UPDATE September 29, 2022:
We must hold Democrats accountable for Pelosi’s newest moral outrage.
What better way for Democrats to deflect blame for kids going to bed hungry than to announce spending money on a problem they made worse? Nancy Pelosi followed up her finger wagging over “outrageous racial and economic injustices” by blaming America again, this time for a moral outrage to dovetail with the White House’s new nutrition initiative:
“The injustice of children going to bed hungry is a moral outrage – one that motivated myself and many in our House Democratic Caucus to seek public office.250
Pelosi has been in office since the Stone Age. If hungry kids were the reason she and her Democrat colleagues sought office, then they haven’t done their job.
Democrats made kids hungry and we can’t forget it.
Democrats helped make kids hungry by focusing congressional priorities on Green New Deal socialism and dumping cash into showy spending bills because they had the power to use our money to appease the radical left. Now our economy is unaffordable for many Americans.
In the aftermath of the Democrat takeover of Washington food is too expensive and the ability to feed our most vulnerable without foreign assistance is jeopardized. Babies are the least able to provide food for themselves and yet the baby formula shortage that defines the impact of Democrat Party priorities is still with us. Not only do we go begging for oil, the Biden administration is still announcing shipments of formula from overseas.251 as if further proof of our appalling failure to provide for ourselves is something to be proud of.
Pelosi dodges the issue by trying to garner more credit for childhood nutrition programs:
And with the Keep Kids Fed Act, we took action to protect our children from rising food prices – securing free school meals for the 2022 summer break and ensuring cafeterias were equipped for the new school year.252
School lunches won’t keep babies fed and won’t put too-expensive food on dinner tables, either. While the Biden administration boasts an $8 billion commitment from private groups to back the president’s pre-midterm hunger, nutrition, and health initiative,253 Democrats in Congress pushed to ship another $12 billion in assistance in Ukraine. This is where the party’s priorities really lie: spending on a black hole that will be with us for many years all the way through Ukraine’s reconstruction so they can pat themselves on the back for defending the freedom and democracy they show little regard for here at home.
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) summed up Biden and the Democrats’ economy:
“Parents—who are already struggling to afford groceries, gas, and electricity bills—still can’t find the baby formula they need,” said Rodgers. “President Joe Biden owes them answers.254
There is glaring moral outrage and injustice at play in America’s food crisis. The blame should be laid at the feet of Biden, Pelosi, and the Democrat Party. We can’t let Democrats off the hook by gaslighting about a new nutrition plan to cover up what they have done to make feeding America’s families more difficult and putting the lives of our most vulnerable at risk.
UPDATE September 30, 2022:
Pelosi spokesman just proved what a terrible job Democrats have done.
In the real world a job well done speaks for itself. There is nothing to defend. You don’t have to lie or pass the buck.
This isn’t how it works in the unreal world of Washington politics. No politician will admit to failure or doing harm unless they are explaining a guilty plea. No matter what you’ve done, it’s always someone else’s fault until the voters become so fed up that you are replaced and deservedly so.
Democrats have made a mess of America. When we leave our homes we see the proof posted on gas station signs that keep changing in the wrong direction. We see it in grocery aisles as we place favorite items back on the shelf because they cost too much. We see video of violent crime in cities where law enforcement is subverted by progressives. We see it in images of our overrun southern border. We see it when we look at our 401(k) balance and stock market investments that deteriorate practically every day.
These are real results of real Democrat Party policies that hurt real Americans. They are indefensible.
Unhinged rhetoric makes a comeback.
Before the 2020 election Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) called out Nancy Pelosi for her “unhinged rhetoric” after she called Republicans domestic enemies:
There’s no place for that hyper-charged language that she uses. You know, ‘Enemies of the state,’ and all of this. I mean, like that’s the hyper-charged language led to that crazed gunman coming out trying to kill every Republican on the ball field.”255
Biden tried the same strategy during his September 1, 2022 attack on conservatives, as if dividing the country even more than he already has will finally lead to something good. Now Democrats face another election. Their rhetoric is increasingly hateful as they work in concert with the Biden White House to again target their political opponents as national enemies. This has no place in America and neither do the Democrat Party’s radical policies.
