Hypocrisy update March 6, 2021:
#84: firing Americans while offering jobs that don’t exist
Nancy Pelosi wants more jobs for struggling Americans:
The February jobs report shows some progress, but much more is needed to address the daily reality of joblessness and financial insecurity facing millions of Americans.116
Her response to the February 2021 jobs report quickly transitioned to pushing her party’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Lie. The speaker claimed without a shred of proof that the “overwhelming majority of the American people”117 demand the bill be passed. She blamed the Senate GOP for not submitting to Democratic Party priorities:
Senate Republicans must end their obstruction and delay tactics, which demonstrate a great disdain for the suffering of the American people, and work with the Senate Democratic Majority to pass and send this bill to the President’s desk.118
It takes a lot of gall to use the American people’s misfortune to justify legislation that is about Democrats first. Lucky for Pelosi she has gall and hypocrisy to spare.
The speaker didn’t mention the 14,000 jobs that President Biden destroyed as soon as took office.119 She also neglected to talk about the job losses on the way thanks to left wing climate policy that places phony political urgency over common sense:
Estimates show that the reduction in manufacturing necessary to comply with the unrealistic Paris Accord mandates would destroy up to 2.7 million jobs in the U.S. by 2025. Those jobs would go to exempt countries like China and India, who emit significantly more carbon than us now, and are allowed to increase their emissions through 2030 under the flawed terms of the agreement, thus having the perverse effect of increasing global carbon emissions.120
We’re still waiting for those green energy jobs Biden promised us. After an irritated response during a February 8, 2021 press conference Jen Psaki was asked again about these jobs on March 2. This was her non-response:
As I’ve noted in here before, the President is committed to moving forward on the rest of his Build Back Better agenda, and we’re going to wait until we’re through the American Rescue Plan and that is signed into law, direct checks are going out to the American people, more money to get vaccines into arms, schools are starting to reopen with money.
If that wasn’t reassuring, consider what came next:
So that’s our focus now, but he believes that we can invest in areas like infrastructure and do that in a way that creates good-paying green jobs that are good-paying union jobs. And so I have nothing more to preview other than that remains his commitment.121
A commitment doesn’t put food on the table. Neither does a belief. The only certainty is that Biden fired Americans who had good-paying jobs.
Now they don’t.
Hypocrisy update March 12, 2021:
#85: Biden unites the country with a threat
Joe Biden’s puzzlingly divisive Thursday night speech left me speechless. This morning I’m still wondering what his less than stellar speechwriters wanted to communicate other than the threat to ruin America again if we don’t do what the Biden administration says.
Even more hypocritical and puzzling is that Biden made this threat in the name of national unity.
Elitist Biden says it’s been hard. How could he know that?
Our president didn’t get out much last year so we can’t really believe him when says:
I know it’s been hard. I truly know.122
He doesn’t know. The president is a member of the privileged ruling class. He stayed in his affluent hidey hole during the campaign while Trump was out with the people. Biden has no idea how hard it was for many Americans. He only knows what he is told to say.
Biden’s national unity: do what I say or I’ll ruin you
Apparently the president doesn’t know how unity works, either. He gave Americans two options:
Unity is what we do together as fellow Americans. Because if we don’t stay vigilant and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track. And, please, we don’t want to do again.123
The message? Do what I say, or we’ll ruin you again.
That’s not a very effective way for a president to bring people together after he created a disastrous situation along our sovereign border with Mexico that by all accounts is bringing even more COVID-19 cases to America.
Biden and the Democrat Party are no strangers to hypocrisy so at least we’re not surprised. They will ignore what’s happening at the border, threaten Americans in the name of national unity, and spend $2 trillion dollars of our money with a big fat lie about rescuing the people. When it’s over they will pat themselves on the back and blame Donald Trump for what fails, which will be everything.
Donald Trump got no credit for anything last night. That’s not a good way to bring conservatives into this ridiculous national unity conversation, either. And by the way Mr. President, it never hurts to add God Bless the United States of America to the end of a speeches no matter how much effort your administration puts into destroying our country. Only Democrats will be offended.
