Hypocrisy update May 13, 2023
#242: Democrat hypocrites should skip Mother’s Day this year.
Is President Biden so out of it that he doesn’t know what team he’s on? He just issued what was probably intended to sound like a heartfelt proclamation honoring America’s mothers:
On Mother’s Day, we celebrate the moms and the women filling the role of a mother in our lives, who bless us with a total sense of what it means to be family.673
That celebration of motherhood was nullified later in the day with another proclamation about a phony, manufactured political crisis to promote what his party hypocritically calls “reproductive health care services:”
In response to this crisis [Dobbs decision], I have issued two Executive Orders to protect a woman’s right to access comprehensive reproductive health care services, including abortion and contraception.674
He should have said especially abortion and contraception. After bringing illegals into America and destroying our economy, baby killing is the most important Democrat Party priority. This makes an ode to motherhood and especially to Mother’s Day from party members not only hypocritical, but offensive in the extreme.
Democrats are good at this sort of thing. Illegals are undocumented. Men can be women. Women can be men. The female gender is undefinable and stupidly erased with pro-trans, gender-neutralizing terms like “menstruating people” and “birthing people:”
While Texas works to ban and criminalize reproductive care, Congresswoman Crockett [D-TX] pushes for federal legislation to protect the freedom and health of all birthing people.675
We can only assume “birthing people” is a reference to that undefinable gender that tripped up SCOTUS nominee Kentanji Brown Jackson. This is a difficult ideological fence to straddle. Democrats desperately want control of our health care and the special needs of women are a big part of this, but they also want to cancel women as a gender.
Even the U.S. military is being indoctrinated in the nuances of proper gender-killing pronoun usage at America’s most elite warfare school:
On Tuesday, House Armed Services Military Readiness Subcommittee Chairman Mike Waltz (FL-6) and Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Jim Banks (IN-3) requested information from U.S. Military Academy at West Point Superintendent, Lieutenant General Steve Gilland, on a mandatory role-play guide focusing on gender-neutral terms for cadets and other activities at the academy. The letter follows concerns received from cadets uncomfortable with the politicized nature of these sessions and other activities that have taken place at West Point.676
As Mother’s Day 2023 approached, Democrat hypocrites ignored how hard they have worked to erase the concept of two separate, distinct genders. Suddenly, moms – not birthing people – were good for pandering again. Mothers exist. Extreme Radical Democrat and House Whip Katherine Clarke (D-MA) even blasted an alleged “MAGA GOP Assault on Moms:”
Moms don’t need empty words from politicians. They need leaders who will stand up for what counts. Public officials who will do their jobs – fight for safer communities, for freedom, and for opportunity. Representatives who will put their constituents and their families above all else. That’s what moms want. That’s what moms deserve.677
Clark is right. Moms don’t need empty words like hers. If Democrats really want to stand up for mothers and motherhood, how about starting with an admission that they exist for more than once a year political pandering?
Hypocrisy update May 17, 2023:
#243: HELP WANTED: extremist Dems search for moderate Republicans to submit to their budget demands.
Two days after John Durham’s report proved to Americans how far Democrats are willing to go to deceive us into keeping them in power, House extremists issued a desperate, 11th hour press release in an effort to bully moderate Republicans into submitting to their budget.
Democrats are like lemmings. When one says something they think will resonate, the rest follow. House Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (D-CA) continues to push the absurd notion that his party cares about something other than power and control of our tax dollars:
But I wanted to begin by talking about Speaker McCarthy, who continues to put the demands of the most extreme members of his conference over the needs of everyday Americans.678
Aguilar didn’t say who these everyday Americans are, though his label is insulting to the people who are the backbone of this nation. Notwithstanding his party’s authoritarian leanings, Aguilar works for us. We don’t work for Democrats, or at least not yet.
House Dems know they are on the losing side of the budget battle. They have worked hard and succeeded beyond expectations at driving our economy over a cliff to justify extreme solutions they believe mandate even more inflationary spending. Remember, these are the same politicians who insulted our intelligence by calling their Green New Deal an Inflation Reduction Act and then shoved it down our throats because they had the raw political might to do whatever they pleased.
