Update July 23, 2022:
When Democrats tell us that violence is not part of their political agenda they are lying.
While the president recovered from COVID-19 someone in his press office must have sneaked in his three-sentence statement denouncing Thursday’s attack on New York Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin. Whoever wrote it condemned violence in our politics:
I condemn the attack on Congressman Zeldin in the strongest terms. As I’ve said before, violence has absolutely no place in our society or our politics.208
Biden’s statement is not true, of course. Politically-motivated violence is absolutely critical to the Democrat Party’s policy agenda. Threats of physical harm, property damage, and death are routinely ignored by Democrats unless they are directed at a member of the party, in which case the sky falls, the wagons are circled, and go-nowhere legislation is immediately passed to make sure whatever happened never happens again.
If Nancy Pelosi has anything to say about the attack on Zeldin I haven’t found it and don’t expect to. The day after the assault she was busy meeting with the UAW about her CHIPS Act, apparently unperturbed by questions raised over her husband’s Nvidia stock purchase.
Democrats track record on political violence is absolutely appalling and with good reason. They have the political might to forgive and forget whatever they choose at any level of government. New York’s no cash bail law meant Zeldin’s attacker was quickly set free while Pelosi’s January 6th Kangaroo Court schemed to punish Steve Bannon for not submitting to the will of her sham partisan tribunal.
The Democrat Party’s promotion of political violence is nothing new. Perpetually angry Maxine Waters (D-CA) sought the headlines in June 2018 by telling the left to harass Trump administration officials in public. She also handed George Floyd protesters their marching orders in April 2021:
Question: “Congresswoman, what happens if we do not get what you just told, what should the people do, what should protestors on the street do?”
Representative Waters: “…I didn’t hear you.”Repeated question: “What should protestors do…”
Representative Waters: “Well, we gotta stay on the street, and we have got to get more active, we have to get more confrontational, we have got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”
Question: “What do you think about curfew tonight?”
Representative Waters: “I don’t think anything about curfew. I don’t know what curfew means. Curfew means I want you to stop talking. It means I want you to stop leading. I want you to stop gathering. I don’t agree with that.”
This led Republicans to issue a letter to Nancy Pelosi demanding Waters’ censure. The outcome was predictable. So was the result of H.Res. 697’s call for censure after Waters promoted the Haitian migrant whipping hoax that aroused an uproar from the left and a public rebuke from gullible Joe Biden.
Senator Chuck Schumer’s infamous threats against Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neal Gorsuch were similarly disregarded as was AOC’s recent public approval of protesters confronting Justice Kavanaugh in a Washington, D.C. restaurant.
Political power gives Democrats the might to issue these public endorsements of confrontation and potential violence against their political opponents with no fear of punishment. Even Supreme Court Justices who are protected by statute are fair game. We saw the results of their strategy with the foiled assassination attempt on the life of Justice Kavanaugh. Eventually we’ll find out what was behind the attack on Congressman Zeldin.
Democrats have an established track record for promoting violence that expanded nationwide after the killing of George Floyd. As November approaches and their desperation to retain power grows their rhetoric will become increasingly volatile. Calls for a “summer of rage” and domestic terror attacks on reproductive health centers are part of a policy agenda they will deny, but like the harrassment of our SCOTUS justices refuse to condemn.
Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler warns:
Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, the Left must resist their calls for “a summer of rage” and pledges to be “ungovernable.”
This violence must stop – inside the womb and outside the womb.210
The threat of violence won’t stop as long as Democrats are in power. Not only do they refuse to acknowledge domestic terror at the hands of their foot soldiers, their words serve to inspire political violence as a means of achieving their party’s goals.
UPDATE July 28, 2022:
Recession lies, gaslighting, and a Democrat Party Inflation Reduction Act that’s not really about inflation.
This morning we’re in a recession that isn’t. The Biden White House has been hard at work gaslighting the nation to convince us that Democrats haven’t put the final nail in our economy’s coffin. The endless stream of lies from Washington won’t help buy food or gas for Americans already struggling to survive the repercussions from what this president and the Democrat Party have done to the growing Trump economy their radical socialist climate agenda took out with the trash.
