UPDATE November 8, 2020:
#62: Harris in white is another hypocritical jab at Republicans
It was tough to watch Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take their victory lap yesterday and pretend that everything is suddenly different. Nothing has changed. Harris proved that.
During the 2020 State of the Union Democrats were typically unable to restrain their bad behavior. Nancy Pelosi ripped up the president’s speech for all the world to see. Some of her colleagues skipped the speech altogether. They were unable to act like civil adults and sit quietly for an hour and eighteen minutes.
Anti-Trump white attire was the order of the day for many women in the Democratic Party including Speaker Pelosi. They stood out like badly-behaved children who demand attention.
Joe Biden talked about unity yesterday as if everything that preceded this election is now just water under the bridge. Kamala Harris made her comments in white, which brought back memories of the divisive 2020 SOTU and her party’s Trump impeachment charade.
We should thank the vice president for reminding us that nothing has changed. We’re still at odds and will remain that way. Conservative Americans will tolerate Joe Biden’s peace offering because we have no choice, but Kamala in white reminded us that it’s just more Democratic Party hypocrisy.
UPDATE November 15, 2020:
#63: Democrats want a COVID vaccine, with conditions
I don’t know about you, but my sleeve is already rolled up. When that COVID-19 vaccine hits the shelves I’ll get in line at 2:00 a.m. if I have to. I want this over and done with now.
Not everyone feels that way. When the news got out in October that a vaccine was imminent, soon to be acting president Kamala Harris said she wouldn’t take it if President Trump was behind it. She will only roll up her sleeve if doctors and scientists say it’s OK.
Harris gave Trump a lot of undeserved credit. If he can bypass the FDA, pharmaceutical industry testing, and every physician and scientist involved in the vaccine effort and push a vaccine to Americans all by himself we need him to be our president for the next hundred years.
Trump doesn’t have that power, of course. No president does, though Joe Biden might give it a shot (no pun intended). It was a stupid, thoughtless remark from Harris because it raised doubt as to whether the vaccine is safe. When measles, mumps, influenza, and other easily preventable, highly contagious diseases spread because Americans won’t get vaccinated the last thing we need is someone they respect for god knows what reason telling them she won’t get vaccinated. The anti-Trump nuances of her remark will be lost. The lingering message is that a vaccine might not be safe.
Fellow Trump-hater Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY) further muddied the water by politicizing America’s vaccine development. She insisted that not working with WHO would hinder “a global effort to develop and distribute a COVID-19 vaccine.”69
By politicizing the response to this disease, and therefore American lives and the economy, the Trump administration poses a threat to public health, prosperity, and security.70
That threat to public health means we could have our COVID shots ready by the end of this year instead of slowing the process by further globalizing the effort while scores of Americans die every day. That’s the difference between trusting our nation’s best in the world science and using it against us for partisan leverage.
Nancy Pelosi made an effort to sound reasonable, though it sounds like she could also use some schooling in FDA protocol:
So, again, we should be hopeful but we have to be careful and we have to honor the science, whether it’s about how we, how we embrace a vaccine. The vaccine will be – the more it is embraced, the more effective it will be.71
Being careful is called “emergency authorization” in FDA parlance. Perhaps Harris doesn’t know or more likely, doesn’t care about the mechanics of drug approval. She should read up before she gets involved in trashing our health care system with the Medicare for All plan she co-sponsored.
Pelosi has a vested interest in getting her shot, especially if she plans another unmasked beauty salon visit. She’ll need to look her best when she joins fellow Democrats to give credit to Joe Biden for saving America with Trump’s coronavirus vaccine. Now if they can only delay the first shots for two more months …
UPDATE November 23, 2020:
#64: terrorists and illegals invited in but Americans shut out
With Thanksgiving two days away we have a daunting list of states with pointless COVID-19 travel restrictions. Many of the states that pass them are so infested with this virus that no one who isn’t already breaking the law would want to travel there.
Consider Chicago. The city’s emergency travel order has grown to 46 states.72 This should not be necessary when you consider that Mayor Lightfoot has shut down every reason to risk the flying bullets, car jackings, expressway shootings, and other attractions of this once-great city. Unless you live in Chicago you have absolutely no reason to even consider going there even after this pandemic is over. As far as Thanksgiving is concerned, Illinois’ atrocious and growing coronavirus problem speaks for itself. Stay away.
Like many Democrat-run urban hellholes Chicago prides itself on being a welcoming city for illegal immigrants. By definition illegals already ignore the law so even in Chicago we should not expect them to comply with the same quarantine restrictions as American citizens journeying from other states.
We shouldn’t expect terrorists to comply with our laws, either.
No travel restrictions in Biden’s Oval Office
As part of his Sell Out America agenda Joe Biden has already sent out word that immigration enforcement will change on January 20, 2021. DACA will be reinstated. Trump’s travel restrictions on countries most likely to ship terrorists to the U.S. – the Democrat-titled “Muslim ban” – will be repealed. At the same time Americans could be subjected to additional federal COVID-19 restrictions in addition to what their state and local governments already impose. As The Federalist reports, these crackdowns on our liberty include new pleas from Oregon’s governor for neighbor to turn in neighbor on Thanksgiving.73
As 2020 draws to this ugly conclusion terrorists and illegals can look forward to a better 2021. We can only hope that judges in Oregon will be as lenient with those who are led away from their turkey dinners on Thursday for the offense of gathering with friends and family.
