Hypocrisy update June 19, 2021:
#102: Pelosi turns Biden’s G7 trip into a victory for America
In a June 17, 2021 press conference Nancy Pelosi stuck firmly to the Democrat Party’s policy to see, hear, and speak no evil about Joe Biden. Instead, she went so far overboard in her praise about his G7 trip that we should be questioning her mental competence, too:
We are so proud of our President. He’s back from his bilateral trip, the trip to visit – to participate in the G7 talks, of course, the NATO talks, the EU talks and, of course, the one-on-one with Vladimir Putin. He, I think, made a remarkable presentation for America, to say, ‘America is back.’192
It wasn’t clear just what we should be proud of, though she hinted that it had something do to with sucking up to European leaders and putting Vladimir Putin in his place:
He was direct, the President, about saying that there would be consequences if Putin hurts our interest, including relating to Russia’s election interference and cyberattacks, making clear that certain assaults on our infrastructure, our critical infrastructure, will be met with a reaction.193
Putin learned all about consequences from Democrats after Barack Obama drew his red line in Syria. I suspect there will be plenty of opportunities to find out what these consequences are. Putin could not have been anything but emboldened after meeting with the president and listening to his remarks to the press afterwards that included a blatant lie about the January 6 Capitol riot and a snappish response to a reporter that made our president look like a grouchy old man.
Pelosi didn’t mention China in her press conference. Not once. Nothing about the COVID cover-up. Apparently Democrats are content to let their Trump-era scare stories about the Russian bear dominate Washington while China steals the farm and gets away with what looks more and more like global mass murder.
Hypocrisy update June 23, 2021:
#103: is Biden really going to fund more police?
Today the Biden administration announced a plan for America’s gun violence problem that on first glance we should assume will infuriate the Democrat Party’s woke elements with the sheer hypocrisy of taking the Donald Trump approach to urban crime. He is – gasp – funding the police with $350 billion in American Rescue Plan money. That means those who demand we defund law enforcement will pay for more police with their tax dollars.
Is the president really proposing more policing? That’s what it sounds like, but this is not precisely what Biden intends to do. Instead, he will dole out cash and give cities plenty of leeway on how to spend it:
The President is giving these cities unprecedented resources through the American Rescue Plan to invest in the tools they think make sense in their communities.194
This gets him off the hook on police defunding. If cities don’t want more police to stop the killing they can spend the money on other “public safety strategies” like summer camp and job training.195
Will cities run by woke Democrats choose more police in absolute contradiction to far left political demands, or will they opt to stand by their values and protect life and property from thugs with social programs?
The White House talks about the “rise in gun violence resulting from the pandemic.” 196 This makes it easy to spend COVID Rescue Plan money until the coffers run dry. It is also completely in line with the administration’s strategy to ignore everything it disagrees with. That includes Democrats who sent the message to criminals that a new, liberal kind of law enforcement is in force and America is very sorry for locking up so many bad people.
We tried this approach at the border, too. Look what it got us.
Hypocrisy update July 6, 2021:
#104: what does E Pluribus Unum mean to a hypocrite?
Trump never got any credit from Democrats for his booming economy. Every first Friday of the month they wailed, they cried, they wrung their hands for the poor, wretched masses who didn’t have any Democrats to raise their wages and hand them jobs. When the numbers of those unemployed masses hit all-time lows they still weren’t happy. No jobs report was a good jobs report with a Republican in charge.
Things are different now. When it comes to patting Democrats on the back Nancy Pelosi can’t restrain herself. Simple compliments aren’t enough. She has to take personal credit and attack Republicans all in the same breath. Her tiny little mind just doesn’t know any better.
When Friday’s jobs report rolled in the speaker was jubilant:
The Biden-Pelosi economy is booming. 197
I thought it was the Biden-Harris economy, but that’s not my point. Pelosi insisted that Republicans don’t want Americans to earn more:
We’re sending condolences to the Republicans upset by the bigger paychecks of American workers.198
The report showed that hourly earnings went up by $0.10 in June.199 That’s $0.80 cents a day, $5.60 a week, etc., etc. You do the math. That bigger paycheck wouldn’t come close to funding Pelosi’s luxe ice cream habit much less make a difference in most Americans’ lives, but this wasn’t about the middle class. It was about counting coup.