If Democrats had done their job and remembered that they answer to the people and not the other way around things might be different. They wouldn’t have to defend what they’ve done with lies and hate. Nor would they need to rely on a staged January 6 Kangaroo Court or depend on their autocrat president to use the nation’s justice and security agencies to spread fear and intimidate the people as November 8 draws closer.
Attack by Pelosi spokesman proves Democrats have failed.
Yesterday, a spokesman for Pelosi released a surprisingly juvenile attack on Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) that proves just how desperate and hateful the party is going into the midterms:
Truthfully, a desperate [House Republican Leadership] press conference is about par for the course for an uninspiring and incoherent politician like the Minority Leader, whose only real accomplishment to date is typing up a radical right-wing wish list that sends a clear message to the American people that House Republicans have gone off the deep end.256
None of this is true. In fact, it’s Democrats who went off the deep end with their climate hysteria. Their failure leaves them with nothing but lies and these kinds of unwarranted attacks.
It didn’t end there. Americans also heard about “the MAGA cult,” a “dangerous, extreme unpopular agenda” that includes stealing the right to choose our leaders.257
There is no room for any of this in the America that was. This is the hateful, divisive America that is now thanks to the Democrat Party and its angry, equally hateful president who also has great difficulty telling the truth.
It’s time to dump the Democrats. America deserves better.
If Democrats had done a good job we wouldn’t be subjected to this overblown, hateful rhetoric and fusillade of lies and disinformation. The latest release from the speaker’s office is the best example yet of what Democrats anticipate in November. Had they done their job as shepherds of our great nation they wouldn’t have to lie, accuse, and blame because we would be living the benefits in our daily lives.
UPDATE October 7, 2022:
Biden’s lap dog wants to bite us with amnesty for millions.
Presidential lap dog Nancy Pelosi echoed the White House’s displeasure over Wednesday’s DACA ruling with an irrelevant attack on Republicans for a problem the White House turned into a national cataclysm and refuses to solve:
President Biden is to be commended for his proactive action in August to strengthen the DACA initiative against extreme MAGA Republican attacks.258
Does she mean extreme as in Democrats denying Americans a sovereign border, diverting CBP officers to processing Biden’s illegals so more fentanyl can pour into the country, or turning a blind eye to an untold number of illegal gotaways who could be anything from murderers to child rapists to terrorists?
Democrats created DACA with the same kind of legally questionable executive action that Obama’s worst student relies on to skirt congressional approval for schemes like Biden’s student loan bailout.
Pelosi raised the stakes from the 600,000 DACA temporary amnesty recipients the court spared to a much more troubling number:
More must be done to offer the permanent stability and security that millions of Dreamers and their families deserves.259
Millions?? And their families???
Pelosi argues for the usual pathway to citizenship and comprehensive immigration reform legislation, but fails to do one important thing: give us a reason to trust anything she or anyone in her party says about immigration or any other issue, like inflation reduction. Democrats are inveterate liars and the speaker is no exception. Time and again they prove from the top down that we can’t trust a single word they say. Pelosi wants us to believe that it’s unusual for the GOP to not endorse an amnesty bill, so she blames it on extremism:
Shamefully, extreme MAGA Republicans in the Senate have blocked this bill, playing political games with families’ futures while embracing an extreme agenda of anti-immigrant cruelty.260
Perhaps Biden’s lap dog forgot what she told us about Democrats’ Affordable Care Act, another oxymoron like their Inflation Reduction Act. The last thing we heard before our insurance premiums took off was that Congress had to pass the bill so we could find out what was in it.
Democrats prefer to do their dirty work in the dark and then wait for Americans to figure out later what they’ve done to hurt us, like how many millions they plan to turn into American citizens. How many times do you let someone lie to you before you decide not to trust them ever again? Biden, Pelosi, and the Democrats have had more than enough opportunities to prove they can be trusted. Dealing with them is like putting out your hand to a dog that bit you. You know what’s going to happen and when it does, it’s your own damn fault.
