Hypocrisy update February 3, 2023:
#220: Democrats defense of Omar is indefensible.
Before the gavel passed to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), soon to be Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) issued a statement denouncing anti-Semitism:
The promotion of antisemitism and hatred against the Jewish community by anyone is unacceptable and unconscionable. House Democrats have and will always reject intolerance in any form.590
Two months later, Democrats treated us to quite a display after Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was ousted from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Despite Jeffries’ promise that they would not support anti-Semitism, we learned that Democrats don’t have an issue rallying around a party member with a history of anti-American, anti-Jewish, and anti-Israel statements. Party affiliation comes first.
Democrat Caucus Chair Pete Aguilar (D-CA) dodged the real issue and concluded that the problem was GOP political vendettas and alleged plans to slash Social Security and Medicare that McCarthy has repeatedly denied:
The vote today is yet another payoff in the corrupt bargain Speaker McCarthy struck to win the votes of the MAGA Republicans who now control the People’s House. Make no mistake, these same people are demanding cuts to Social Security and Medicare and Speaker McCarthy is going to have to deliver for them, just as he did today.591
Bobby Scott (D-VA) called Omar’s removal “hypocritical”592 and claimed that there was no comparison to Nancy Pelosi’s actions against Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). He didn’t mention the exclusion of Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN) from her January 6 Kangaroo Court. He didn’t need to, because it doesn’t matter. Democrats’ defense of Omar is indefensible. There is no justification.
What’s so disturbing about Democrat Party support for the congresswoman is the tolerance not only for her anti-Semitism, but also for her flagrantly anti-American rhetoric in regards to 9/11. We’ve all heard about her statement that on 9/11 “some people did something.” We’ve also heard the rationalizations, justifications, and efforts to explain away an indefensible remark that no one who loves this country would be remotely capable of making any more than someone who is not a racist could defend spewing the N-word.
A January 11, 2022 op-ed posted on Omar’s congressional website is equally disturbing. She characterized the opening of Guantanamo Bay prison as “two decades of lawlessness and cruelty …”593 For the friends and families of those murdered by Islamic terrorists on 9/11 she offered this:
I reflect on what scores of men lost when the United States tortured them, systematically dismantling their identity and humanity. I reflect on what the families of victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks lost — any possibility of fair and impartial justice — when the United States decided to trade away decency and the rule of law for torture and indefinite detention. And I reflect on our refusal to hold anyone meaningfully accountable for these acts.594
The families also lost their loved ones, but they came second. There was no mention of sympathy or regret for those who lost their lives because “someone did something,” only an indecent attack on America and appeal for decency for those imprisoned after the terror attack.
Omar’s screed addresses human suffering, anti-Muslim discrimination, racial justice and injustice. Anti-Americanism is increasingly popular with Capitol Hill’s radical left, so it’s no surprise that the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who also has a history of anti-Semitic comments, flew into rages defending their Squad colleague. No doubt keeping Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee makes no sense to them. It’s not something we could explain in terms they could understand, because the idea of America is not something they value any more than Omar does.
Hypocrisy update February 11, 2023:
#221: Unity Agenda is a hypocritical joke played on Americans who want our country back.
I did not remember that President Biden offered Americans a Unity Agenda last year. That Biden would even consider using the word “unity” is inconceivable, but when he mentioned it during the State of the Union I looked it up and sure enough. This might be the only thing he said in his speech that was true:
That’s why a year ago, I offered a Unity Agenda for the nation.595
The truth was fleeting:
We’ve made real progress.596
Whatever progress he is referring to, unifying the nation is not it. What kind of a sad, sick joke is Biden playing on us now?
The Unity Agenda came up again yesterday as part of a White House effort to make Tuesday night’s embarrassment look like a resounding success:
The President also addressed his unity agenda, consisting of four pillars where Democrats and Republicans have come together: beating the opioid crisis, addressing mental health, supporting our veterans, and ending cancer as we know it.597
Shall we start with the obvious? The opioid crisis is about a lot more than prescription pain killers and going through the motions of punishing evil Big Pharma that Democrats enriched with vaccine mandates. It’s also about the fentanyl and other synthetic killers coming across Biden’s open border that kill tens of thousands of Americans. Until Biden locks down the border and reassigns Border Patrol agents to protecting our country and people instead of processing his administration’s Great Replacement invasion, his opioid crisis is only going to get worse and the gravity of what his open border does to America will continue to divide us.
The real Unity Agenda is a hypocritical assault on America and the American people.
The rest of the president’s Unity Agenda has nothing to do with unity because it’s about issues we don’t disagree on. We don’t need to unite over a cure for cancer. We already have. Simiarly, supporting our veterans is something most of us already agree on.