Those heady days are behind them. Desperation means using George Santos (R-NY) to attack Republicans, as if this will distract from their plans to spend taxpayers into oblivion:
Where are these so-called moderate Republicans as well? They say one thing back home and then they come back and they give their voting card to Marjorie Taylor Green, George Santos and Speaker McCarthy.679
Ted Lieu (D-CA) recited the same irrelevant argument:
Last week, a prominent member of the Republican [Conference], the member purportedly known as George Santos, was indicted by law enforcement.680
He also attacked Donald Trump over January 6th because no Democrat Party denunciation is complete without “Trump” and “January 6th” in the mix:
And recently the Republican front runner for a nominee for the presidential election continues to praise the mob that attacked the Capitol on January 6th. Donald Trump called January 6th a beautiful day. Those are the facts.681
Lieu never said what any of this has to do with the budget or the extremist agenda his party is trying to impose. Did he decide that reciting Democrats’ record on helping “everyday Americans” wasn’t worth the risk, as if we can forget what they have done to our country?
Co-chair Veronica Escobar (D-TX) wrapped up this ridiculous plea for moderation and bipartisanship by threatening Republicans:
I would encourage everyone to hold them to account. It’s not what they say, it’s what they do, and speaking of what they do, last week, they passed a draconian border bill, which by the way, would make illegal the NGO support that communities across the country rely on for migrant populations.682
What do Democrats want moderate Republicans to help them do with our tax dollars? The record speaks for itself:
Democrats forced “everyday Americans” to their knees with inflation, destroyed our financial security, and pointed us towards dependence on big government socialism.
Democrats enforced an open border and flooded our country with illegals they plan to turn into citizens and future Democrat voters.
Democrats inflicted Green New Deal socialism so draconian that they will decide what appliances are in your kitchen, what is on the family dinner table, and what car is in your garage. We learned during the pandemic that they will subject themselves to none of these restrictions because they are not “everyday Americans.” They are privileged elites who deserve better than we, the unwashed masses.
Democrats respond to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans from fentanyl with a pro-drug agenda that includes decriminalizing and even legalizing dangerous substances.
Democrats enforce a corrupt system of justice at all levels of government to attack political opponents and hold the left and its politicians blameless no matter what they do.
Democrats advocate genital mutilation and transgender transformation of children without parental knowledge or permission.
Democrats ensure the power of teacher’s unions to indoctrinate our kids and target parents so they can impose a radical educational curriculum on schools that can’t even teach children to read.
Democrats defend a president so cognitively impaired that every public appearance is a nightmare of gaffes, misstatements, lies, and disinformation that show the world we are weak, incompetent, and vulnerable.
Perhaps most important, the Democrat Party will lie, cheat, disinform, corrupt federal agencies they wield like a weapon, and manipulate elections with no accountability whatsoever under the mistaken notion that using the word “Trump” exonerates them from what is in Durham’s report and Comer’s revelations about their own president.
These lying, abusive left-wing hacks don’t deserve cooperation and certainly not any political accommodation. They need to be stopped now while we still have a country worth saving.
Hypocrisy update May 23, 2023:
#244: Assassin of Youth? White House warns about childrens’ mental health.
In better times parents worried about their kids using drugs. Going back to the 1937 movie “Assassin of Youth” government propaganda about the newest trend destroying America’s next generation sought to align America’s views with Washington’s political priorities.
Times change. Now marijuana is a political priority, a Democrat Party favorite revered for its ability to generate revenue for cash-starved states. The party is pushing hard to decriminalize and even legalize weed at the federal level despite warnings that the potency of today’s drug makes the pot of our youth when it was a crime everywhere as weak and insipid as a can of Bud Light.
Our government’s endless creativity with public policy propaganda tends to ignore the inconvenience of blatant hypocrisy. It’s all about perception. At the moment, cannabis is king in left-wing political circles. We don’t want kids to smoke cigarettes and want to make vaping products completely off limits, but don’t consider that legalized cannabis will be just as easy to divert to school age youth as alcohol and cigarettes unless they can find a better, tax-free deal on the black market.