On that very same day we got a different Nancy Pelosi. In a Fourth of July message she praised the authors of the Declaration of Independence:
They did find a way to put differences aside and join together to work for a common goal. While declaring independence, they also declared interdependence.”
As we go forward, let us recognize the vision of our Founders, always honoring their guidance, E Pluribus Unum: from many, one. 200
Did she mean to say “from many Democrats, one?” Did she set aside her unbridled contempt for Republicans in honor of the Fourth? Did she forget that the founders were about unity, not inciting division for the sake of power? Like Chuck Schumer she doesn’t care whether she contradicts herself or makes any sense, for that matter. “Hypocrisy” and “hypocrite” are words she probably can’t even define unless they are in a sentence with “Republicans.”
Still, the Biden-Pelosi economy? Are you competing with Kamala, Nancy?
Hypocrisy update July 13, 2021:
#105: would you rather spend your day on Capitol Hill or on the street in Englewood?
If any members of Congress were injured during the January 6 riot I haven’t heard about it. The Capitol Police bravely did their jobs. Lawmakers were protected. Now Pelosi’s House wants taxpayers to spend nearly $2 billion via H.R. 3237 to keep Capitol Hill safe for Democrats.
$2 billion would go a long way in the Englewood, Washington Park, Auburn Gresham, or any of the other violent areas of Chicago where people are randomly shot each and every day just going about their daily lives. These are places where sitting in your living room poses a risk, where letting your kids outside to play can kill them. If we’re talking about fortifying security to keep people safe the family homes in these neighborhoods should have 20 foot concrete fences built around them.
That’s not how things work in the real world of Capitol Hill politics. While Americans who depend on Democrats are shot left and right in city streets while these fraidy-cat politicians are busy politicizing January 6th as a catastrophe on par with 9/11.
I don’t know about you, but if I had a choice I’d much rather sit in the House chambers than take my chances on the streets of Chicago. If Democrats get their way they will have even more security and a “quick reaction force” to protect them from any ill-meaning interlopers. Meanwhile, the residents of Chicago’s worst neighborhoods can only pray the party they vote for will do something to prevent their children from being shot dead in front of their own homes. Too bad the politicians they pin their hopes on have better things to do, like spending lots of money to protect themselves from a danger that is largely a creation of their own politics.
Hypocrisy update July 23, 2021:
#106: what’s the difference between a federal officer and a storm trooper? Joe Biden.
When Trump offered help to violence-torn cities Democrats denied what was happening and called federal officers storm troopers. Rep. Ted (D-CA) Lieu applied that slur to federal officers when he joined Democrats to pass an amendment to defund Operation Legend, which offered help to states and municipalities cracking down on violent crime:
It is my desire to see a final minibus bill that makes it clear that Congress won’t allow Trump to send untrained, unwelcome stormtroopers to American cities,” said Congressman Ted Lieu.201
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot202 and other big city mayors overseeing urban war zones they couldn’t control echoed that sentiment. Politics came before saving innocent lives.
The new solution is to send in Joe Biden’s federal strike forces. Not surprisingly, hypocrite Democrats changed their tune. Lightfoot met with Attorney General Merrick Garland in stark contrast to Chicago’s rejection of any help from Trump. According to ABC7 Chicago, the mayor called the plan for strike forces a “game changer.”203
Will Biden’s agents make a difference? Probably not. This is about attacking gun dealers and sellers, not locking up the criminals that Democrats will excuse protect no matter the cost. If Biden and Garland are lucky they will be able to parade pictures of white gun dealers all across the mass media to show Americans who we should fear.
Meanwhile, the shootings will go on as usual.
Hypocrisy Update August 5, 2021:
#107: Bush ignores proof that our racist system worked for her
In an August 3, 2021 press release in favor of extending the eviction moratorium Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) remarked:
Our movement is growing. Over the last five days, our movement has received support from many of our House and Senate colleagues. Especially as a formerly unhoused person, I am grateful to each and every one of them for recognizing and working to end this eviction emergency and for amplifying the call to extend the eviction moratorium.204
In her biography Bush speaks of personal hardships including “being unhoused” and being a survivor of police violence.