Fortunately, we have Nancy Pelosi to watch our backs. We may not be able to afford groceries or gas, but the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 she is boasting as a victory for People Over Politics contains “House Democratic priorities” she wants you to care about:
reduces the cost of health care for millions by extending ACA subsidies for three more years;
allows Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs;
combats the climate crisis by reducing carbon pollution by roughly 40 percent by 2030; and
lowers energy costs and advances energy security.211
Not being in a recession also means the speaker can also propose a 15% corporate tax increase that won’t be passed down to consumers. That’s a tremendous relief because that’s usually how a corporate tax hike works. She doesn’t mention why this time will be different because, of course, it won’t.
Pelosi applauds this bill as a “remarkable achievement” and a “victory for America’s families and for protecting our planet”212 even though Democrats made these goals fundamentally incompatible. The speaker is savvy enough to know that by the time this legislation is passed these lies won’t matter and a new batch of lies will emerge to explain why this victory for families only made our lives worse and their lives so much better.
Update August 3, 2022:
Are they bald-faced liars, or is this what Democrats really believe about what they’ve done to us?
When Democrats come up with a phrase that they think might resonate with their voters they like to repeat it over and over and over, as if repetition makes what they are saying true. It doesn’t.
Nancy Pelosi isn’t the only Democrat preaching people over politics. As we pointed out last week, the truth is politics over people. If this wasn’t true, the nation would not continue to descend into the Biden socialist sinkhole.
It’s lucky for us that Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) can adopt a positive tone and set us straight on his party’s enormous accomplishments for the people:
That’s what House Democrats have been all about. People over politics, lower costs, better-paying jobs, safer communities. We don’t just talk about it, we are about it.213
That’s past tense, mind you and not the usual “we’re about to do something that will make a huge difference in your life at any moment” that we’re used to, though the congressman got around to that later when he promised Democrats “will make a difference.”214
When you live in a political Disneyland where recessions are not recessions, an open border is secure, high prices and massive inflation are healthy, and something as simple as defining what a man or woman is or which gender bears children is no longer possible, you can say anything you want because reality can’t compete with politics. Think about this accomplishment:
And, of course, safer communities in the midst of a gun violence epidemic. For the first time in 30 years, under the leadership of President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, Democrats in the House and the Senate, we’ve enacted meaningful gun safety legislation.215
When Democrats do something to crack down on the street level crime that plagues their cities and makes them anything but safe, like the scores of people shot in Chicago every weekend, then we’ll take them seriously. Until then, this is just another example of politics over people. Liberal public officials make sure the door doesn’t hit criminals on the backside when they are returned to the streets while Democrats with private security live nice lives far away from the violent urban hellholes where they claim they are making a difference.
At least we can depend on House Vice Chair Pete Aguilar (D-CA) to tell the truth about what matters:
We had another January 6 Committee hearing with 17 million people tuning in and I think Adam Kinzinger summed it up best when he said we had a president who didn’t fail to act, he chose not to act while the insurrection was taking place and the violent assault on the Capitol.216
Let’s set aside the fact that weepy Kinzinger isn’t running for reelection and has nothing to lose no matter what he says or does. Americans aren’t stupid. Democrats’ January 6 Kangaroo Court has successfully blocked the truth by insulating Nancy Pelosi from the proceedings, which means the tribunal can continue to spread the story that Trump “chose not to act” despite evidence that it was the speaker who failed to protect the Capitol. As Republicans detailed in a February 15, 2021 letter requesting information from Pelosi:
It has been widely reported and confirmed by multiple sources that when Chief Sund requested the National Guard be activated ahead of the January 6th Joint Session of Congress, the response from the [Sergeant at Arms] SAA, acting on your behalf, was that the “optics” of having the National Guard on-site were not good and the intelligence didn’t support the move.217
Americans paying outrageous food and fuel prices while they dodge random bullets on Democrat city streets is not about people over politics. Neither is lying about the economy and putting January 6th first and foremost when inflation is what polls show Americans are worried about. Even before Joe Biden’s recession that isn’t, Pew Research reported that “seven-in-ten Americans” put inflation at the top of the list of America’s biggest problems.218
How do Democrats respond? Let’s go right to the top and get the facts from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Economic Council Director Brian Deese:
And so the totality of the economic data is consistent with that type of transition, and is not consistent with a recession.219
So there you have it. We are not in a recession. We are in a transition. Most Americans would agree with the truth in that, though it’s not the kind of transition the White House wants us to believe in. Instead, it’s the kind we get when the ruling Democrat Party puts Green New Deal politics over people and then lies about it.