The Biden administration prefers that we ignore the spread of truly lethal drugs laced with fentanyl while it shuffles border resources to process migrants instead of enforcing the law. Still, with an election year around the corner politicians can’t disregard the vote-getting potential of protecting children. This means shielding them from Republicans who believe that genital mutilation, a procedure the left innocently calls “gender affirming health care,” should wait until kids are old enough to make an informed decision they won’t regret for the entirety of their lives.
Now we also have technology to blame for assassinating America’s youth, thanks to a White House fact sheet released today that declares social media and online content a threat to children’s mental health, safety and privacy:
The United States is experiencing an unprecedented youth mental health crisis. More than half of parents express concern over their children’s mental well-being, and there is now undeniable evidence that social media and other online platforms have contributed to our youth mental health crisis.683
The CDC warns that our kids are unhappy:
According to the CDC, in 2021, 42% of high school students reported experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, including 57% of girls and 69% of LGBQ+ students, and nearly 1 in 3 high school girls reported having seriously considered suicide.684
What changed in 2021? Joe Biden became our 46th president. Radical left indoctrination swapped places with the three Rs in our union-controlled public schools. Critical race theory and radical gender ideology took hold after Democrat public officials cancelled draconian pandemic shutdowns that prevented kids from learning and even socializing with their friends.
The Democrats have worked hard to seize control of America’s youth. The Biden administration made parents domestic terror suspects after receiving a letter from the National School Boards Association. Teachers push gender confusion on their students while school districts demand that parents be kept in the dark about plans to turn their sons into daughters and daughters into sons. Chemical and surgical procedures that would have won Josef Mengele’s approval are not only in vogue, regulations to delay life- altering decisions by minors who fall under the spell of radical left gender orthodoxy are denounced by Democrats as hateful and discriminatory.
The Biden-Harris initiative to safeguard our kids’ mental health chooses a popular target and then accuses it of the same offenses that public schools are guilty of as they push out a radical agenda replete with sexually explicit learning materials and drag queen shows to get their message out:
And online platforms often use manipulative design techniques embedded in their products to promote addictive and compulsive use by young people to generate more revenue. Social media use in schools is affecting students’ mental health and disrupting learning.685
An educational system that damns America, disregards our values and proclaims them discriminatory and racist, separates children from their families as helpless pawns of the government, introduces gender and sexual identity confusion to grow the ranks of the Democrat Party’s favorite identity politics group, warns that all life is about to end because of climate Armageddon, and puts the demands of labor unions and the Democrat Party first and foremost is not going to foster mentally healthy kids. Instead, it will supply the left with more victims who will see no need to strive to persevere in our doomed, hateful society.
A public school system that is manipulative by design will hand our nation a new generation of angry malcontents while other nations educate our competition. This is a losing strategy for America with the blame best diverted away from Biden and the Democrats to something they would relish the opportunity to censor and control for their benefit, like online content.
Hypocrisy Update May 30, 2023:
#245: our Real World doesn’t enjoy the luxury of our government’s hypocrisy.
On Memorial Day President Biden took a few questions as he prepared to board Marine One. With a debt ceiling deal simmering while lawmakers were off on their holiday weekend the budget compromise was front and center. A reporter asked whether the deal would be done by the June 5 deadline:
Q No question?
THE PRESIDENT: Well — you guys are — you guys — you realize you’re not in the real world. “No question.” There is no reason why it shouldn’t get done by the 5th. I’m confident that we’ll get a vote in both houses. And we’ll see.685
Was the real world remark a reference to the press or our government?
Americans pay the price for Washington’s refusal to live in our Real World.
Did the president include himself when he talked about not living in the real world? If Capitol Hill lawmakers and Biden’s White House gave the real world most Americans live in a try, many of America’s problems would probably vanish.
Real Americans living in Real America do not have the option to borrow and spend year after year, accumulate jaw-dropping debt, and then keep spending with no end in sight. In our Real World life catches up. Sooner or later, everything comes to a screeching halt. Credit ratings plummet. Houses are lost and cars repossessed. Renters are evicted. Marriages dissolve. Jobs are lost because companies don’t want employees in positions of responsibility whose credit report shows they can’t even manage their own finances.
