reduce inflation is perfectly acceptable.
After Biden’s intimidating, blood red campaign address Thursday night, the White House defended the president’s use of the military for political purposes:
The presence of the Marines at the speech was intended to demonstrate the deep and abiding respect the President has for these services — service members, to these ideals and the unique role our independent military plays in defending our democracy, no matter which party is in power — again, no matter which power — party is in power.467
These words could just as easily have been applied to Trump’s Independence Day celebration. Certainly, Trump showed a deep and abiding respect for the armed forces. He respected the American people and his duty to make our nation a better place.
Biden chose a different strategy. With less than two years in office America is divided, our president is spreading anti-Republican hate, and our economy is in a shambles. Instead of a mea culpa and reversal of the radical left policies that cause so much pain to Americans, Biden pushed back against we, the people with a hateful, divisive, un-American speech that used our military to intimidate his political opposition.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke for her party, applauding Biden’s address as “inspiring and optimistic.”468 You won’t find a better example of our gaslighting government’s hypocritical, deep state double standard.
Hypocrisy update September 9, 2022:
#187: National election emergency isn’t about Democrat Party interference, but it should be.
The aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 defeat wasn’t about what Trump offered that Democrats could not or the simple truth that the Clinton name was too tainted to prevail. Instead, Democrats focused on foreign interference and the Clinton campaign followed up with the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
When Democrats take a beating this November, do you think they will consider a reset of a progressive agenda that continues to hurt people, or will they blame the lost congressional seats on election theft?
From Hillary Clinton to Al Gore to Stacy Abrams, when Democrats lose they blame stolen elections. Like our two-tiered justice system, it’s an advantage of party membership Republicans don’t share. When we claim an election was rigged we’re a threat to the nation. When Democrats make the same accusation they are saving our democracy.
The cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop news was an astounding instance of election interference before the 2020 presidential contest. Despite persistent warnings by Democrats that foreign governments were tinkering with our elections, this was domestic interference with the goal of putting their party’s candidate in the White House.
Think about that when you read this excerpt from President Biden’s September 8, 2022 statement announcing an extension of our national emergency over the threat of foreign election interference:
The ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.467
The president admits that impactful foreign interference is unlikely:
Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcomes or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system.467
There has been “no evidence” that foreign interference changed the outcome of a U.S. election, but we can only guess at the impact of deep-sixing the Hunter Biden story and the pervasive, ongoing attacks on Donald Trump by Democrats who portrayed him as a corrupt Russian operative with treason in his heart.
Why does a nation so obsessed with foreign governments manipulating our elections ignore and refuse to pursue and potentially prosecute the bad actors we know intentionally interfered with the public’s perception of presidential candidates?
We will never have a Democrat Party election interference emergency. Two of the biggest affronts to our election integrity came from right here at home. Democrats were involved, but they are also the party in charge of Congress, the White House, and our federal justice system. As far as U.S. election integrity is concerned, that’s game, set, and match.
Hypocrisy update September 14, 2022,
#188: After celebrating inflation reduction, White House opts for historic hypocrisy with United We Stand Summit.
You probably thought the White House would never be able to top the hypocrisy of holding a celebration for phony “inflation reduction” legislation on the same day we learned that inflation went even higher and the stock market dived off a cliff. Well, you were wrong. The Biden administration is hosting a “United We Stand Summit” tomorrow, just two weeks after the most divisive presidential rampage we have ever heard followed up the president labeling tens of millions of Americans semi-fascists.
You can’t, as they say, make this stuff up.
If only this was a hoax, something Democrats are particularly good at, then our country might still stand a chance of drawing together. I’ll correct myself if I’m wrong, but this summit doesn’t sound like a kumbaya moment in the making:
Tomorrow, President Biden will host the United We Stand Summit to counter the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and public safety, highlight the response of the Biden-Harris Administration and communities nationwide to these dangers, and put forward a shared vision for a more united America. The United We Stand Summit will present an important opportunity for Americans of all races, religions, regions, political affiliations, and walks of life to stand together to help heal the soul of our nation.471
Do all political affiliations include MAGA Republicans? Somehow, I doubt it.
This smells like it has about as much to do with unity as the effort to turn conservatives into enemies of the people. “Hate-fueled violence” and “public safety” probably don’t refer to the riots during the summer of 2020 or the violent crime in the cities run into the dirt by Democrats. In fact, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told us exactly what this is about during today’s afternoon get-together with the press:
As you know, President Biden decided to run for President after the horror of the hate-fueled violence that erupted in Charlottesville back in August 2017 — Charlottesville, Virginia.472
Whether or not the backstory about the president’s decision is true and I suspect it isn’t, “Charlottesville” is a divisive liberal dog whistle and anyone who follows politics knows it. The president referred to the incident as “the battle for the soul of America”473 which, not coincidentally, was pretty close to the “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” he ranted about during his frightening September 1, 2022 address.
