Hypocrisy update March 13, 2022:
#152: Democratic hypocrisy at the Issues Conference ignores the most important thing about government in a democracy: don’t hurt the people.
Last week President Biden made it painfully clear that he doesn’t care that he’s hurt the American people. Everything is the fault of Putin’s or the oil industry. He’s not to blame.
Too bad for us that the rest of the Democratic Party is going along for the ride. The needs of Democrats come first and the American people, if we matter at all, come dead last.
If you doubt this is true, you probably missed Nancy Pelosi’s remarks when she introduced the president at last week’s House Democratic Issues Conference. The White House lap dog’s adoration of this president would be embarrassing if he was doing a tremendous job. He’s not. The speaker’s address reflected the insanity we witnessed at the State of the Union when at the mention of burn pits she rubbed her hands together, did a strange little shuffling dance, and smiled.
Margaret Hamilton would have been impressed.
Pelosi’s praise reflects the Democratic hypocrisy that harms our nation every time these opportunists seize power. Consider this bit of barely intelligible gibberish from an obviously ecstatic Pelosi:
With this election — because we talked about empathy, under your [Biden’s] leadership, we talked about the equality and empathy and all that we are doing, whether it is building infrastructure or advancing our economy to do so in a new, fresh way to not only help people survive, but to help them succeed and to do so in a transformative way, where men or women and people of color participated in that. And you’re making that happen with policy equity, with empathy For The People, making progress.344
Pelosi is telling the truth. Democrats talk about these things every chance they get. When their efforts cause the economy to go south they ignore it, blame others, and lie.
For The People is the equivalent of a corporate advertising trademark. When she turned her attention to Biden it was clear that Democratic advertising is all that matters:
This is a President who has a great vision for our country. We see that every day. He has vision and values that go with – he is a President who has knowledge and therefore judgments about policies that can work.345
Should we give her the benefit of the doubt? Perhaps his policies can work. The problem for Americans is that they aren’t working. Instead, they hurt people.
No matter. Pelosi heaped on more praise:
You know, he’s been clear about that and linked to it. But we do know that every day in his life, he has made a difference – in his political and official life. A President who is strategic in his thinking, who knows a path to get something done.346
It’s true that Biden has made a difference. It’s obvious from what was missing in Pelosi’s introduction what that difference is. The only mention of prices was drug prices. She never used the three words Americans are most worried about: gas, food, and inflation. That’s because when you wallow in your seething hypocrisy like a pig in slop it’s best to ignore reality entirely so you don’t have to deal with the grim truth.
Two words from Pelosi perfectly summarize 14 months of Democratic hypocrisy.
As Pelosi’s praise for Biden reached near orgasmic proportions she brought God into the discussion:
So again, God has blessed us with the timing of this presidency and this person, who is just making such a tremendous difference in the lives of the American people.347
She’s right. Biden has made a tremendous difference in our lives. Go fill up your car today on your way to the grocery store. That’s a good place to start. Then read the news about almost anything happening in the U.S. and around the world. Ask yourself how what happened in Afghanistan and Ukraine and what will inevitably happen in Taiwan might have been different if America had a leader. Biden’s hand is in all of it. He has made a tremendous difference.
Hypocrisy update March 13, 2022:
#153: Harris’ political hypocrisy at DNC Meeting is even worse than Pelosi’s.
How do you justify applauding all the good work you’ve done on behalf of the American people by ignoring what they care about? Nancy Pelosi showed us on Friday and Kamala Harris followed up during a Saturday appearance at the winter DNC Meeting:
We are, as Democrats, continuing to own the responsibility that comes with being a role model, which is, as a democracy, to take care of its people — to see them, to hear them, and to be reflective of their priorities and their needs.348
Harris usually seems oblivious to what’s really going on around her, so perhaps she hasn’t noticed that Democrats do none of these things. Not only are they not role models, their president eschews responsibility for all the damage he’s done. Democrats don’t take care of the people, not that we asked them to. Instead, they hurt Americans because they can. Too many of us conflict with their activist agenda. They see us, they hear us, and then they inflict policies based on political priorities that have nothing to do with America’s needs. Case in point: fossil fuels. What’s the best way to force Americans to not use them? Make them unaffordable with absolutely no regard for the consequences.