These are easy wins for Biden’s 2024 Campaign that he can boast to adoring Democrat voters willing to ignore the fundamental issues that drive us apart and make America more angry and divided than we’ve been since the Civil War, to use a favorite liberal January 6th analogy.
The real Unity Agenda is about unifying radical Democrats against American values, conservatives, and Republicans Biden vilifies as Trump MAGA pawns and semi-fascists. The First and Second Amendments to our Constitution are deemed disposable and yet a nonexistent constitutional right to abortion is so important that Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) wore an abortion pin on his lapel at the SOTU as if killing babies is something to celebrate rather than something we tolerate that demands respect and solemnity for the lives lost.
Unifying Democrats also means that America can no longer be a sovereign nation. Left-wing globalism demands that what’s ours is no longer ours. Selling U.S. agricultural land to China is perfectly acceptable. So is opening our gates to any foreign national who wants a piece of the American Dream at U.S. taxpayer expense.
Unity for the left includes pushing transgender and LGBTQ-whatever propaganda on school-age children to build a new class of victims. Law-abiding Americans have to worry if they are on the government’s domestic terror list for ideological infractions that are protected by our founding documents.
Most important, the Democrat Unity Agenda includes the mass of lies, hyperbole, misinformation, propaganda, and disinformation spread by a left-wing political elites who can go to bed at night secure in the knowledge that nothing is off limits and nothing, even hoaxes likes Trump-Russia collusion and silencing information like the Hunter Biden laptop story before a presidential election, will ever be investigated by the FBI or punished by Garland’s DOJ. Removing good, honest Americans who love our country more than themselves from the discussion is what matters.
Unity means tolerating crime in the name of social justice reform. It means pretending that the Biden economic agenda is making our lives better even though the truth hurts us every time we go to the grocery store or fill our gas tanks or look at our sagging 401(k)s and retirement investments. Unifying the country means calling Americans who were born white racists and white supremacists. It mandates tolerating racist policies that advance equity at the expense of the values our nation was founded on.
Sure, we can join hands and agree that mental health, supporting our veterans, and ending cancer are good and noble causes, but the things we don’t dispute are not the problem. If Biden and the Democrats really cared about unifying America they would stop trying to make our divisions so irreconcilable that massive social upheavals between left and right will take the place of what used to be the unity of the American people.
UPDATE February 15, 2023:
#222: Not a joke: sneaky hidden tax means the less you make, the more Biden hurts you.
President Biden offered this teaser before today’s speech about the economy:
Let’s be crystal clear about what’s happening.598
Nothing that comes from our utterly opaque White House is “crystal clear,” so when you hear this promise alarm bells should go off. Another promise that we’ve heard before came next:
When I introduce my budget in a few weeks, you’ll see that people making less than $400,000 a year will not see a single penny increase in taxes, nor have they for the past 2 years.599
There may be no tax legislation on the books or in whatever budget the Biden team cooks up that raises taxes on Americans making less than this benchmark, but make no mistake. There is a sneaky Biden tax that hurts people according to how little they earn that you won’t find in the tax code, in tax legislation, executive orders, or anywhere else. In the Biden economy the less you make, the more the president hurts you.
That tax is inflation, of course. Biden brushed off yesterday’s bad news about the Consumer Price Index with a false claim that food inflation dropped last month. The news wasn’t any better for fuel or natural gas or electricity. The president’s hidden winter heating tax hits lower income families harder than any other Americans.
While the president tries to scare vulnerable seniors with the Democrat Party’s hoax about Republicans cutting Social Security and Medicare and financially at-risk families with warnings about massive tax increases just around the bend, the only one adding any surcharges to what it costs for working and middle class families to get by is Joe Biden. The Biden inflation tax is sneaky and regressive and worst of all, it hurts families in direct proportion to how little they have to pay for the items they cannot live without.
Hypocrisy update February 22, 2023:
#223: Hispanic Caucus members who swore to defend us against foreign enemies want asylum fraud to be easier than ever.
