UPDATE April 25, 2020:
#42: trusting Americans to be stupid
Are Democrats worried that cleaning product consumption might cut into their voter base?
I suspect that all you disinfectant drinkers out there are the same people who will vote for Joe Biden. My preference is usually bourbon over commercial disinfectants, but I’m a Republican. The left wing media seems fearful that its liberal viewership doesn’t have the smarts to not guzzle a bleach and seltzer cocktail before dinner.
Granted, we’ve seen no shortage of stupidity lately. Much of it comes from Capitol Hill. By way of example, Texas Congressman Lloyd Doggett features a “Timeline of Trump’s Coronavirus Responses” on his congressional website that takes allegedly damning remarks out of context, including Trump’s disinfectant comment, apparently in hopes that liberal readers are dumb enough to take them literally (author’s note: link updated April 6, 2021 after original April 2020 posting).
What’s so hypocritical here is that Democrats stroke the intelligence of the American people when it suits them and worse, trust their base to select one of their own for president.
Or maybe this isn’t really so contradictory after all. The party is ready to tap Joe Biden for November and plenty of Americans will vote for him just like they cast their ballot for Hillary Clinton. Maybe I’m giving the American people too much credit.
Perhaps we should require liberal shoppers to sign a waiver when they purchase cleaning products to make sure our most vulnerable are safe.
UPDATE May 1, 2020:
#43: it was never about women, stupid
We all know how House and Senate Democrats feel about sexual misconduct. Justice Brett Kavanaugh was excoriated by Congress and members of Nancy Pelosi’s House who, among other pejoratives, referred to him as a sexual predator.40 Trump was an even bigger target. Lawmakers who didn’t want to issue their own statements relied on the press for damning media articles about Trump’s alleged misconduct. They threatened to put victims of assault on display at the 2018 State of the Union. 41 This kind of behavior was never, ever to be tolerated. In fact, it was deemed best to convict first and worry about the details and evidence later.
While Democrats circle their wagons and look the other way as the Biden scandal escalates, we should give Speaker Pelosi credit for one thing. She is living up to the remarks she made in 2018:
Survivors should be supported when they come forward without the fear of threats or further trauma.42
Ms. Reade can rest assured that Pelosi & Company will make sure that won’t happen. There won’t be further trauma because we won’t hear anything from Democrats. Joe Biden doesn’t have to worry about facing the same fate as Brett Kavanaugh because this is not an issue his party will risk discussing. Women are one thing, but seriously. More important than getting rid of Trump? Not on your life. Women can matter again when the election is over. For now Democrats have better things to worry about.
UPDATE May 28, 2020:
#44: Democrats have your back but one-third of Our Agenda isn’t about Americans
We can give Democrats credit for honesty in their support for illegal immigration. That much of their agenda is out front for all the world to see, especially the world being lured to the U.S. from south of our border.
In the unlikely event that there is some tiny bit of confusion remaining as to where the party stands on the issue, the House Democratic Caucus included immigration as part of Our Agenda43 which, among other things, is meant to assure us that they have the backs of working people.
So what happened to the American people?
We aren’t included in part three of What We Stand For.44 If you select “Immigration” it leads to a Know Your Rights page that explains how to evade ICE agents. (Author’s note: link has been taken down.).
At least we know what kind of immigration matters. That’s honesty for you, even if we lose out on 33% of their efforts.
As to hypocrisy, America entitled most, if not all of these politicians far beyond what most Americans would consider an upper middle class lifestyle. At least give our nation a nod. Illegal immigration is an ugly Democratic Party truism better left in the shadows where it belongs.
UPDATE June 1, 2020:
#45: locking down law-abiding citizens and standing by while rioters loot and destroy
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was angry when city residents violated her COVID-19 lockdown order.She closed the lakefront, so city dwellers did not receive the benefit of the outdoor parks and beaches their tax payments support. She threatened churches determined to reopen. Governor Pritzker’s order had already closed businesses so at least that was off the mayor’s plate. Restaurants and bars were already locked down hard in the wake of people caught congregating on St. Patrick’s Day.
Over the weekend COVID-19 was the least of our worries, though that concern will no doubt resurface in 2-14 days thanks to hordes of protesters not wearing masks.
The city racked up 82 shootings45 while violence skyrocketed, businesses were destroyed, suburbs locked down, and we all wondered when it would end and why more wasn’t being done to stop the destruction.
If there was a way to stop the looting and violence we didn’t see it. We heard a vulgar retort from the mayor on Friday after the president’s prescient tweets about what was happening in Minneapolis. Predictably, the same thing happened in Chicago.
Now the Metra public transit system is shut down, not that it matters for people going into the city. Who would take the chance? We can forget about damaged, looted businesses reopening on the second business day of Illinois Phase 3. We’re living in fear again, though for an entirely different reason than the pandemic that has hung over our heads for months.
Like COVID-19, this is another failure of government to protect taxpaying citizens and their businesses. We can only wonder what this Monday morning would look like if protesters bent on violence were pursued with the same zeal applied to honest people who only wanted to go to church or catch a breath of fresh air.