Border? What border?
Harris is ostensibly in charge of the border and our illegal immigration crisis. She never mentioned it during her speech despite Americans’ broad dissatisfaction with how border security is undermined by this administration. A Pew Research poll showed:
The government receives negative ratings for how it has handled the situation at the border. About two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) say that the government is doing a very (33%) or somewhat (35%) bad job of dealing with the increased number of people seeking asylum at the country’s southern border, while fewer than half as many (29%) say it is doing a very or somewhat good job.349
Kneeling alongside Pelosi with her head buried to her shoulders in the sand, Harris never used the words border, migrant, price, prices, inflation, gas, or economy in her remarks. Instead, we got the usual empty-headed allusions to a democracy she repeatedly demonstrates she either doesn’t understand or only values as a talking point:
But a democracy by its nature is also fragile, meaning it will only be intact if we fight for it and never take it for granted and be vigilant with a sense of clarity every day. (Applause.) 350
Someone needs to inform Harris that fighting for democracy doesn’t mean one party control of our election process and that ignoring what the people are most concerned about is the definition of taking democracy for granted. She won’t care anymore than Pelosi or Biden, but at least she deserves to know.
Hypocrisy update March 16, 2022:
#154: it’s easier to protect America than Ukraine, so why are Democrats allowing foreign invaders to assault our country?
8:50 a.m. After this morning’s address by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky we’re about to hear a deluge of generic, flag waving press releases about protecting democracy. Ukraine is an excuse, not the reason for politicians to climb up on their stump. Midterms are coming. Congressional lawmakers are terrified of not being the first to condemn the images we saw during Zelensky’s speech.
Truly standing up for Ukraine is difficult and dangerous. With Biden and Harris in charge the consequences of a misstep are tremendous, the kind of climate change we can never reverse.
Zelensky spoke of being strong. Our leaders at the top are anything but.
If Democrats truly care about protecting democracy and demonstrating that we are – in Zelensky’s words – the leader of world peace, they can start right here at home. They are on the record for turning a blind eye or even endorsing violent urban uprisings. Our southern border has turned into a broad freeway for foreigners from around the world to invade our country. Crime is defined by race. As our constitutional rights are undermined good Americans are targeted as terrorists. For the first time in many years we need to weigh our words carefully for fear of Biden’s aggressive, anti-First Amendment Department of Justice.
America is no longer the nation Zelensky appealed to this morning. That nation died on January 20, 2021.
Today we will hear countless appeals to democracy, to freedom and liberty, to protecting innocents. Many of these appeals will come from Democrats who fervently support the Biden agenda. They will demand that America provide more support to Ukraine. They will refuse to apply the same values to the homeland because these values are at odds with their radical, neo-socialist agenda.
As the press releases start to flow, replace the word “Ukraine” with “America” and then ask yourself: why won’t Democrats protect the same values for Americans that they demand we preserve in Ukraine?
Hypocrisy update March 22, 2022:
#155: rich white liberals will never understand why Ketanji Brown Jackson nomination is so toxic to their cause.
The 1991 Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings are a shameful bit of Senate history, an example of a characteristically vicious attack by Democrats on a conservative nominee. Rep. Billy Long (R-MO) reminded us:
Four years later [after Robert Bork hearings], President George H.W. Bush nominated Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, and Democrats once again engaged in what Justice Thomas rightly called “a high-tech lynching of a conservative black man who dared to disagree with the rich white liberals.”351
The dangerous decision to tap hopelessly useless Kamala Harris for the vice presidential slot doesn’t change the fact that the Democrat Party leadership is comprised of Thomas’ rich white liberals who believe that there is a difference between putting someone on a pedestal and discriminating against them because of their race. This is where identity politics fails. In the case of Harris, it is where identity politics puts America in jeopardy.
Years after Democrats tried Thomas in the Senate, they joined their accomplices in the media to vent their anti-conservative hate on Brett Kavanaugh. After Kavanaugh’s trial they followed up by attacking Amy Coney Barrett, proving that the left’s endorsement of equal rights for women only applies to liberals.