Update August 8, 2022:
Honesty from Harris about how her party’s new bill will reduce inflation?
Kamala Harris cast the deciding Senate vote for the Democrat Party’s latest spending binge. The Inflation Reduction Act is headed back to Pelosi’s House, where it will cross the finish line. The speaker already promised results:
This legislation will also fight inflation – including with an historic investment in paying down the deficit – while being fully paid for by making the largest corporations pay their fair share.220
So did Senate Democrats, who placed reducing inflation dead last on their list of the bill’s accomplishments:
The Inflation Reduction Act will lower costs, make historic investments in the fight against climate change, ensure big corporations and the wealthiest few individuals pay their fair share in taxes, reduce the deficit, and reduce inflation.221
Joe Biden agrees:
This bill tackles inflation by lowering the deficit and lowering costs for regular families.222
How about tie-breaker Kamala Harris? Oddly, the vice president never once used the word “inflation” when she took her victory lap Sunday.223 A member of the press asked “No doubt it will reduce inflation?” and immediately segued to the midterms. Was this a faux pas? Were questions about inflation forbidden? Harris responded with this mess of words:
We’ll see, but I think what it means is that right now, regardless of an election, that the American people are being seen and — seen and they’re being heard. And one of the things that they want is that their leaders get things done, fix the problems, offer solutions. What happened today is tremendous in terms of the solutions that are being offered (inaudible).224
Perhaps she is under the delusion that her party still stands a chance in November because of the disinformation spread about this joint Green New Deal-Build Back Better wannabe. If she’s hedging her bets about a Harris candidacy in 2024, she’s worse off than we feared.
Most Americans understand economics better than the socialist climate doomsayers in the Biden administration who display an appalling unfamiliarity with how the truth works. Fortunately, we have the Congressional Budget Office to tell the truth about what this spending spree will accomplish:
In calendar year 2022, enacting the bill would have a negligible effect on inflation, in CBO’s assessment. In calendar year 2023, inflation would probably be between 0.1 percentage point lower and 0.1 percentage point higher under the bill than it would be under current law, CBO estimates.225
That’s not very reassuring considering we’re at 9.1% now. Neither is the CBO’s assessment of what forcing corporations to fund the Democrat Party’s piggy bank will accomplish:
In CBO’s assessment, the proposed new corporate minimum tax would reduce the incentive for those large corporations to invest, primarily by limiting the tax benefit of accelerated depreciation and by decreasing the after-tax return on their new investment.226
Remember how some Americans preferred staying at home to working during the pandemic because they made more money sitting on the couch?
In addition, enacting the bill would reduce the incentives of some people to work, mainly because of the enhanced health insurance subsidies, pushing down output and pushing up inflation.227
At least we now have proof that America’s vice president can read.
UPDATE August 20, 2022:
Classic Democrat lie seeks a political bounty from one kind of violence.
For Democrats, separating right from wrong and fact from fiction is about power, politics, and whatever disinformation and lies are necessary to support the narrative of the day. With their inflation reduction scam debunked and a revamped Green New Deal forced down our throats, the White House found time to resurrect another divisive party fabrication as it gears up for the post-Labor Day campaign season.
For five years Democrats have politicized a single incident in Charlottesville, Virginia to push their lie that America is a hotbed of hate and violent white nationalism. The issue smoldered during the Trump years while the congressional left pulled out every trick in the book to hang the white supremacist label on the president and officials in his administration. When Biden took over, he wasted little time amping up the rhetoric. Even parents were possible targets as the Democrat Party sought ways to establish a new, progressive police state under the guise of protecting America from Americans.
