Hypocrisy update May 4, 2022:
#164: Did Pelosi just say that fewer black and brown people would be a good thing?
Hysteria never leads to anything good. Democrats are tripping all over themselves in their eagerness to miscommunicate the impact of a Supreme Court decision that hasn’t been issued and won’t restrict anyone’s right to do anything unless voters decide it’s what they want. Like it or not, this is how government by the people works even if it’s inconvenient for the left.
In addition to their unquestionable support for abortion rights, Democrats also claim minority communities and people of color as their own despite a lackluster record for advancing anyone but themselves. Are the issues of supporting minority communities and promoting abortion compatible?
The answer depends on your motives. It’s safe to say that Democrats haven’t given this a lot of thought. In fact, if we take a remark that Nancy Pelosi made yesterday at face value it sounds like she thinks that fewer people of color would be a good thing:
By eviscerating women’s fundamental freedom to full reproductive care, radical Republican-appointed Justices are poised to inflict unthinkable suffering on tens of millions of families across our country, especially in communities of color and low-income communities.383
The “reproductive” part of full reproductive care is an oxymoron. Pelosi is referring to abortions, of course, which are the antithesis of reproduction. This is a term like “undocumented immigrant” that’s intended to make something unpleasant and offensive palatable for mass consumption.
A white Republican making this remark would be instantly blamed for white supremacy, racism, even genocide for arguing that denying a procedure that reduces the black and brown population inflicts unthinkable suffering. As a top voice in the Democrat Party Pelosi probably feels she is exempt from these sorts of accusations that her party gleefully reserves for the GOP. She said what she said, though, and I think the nation deserves an explanation and an answer.
Madam Speaker, why does not aborting black and brown children inflict unthinkable suffering on minority communities?
Hypocrisy update May 8, 2022:
#165: Harris the hypocrite: vice president talks about rooms and more rooms, her big decisions, and the importance of sovereignty.
I don’t want to set the bar too high for our vice president. We’ve learned that expectations for Kamala Harris should be much lower than for most politicians even if she is #2 in line for the most powerful leadership position in the world, or at least the world before Joe Biden got his hands on us.
Harris talks rooms and more rooms.
In an address at Tennessee State University yesterday Harris patted herself on the back for her lifelong determination to “be in the rooms where the decisions were being made:”384
As Vice President, I spend a lot of time in these rooms. I preside over debates in the United States Senate. I consult with experts at the Goddard Space Flight Center as the Chair of the National Space Council. I host bilateral meetings with heads of state at the White House.385
She got tripped up by the word “rooms” and descended into one of her word salad loops:
These are the rooms where decisions are being made. And these are the rooms that I was taught early on by my family, my mentors, and professors, who always believed that I should know that I could be and should be in those rooms, just as I believe you should be in these rooms. (Applause.)386
The audience applauded. It was graduation. Perhaps they were feeling extra indulgent.
The vice president didn’t say anything about what happened when she was tasked with making big decisions in the all-important border security room. What has she done to defend America’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, a phrase the administration has repeatedly used to justify our intervention in Ukraine?
President Putin’s action contradicts Russia’s commitments under the Minsk agreements, refutes Russia’s claimed commitment to diplomacy, and undermines Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.387
Harris used the phrase on Saturday as she spoke of post-WWII peace and security in Europe:
We believed that the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity had, for the most part, prevailed — that democracy had prevailed. But now, the certainty of fundamental principles is being called into question, including the principles of equality and fairness.388
She failed to mention America’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. In her role as Border Czar there must be one of her rooms somewhere in Washington where Harris can make the all-important decisions to protect our border instead of allowing it to be overrun by illegals. With President Biden’s decision to complicate matters by repealing Title 42, if Harris is going to make a move this is the time to do it. Blaming Donald Trump for policies that worked won’t get the job done:
The Biden-Harris administration is working to rebuild our immigration system after four years of chaos and mismanagement.389
Lying about the success of White House border policies won’t help, either:
The administration has made significant progress at establishing a well-managed and secure border while also treating people fairly and humanely. The American people support this approach.390
Do we? I thought most Americans support a secure border and are not in favor of allowing drugs, sex offenders, and other criminals into the country because we refuse to control the massive influx of foreign invaders the Biden administration welcomes with open arms.
Was the door to the special room where Border Czar Harris makes her big decisions about protecting our sovereignty and territorial integrity locked? Does someone on her staff have they key? They had better find it fast. A disaster is on track to turn into a catastrophe by the end of this month and Harris is the one Biden tapped to fix it while he goes out of his way to make the situation even worse.
Hypocrisy update May 12, 2022:
#166: Roe v. Wade is a priority. Infant formula shortage? Not so much.
Despite all the prescience, hard work, and historic success the Biden administration draws together to address each and every crisis the president creates, Americans never seem to understand. In yesterday’s DNC address the president remarked that one of the big problems with inflation is that we’re afraid of it. Today we “remain concerned” about the infant formula shortage despite the administration ensuring that we’re cranking out more formula than ever:
So, you know, since mid-February, we have been working closely with USDA and FDA on a suite of actions that they have taken, which is why we are able to say today that production today is — you know, exceeds production in the period just before the [Abbott] recall was — the recall was initiated.391
“Suite of actions” is impressive jargon, to say the least. Unfortunately for Biden the public doesn’t appreciate the extent of the White House’s efforts:
But we also know that families across the country remain concerned about the availability of infant formula, especially families that rely on specialty products that are harder to substitute and some of which are only produced at the Michigan facility.392
Are we too dumb to understand that the adults running the country have everything under control? They’ve been on this since mid-February so we should be in the clear, correct?