Hatred and intolerance from Democrats who are striving to create a one-party, one ideology state reached a fever pitch with the myriad lies spread by the left during the Trump administration. Now we are faced with Joe Biden’s mandatory black female SCOTUS nominee, a choice championed by Democrats who place skin color and gender labels before any relevant qualifications. How many times can House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) use “black” in a sentence? Let’s find out:
Not only would Judge Jackson be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court; she is the first Black nominee to the Court in more than three decades and would only be the third Black justice and fifth woman to serve on the nation’s highest bench. If confirmed, she will make history and continue to make the Supreme Court more reflective of the people it serves.352
Jackson is in the unfortunate position of being presented to America as an identity politics choice first and foremost. If she is confirmed, an identity politics choice is what she will always be through no fault of her own.
Jackson will be questioned by Republicans but she is not on trial and won’t be dragged through the mud because she is not a conservative and was not appointed by a Republican president. That’s a lucky thing for Democrats. The public Senate trial of a conservative black woman would be an absolute nightmare for the congressional left in this age of equity, identity politics, and de rigueur wokeness, but they would be duty bound to destroy Jackson if she was not a nominee from their party.
On Capitol Hill and the Oval Office the Democrat Party agenda is rigidly enforced by wealthy white liberals who believe that political trends mandate skin color as the defining characteristic that outweighs all other measures except for one thing: their liberal agenda which, ironically, puts skin color ahead of all other things.
There is a name for that. I trust you can figure it out for yourself.
Hypocrisy update March 27, 2022:
#156: Democrats demanded regime change in America. Why won’t the White House call for regime change in Russia?
When Biden stepped in it for the final time during his address from Warsaw yesterday the White House quickly interceded. No, America’s president and leader of the free world most certainly did not call for Vladimir Putin to be removed from office.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken had already confirmed administration policy on Russian regime change in a March 4, 2022 BBC interview from Brussels:
We don’t seek that, and in any event it’s not up to us. The Russian people need to decide their leadership. They need to decide whether the leaders that are there are actually advancing and representing their needs, their interests, their will. That’s absolutely not up to us.353
No, it’s not up to us but given that Vladimir Putin invaded a sovereign nation and is engaged in wholesale civilian slaughter isn’t regime change something we should support?
Apparently not. After Biden made a statement at odds with Blinken’s stance the secretary quickly stepped in to correct America’s commander in chief.
With regard to the President’s incredibly powerful speech yesterday, I think the President, the White House made the point last night that, quite simply, President Putin cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against Ukraine or anyone else. As you know, and as you’ve heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia or anywhere else, for that matter. In this case, as in any case, it’s up to the people of the country in question. It’s up to the Russian people.354
There is nothing incredibly powerful about a president whose flunkies make the big decisions and have the power to override his policy remarks. Despite Biden’s weakness and Blinken’s retraction, I’d hazard a guess that most if not all of the free world wants regime change in Russia. Furthermore, I doubt that Putin would be surprised to hear it.
The worst example of government hypocrisy yet:
Calling for Putin regime change is off limits. Demanding regime change in America is essential Democrat Party politics.
Democrats may shy away from angering Putin, but they had no problem instigating regime change in America. Now the Durham probe is finally uncovering the details of a hoax allegedly perpetrated by the Clinton campaign to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency and manipulate the 2016 election.
Again and again Democrats demanded the removal of a sitting president based on lies. Before the first Trump impeachment trial Congressman David Rouzer (R-NC) pointed out:
We were told the FBI didn’t abuse the FISA process in its investigation of the Trump campaign. That, too, has now been proven completely false.
“Then when the Russian collusion hoax collapsed, we were told that we would hear from a ‘whistleblower’ that had details of a nefarious call between the President and the President of Ukraine. Then we find out they weren’t even on the call. We still don’t know who the ‘whistleblower’ is.