On Friday, Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice reminded us:
President Biden decided to run for president after the horrific violence that erupted in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017.228
This seems unlikely, but as with most things Biden we should expect to suspend belief. The loss of a life at the rally notwithstanding, Rice’s “horrific violence” in Charlottesville pales in comparison to the violence we see in our nation’s cities on a daily basis. Too bad for the victims that the House is up for grabs so the national conversation on violent crime will focus on Democrat propaganda instead of saving people’s lives.
The Biden White House is calling for “Uniters” to bring communities together:
Many of these Uniters are themselves survivors of hate-fueled violence who have turned their pain into purpose. They hold together our communities together [sic] and lift us up in the hardest times.229
This sounds like a good idea until you realize this is only about “hate-fueled violence” and has nothing to do with the mass shootings we hear about every date here in Chicago and elsewhere, like the five people WGN News Reports were shot on the city’s west side in a single incident last night.
The left does nothing by accident. Democrats who push defunding the police, no cash bail, and other dangerous progressive initiatives that get people killed like the no cash bail law soon to take effect in Illinois don’t look quite so culpable if they can point fingers and distract us by politicizing another kind of violence as if it’s the one that really matters.
Rice calls this inherently divisive strategy a “battle for the soul of our nation.”230 What Democrats have really done is corrupted America’s soul and the moral fabric of our country by picking and choosing which crime victims to politicize and which to ignore.
During the violent George Floyd protests “All Lives Matter” was a popular retort to Black Lives Matter. We might say the same thing about violence: all violent crime and shootings matter, not just those that Democrats can use to push their divisive political narrative about white nationalism that turns American against American.
UPDATE August 29, 2022:
What part of the Democrat agenda are the majority of Americans supposed to agree with?
It’s understandable that Vice President Kamala Harris is eager to please Democrat donors. The post-Labor Day campaign season is almost here. It’s time to fill the coffers with cash.
Harris is in a tough spot. She would probably be a disaster of a vice president if she did anything, which she hasn’t. Instead of securing the border Biden put her in charge of she’s been searching for the reasons migrants would rather live in America than whatever godforsaken third world hellhole they are fleeing.
That particular puzzle isn’t rocket science unless you want it to be. Just go back to doing what Trump did. Game over. Problem solved.
To Harris’ credit, she did manage to come up with a legitimate head scratcher during remarks she made at a weekend fundraiser:
The majority of Americans agree with a vast majority of the work we are doing. And so that brings me to my last point, which is: elections matter.231
Actually, if it’s true that the majority of Americans agree with most of what Biden, Harris, and their party are doing then elections really don’t matter. If we’re happy with what Democrats are doing then there is no reason not to vote for them. That’s how fair and honest elections work.
Perhaps the vice president doesn’t have time in her busy schedule to notice how the vast majority of Americans feel about the job Biden and Harris are doing on our behalf. The New York Post cites an August 25, 2022 Gallup Poll showing a 44% presidential approval rating, up slightly from a historic low in July of 38%.232 Harris is so unpopular we’ll spare her further embarrassment and leave it at that.
So what is it, precisely, that we’re supposed to agree with? Violent crime in Democrat-run cities? A lawless, violent, open border? A pre-election handout promise to student loan borrowers that even Democrats have problems with? A big, fat lie about fixing inflation so AOC’s Green New Deal can be forced down our throats? Fentanyl overdoses? Abysmal foreign policy and a blunder in Afghanistan no one will ever forget including our adversaries?
Yes, Madame Vice President, elections matter. So does facing the truth.
208“Statement from President Biden on the Attack Against Congressman Zeldin.” whitehouse.gov. July 22, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/07/22/statement-from-president-biden-on-the-attack-against-congressman-zeldin/, retrieved July 23, 2022.
209“Minnesota Republican Delegation Calls on House Democrats to Censure Representative Maxine Waters.” emmer.house.gov. April 19, 2021. https://emmer.house.gov/press-releases?ID=B5807976-223C-4587-A857-59A3FF4FF479, released July 23, 2022.
210“A Monumental Win for Life.” hartzler.house.gov. June 24, 2022. https://hartzler.house.gov/media-center/newsletters/monumental-win-life, retrieved Jul 23, 2022.
