Hypocrisy update February 27, 2023:
#225: Debt ceiling hypocrisy: White House already made good on default threats, so what’s left to frighten us with?
It’s difficult to frighten people with an economic crisis that’s already happened, especially if they are already learning to live with the pain. The partisan back and forth over the debt ceiling is in full swing again. We already know how whatever standoff is staged to threaten us will be resolved. The U.S. is not going to default on its obligations. To do so would be political suicide for the responsible party. Instead, an agreement will be announced at the 11th hour per congressional protocol. Afterwards, lawmakers will forget about how much debt they have accumulated on our behalf until it comes time to raise the ceiling even higher.
A Republican-led House and historic partisan animosity means Congress will struggle even more than usual to get the job done. To that end, the Biden administration cited an article on The Hill by former Defense Secretaries Leon Panetta and Chuck Hagel warning about the national security ramifications of this political scuffle:
The consequence of debt-ceiling brinksmanship is a dangerous self-inflected wound that tells both our friends and our enemies that we cannot be trusted. Such brinksmanship weakens our national security.609
That consequence is already here. It will be difficult for the president to send a better signal to weaken our national security than his Afghanistan withdrawal disaster. That historic loss of face, allowing China’s spy balloon to have free reign over our country, and refusing to protect our border from foreign interlopers send the message that Biden shows he doesn’t care about America or our enemies. Why would he care about our friends?
Panetta and Hagel also caution that a default would “seriously damage America’s economic credibility.”610 Our historic, high inflation and a president who begs our adversaries for the energy we have under our feet is doing that right now. So is Biden’s continuing threat that Republicans are hell bent on destroying America’s economy and defaulting on our obligations:
President Biden is committed to avoiding Congressional Republicans’ threat of default on the full faith and credit of the U.S., which would weaken national security, raise costs and cost jobs, and create economic chaos. Congressional Republicans should take the threat of default off the table, and put their fiscal plans—which could increase the debt by more than $3 trillion—on the table.611
Biden already accomplished each and every one of these threats. Shall we go down the list? A default would weaken national security, which Biden has already done. It would raise costs, which he has already done. It would cost jobs. The mass layoff notices are pouring in every day. It would create economic chaos, which are two words that perfectly describe what the president and his party’s Green New Deal, anti-fossil fuel, massive government spending agenda has created.
As far as increasing the debt by $3 trillion is concerned, perhaps the president forgot what happened the last time we were faced with raising the debt ceiling:
On December 16, 2021, lawmakers raised the debt limit by $2.5 trillion to a total of $31.4 trillion. On January 19, 2023, that limit was reached, and the Treasury announced a “debt issuance suspension period” during which, under current law, it can take well-established “extraordinary measures” to borrow additional funds without breaching the debt ceiling.612
In December 2021 Biden and the Democrats were in charge of the executive branch and both houses of Congress. They raised the debt limit by almost $3 trillion. Now we’re back where we started.
I can’t think of a worse threat to our national security than the Biden presidency and the assortment of left-wing idealogues he assembled to run our country in concert with congressional Democrats who are determined to enforce an agenda custom-tailored to kick start America’s economic decline.
The White House will bluster and threaten and try to scare the American people over what Republicans are allegedly plotting, but no matter what the GOP does we should ask ourselves how much worse can it get than what Biden’s ineptitude has already accomplished?
Hypocrisy update March 2, 2023:
#226: Literacy hypocrisy: Biden issues tone-deaf proclamation for Dr. Seuss Day.
Today is Read Across America Day. Not coincidentally, Read Across America Day is Dr. Seuss’ birthday and is also called Dr. Seuss Day. President Biden used the occasion to confirm the importance of a skill we tend to take for granted:
On Read Across America Day, our Nation recognizes the value of literacy to our democracy.613
Anyone paying attention to what the censorship-crazed left is doing to literature knows that this would be a good place for Biden to stop.
That is not what happened.
The president’s remarks started out well enough:
We celebrate the books that inspire our children to dream big, expand the limits of their understanding, and explore diverse perspectives and cultures through the eyes of others.614
Then Biden made a tone-deaf, albeit unavoidable reference to the famed author celebrated by Read Across America Day:
The more that you read,” Dr. Seuss wrote, “the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” In other words, knowledge is power.615
Yes, knowledge is power and so is limiting understanding by manipulating what people know and learn. Poor Dr. Seuss was attacked for racism by the woke literary mob and six of his titles were cancelled, prompting Fox News to post a video of Kevin McCarthy reading “Green Eggs and Ham.”616
The famed children’s book author preceded new entries on a growing list of literary icons ranging from Roald Dahl to Ian Fleming the left deems unsuitable for the minds of children and even adults without some post-publication doctoring.
How times have changed. In March 2008 Steny Hoyer (D-MD) sat with students and read from Seuss’s The Foot Book:
In its 11th year, Read Across America is a national reading awareness effort held on or around Dr. Seuss’s birthday that focuses the country’s attention on the importance of motivating children to read.617
As per usual, Biden lavished credit on himself for his administration’s efforts to advance the cause of literacy:
My Administration is committed to improving literacy across America and supporting the devoted educators on the frontlines of this work. That is why our American Rescue Plan invested a historic $122 billion to help schools reopen safely, promote academic recovery, increase teacher pay, enhance mental health services, and expand afterschool and summer programs.618
Democrat public officials and their teachers’ unions also shut down our schools and stubbornly resisted reopening the doors despite ample evidence that COVID-19 was not a great risk for young children. Democrat-controlled cities like Chicago are known for low reading proficiencies in the victims of their atrociously expensive public education systems. Meanwhile, parents who attended school board meetings to advocate for their children’s learning got the message to put up and shut up, or else risk being targeted for domestic terrorism.