UPDATE October 12, 2022:
Democrats have not lowered prescription drug prices, but they want you to think they did.
If you have a real job in the real world, results matter. You can only lie about your accomplishments for so long before you are found out. In the private sector, retribution is swift and often severe.
Washington politicians don’t live in this real world. They live in a world of hyperbole and bombast, credit-taking and blame, half-truths and lies.
America’s president sets the standard for his party. When was the last time Joe Biden told the truth about anything? This is what his White House wants you to believe about Democrat legislation to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for Medicare recipients:
Today, MAGA Congressional Republicans introduced legislation that puts special interests before working families. Their new bill is a giveaway to big pharma at the expense of seniors by ending Medicare’s new ability to negotiate lower drug prices.261
Medicare’s “new ability” to negotiate drug prices doesn’t translate to results because it hasn’t happened yet. What Karine Jean-Pierre doesn’t say is that with the exception of those purchasing insulin, no one is going to have their prescription prices lowered by negotiations with drug manufacturers this year, next year, or the year after. Seniors won’t see a single negotiated price until 2026 when price reductions for only 10 drugs will go into effect and that assumes Democrats’ bloated Inflation Reduction Act survives a Republican takeover of Congress.
Democrats act as if they smarter and cleverer than the people they try to deceive. Their drug price claim is an easy deception to debunk. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services publishes a timeline showing what is going to happen and when. It doesn’t match Democrats’ claims that they have reduced the costs of prescriptions for elderly consumers.
Are you surprised?
Adam Schiff (D-CA), who vehemently pushed the debunked, anti-Trump Steele Dossier that is now the subject of a federal trial wants you to trust him again. This time it’s about drug prices:
Republicans are now officially united around a nationwide abortion ban. Around dismantling Social Security and Medicare as we know it. Around raising prescription drug prices – after Democrats just successfully slashed them, and saved seniors and our government billions in the process.262
Schiff’s statement is not true and that includes his “abortion ban,” assuming he’s referring to legislation restricting the procedure after 15 weeks. Democrats haven’t successfully slashed drug prices or saved anyone anything. Not a single senior has benefitted from their legislation to negotiate prices. They have, however, been punished severely by what Schiff and his party have done to our economy.
Democrats get big results on prices and the news is all bad.
Democrats want praise for something that hasn’t happened while they disavow credit for what their progressive priorities have accomplished in the real world: massive inflation and higher prices for consumers.
For obvious reasons Democrats like Chellie Pingree (D-MN) don’t compare the money people will allegedly save with what they are losing each and every day:
This historic legislation also caps out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000 for seniors on Medicare, and extends critical Affordable Care Act subsidies for three more years. This locks in lower health care premiums that save 13 million people an average of $800 a year.263
Compare this to a survey showing over 50% of Americans are paying an additional $500 per month for groceries264 and the Joint Economic Committee’s State Inflation Tracker265 showing the soaring annual cost of inflation for families that exceeds $9,000 and even $10,000 in some states. The reality of the Biden Economy makes $800 per year for 13 million Americans not even worth mentioning, unless you have nothing else to run on.
This morning Americans received more bad news from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Wholesale inflation for September rose to 8.5%. That means Pingree’s $800 per year just went down. Seniors can’t spend their savings on negotiated drug prices for three more years, but they will feel the Democrat Party’s Inflation Tax today, tomorrow, and every day as long as Democrats control our economy. That’s why they have to deceive voters about their accomplishments. If more Americans knew the truth, they would have been run out of Washington long ago.
UPDATE October 14, 2022:
It’s your fault because you don’t understand: new White House gaslighting assures us there is nothing unusual about high prices.
On Thursday Joe Biden insulted the intelligence of the American people by claiming that inflation is 2% and that his economy’s high prices are something we’ve dealt with for years.
Today, the White House tossed out the same phrase about the cost of living while promoting a new order that will allegedly bring down health care and prescription drug costs:
Americans are squeezed by the cost of living – that’s been true for years and is a key reason the President ran. 266
The message? Not only are high inflation and the accompanying high prices not the fault of Democrat Party spending or Biden’s mission to destroy America’s fossil fuel industry, they don’t in fact exist. Nothing has changed. It’s all a big misunderstanding.