211“Dear Colleague on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.” speaker.gov. July 27, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/72722-4, retrieved July 28, 2022.
213“Chairman Jeffries: “People Over Politics, Lower Costs, Better-Paying Jobs, Safer Communities, That’s What House Democrats Have Been All About.” dems.gov. July 27, 2022. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-jeffries-people-over-politics-lower-costs-better-paying-jobs-safer-communities-thats-what-house-democrats-have-been-all-about, retrieved August 3, 2022.
217“House Republicans Demand Answers from Speaker Pelosi on Security Decisions Surrounding January 6th.” republicans-oversight.house.gov. February 15, 2021. https://republicans-oversight.house.gov/release/house-republicans-demand-answers-from-speaker-pelosi-on-security-decisions-surrounding-january-6th/, retrieved August 3, 2022.
218Doherty, Carroll and Gomez, Vianney. “By a wide margin, Americans view inflation as the top problem facing the country today.” pewresearch.org. May 12, 2022. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/05/12/by-a-wide-margin-americans-view-inflation-as-the-top-problem-facing-the-country-today/, retrieved August 3, 2022.
219“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and NEC Director Brian Deese.” whitehouse.gov. July 26, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/07/26/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-and-nec-director-brian-deese/, retrieved August 3, 2022.
220“Pelosi Statement on Senate Passage of Inflation Reduction Act.” speaker.gov. August 7, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/8722, retrieved August 8, 2022.
221“The Inflation Reduction Act Will Reduce Inflation.” democrats.senate.gov. August 1, 2022. https://www.democrats.senate.gov/dpcc/press-releases/the-inflation-reduction-act-will-reduce-inflation, retrieved August 8, 2022.
222“Statement by President Biden on Senate Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.” whitehouse.gov. August 7, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/07/statement-by-president-biden-on-senate-passage-of-the-inflation-reduction-act/, retrieved August 8, 2022.
223“Remarks by Vice President Harris In Press Gaggle Following the Senate Vote on the Inflation Reduction Act.” whitehouse.gov. August 7, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/08/07/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-in-press-gaggle-following-the-senate-vote-on-the-inflation-reduction-act/, retrieved August 8, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/07/statement-by-president-biden-on-senate-passage-of-the-inflation-reduction-act/, retrieved August 8, 2022.
225“Economic Analysis of Budget Reconciliation Legislation.” cbo.gov. August 4, 2022. https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58357, retrieved August 8, 2022.
228Rice, Susan. “United We Stand: Countering Hate-Fueled Violence Together.” August 19, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/blog/2022/08/19/united-we-stand-countering-hate-fueled-violence-together/, retrieved August 19, 2022.
231“Remarks by Vice President Harris at a DNC Finance Event.” whitehouse.gov. August 27, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/08/27/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-at-a-dnc-finance-event/, retrieved August 29, 2022.
232Farberov, Snejana. “Biden’s job approval improves but 53% still think he’s doing a bad job: poll.” nypost.com. August 26, 2022. https://nypost.com/2022/08/26/bidens-job-approval-rises-to-44-highest-in-a-year-gallup-poll/, retrieved August 29, 2022.
Continued on next page
You’ve got it exactly backwards. Republicans are the lying bullies. Period. The end. Idiot.
Difficult to do without a congressional majority, but with any luck after midterms next year there will be plenty of Republican bullying to make up for the lunacy we’ve suffered from the left.
Thanks for reading, even if I am an idiot.
your one of the un-educated people, could be receiving monies from the SATAN children in washington dc, in other words THE STEALING & LAUNDERING LAIRS CALLED democrats! The above voting for lairs – when TRUTH Meets them in Face- they only know to say bad things bout the REPUBLICANS, more than likely you don’t have a profession other than waiting for the free deposit.
Nope! Nice try though. The “h” in democrat stands for honesty. Democrats are allergic to facts and think with their asses! No brains at all! Go f*** yourself democrats!
False. You’re confused because you think the news is real. The news is not real. In reality, 85% of republican reps are democrats. They’re all lying Satanists who want to destroy America. Hence the wars, destruction of the dollar, the illegal alien invasion, refusing to use our own oil and natural gas. Etc. if you want to live in reality swap out fox and cnn for info wars. Propaganda will trick you and make you sound stupid so avoid the “news”
Such as?