Sometimes the hypocrisy of our government is just too appalling to stomach. We’ll see few better examples than the casualty of Dr. Seuss. The president is absolutely correct. Knowledge is power and those who restrict it for the sake of pushing a political agenda are the most powerful of all.
Hypocrisy update March 8, 2023:
#227: Who are the real racists? Democrat politicians who spread racism for its political benefits.
Most of us can agree without reservation that racism is a dark legacy of America’s past. Despite enormous strides to overcome our history, we can’t escape constant, self-serving reminders from Democrats and the president that we still have a long way to go to live up to their WOKE racial justice values and right the many wrongs we are responsible for.
After generations of spending, legislation, and social evolution, it’s an unfortunate fact that there are still those in our society who benefit from promulgating racism as if nothing has changed. Many of these individuals are politicians who wield power and influence and use racism for its political benefit. This is disgusting and racist.
As part of the Democrat Party’s 2023 Black History Month celebration of political victimhood, Reps. Tony Cardenas (D-CA) and Jahana Hayes (D-CT) introduced a resolution;619 to declare racism a public health crisis. H.Res. 185 begins with this declaration:
Whereas since the Nation’s founding, the United States has had a longstanding history and legacy of racism, mistreatment, and discrimination against African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and other people of color;620
The resolution’s language implies that our efforts to right the wrongs of our past accomplished nothing:
Whereas the immoral paradox of slavery and freedom is an indelible wrong traced throughout the Nation’s history, as African Americans lived under the oppressive institution of slavery from 1619 through 1865, endured the practices and laws of segregation during the Jim Crow era, and continue to face the ramifications of systemic racism through unjust and discriminatory structures and policies;621
Black Americans face the ramifications of systemic racism kept alive by politicians who benefit from using racism even if it means harming black communities with misplaced priorities like defunding law enforcement and social justice policing.
Joe Biden is one of those politicians. He pins his political might to imposing a racist view of America. Recently, he claimed that “some people” still want to lynch black Americans. His recent commemoration of the 58th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the 1965 march in Selma, Alabama where voting rights protesters were violently assaulted by law enforcement, included attacking Republicans and taking a swipe at Florida Governor Ron Desantis’ rejection of a WOKE-centric African American studies curriculum:
The truth matters — notwithstanding what the other team is trying to hide. They’re trying to hide the truth.
No matter how hard some people try, we can’t just choose to learn what we want to know and not what we should know.622
The truth has never mattered to this White House before. What matters is what Biden and the Democrats want us to believe. America’s racism is central to everything they stand for. Without it, there is no Biden agenda and no Democrat Party platform.
Predictably, the president’s Bloody Sunday rant attacked Americans:
And together, we’re saying loud and clearly that, in America, hate and extremism will not prevail — although they are rearing their ugly head with significance now. 623
If hate and extremism are rearing their heads, it’s because Democrats need hate, extremism, and racism to shame Americans into accepting their political priorities even if charges of endemic racism ring hollow and false.
Racism is central to everything the Biden administration stands for. It provides massive political payoffs to politicians with the power to fix an America they have judged fundamentally, systemically, institutionally, and irretrievably discriminatory. Too many elected officials spread this vision because it benefits them and to that end they will use any and all means necessary to convince Americans that we have failed utterly to overcome the racial wrongs of our past.
Biden warns:
We know history does not look kindly on those who deny the march across the bridge to redeem the soul of America.624
Neither will history look kindly on those whose rhetoric keeps racism alive and well in what he calls the soul of America so they can benefit from denouncing the evil they spread.
609“ICYMI: Defense Secretaries Panetta and Hagel: “Debt-ceiling brinksmanship weakens US national security.” whitehouse.gov. February 24, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/24/icymi-defense-secretaries-panetta-and-hagel-debt-ceiling-brinksmanship-weakens-us-national-security/, retrieved February 27, 2023.
612“Federal Debt and the Statutory Limit, February 2023.” cbo.gov. February 15, 2023. https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2023-02/58906-debt-limit.pdf, retrieved February 27, 2023.
613“A Proclamation on Read Across America Day, 2023.” whitehouse.gov. March 1, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/03/01/a-proclamation-on-read-across-america-day-2023/, retrieved March 1, 2032.
616Conklin, Audrey. ”Rep. Kevin McCarthy posts video reading Dr. Seuss book after 6 other titles canceled over ‘racist’ imagery.” March 6, 2021. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kevin-mccarthy-dr-seuss, retrieved March 2, 2023.
617“Hoyer Reads Dr. Seuss with Waldorf Students for Read Across America.” hoyer.house.gov. March 3, 2028. https://hoyer.house.gov/content/hoyer-reads-dr-seuss-waldorf-students-read-across-america, retrieved March 2, 2023.
618“A Proclamation on Read Across America Day, 2023.” whitehouse.gov. Op. cit.
619“Hayes, Cárdenas Lead Legislation Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis.” hayes.house.gov. February 28, 2023. https://hayes.house.gov/2023/2/hayes-c-rdenas-lead-legislation-declaring-racism-a-public-health-crisis, retrieved March 7, 2023.
620”H.Res. 185. “Declaring racism a public health crisis.” https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-resolution/185/text/ih?overview=closed&format=xml, retrieved March 8, 2023.
622“Remarks by President Biden Commemorating the 58th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday.” whitehouse.gov. March 5, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/03/05/remarks-by-president-biden-commemorating-the-58th-anniversary-of-bloody-sunday/, retrieved March 6, 2023.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.