I’m willing to bet the farm that we will hear the same line that the cost of living has been high for years over and over and over as the midterms inch closer. This is classic Washington gaslighting. You are confused. Your grocery bill has always been as high as it is now. Gas wasn’t cheaper when Trump was president. Democrats are here to set you straight and if you vote for them, they’ll keep these high prices lower than ever.
UPDATE October 23, 2022:
Finally, we know how many lies Pelosi can tell at once.
Have you ever wondered how many lies Nancy Pelosi can tell at the same time? I finally have the definitive answer, thanks to an October 22, 2022 letter to her Democrat colleagues:
Two years ago, a deadly virus that was mismanaged by Republicans in power wreaked havoc on our economy: stealing jobs, shuttering small businesses, strangling supply chains. Putin’s unjustified war against Ukraine has roiled energy markets and supply chains. Greedy corporations and special interests have sought to take advantage of the crisis: stealing from families by raising prices to obscene levels. The result is a global scourge of inflation — and while other nations are experiencing much worse inflation, we’re all feeling the sting of higher prices here at home.267
For now, let’s set aside the fact that Pelosi and her husband have profited from “greedy corporations” beyond the wildest dreams of most Americans and focus on the truth: the speaker is lying her face off because lies are all Democrats have. 22 months of a Democrat Party president and majorities in the House and Senate have so damaged the lives of Americans that Democrats are forced to ignore the truth about what they have done because it’s just too horrible to contemplate.
Where to start? According to the CDC, more people died from COVID-19 under Biden than Trump. By Inauguration Day 2021, 415,996 Americans were lost to COVID. As of Wednesday, 1,065,152 Americans are dead from this virus268 and a Democrat public health strategy that included running out of tests during the Christmas 2021 surge and turning to virus developer China for a helping hand.

Trump delivered COVID-19 vaccines. Democrats not only took credit for his lightning-fast Operation War Speed accomplishment, they lied to the American people about vaccine efficacy while their authoritarian policies enforced vax mandates in direct opposition to their abortion argument that freedom means we should make our own decisions about our health care.
Biden said he would end the fossil fuel industry. The results were predictable.
If profit-taking by greedy corporations is what caused prices to go up and not Democrats’ socialist, anti-fossil fuel policies, why weren’t prices and inflation higher under Trump than they are now? Don’t bother to answer. Democrats think you are too stupid to figure it out so they just keep lying.
Americans don’t care about inflation overseas. We care about inflation and the economy here at home. Repeatedly telling us that prices are higher everywhere else changes absolutely nothing. It’s an insulting excuse for what Pelosi, Biden and their party accomplished to advance themselves at our expense because they simply don’t care.
Before making the ridiculous and completely baseless accusation popular in Democrat circles that Republicans will worsen the inflation her party caused, Pelosi took another swipe at the GOP and corporate donors:
Extreme MAGA Republicans have no record of lowering costs, no agenda to fight inflation, and no interest in fighting for working families — because they are deep in the pocket of the ultra-rich donors and big corporations who fill their campaign coffers.269
Obviously, Republicans don’t have a record on these things because Democrats control Washington. They have had nearly two years to make our lives better. They made them much, much worse. In 17 days we will show them how we feel about it and on January 23, 2023 shameless liar Nancy Pelosi will hand over her gavel so we can start correcting all the damage she has done.
250“Pelosi Statement on White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.” speaker.gov. September 28, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/92822, retrieved September 28, 2022.
251 “President Biden Announces Twenty-First Operation Fly Formula Mission.” whitehouse.gov. September 2, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/02/president-biden-announces-twenty-first-operation-fly-formula-mission/, retrieved September 29, 2022.
252“Pelosi Statement on White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.” speaker.gov. Op. cit.
253 “Remarks by President Biden at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.” whitehouse.gov. September 28, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/09/28/remarks-by-president-biden-at-the-white-house-conference-on-hunger-nutrition-and-health/, retrieved September 29, 2022.