Congresswoman Cori Bush is a registered nurse, community activist, organizer, single mother, and ordained pastor.205
No one will argue that these are impressive achievements, especially from someone who used to be homeless. Now Bush sits in the House of Representatives where she has an impact on laws and regulations that govern our nation.
Instead of being grateful to a system that ultimately worked for her, Bush is angry with our government:
The federal government must account for its ongoing role in perpetuating, supporting, and upholding white supremacy.206
That’s a pretty extreme accusation, but fear not. Even if the government backs white supremacy Bush still believes it’s good for some things:
Restoring the harms of slavery and white supremacy cannot be done through small-scale policies. COVID-19 has shown that without ambitious federal policies, the racial wealth gap will continue to grow.207
Using an alleged white supremacist institution like the Federal Government to right racial wrongs is hypocritical all by itself, but Bush’s personal success makes her extreme progressive agenda even more so.
Progressives can’t be grateful because it detracts from the hatred for America that hides behind their drive to turn us into a socialist paradise. We don’t expect anything except derision, but there is incredible hypocrisy behind damning a system that proves people with the drive Bush obviously has can succeed in our country and even rise to high office.
Bravo, Rep. Bush. You prove that America works for everyone.
Hypocrisy Update August 6, 2021:
#108: Democrats still can’t get their policing story straight
It would seem a simple thing for Democrats to transmit a coherent message to the American people about the future of policing. Are we going to continue to lock up criminals or are we finished with law enforcement? Many of us live in cities where the murder rate is skyrocketing so this is not trivial information. It’s stay, or get out right now information.
Perhaps I’m mistaken and we really are getting the Democrat Party’s message loud and clear. We know that defending politicians is important, so important that the Capitol Police received Congressional Gold Medals and thanks from President Biden yesterday.
And America owes you a debt we can never fully repay. 208
We’ll assume that none of these officers are the “storm troopers” Democrats referred to when Donald Trump was in office. Regardless, they did their jobs bravely on January 6th and deserve to be acknowledged even if this is a blatant political display by hypocrites who have relentlessly attacked law enforcement since May 25, 2020.
Unfortunately for the men and women who risk their lives every day in cities across America there is little political gain for Democrats in recognizing their heroism. There is, however, plenty of gain to be had from attacking them. The opportunity wasn’t lost on Kamala Harris:
We still must reform the system. Last summer, together with Senator Cory Booker and Representative Karen Bass, introduced the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. This bill would hold law enforcement accountable and help build trust between law enforcement and our communities.
This work is long overdue. America has a long history of systemic racism. Black Americans — and Black men, in particular — have been treated, throughout the course of our history, as less than human.209
Some criminals are less than human. It has nothing to do with their skin color. Democrats don’t especially care. Skin color is as good an excuse as any to not protect the people the overwhelming majority of police would voluntarily lay down their lives to keep safe.
Bush says no to policing unlucky St. Louis
There are few places better than St. Louis to showcase the Democrat Party’s hypocrisy on policing. Protecting Democrat lawmakers is brave and honorable, but if you ask Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) protecting people who live in St. Louis, Missouri is another story.
St. Louis tops the list of cities with the highest murder rates. Despite the appalling toll in lives, Mayor Tishaura O. Jones redistributed $4 million from the police budget. Bush applauded the decision:
Today’s decision to defund the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is historic. It marks a new future for our city.210
Bush’s goal is simple:
We have a mandate to fully fund our social services. To invest in our communities, not criminalize them. To end police violence.211
Not criminalizing criminals seems like a counterproductive strategy. So does ending police violence. Sadly, violence is part of the job of policing. Would Democrats have preferred that the Capitol police call in social services to protect them on January 6?
Rep. Bush’s own security is a separate issue. According to The Hill she justified her security budget by asking “You would rather me die?”212
That’s the alternative progressives leave to Americans unlucky enough to live in their cities. It’s also the reason why the Capitol Police receive Congressional Gold Medals while police on the streets of our cities are vilified by Democrats.
Government hypocrisy doesn’t get much worse than this, but like your safety on the streets Democrats don’t care. Far left idealism is a lot easier to promote when you are not the one at risk for your life.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.