Jean-Pierre mentioned that the White House would have “more specifics on deliverables.” That’s a scary thought. The nation can’t take too much more of this White House’s brand of unity, which means uniting with Democrats or else.
Hypocrisy update September 19, 2022:
#189: Harris promotes health and safety in Chicago to kick off a weekend with 63 shootings.
It’s Monday. The numbers are still coming in, but so far ABC 7 reports a weekend total of 63 people shot with 9 killed in Chicago (page removed from site).474
When the Windy City received a handful of illegals from Texas, Governor J.B. Pritzker issued an emergency disaster proclamation and called out the National Guard. 63 weekend shootings, on the other hand, hardly merit attention. It’s not as if Democrats can use them to attack their political opponents. After all, the party runs Illinois with an iron fist. If there is blame to be placed, there is only one place it belongs.
Pritzker’s no cash bail law is timed to take effect after his November reelection. Once he is comfortably ensconced for another four years the consequences of releasing more criminals to the streets won’t matter. It’s a problem that can be deflected later and the blame for what will most certainly happen directed elsewhere. In the meantime, Democrats need to focus on things that really matter to them like killing lots of babies.
This is a perfect task for Czar Kamala “the border is secure” Harris. Illinois is a pro-abortion, Democrat-controlled, pro-Biden administration state. There is nothing for the vice president to do here except run her mouth for friendly audiences and recite partisan talking points, which Harris is pretty good at even if she doesn’t always make sense. The Dobbs decision has no impact in Illinois, but it does give her a chance to spread trending Democrat Party disinformation:
The Vice President’s visit followed a week of extreme actions by Congressional Republicans to further restrict women’s reproductive freedom, including proposing a national abortion ban and attempting to obstruct women’s access to medication.475
The readout from her meeting with Pritzker, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot, and others doesn’t say what these “extreme actions” are, but these days anything that doesn’t support the radical left’s agenda is labeled extreme out of hand. If the reference was to H.R. 8814, the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act,” the legislation only bans the procedure after 15 weeks and includes exceptions where the health of the mother is in jeopardy. Lindsey Graham’s Senate bill also imposes a 15-week limit. It is not a “national abortion ban.” This is standard issue Democrat Party disinformation.
Health and safety matters as long as it’s not the health and safety of children who can’t vote.
The attendees at Harris’s meeting are concerned about misinformation:
Participants expressed concerns about the dangers of misinformation, and they shared stories about how Dobbs is harming the health and safety of women.476
Do they mean the kind of misinformation Border Czar Harris is spreading to cover up her refusal to do her job, or the disinformation fellow Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are busy spreading because killing babies is the only issue they have and they will lie their faces off if that’s what it takes to get reelected?
Instead of focusing their attention on babies who are in no jeopardy whatsoever until Democrat-backed abortion mills kill them, perhaps Harris, Pritzker, Lightfoot, et al. should do something to keep Chicago residents who are always in danger safe from gunfire?
That won’t happen because Democrats like President Joe “you ain’t black” Biden assume the vote of black communities where so much of the urban violence happens is a done deal. This frees them up to pursue other opportunities instead of fretting over the three-year old girl and four other children included in the mass of Windy City shootings this weekend.477
Hypocrisy Update September 26, 2022:
#190: Progressives want you to believe that laws preserving life are dangerous and setting violent criminals free is safe.
The Illinois SAFE-T Act will take effect two months after Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker is reelected by the Illinois Democrat machine. The delay was smart. We know what this legislation will bring to Illinois and Chicago, in particular. We’ve seen the results in New York, Los Angeles, and other crime meccas. If you still live in Chicago, this would be a good time to start packing.
Like other progressive be kind to criminals legislation, Pritzker’s bill cracks down on police and lightens up on offenders. Cash bail (“pretrial detention”) is abolished. Serious and even violent offenses will no longer require that the offender post bail.
Cook County already has a problem with prosecuting criminals, thanks in part to State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. As Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN) observes, Foxx follows the lead of other liberal guardians of public safety:
Rogue prosecutors such as George Gascon in Los Angeles, Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, Kim Foxx in Chicago, Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Marilyn Mosby in Baltimore, Kimberly Gardner in St. Louis, and Rachael Rollins in Boston intentionally fail to prosecute criminals based on their absurd belief that criminal justice is racist.478
SAFE-T Act proponents argue that judges have discretion to detain suspects. They expect us to believe that courts will not be influenced by the weight of the all-controlling state Democrat Party and the expectations of liberal activists. When reports start pouring in of people being hurt or worse by criminals who were set free, the governor will be safely in office for another four years and what happens to Chicago and Cook County residents won’t matter.