“We were told there was clear evidence of a ‘quid pro quo’ for personal gain. After reading the transcript, it is obvious that you would have to make assumptions that wouldn’t even stand up in traffic court to come to that conclusion.355
That was from December 2019. Regime change failed. Impeachment failed again in February 2021, not that it mattered. Trump was no longer in office. That didn’t put an end to Speaker of the House Pelosi’s obsessive hatred for America’s absent president. This is what she released for the entire world to read:
The President will boast that he has been acquitted. There can be no acquittal without a trial, and there is no trial without witnesses, documents and evidence. The President has been impeached forever. Sadly, because of a majority of the Senate’s betrayal of the Constitution, the President remains an ongoing threat to American democracy, with his insistence that he is above the law and that he can corrupt the elections if he wants to.356
Pelosi’s message was that Trump was guilty no matter the evidence or the Senate’s refusal to do her bidding. In the case of the first trial that meant overthrowing the popularly elected leader of the free world. Democrats lined up to applaud.
Now, with Putin murdering civilians and even children our Democrat Party controlled White House will not call for regime change in Russia. The hypocrisy between Democrats’ overwhelming effort at regime change in America and the Biden administration’s refusal to show the world we will stand up for what’s right and call for Putin’s removal is absolutely shocking.
Is the political left’s position that murdering children and leveling cities are lesser crimes than offenses that never took place and were based on hoaxes and lies? That’s what it sounds like. The West wants regime change in Russia more than anything. Why don’t White House Democrats have the courage and conviction to come out and say it?
Hypocrisy update April 2, 2022:
#157: Democrats promote diversity by spreading fear of America.
Pelosi celebrates Ramadan by warning about Islamophobia and hate crimes.
No matter what group Democrats pander to when they congratulate themselves for promoting diversity their remarks tend to focus on hate crimes. Yesterday Speaker Nancy Pelosi showed how it’s done with her commemoration of the start of Ramadan:
Despite the invaluable contributions of Muslim Americans, Islamophobia continues to threaten our Muslim communities and undermine Americans’ most cherished national values, with hate crimes against Muslims on the rise in recent years.357
The message to Muslim Americans? Watch out. America is a hateful place. You could be a victim.
If you are a transgender American there is more bad news. Democrats recognized the National Transgender Day of Visibility by claiming millions are under attack despite an estimated U.S. transgender population of only 1.5 million.358
The message? Watch out. America is a hateful place. You could be a victim.
We’re also told that black Americans are murdered with impunity by the police. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus warned of the lethal consequences of skin color:
Our community can no longer be targeted, attacked, and killed with impunity. Being Black in America should not be a death sentence.359
The message? Same thing.
Asian Americans live here at great risk:
No person deserves to live in fear of physical attacks, but sadly, fear is the state of the union for many in the Asian American community.360
The message never changes, only whatever group identity politics places at the forefront of the Democrat Party’s fear campaign.
If we believe Democrats there is not a single diverse group of Americans who are not ravaged by hate crimes. Jewish Americans, Latino Americans, LGBTQ Americans, and Native Americans are all victimized by the hatred of the American people.
When Trump was in office and lies from Democrats were coming fast and loose America’s president and white nationalism were responsible:
This administration has been encouraging racism and division since President Trump got to the White House, and the days when the Republican Party can pretend otherwise are over,” [Rep. Raul] Grijalva said today. “Without a comprehensive, substantive policy reaction – including the Department of Justice acknowledging and responding to the rise of white nationalist criminality – this is going to get worse, not better.361
Meanwhile, Democrats are silent on the hatred and violence within communities of color that steal lives every single day because it contradicts the narrative that the white community is responsible for violence in America whether that means hate crimes, gun ownership, or domestic terrorism.
Diversity hypocrisy: Democrats take credit for diversity while telling us our nation is filled with violence and hate.
Despite all the hate crimes targeting diverse Americans, Pelosi insists:
Diversity is one of our nation’s greatest strengths.362
Gaining political strength by promoting a violent America opposed to diversity is one of the Democrat Party’s greatest priorities. The hypocrisy lies in taking credit for a diverse country while simultaneously encouraging Americans to believe that hate crimes are endemic and emblematic of how our nation treats diverse groups and cultures.
Besides, Trump has been gone since January 2020. Does that mean all these hate crimes are the fault of Democrats and America’s liberal left?
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.