It’s a well-known fact that most of the foreign nationals storming Biden’s open border begging for asylum have no basis. In fact, it’s been estimated that as few as 14% of asylum seekers have legitimate claims600 and only about 16% of claims survive an appearance before an immigration court.601
These figures are not very encouraging and are especially distressing to Democrats who have sought ways to speed up work authorizations for asylum seekers. They were joined by never-Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine who proposed legislation to fast track 2-year renewable work authorizations and reduce the wait time for eligibility to 30 days.602
A far better solution is to revert to Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy instead of getting the message out that an asylum claim means at least 4 years of work in the U.S. while the government processes a growing backlog:
The average wait time for an asylum case is currently 4 ½ years. For those intent on abusing our asylum system, this wait gives them the opportunity to reside in the United States while their case is pending, regardless of the merits of their claim.603
The Biden administration made a feeble effort to cut down on the president’s illegal immigrant invasion with a hybrid Remain in Mexico plan that requires asylum seekers to use a cell phone app to schedule an appointment with U.S. authorities in lieu of entering the U.S. illegally. Why any determined migrant would do this when it seems that just walking into our country and disappearing is a better option is puzzling, but perhaps this is really about the appearance of action and not stemming the tide.
Nevertheless, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus expressed its displeasure at this plan to “punish” migrants which, as per Democrat Party talking point protocol, “goes against our values as a country.”
However, asylum is a legal right available regardless of a person’s manner of entry. This proposed rulemaking makes it harder, not easier for those seeking asylum. It creates additional barriers and harsh penalties for many of those who come to the border seeking asylum.604
Making it harder should be precisely the point, but the CHC implies that any restrictions on coming to America should be off the table:
Historically, immigration and asylum policies have had a disproportionate negative impact on Latino migrants, asylum seekers, and their families.605
Mind you, these are congressional lawmakers who swore an oath to defend against all foreign enemies. Given the gravity of Biden’s invasion of illegals, “foreign enemies” is just as good if not a better term than “migrants.”
Considering the number of illegals that have invaded since Joe Biden took over, I don’t think the CHC has much to worry about. Immigration and asylum policies don’t seem to be much of an impediment. Regardless, the message from the caucus and too many Democrats is painfully clear and impossible to misinterpret: America has no border. Anyone who wants to live and work in the U.S. is welcome. We’ll worry about the details later.
Hypocrisy update February 23, 2023:
#224: Minority Leader Jeffries hurls slanderous accusations at Republicans and Gooden because of alleged slanderous accusations.
As House Democratic Party leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) probably doesn’t have a lot of time in the spotlight. It’s not like the good old days when Nancy Pelosi was speaker and the party could dedicate every waking moment to telling Americans how Democrats were wrecking our country. Things have changed, so what’s a bored minority leader to do? It’s not as if he’s going to brainstorm with Republicans on bipartisan legislation to make our lives better or cross the aisle to improve America. That’s not how the game is played.
Instead, Jeffries or someone in his back office has time to crank out partisan drivel like this:
Lance Gooden’s [R-TX] slanderous accusation of disloyalty against Rep. [Judy, D-CA] Chu is dangerous, unconscionable and xenophobic. Congressman Gooden appears to sympathize with violent insurrectionists and spreads big lies to the American people, having voted not to certify the election of President Joe Biden.606
Curiously, Jeffries never says what slanderous “recent comments” from Gooden tripped off his attack or what they have to do with January 6th. Whatever the offending words were, they had something to do with Rep. Chu and that’s all we know. Perhaps we’re meant to accept this at face value and assume the absolute worst because Republicans are irredeemably awful?
Since Jeffries won’t, I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest this might have something to do with a letter sent by House Republicans who oppose Biden’s nomination of Dominic Ng as Chair of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC). Gooden explains:
It is unfathomable that a man like Dominic Ng would ever be appointed to a government position given his extensive ties to CCP officials and intelligence front groups. Mr. Ng is compromised at best and a traitor at worst, but his donation of over $100,000 to President Biden’s re-election campaign has been rewarded with a position to represent U.S. business interests in Asia.607
Democrats will never understand why conservatives are sensitive about this sort of thing, especially with their president’s questionable relationship with his son and China and his confounding refusal to do anything about the recent Chinese spy balloon until it had accomplished whatever nefarious mission it was sent to do.
Whether or not this is about Ng, in the absence of any substantiation of whatever vile utterance from Gooden set him off, Jeffries rounded out his press release with a swipe at Republicans:
Extreme MAGA Republicans in the House are focused on peddling baseless conspiracy theories, gutting Social Security and undermining democracy at every turn. Each day brings a new example proving that these extremists have no interest in solving problems for everyday Americans.608
This doesn’t have much to do with alleged xenophobic comments either, but the fact that the congressman won’t tell us what they are probably tells us enough. Being House minority leader must be a boring pastime, indeed. Perhaps Jeffries can find a part-time job to keep him occupied and out of trouble until the next election.
590“Incoming House Democratic Leadership Statement on Antisemitism.” democraticleader.house.gov. December 2, 2022. https://democraticleader.house.gov/media/press-releases/incoming-house-democratic-leadership-statement-antisemitism, retrieved February 3, 2023.