254republicans-energycommerce.house.gov. September 21, 2022. https://republicans-energycommerce.house.gov/news/leader-rodgers-demands-floor-vote-for-oversight-on-bidens-baby-formula-crisis/, retrieved September 28, 2022.
255“Scalise Calls Out Pelosi for Dangerous Rhetoric.” scalise.house.gov. August 25, 2020. https://scalise.house.gov/media/press-releases/scalise-calls-out-pelosi-dangerous-rhetoric, retrieved September 30, 2022.
256 “Pelosi Spokesman Statement on House Republican Leadership Conference.” speaker.gov. September 29, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/92922, retrieved September 30,
258“Pelosi Statement on Appellate Court Ruling on DACA.” speaker.gov. October 5, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/10522, retrieved October 7, 2022.
261“Statement from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Congressional Republicans Introducing Legislation to End Medicare’s Ability to Negotiate Lower Drug Prices.” whitehouse.gov. October 7, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/07/statement-from-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-on-congressional-republicans-introducing-legislation-to-end-medicares-ability-to-negotiate-lower-drug-prices/, retrieved October 9, 2022.
262”Congressman Schiff on House Republican’s Extremist Agenda.” schiff.house.gov. September 23, 2022. https://schiff.house.gov/news/press-releases/congressman-schiff-on-house-republicans-extremist-agenda, retrieved October 9, 2022.
263”U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree: What the Inflation Reduction Act means to Mainers.” Pingree.house.gov. September 13, 2022. https://pingree.house.gov/news/
documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=4308, retrieved October 9, 2022.
264“SURVEY: Most Americans Say Earnings Aren’t Keeping Pace with Biden-Flation.” gop-waysandmeans.house.gov. September 15, 2022. https://gop-waysandmeans.house.gov/survey-most-americans-say-earnings-arent-keeping-pace-with-biden-flation/, retrieved October 12, 2022.
265 “Lee: Inflation Is Now Costing Americans $635 Each Month.” jec.senate.gov. June 10, 2022. https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/
republicans/2022/6/lee-inflation-is-now-costing-americans-635-each-month, retrieved October 12, 2022.
266”FACT SHEET: President Biden Takes Action to Lower Health Care and Prescription Drug Costs for Americans.” whitehouse.gov. October 14, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/14/fact-sheet-president-biden-takes-action-to-lower-health-care-and-prescription-drug-costs-for-americans/, retrieved October 14, 2022.
267“Pelosi Dear Colleague on Democrats’ Fight to Lower the Cost of Living.” speaker.gov. October 22, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/102222, retrieved October 23, 2022.
268“Trends in Number of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in the US Reported to CDC, by State/Territory.” covid.cdc.gov. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_totaldeaths_select_00, retrieved October 23, 2022.
269“Pelosi Dear Colleague on Democrats’ Fight to Lower the Cost of Living.” speaker.gov. Op. cit.
Continued on next page
You’ve got it exactly backwards. Republicans are the lying bullies. Period. The end. Idiot.
Difficult to do without a congressional majority, but with any luck after midterms next year there will be plenty of Republican bullying to make up for the lunacy we’ve suffered from the left.
Thanks for reading, even if I am an idiot.
your one of the un-educated people, could be receiving monies from the SATAN children in washington dc, in other words THE STEALING & LAUNDERING LAIRS CALLED democrats! The above voting for lairs – when TRUTH Meets them in Face- they only know to say bad things bout the REPUBLICANS, more than likely you don’t have a profession other than waiting for the free deposit.
Nope! Nice try though. The “h” in democrat stands for honesty. Democrats are allergic to facts and think with their asses! No brains at all! Go f*** yourself democrats!
False. You’re confused because you think the news is real. The news is not real. In reality, 85% of republican reps are democrats. They’re all lying Satanists who want to destroy America. Hence the wars, destruction of the dollar, the illegal alien invasion, refusing to use our own oil and natural gas. Etc. if you want to live in reality swap out fox and cnn for info wars. Propaganda will trick you and make you sound stupid so avoid the “news”
Such as?
