Hypocrisy update August 28, 2023:
#253: White Supremacy vs. Democrat Supremacy: which is the real threat to Black Americans?
Democrat supremacy over Black Americans is something the left rarely, if ever questions. The party staked its ownership claim long ago, as President Biden made abundantly clear with his notorious vote for me or “You ain’t Black” remark during the 2020 campaign. With another election on the horizon, Black support for another four years of Biden is sagging. This is what happens when political hubris takes votes for granted.
Have you stopped being a white supremacist yet?
Few Americans would argue that white supremacy is reprehensible. The sad truth is that like pedophiles and serial killers and fentanyl dealers, white supremacists will never be eradicated as the shootings in Jacksonville, Florida reminded us on Saturday. Neither will we ever wash our hands of politicians who view this type of racially motivated tragedy as fertile ground for partisan propaganda that whitewashes the truth.
When white supremacy becomes politicized, white supremacists win. Democrats accused Donald Trump of condoning white supremacy by taking his remarks after the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally out of context and then demanding he renounce this brand of racism on their terms. This was about politics, not protecting people from violence. As far as Trump was concerned, Democrats had already arrived at their conclusion. Their real question was “Have you stopped being a white supremacist yet?”
After Saturday’s shootings the president distorted the truth about gun violence that impacts Black Americans:
Even as we continue searching for answers, we must say clearly and forcefully that white supremacy has no place in America. We must refuse to live in a country where Black families going to the store or Black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin.720
Kamala Harris followed with one of her moments:
As we allow that investigation to proceed, let us continue to speak truth about the moment we are in: America is experiencing an epidemic of hate. Too many communities have been torn apart by hatred and violent extremism. Too many families have lost children, parents, and grandparents. Too many Black Americans live every day with the fear that they will be victims of hate-fueled gun violence—at school, at work, at their place of worship, at the grocery store.721
Yes, there is hate-fueled violence in America, but federal data does not back the administration’s flagrantly politicized claims about the source. Spreading the fear of widespread white supremacy is politics. Thank Democrat supremacy for the shootings that kill far too many Black Americans every day.
Politics vs. facts: the larger problem isn’t white supremacy or white people or racism. It’s Democrat supremacy and what it does to urban communities.
I don’t dispute that the Jacksonville shootings are a product of racism and white supremacy. However, the facts don’t support Biden and Harris’ politicized version of the truth. If Black Americans live in fear of violence, white supremacy and racism are not the likely culprits.
Bureau of Justice Statistics data from 2017-2021 shows that Black people are most likely to be victimized by other Blacks,722 Hispanic offenders second, and whites and Asians last. The numbers for Hispanics show the same trend.
Anyone living near a big, Democrat-run city like Los Angeles or Chicago or New York knows that the most dangerous places are the depressed neighborhoods that the party controls and where intra-racial shootings are a terrifying part of everyday life.
We will never eradicate white supremacy, but we can stamp out a politicized narrative that distracts from the truth.
Isolated white supremacist violence doesn’t mean that white supremacy is the greatest terror threat our nation faces, as President Biden assures us while illegals on the terror watch list trespass his open border. It doesn’t mean that all Black Americans live in fear of white supremacists or that their lives are constantly in peril from neo-Nazi violence. To the contrary, Democrat supremacy is a far greater threat to those who live in the party’s disadvantaged urban communities.
Like misleading partisan propaganda repeated by Harris on Sunday that insists mass shootings mean assault weapons, white supremacy will claim far fewer lives than intra-racial violence. This does nothing to stop half-bright progressives from advocating dangerous defund the police policies that embrace the notion that cutting law enforcement budgets is about hamstringing racist law enforcement. This presumption that policing is all about race might play well to dimwitted, deluded liberals, but slashing budgets restricts the ability of law enforcement to address all threats that cause Americans and especially those in our violent cities to live in fear of an errant bullet coming through their living room wall or taking the life of their child on the way to school.
I completely agree with the president’s statement:
Hate must have no safe harbor.”723
The problem is that stamping out hate is about a lot more than creating a politically motivated threat for partisan gain.