591“Statement from Chairman Pete Aguilar on the Vote to Remove Rep. Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.” dems.gov. February 2, 2023. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/statement-from-chairman-pete-aguilar-on-the-vote-to-remove-rep-omar-from-the-house-foreign-affairs-committee, retrieved February 3, 2032.
592“Scott Defends Rep. Omar from Hypocritical GOP Attacks.” bobbyscott.house.gov. February 2, 2023. https://bobbyscott.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/scott-defends-rep-omar-hypocritical-gop-attacks, retrieved February 3, 2023.
593“ICYMI: Rep. Omar Op-Ed on Need to Close Guantánamo Bay Prison.” omar.house.gov. January 11, 2022. https://omar.house.gov/media/in-the-news/icymi-rep-omar-op-ed-need-close-guantanamo-bay-prison, retrieved February 3, 2023.
595“Remarks of President Joe Biden – State of the Union Address as Prepared for Delivery.” whitehouse.gov. February 7, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/02/07/remarks-of-president-joe-biden-state-of-the-union-address-as-prepared-for-delivery/, retrieved February 8, 2023.
597“Wide Range of Constituencies Union Leaders, Business Leaders, and Advocates Applaud President Biden’s State of the Union Address.” whitehouse.gov February 10, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/02/10/what-they-are-saying-wide-range-of-constituencies-union-leaders-business-leaders-and-advocates-applaud-president-bidens-state-of-the-union-address/, retrieved February 10, 2023.
598“Excerpt from Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by President Biden on His Plan to Reduce the Deficit While Investing in America, Bringing Down Costs for Families, and Protecting and Strengthening Social Security and Medicare.” whitehouse.gov. February 15, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/02/15/excerpt-from-remarks-as-prepared-for-delivery-by-president-biden-on-his-plan-to-reduce-the-deficit-while-investing-in-america-bringing-down-costs-for-families-and-protecting-and-strengthening-s/, retrieved February 15, 2023.
598“Excerpt from Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by President Biden on His Plan to Reduce the Deficit While Investing in America, Bringing Down Costs for Families, and Protecting and Strengthening Social Security and Medicare.” whitehouse.gov. February 15, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/02/15/excerpt-from-remarks-as-prepared-for-delivery-by-president-biden-on-his-plan-to-reduce-the-deficit-while-investing-in-america-bringing-down-costs-for-families-and-protecting-and-strengthening-s/, retrieved February 15, 2023.
600“Border Patrol Chiefs: Biden’s Border Crisis is “Overwhelming.” oversight.house.gov. February 7, 2023. https://oversight.house.gov/release/border-patrol-chiefs-bidens-border-crisis-is-overwhelming/, retrieved February 18, 2023.
601“Tillis, Colleagues Introduce Legislation To Crack Down on Illegal Immigration and Asylum Abuse. tillis.senate.gov. July 29, 2022. https://www.tillis.senate.gov/2022/7/tillis-colleagues-introduce-legislation-to-crack-down-on-illegal-immigration-and-asylum-abuse/17b3d78f-f38b-414e-a6a8-d35a673f6ec0, retrieved February 22, 2023.
602“Collins, Sinema Introduce Bill to Help Asylum Seekers Obtain Jobs More Quickly.” collins.senate.gov. February 3, 2023. https://www.collins.senate.gov/newsroom/02/03/2023/collins-sinema-introduce-bill-to-help-asylum-seekers-obtain-jobs-more-quickly, retrieved February 22, 2023.
603“Tillis, Colleagues Introduce Legislation To Crack Down on Illegal Immigration and Asylum Abuse. tillis.senate.gov. Op. cit.
604“CHC Chair Statement on DHS and DOJ Notice of Proposed Rule on Immigration and Asylum Eligibility.” chc.house.gov. February 21, 2023. https://chc.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/chc-chair-statement-on-dhs-and-doj-notice-of-proposed-rule-on, retrieved February 22, 2023.
606“Leader Jeffries Statement on Lance Gooden’s Xenophobic Comments.” democraticleader.house.gov. February 23, 2023. https://democraticleader.house.gov/media/press-releases/leader-jeffries-statement-rep-lance-goodens-xenophobic-comments, retrieved February 23, 2023.
607“Gooden Demands FBI Investigation into Biden-Appointee.” gooden.house.gov. February 15, 2023. https://gooden.house.gov/press-releases?ID=F436A471-D6D7-4100-9131-9500BB9BB5FB, retrieved February 23, 2023.
608“Leader Jeffries Statement on Lance Gooden’s Xenophobic Comments.” democraticleader.house.gov. Op. cit.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.