Progressives quickly divert any discussion of violent crime in their cities to assault weapons, white extremists, the Second Amendment, and the necessity of being kinder to the “justice-involved.” Crimes committed by illegals welcomed to America by the Biden administration fall under the same umbrella of progressive values as the SAFE-T Act that dictates hurting innocent Americans is unavoidable collateral damage less important than the urgency of liberal priorities.
While no pre-midterm Democrat is likely to label the SAFE-T Act or similar legislation dangerous or unjust despite the many instances proving the risks to the public, the party viciously attacks laws that place restrictions on abortion. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre warned of the dangers last week:
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, I can’t speak directly to any specific elections. Look, the President has made clear: When we — when we — when we talk about — when we talk about choice and we talk about where we are currently with abortion, when we talk about Republicans who are trying to make a national ban across the country, this is very serious, dangerous outcomes that could — that are — that we’re facing with.479
Misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies come from both sides of the crime and abortion issues, including Democrat propaganda that proposed legislation restricting the procedure after 15 weeks constitutes a ban. One simple question is seldom raised: why are Democrats so eager to condemn commonsense limits on taking innocent life as dangerous policy while they defend as safe placing violent criminals back on the streets so they can cause more harm, like the rapist the Washington Examiner reports committed offenses against five more people after being set free?480
Democrats promote abortion up to the moment of birth481 and yet they claim that the Dobbs decision is “extremist majority cruelty.”482 They defend “reproductive justice” and “life-saving reproductive care,” a relabeling to make the procedure more fashionable, akin to calling violent felons “justice-involved” persons, illegals “undocumented immigrants,” and pedophiles “minor-attracted” people so as not to cause offense.
You will never hear the same rhetoric about the dangers of no cash bail, decarceration, police defunding, or other progressive priorities that teach criminals that violent crime is not a serious offense as you will about laws that place any type of restriction on abortion. There is no progressive hypocrisy more glaring than justifying the release of criminals to rob, rape, or kill again while calling limits on baby killing dangerous and an assault on our freedom.
Hypocrisy update September 28, 2022:
#191: Pelosi politicizes Rosh Hashanah, cites “outrageous injustices.”
Nancy Pelosi couldn’t help but politicize Rosh Hashanah. Foaming at the mouth partisanship tends to do that. When it comes to attacking America, even religious observances are fair game.
Angry people have a habit of saying things they don’t mean. That must be what happened with Pelosi’s strange, incriminating statement about the Jewish New Year. She accepts a globalist responsibility on our behalf that President Biden’s horrendous foreign policy coupled with our sinking economy makes impossible:
But as families around the globe continue to face unthinkable hardship, our responsibility to help repair the world remains as urgent as ever.483
Strength breeds responsibility. That assumes you accept the premise that it’s the responsibility of America’s taxpayers to repair the world. Biden, Pelosi, and the Democrat Party made America historically weak by undermining our economy to please the radical left and engaging in foreign policy blunders like the Afghanistan withdrawal, the failure to halt Putin in Ukraine, the president’s trip to the Middle East to beg for oil, and growing our subservience to China.
The worst part of what’s happening to our economy is that it was entirely avoidable. We didn’t have to destroy our energy sector or send countless billions overseas for a war a strong leader backed by a powerful, energy independent economy might have averted or recklessly spend staggering amounts of money on liberal priorities until inflation became unmanageable.
Nevertheless, Pelosi ignored the consequences of Democrat policy and instead used Rosh Hashanah to turn a blameful eye on America:
The scourge of antisemitism continues to plague Jewish communities, while outrageous economic and racial injustices still tarnish the soul of America.484
Democrats would be wise to stop using Biden’s “soul of America” hot button. If anything tarnishes our soul, it’s repeatedly reminding millions of Americans that our president thinks we are fascists and our country’s worst enemies.
Let’s be clear. Democrat members of Pelosi’s House have been called out on multiple occasions for their antisemitism. This includes Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) remarks last week reported by The Hill that progressives cannot support Israel.485 If Tlaib was a Republican, she’d be run out of town.
The “outrageous economic and racial injustices” Pelosi mentions are both a lie and a fabrication. Democrats kickstarted a recession they blame on everyone except themselves and their president. If the speaker is losing sleep over racial injustice, she should ask why Democrats turn a blind eye to killing bordering on genocide in the black communities they govern that they would never tolerate where their elites live, with or without private security.
Yes, there are outrageous injustices taking place in America. Look at your 401(k) balance. Look at your last gas receipt. Look at yesterday’s grocery bill. Try buying a house. Ask why we are draining our Strategic Petroleum Reserve dry or why the president had to go begging to other nations for baby formula.
If Pelosi wants to cite outrageous injustices, she need only look at herself, her president, and her party. Blaming America shows us what a shameless, partisan hack she really is.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.