Government hypocrisy created America’s $31.4 trillion in debt.
Capitol Hill and the White House are immune to these constraints. The only income they generate, if you want to call it that, comes from Americans many Democrats insist still aren’t paying enough to support their spending. They stake their claim to spending more and taxing more on our behalf, but no matter how much they tax Americans their $31.4 trillion hole is far too big to plug without a radical shift in priorities, policies, and agenda items. That is not going to happen. The solution is for our government to keep raising the debt ceiling while lawmakers hypocritically declare that they are doing the work of the American people.
In Washington consequences are dictated by power and privilege and party. Raising taxpayers’ debt burden and mortgaging America’s future bring massive political payoffs if being reckless with other peoples’ money makes the right special interests happy. Insane reparations demands in California prove the point. Sanity is optional The Real World be damned. This is politics, not reality.
The budget is only part of the picture. America’s president lives in a phony political world where nothing he does catches up to him or even his son, Hunter. History-making debacles like his open border, disastrous Afghanistan exit, and the termination of American energy independence won’t prevent him from being reelected. China’s ascent to world domination is not a concern; in fact, the CCP is a valuable trading partner we will depend on to fulfill our political left’s socialist Green New Deal.
Our Real World has real heroes. Washington’s does not.
In Washington’s phony world of political opportunism Dylan Mulvaney is a Biden White House guest while true American heroes like Riley Gaines who stand up for real women would never receive an invite because she runs afoul of politically valuable transgender insanity. In Biden’s world Brittney Griner, who spoke out against the national anthem, is rescued from Russia after being arrested for drug possession while ex-marine Paul Whelan rots in prison. Isolated mass shooting incidents turn conservatives into rabid white supremacists while the black genocide that takes place every day in Democrat Party cities is ignored as a political inconvenience.
None of this reflects the reality most Americans are familiar with. This is the insane world Democrat politicians and America’s president govern from. In Real America reckless, damaging, irresponsible behavior of this magnitude is severely punished. In Washington, if the threat of consequences even exists it’s a partisan annoyance best ignored if your party holds power.
Elections decide what is right and what is wrong, who is responsible and who is not. That means some of our worst political actors (think Schiff, think Nadler, think Swalwell, think Raskin) are rewarded for what they do. That includes putting you, me, our children, grandchildren, and their grandchildren in the poorhouse because that’s what it takes to keep the campaign donations rolling in. It’s all excused by rampant government hypocrisy that assures us over and over that everything Washington does is for our benefit.
673“A Proclamation on National Women’s Health Week, 2023.” whitehouse.gov. May 12, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/05/12/a-proclamation-on-national-womens-health-week-2023/, retrieved May 13, 2023.
674“A Proclamation on Mother’s Day, 2023.” whitehouse.gov. May 12, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/05/12/a-proclamation-on-mothers-day-2023/, retrieved May 13, 2023.
675“Reproductive Justice.” crockett.house.gov. https://crockett.house.gov/issues/reproductive-justice, retrieved May 13, 2023.
676“Waltz, Banks Press West Point on Preferred Pronon Role Play Guide.” waltz.house.gov. March 23, 2023. https://waltz.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=679, retrieved May 13, 2023.
677“Whip Clark, Moms Condemn MAGA GOP Attacks on Women and Families.” democraticwhip.house.gov. May 11, 2023. https://democraticwhip.house.gov/newsroom/press-releases/whip-clark-moms-condemn-maga-gop-attacks-women-and-families, retrieved May 13, 2023.
678“Chairman Aguilar: Where are the So-Called Moderate Republicans?” dems.gov. May 16, 2023. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-aguilar-where-are-the-so-called-moderate-republicans, retrieved May 17, 2023.
683“Fact Sheet: Biden-?Harris Administration Announces Actions to Protect Youth Mental Health, Safety & Privacy Online.” whitehouse.gov. May 23, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/05/23/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-actions-to-protect-youth-mental-health-safety-privacy-online/, retrieved May 23, 2023.
685“Remarks by President Biden Before Marine One Departure.” whitehouse.gov. May 29, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/05/29/remarks-by-president-biden-before-marine-one-departure-37/, retrieved May 30, 2023.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.