Biden warns that:
Silence is complicity and we must not remain silent.724
He is right about that, too.
Hypocrisy update September 9, 2023:
#254: Grandparents’ Day Proclamation is shocking and offensive, but this hypocrisy explains everything about how Biden governs.
I can’t think of a better way to publicly embarrass President Biden than a White House proclamation honoring Grandparents’ Day. Even concocting a hypocrisy like a National Sovereignty Day can’t compare to applauding the blessings of grandchildren:
Offering wisdom, sharing their own stories of courage and resilience, or leading us forward by the power of their example, grandparents define who we are and shape who we become. The First Lady and I were blessed with loving grandparents, and our grandchildren are the love of our lives and the life of our love.725
Power of their example? Love of our lives?
Self-reflection is not one of our president’s strong points, assuming he has any left. This is an occasion where someone on his staff should have drawn the line, perhaps swapping in Kamala for amusement’s sake and one of her rambling, unintelligible word salads.
Like remarks in recent campaign appearances reminding Americans to pay their taxes while his son Hunter has so far managed to avoid punishment for not paying his share, Biden exempts himself from the demands he places on others:
I call upon all Americans to celebrate the important role that grandparents play in the lives of their families and the children and grandchildren they love.726
It almost seems like those in charge at the White House have finally had enough, decided it’s time for Joe to go, and will spare him no humiliation to get the job done.
The other possibility is that the president is so weighed down by hubris that he thinks he can get away with honoring Grandparents’ Day and no one will point out the obvious contradiction.
Now that the president’s 2024 campaign is fully underway, it’s safe to assume that “our grandchildren” includes recently acknowledged Grandchild #7. Maybe we’ll even get to see her Christmas stocking displayed for a conspicuous holiday photo op, just so we know the Bidens’ negligent grandparenting is in the past.
Bad grandparenting is just a symptom of the hypocrisy that defines Biden’s first term.
To date, the first term of the Biden presidency has been an exercise in flagrant government hypocrisy. When the administration does something to hurt us, we are told it’s not happening.
The White House boasts a “Unity Agenda” while politicizing racial incidents, pursuing policies, and making public statements like the president’s notorious “semi-fascism” charge against Republicans that are purposely crafted to drive us apart.
In response to the economic mayhem created by the administration that drove up prices and inflation, the president assures us how much better off we are, as if we’re incapable of reading grocery receipts or understanding why we can no longer afford a house.
The border gets the same treatment. While blue city mayors weep and moan because Texas Governor Greg Abbott forced them to stand up for their values, administration hacks claim the border is secure.
We have heard about empathy a lot lately, specifically the president’s lack of it. Maui and East Palestine are easy examples, but luring foreign nationals to America, treating them like cattle, and dumping them on taxpayers to overwhelm state and local resources are another symptom of a president who simply doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions or the impact on the American people.
Biden warns about the potential for global thermonuclear war with Russia thanks to the Ukraine conflict his inability to lead will turn into an endless proxy war. At 80 years of age with a protective bunker to hide out in while he seals his legacy as America’s last president, will he care about the ashes of 340 million Americans, or will the end of our country be just another symptom of the cognitive derangement that makes him think lying to a Gold Star parent, comparing his kitchen fire to the devastation and lives lost on Maui, and a National Grandparents’ Day Proclamation were good ideas?
720“Statement from President Joe Biden on the Shooting in Jacksonville, Florida.” whitehouse.gov. August 27, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/08/27/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-the-shooting-in-jacksonville-florida/, retrieved August 28, 2023.
721“Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris on the Shooting in Jacksonville, Florida.” whitehouse.gov. August 27, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/08/27/statement-by-vice-president-kamala-harris-on-the-shooting-in-jacksonville-florida/, retrieved August 28, 2023.
722“Just the Stats.” Bureau of Justice Statistics. July 2023. https://bjs.ojp.gov/violent-victimization-race-or-hispanic-origin-2008-2021, retrieved August 28, 2023.
725“A Proclamation on National Grandparents Day, 2023.” whitehouse.gov. September 8, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/09/08/a-proclamation-on-national-grandparents-day-2023/, retrieved September 8, 2023.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.