Hypocrisy update March 18, 2021:
#86: stirring up hate to combat hate crimes
Pelosi blames the Georgia shootings on hate and then admits she doesn’t know if they are a hate crime
If you kill someone because of their ethnicity it’s a hate crime. If you kill them for another reason it’s not, or at least it’s not to anyone but Nancy Pelosi. The speaker is either going the Joe Biden cognitive decline route or she’s so eager to get her hands on another racial incident to politicize that she can’t wait for the facts, not that the facts of these shootings will make a difference now that the media is behind her fanning the flames.
Most of us heard the early assessment from Georgia police and the statement of the suspect. WSB-TV Atlanta reports that he admitted the shootings were not about race.124 Police are still making their assessment.
This is not what Democrats or the media want to hear. They are hard at work making this a hate crime. If law enforcement officials disagree they will no doubt be made to regret it.
In a press release Pelosi promoted the idea of widespread hate in America against Asian Americans. She used the same “each and every day” rhetoric her party likes to apply to Black Americans and the police:
These shootings are a vicious and vile act that compound the fear and pain that Asian-Americans face each day.125
She warns about hate:
Our entire nation must come together to speak out to Stop Asian Hate.126
Except she admits she doesn’t know if this is about hate:
Answers are urgently needed to determine whether this deadly attack was a hate crime, and what can be done to prevent such an act from ever again happening.127
The snowball was already rolling yesterday so yes, this is going to be about hate. There is nothing the left likes better than promoting racial animus whether or not it’s real. The facts are already irrelevant.
Democrats say they want to stamp out racism in America. If this is true, why are they so determined to create it where it might not exist?
Hypocrisy update March 19, 2021:
#87: voting for amnesty while illegals swarm our border looking for amnesty
I keep asking the same question over and over:
Are House Democrats stupid?
It doesn’t seem possible that there aren’t enough intelligent people in the House to put two and two together and come up with the right number. It also doesn’t seem possible that so many Democrats are blind to what is happening at the border that they would pass two amnesty bills in one day.
I repeat: are they stupid?
Nancy Pelosi sounded jubilant as she ran her mouth in support of H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act. No surprise this is about America’s democracy:
So, I rise with tremendous pride, joy, and hope this day that as the House prepares to take this momentous step toward our democracy, passing H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act.128
She reached back to Ronald Reagan for H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act:
New Americans. ‘Other countries may seek to compete with us. But in one vital area, as a beacon of freedom and opportunity that draws people of the world, no country on Earth comes close.’ 129
She’s right. No country can compete with our wide open border. Few governments are that foolish and irresponsible. By now word has filtered down through Mexico to Central America and spread to other countries that we’re moving on amnesty and a pathway to citizenship. The situation at the border will become incalculably worse, if that’s possible.
One more time: are Democrats stupid?
Hypocrisy update March 22, 2021:
#88: not calling Biden’s border crisis an invasion
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas calls it an especially difficult challenge. 130 Per Democrat Party protocol he blames the Trump administration:
The prior administration completely dismantled the asylum system. The system was gutted, facilities were closed, and they cruelly expelled young children into the hands of traffickers. We have had to rebuild the entire system, including the policies and procedures required to administer the asylum laws that Congress passed long ago.131
Passing the buck won’t fix the crisis the Biden administration denies exists. Neither will complaining about having to rebuild a system so it can admit as many prospective Democrat voters as possible.
Mayorkas confirmed:
We are not expelling unaccompanied children.132
I probably would have left that out. Telling the world we are not denying entry to unaccompanied children sounds like an invitation to traffickers to bring them here.
Mayorkas remains steadfast in his absurd determination to convince the country the situation is under control:
The situation we are currently facing at the southwest border is a difficult one. We are tackling it. We are keeping our borders secure, enforcing our laws, and staying true to our values and principles.134
Jen Psaki followed suit. When asked today about media access she stonewalled the question first with this:
Well, first, we are working to finalize details, and I hope to have an update in the coming days.135
And then with this:
We remain committed to transparency, and, of course, as I noted last week, we certainly want to make sure that the media has access to these sites.136
Remember, this is Biden administration transparency. It is the definition of hypocrisy and has nothing to do with the government transparency we are familiar with.
The White House doesn’t want to call the situation a crisis. That would be an admission of the terrible humanitarian tragedy Democrats’ “values and principles” created.
Since the White House won’t call this crisis a crisis we might as well call it what it really is: an invasion. Not only did we encourage it, now we have plans to ship the invaders around the country, put them up in hotels, and do whatever we can to send the message that now is, in fact, the best time to come in many years.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.