A Republican does anything wrong its all over ythe news even if it is all lies like with Trump this election era. A democratic lies daily and its published as gosphel!! There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
Spot on, antiobama. There is no better proof than their new Inflation Reduction Act. Democrats are so arrogant that they don’t even try to hide the fact that they lied to Americans about the purpose of this bill or what it will accomplish. As you rightly point out, when they lie it’s gospel and anyone who reveals the truth will be denounced and cancelled by Big Tech and their complicit media.
There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
When Dems say the violence is part of their agenda. They are telling the truth. They plan on using as much violence to make legal Americans afraid to stand up to them
Exactly right, Mea. All it takes is a liberal dog whistle to get the violent, peaceful protests started. As long as Democrats control Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and the FBI, left-wing domestic terrorists have nothing to worry about.
Democrats are the biggest damn liars that ever lived or at least one of the biggest liars but anyway they are big time liars who don’t the meaning of the word truth and honesty, they think we’re fools who believe their lies but not all of us are foolishly enough to believe their lies and they like to feed us a heaping load of their bullshit lies and put blame on anyone and anything that they can put blame on cause that trash isn’t going to take blame for nothing cause it’s easier to put blame on someone else or something else but their favorite person to put blame on is Trump and he’s always been their favorite person to pick on, it isn’t bad enough that they used Covid-19 to do that stupid mail in ballot thing all so they can steal the election away from Trump but then they keep right on with their bullshit cause I think they feel threatened by Trump and I think they always have felt threatened by him especially now, I think they’re scared that Trump might run again in the 2024 election and win and get back in office and they sure don’t want that and I hope Trump does run again and wins because this country needs him back as President and I don’t give a damn what the birdbrains out there think cause they’re no damn better than the trash out there, doing the damage to America cause they support them and vote for them and when they do that, that makes them no better than they are cause they support the garbage doing the damage and to me that’s like a slap in the face cause to me when you support them, it’s like you support anything and everything they do, good or bad so I say” WAKE UP, AMERICA!
Wow! Faye, I think you covered it. I haven’t decided whether they lie because they think we’re too dumb to see through what they say, or because they don’t care what we think. Probably both. As far as Trump is concerned, I wholeheartedly agree. Democrats and sadly, many Republicans are terrified of a leader who won’t play their game of stringing us along, hurting Americans in the process, and doing absolutely nothing to make our country better. Trump got things done and Washington still hates him for showing how worthless and self-interested our elected officials are. The best way for him to end their hate is to be reelected. Afterwards he can’t run again and this will go away.
You’re absolutely right Faye. I live in Washington State where we do mail in voting all the time I am absolutely positive that Washington State enacted disability without the vote of the people so that the Democratic party that enacted it could continually steal the elections year after year after year trying to find something Democrats need to be removed their party should be disbanded based on their willingness to sell our country to foreign interest Joe Biden has proven that but yet the mainline media doesn’t seem to be too interested in checking into it that’s because they know it’s the truth. I don’t
What good does it do to point out democrat lies. The GOP won’t do anything about it.
I don’t disagree, Michael. They will hold hearings. They will issue a report. Nothing will come of it because they don’t have the political might and too many in the party don’t want to rock the boat that keeps lawmakers fat and happy.
You’re not wrong only it will take more than just a majority. Unfortunately most Republicans are so afraid that they won’t stand up to the lying oppressive Democratic regime. This is half of the problem. The other half of the problem is that none of the political individuals Republican and Democrat alike are willing to give up their ability to conduct insider trading based on knowledge that they receive from different committees. Thank you for listening I wish that my thoughts were not the truth.
I wish you were wrong too, Paul, but your comments are spot on. The willingness of the GOP to bend to the will of the Democrat Party is infuriating, including their support of the last omnibus spending package. Democrats know better.
As far as insider trading is concerned, let’s relegate that to the same list as term limits and an earmark ban. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is a lot less than the difference between politicians from either party and the American people. Both know where their money comes from.
Thanks for reading and offering your thoughts.