UPDATE June 11, 2020:
#46: enforcing the Rule of Law against Trump and defunding the police
A little over a year ago Democrats were preparing their impeachment case. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) vented his worries about Donald Trump’s impact on the rule of law:
Over the last several years, President Trump has evaded accountability for his near-daily attacks on our basic legal, ethical, and constitutional rules and norms,” said Chairman Jerrold Nadler. “Investigating these threats to the rule of law is an obligation of Congress and a core function of the House Judiciary Committee.46
Holding Trump accountable to the law was a big deal for Democrats. So is being faithful to the rule of law as it applies to investigating and prosecuting crimes against Americans. Senator Kamala Harris weighed in after Ahmaud Arbery was killed in Georgia:
If justice and the rule of law are to mean anything to the American people—including black people—the Justice Department must intervene immediately. 47
Our basic rules and norms don’t include destroying cities and employers’ places of business, but that’s what happened when we discarded the rule of law and destructive protesters ran rampant. The far left seized this as an excuse to defund police departments, though most don’t seem to have the slightest idea just what that means or how it works in practice.
Who will investigate crimes and arrest criminals, especially violent, gun-toting criminals, if we defund the police? The liability in Nancy Pelosi’s police accountability bill makes being a police officer a foolish career choice.
According to The Hill, Senator Kamala Harris hasn’t taken a definitive stance. In the increasingly likely event she gets a spot on Joe Biden’s ticket she’ll only be able to dodge this issue for so long. Like Pelosi, at some point she’s going to have to decide whether to appease the far-left elements of her party or stick with more level-headed, centrist voters and Republicans who understand that, as Maxine Waters (D-CA) pointed out before the George Floyd riots, the vast majority of police don’t present a problem.
UPDATE June 17, 2020:
#47: defending First Amendment rights while ignoring protesters’ violent behavior
In a June 3, 2020 letter to AG William Barr, prominent Democrats Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Adam Smith (D-WA), and Bennie Thompson (D-MS) demanded answers to a June 1, 2020 crackdown on protesters who assembled near the White House. The lawmakers issued the tiresome “threat to our democracy” warning and waved the flag:
As America grapples with police brutality, systemic oppression, and racism, we must each do our part to defend the rights guaranteed to us under the Constitution. The First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and assembly are core to what it means to be an American.48
The letter points out that this occurred 29 minutes before the start of the 7:00 p.m. Washington D.C. curfew.
Politics and hatred for our president make it easy to ignore riots, looting, burning, and murder that were taking place across the country the day before Democrats penned their letter. Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) points out that:
Here in Missouri, rioters took innocent lives. David Dorn, a 77-year-old retired St. Louis police captain who served 38 years on the force, was checking on his friend’s shop when he was shot and killed by looters. He was found dead on the sidewalk in front of the ransacked store. Even more disturbing, his murder was streamed in real-time on Facebook Live. Tragically, his death was not an isolated incident.49
Democrats may relish the idea of Donald Trump being in harm’s way at the hands of liberal protesters, but there was every reason to suspect the gathering could turn violent without warning.
If Barack Obama was president and the protesters were ultra-right wingers, do you think Nadler and company would give them the First Amendment thumbs up if the circumstances were the same?
UPDATE July 11, 2020:
#48: being lied to is better than being shot, thanks
Oh, how the howls of anger and disbelief echoed as another victory was snatched from Trump’s tormentors and Roger Stone evaded the prison cell Democrats would happily have planted him in for the rest of his life.
White collar criminal threatens the rule of law
Trump Persecutor-in-Chief Jerry Nadler kick-started hopes for yet another investigation and opined:
“President Trump’s unprecedented decision to commute the sentence of Roger Stone, an individual that could directly implicate him in criminal misconduct, undermines the rule of law.50
Nadler continues to prove that he’s no genius, but you don’t have to be to know that once the cell door closes the time for squealing is pretty well over. Still, Democratic hopes run high that somewhere, anywhere, there is that elusive smoking gun to prove once and for all that the president is a criminal.
Drug dealers with guns deserve forgiveness
Speaking of smoking guns, it’s curious that we didn’t hear the same panic over another partisan threat to the rule of law when Barack Obama pardoned heavy weight drug dealers who use firearms. One would think that Democrats like Nadler and Maloney would be concerned about that too, considering some of the most outrageous gunplay outside of a Hollywood Western takes place inside cities controlled by members of their party.
Democrats including Steve Cohen (D-TN) applauded Obama’s pardons of these “largely non-violent”51 drug dealers who are apparently less of a threat to society than liars. Looking at one of the Obama White House pardon lists, I’d much rather have Roger Stone living next door than one of the gun-toting “largely non-violent” dealers Democrats deem worthy of forgiveness.
Looks like political hypocrisy Trumps the rule of law again.
I’ve been lied to many times. I’ve never been shot, but for now I’m hedging my bets that a lie is infinitely preferable to a bullet.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.