Update November 25, 2020:
#65: a pandemic budget that inflicts even more pain
Chicago’s money woes didn’t start with COVID-19. They won’t end with the pandemic, either. That doesn’t mean this isn’t a good time to screw city residents with Mayor Lightfoot’s 2021 “pandemic budget.”
The city’s press release tries to justify what Lightfoot has done with the self-indulgent assertion that the budget is a “statement on our values.”74 These values include protecting its sanctuaried illegal immigrant population75 while it socks taxpayers with a new $94 million property tax hike with automatic annual increases.
Before the budget passed the mayor boasted that she’d managed to save the 350 city jobs76 that were on the chopping block. Taxpayer heads did not receive similar pardons. Hand it to Democrats. They protect their own.
The mayor boasts an “equity-focused” budget approach.77“Regressive” does not exist in her vocabulary. Instead, according to WGN News a proposal is in the works to levy a delivery tax on residents who use Amazon and similar services.78
If this is going to pass the city better get moving before Lightfoot and Governor Pritzker’s instructions to stay at home expire. The city won’t make nearly as much money if virus numbers start to decline and people feel safe going out again.
When that happens what will Chicago do? Assess a head tax on residents who survived the pandemic to make up for the revenue shortfall for those who did not? I hesitate to put that idea in print. It might be too good for equity-obsessed Democrats to resist.
UPDATE November 27, 2020:
#66: hang on a little longer and by the way, let’s all come together and heal
How many times during this strange Thanksgiving week did you hear Democrats tell you to hang on just a little longer because help is on the way? Vaccines are ready to go. If we can hold on and stay in hiding like Joe Biden for just a few more months …
Come together? Not for four more years, at least.
It takes a lot of gall for President-elect Biden to even hint that it’s time to come together, but in a hypocritical holiday Op-Ed written for CNN he did exactly that not once, but four times.79
He even mentioned “healing together,”80 which is a ham-fisted hypocritical slap to anyone that didn’t buy into the hatred promulgated by his party for four long years. Never forgive or forget should be the mantra for every conservative voter for years to come.
At least the president-elect was circumspect enough to not take credit for the vaccine rollout just yet. Biden has no right to even use the word “vaccine,” but rest assured he will take every ounce of credit after he is safely ensconced in Trump’s Oval Office.
When that happens smirking Vice President-elect Harris has some explaining to do.
Hypocritical Harris puts black community at risk
Perhaps Joe forgot about his running mate’s advice to the nation to not trust any vaccine backed by our president. That’s a perplexing message for Harris to send to a black community severely impacted by this pandemic. She will be the first black vice president and will likely be taken seriously because of this with no regard to her endless smirks and extreme left politics. Perhaps she didn’t think about that before she warned the public away from the vaccine that could put this problem behind us. Perhaps Democrats don’t want this problem to go away. It’s a good excuse to spend and make people dependent. The party is very fond of both of these things.
Whatever Harris’ motivation I’ll put my money on she and Biden getting the vaccine while Trump is still in office. They won’t say much about it and they may lie about the timing, but I can’t imagine any scenarios where the pair won’t be first in line.
So will Harris retract her comments? Of course not. The American people are just numbers. In pandemic politics even the dead are useful to Democrats.
Is “God Bless America” offensive, too?
And by the way, Joe. When you’re president try ending this sort of thing with “God Bless the United States of America” or even “God Bless America.” It might be offensive to many Democrats, but it means a lot most Americans. Maybe Trump will teach you before you move in.
UPDATE November 29, 2020:
#67: Democrats hate Trump but they want him back anyway
After ice cream elitist Nancy Pelosi bailed on the American people by refusing to compromise on a relief bill that wasn’t weighted down with pork Democrats predictably blamed Republicans for their failure. The truth is they didn’t want to pass a bill before the election. The more the American people suffer the better for the party. After all, congressional lawmakers’ salaries are guaranteed and many are wealthy in their own right. This is all just another partisan game.
Now the election is over. In a November 22, 2020 media interview House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) wallowed in the half-truths and misinformation that characterize how Democrats communicate with the American people.
After expressing his optimism that Republicans will be willing to negotiate with “genuineness and authenticity” on the next relief bill, he complained that the president is “missing in action” and “quit on the American people.”81
Did we miss something? I thought this is what Jeffries and his party’s congressional miscreants wanted. They hate Trump. They hated him before he was elected. They hated him for the three years and eleven months he delivered for the people. They hate Trump supporters. They hate Trump policies. They even hate Trump’s COVID-19 vaccine, or at least they will hate it until it’s available and Joe Biden can accept credit.
The problem is that Democrats need the president for their relief bill and they know it. They ignore the inconvenient truth that Trump was willing to deal on a bill long ago but there wasn’t enough pig fat tucked into the legislation to appeal to Pelosi:
Democrats are insisting on a massive taxpayer bailout of badly run blue states, stimulus checks for illegal aliens, and the mass release of inmates from jail. They want to release a lot of inmates, some of them for very serious reasons. They want to release them from jail. They want that part — as part of a stimulus package, can you believe it?82
Trump never quit on the American people. Democrats did for the most cynical of reasons: political power. What does the president owe hacks like Jeffries and Pelosi and Schumer who want to put the election behind them, mouth lies about unity, and pass a huge relief bill they will blame the president and Republicans for delaying?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.