A Republican does anything wrong its all over ythe news even if it is all lies like with Trump this election era. A democratic lies daily and its published as gosphel!! There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
Spot on, antiobama. There is no better proof than their new Inflation Reduction Act. Democrats are so arrogant that they don’t even try to hide the fact that they lied to Americans about the purpose of this bill or what it will accomplish. As you rightly point out, when they lie it’s gospel and anyone who reveals the truth will be denounced and cancelled by Big Tech and their complicit media.
There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
When Dems say the violence is part of their agenda. They are telling the truth. They plan on using as much violence to make legal Americans afraid to stand up to them
Exactly right, Mea. All it takes is a liberal dog whistle to get the violent, peaceful protests started. As long as Democrats control Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and the FBI, left-wing domestic terrorists have nothing to worry about.
Democrats are the biggest damn liars that ever lived or at least one of the biggest liars but anyway they are big time liars who don’t the meaning of the word truth and honesty, they think we’re fools who believe their lies but not all of us are foolishly enough to believe their lies and they like to feed us a heaping load of their bullshit lies and put blame on anyone and anything that they can put blame on cause that trash isn’t going to take blame for nothing cause it’s easier to put blame on someone else or something else but their favorite person to put blame on is Trump and he’s always been their favorite person to pick on, it isn’t bad enough that they used Covid-19 to do that stupid mail in ballot thing all so they can steal the election away from Trump but then they keep right on with their bullshit cause I think they feel threatened by Trump and I think they always have felt threatened by him especially now, I think they’re scared that Trump might run again in the 2024 election and win and get back in office and they sure don’t want that and I hope Trump does run again and wins because this country needs him back as President and I don’t give a damn what the birdbrains out there think cause they’re no damn better than the trash out there, doing the damage to America cause they support them and vote for them and when they do that, that makes them no better than they are cause they support the garbage doing the damage and to me that’s like a slap in the face cause to me when you support them, it’s like you support anything and everything they do, good or bad so I say” WAKE UP, AMERICA!
Wow! Faye, I think you covered it. I haven’t decided whether they lie because they think we’re too dumb to see through what they say, or because they don’t care what we think. Probably both. As far as Trump is concerned, I wholeheartedly agree. Democrats and sadly, many Republicans are terrified of a leader who won’t play their game of stringing us along, hurting Americans in the process, and doing absolutely nothing to make our country better. Trump got things done and Washington still hates him for showing how worthless and self-interested our elected officials are. The best way for him to end their hate is to be reelected. Afterwards he can’t run again and this will go away.
You’re absolutely right Faye. I live in Washington State where we do mail in voting all the time I am absolutely positive that Washington State enacted disability without the vote of the people so that the Democratic party that enacted it could continually steal the elections year after year after year trying to find something Democrats need to be removed their party should be disbanded based on their willingness to sell our country to foreign interest Joe Biden has proven that but yet the mainline media doesn’t seem to be too interested in checking into it that’s because they know it’s the truth. I don’t
What good does it do to point out democrat lies. The GOP won’t do anything about it.
I don’t disagree, Michael. They will hold hearings. They will issue a report. Nothing will come of it because they don’t have the political might and too many in the party don’t want to rock the boat that keeps lawmakers fat and happy.
You’re not wrong only it will take more than just a majority. Unfortunately most Republicans are so afraid that they won’t stand up to the lying oppressive Democratic regime. This is half of the problem. The other half of the problem is that none of the political individuals Republican and Democrat alike are willing to give up their ability to conduct insider trading based on knowledge that they receive from different committees. Thank you for listening I wish that my thoughts were not the truth.
I wish you were wrong too, Paul, but your comments are spot on. The willingness of the GOP to bend to the will of the Democrat Party is infuriating, including their support of the last omnibus spending package. Democrats know better.
As far as insider trading is concerned, let’s relegate that to the same list as term limits and an earmark ban. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is a lot less than the difference between politicians from either party and the American people. Both know where their money comes from.
Thanks for reading and offering your thoughts.