Not exactly.
A senior administration official was asked during a press call today when the store shelves would be restocked:
I don’t have a particular timeline for you. But we are — we are working closely with partners across the federal government to mitigate these shortages and improve experiences for American families as they’re shopping for formula across the country.393
The official didn’t say what “improved experiences” means, exactly. Free coffee and cookies to ease your disappointment at finding empty shelves again? Wipes to remove COVID from shopping carts? Decorative Out of Stock signs?
Perhaps Biden and the Democrats believe their lie that Roe v. Wade will end abortions nationwide and they fear that our population will surge and make shortages worse. Backburnering the formula shortage and starving the most vulnerable of all Americans is not an acceptable workaround. We are a developed country. Our government should be able to ensure we have the resources to feed all of our people, even babies.
It would be less anger-inducing if the White House would just fall back on the excuse it used when the government ran short of COVID tests as the very predictable omicron surge struck. “We didn’t see it coming” is absolutely believable considering who it’s coming from. Besides, it’s not as if we expect anything better from this president or anyone in his administration. At the moment they are preoccupied with their other baby problem, the one they are truly concerned about.
Hypocrisy update May 14, 2022:
#167: Our president wants you to feel safe from crime. Did he check with his party first?
When I read the new White House fact sheet on making communities safer I wondered whether Congressional Defund the Police Democrats were asked to comment before it was released:
President Biden believes that Americans deserve to feel safe no matter where they live, and he is committed to using every tool at his disposal to fight violent crime.394
Assuming he’s not referring to helping Americans living along our border with Mexico feel safer, this is still an astounding statement. This is the man the party of defund the police put in office, the man who opened our borders to human trafficking and fentanyl and whose Justice Department targeted concerned parents while children are shot dead in the streets of our cities. This is the president who thinks background checks will stop criminals from buying guns, who oversees a party with a vast network of liberal public officials who endorse a be kind to crime approach with many insisting that offenders should not even have to post cash bail before they are released to the streets to commit more crimes.
Now Biden wants to keep us safe? How could this possibly be??
It seems there is no amount of violence and killing that will convince Congress’s empty-headed, left wing ideologues that law enforcement is the answer to crime. Despite her city having one of the highest, if not the highest murder rate in America, Cori Bush (D-MO) applauded St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones’ budget proposal to defund the police by cutting $4 million from the department’s budget:
Today’s decision to defund the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is historic. It marks a new future for our city. We are building a St. Louis where elected officials lead in partnership with activists, organizers, and our communities.395
As a taxpayer-supported elected official doing quite a bit better than many, if not most of her constituents, Bush can afford her own private security. This hypocrisy among radical, Defund the Police Democrats is so extreme that Rep. Greg Murphy (R-NC) proposed H.Res. 1026 to condemn lawmakers who advocate this woke imperative. The resolution recommends that these politicians not be allowed to use our tax dollars to protect themselves while they promote withdrawing police funding for everyone else.396
Not a single Democrat co-sponsored Murphy’s resolution.
What is Biden offering to make us feel safer?
Biden’s Friday the 13th commitment to making communities safer only says that we deserve to feel safe. It’s not quite the same thing as actually being safe.
To that end, our new anti-crime president adopted the same approach he uses for every other failure on his hands. He blames Republicans for the failings of Democrats:
Unfortunately, every Republican in Congress voted against the American Rescue Plan public safety funding for cities and rural counties across the country.397
Then he tells us how much more he’s done than any other president in modern history to fix the crisis of the moment without mentioning why it’s still with us:
Along with ongoing state and local support from the Justice Department, American Rescue Plan investments made 2021 among the largest single-year commitments of federal resources for state and local law enforcement and public safety on record.398
… and then the persons unknown who write these screeds for Biden conclude with an overlong list of spending priorities to solve the problem. It’s a formula that sounds good and hasn’t worked yet.
This doesn’t sound like defunding the police.
Did the White House finally figure out too late that the crime Americans have been talking about for many months is a very real problem?
More important, does Biden care? He doesn’t seem to care about anything else that hurts us, including reserving baby formula for illegals while our own kids go hungry.
I can offer two admittedly cynical explanations for this hypocritical about-face on crime.
The first is fear. The surge in violent crime will be punished in November. It’s time to spend some cash now so credit can be taken later, even though we have absolutely no reason to think that this summer’s bloodbath in cities like Chicago will be any different, if not worse than last summer. Spreading money around violent urban hellholes won’t stop crime, but it will engender some good political will from those who bring in the votes.
Second, there is a lot of suspiciously woke-sounding crime prevention jargon afoot here, including money for crisis intervention and health support, community violence intervention, crisis responders, substance use disorder and mental health services, mobile crisis intervention, and so on and so forth. It sounds like a big, steamy pile of social spending, exactly the kind of spending Defund the Police Democrats promote in the wake of the violent George Floyd riots.
There is much ado in Biden’s remarks about crises, but not much about criminals. If there is money dedicated to more prosecutors and jail cells, I couldn’t find it.
Perhaps we could also spend some money on the campaigns of candidates opposing liberal, woke DAs and prosecutors and even governors like Illinois’ J.B. Pritzker whose new, no cash bail law won’t take effect until after the next gubernatorial election?
Pritzker’s ploy is the same problem we’re facing with the president and Defund the Police Democrats in Washington. Time is running out for them to pass out billions in taxpayer dollars to their cities under the guise of crime prevention. By the time Republicans retake the House and put a stop to it the money will be gone and violent crime will still be with us.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.