Hypocrisy update January 11, 2023:
#214: Illinois passes assault weapons ban to save lives while strengthening abortion protections to end them.
Governor JB Pritzker has signed the Illinois Democrat Party’s new assault weapons ban. After passage by the state’s Democrat-controlled House and Senate the governor pointed out the obvious problem with the Protect Illinois Communities Act, though his partisan obsession with this particular hot button probably made him unaware of it:
For a long time now, I and many other leaders in the Illinois General Assembly have prioritized getting the most dangerous weapons off our state’s streets. Today, honoring the commitment we made, we passed one of the strongest assault weapons bans in the nation, one I will be proud to sign.563
The “most dangerous weapons” do not necessarily equate to the most dangerous people, especially when we look at the sheer number of offenders in Chicago who are not using what the left propagandizes as “weapons of war” when they commit crimes. This is a problem Democrats won’t deal with because their progressive social justice agenda forbids it.
Ironically, last summer’s tragic Independence Day mass shooting in Highland Park was committed with a weapon our constitutionally-mandated freedoms allow Americans to carry. Pritzker and the Illinois legislature responded with a knee-jerk response to the tragedy that ignores the big picture of the abhorrent violence that takes place every day in our state’s largest city.
The bill doesn’t ban ownership for current owners of the weapons blacklisted by this legislation. The deceptively-titled Protect Illinois Communities Act requires them to register their firearms, a potential prerequisite to forcing them to turn them in, and also bans high-capacity magazines and raises the age that state residents can own a gun from 18 to 21.
This is a hypocritical infringement on constitutional rights by a state that seeks to clamp down on gun ownership to protect life while it quashes as many restrictions on taking babies’ lives as possible. To that end, state lawmakers just passed the “Patient and Provider Protection Act.” As WCIA.com reports, the bill enhances and expands access to abortion and seeks to shield those travelling to Illinois for the procedure from liability outside of the state.564
The White House is equally fond of killing babies and clamping down on our Second Amendment freedom. Illinois’ new law wasn’t ignored by Karine Jean Pierre, who offered this trite statement as she acknowledged Illinois’ accomplishment:
Too many Americans across the country continue to lose their lives or their loved ones to gun violence.565
Banning assault weapons will not change this. Democrats have backed themselves into a corner. Their liberal emphasis on defunding the police, promoting social justice for criminals and especially criminals of color, and their utter refusal to acknowledge where the violence is really coming from means they will never be able to successfully address the problem.
Perhaps this is what state lawmakers want. It gives them an excuse to point fingers at their political opponents over hot buttons like assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that will have minimal impact on the shootings, carjackings, smash and grabs, assaults, and other crimes that plague Chicago and surrounding communities. It’s not hard to compare the loss of life to gun violence before and after passage of this bill if state and local officials can resist lying with their statistics. I suspect it will bear out just how ineffective this partisan exercise really is.
The hypocrisy in disregarding any violence that contradicts Democrat orthodoxy while passing new legislation to restrict Second Amendment rights and protect abortion access will be utterly lost on progressives in a state where killing babies is a top priority. It would be interesting to compare the lives taken by the state’s abortion clinics with the number of lives taken by assault weapons prior to the ban and the number of killings from handguns on the streets of Chicago that will continue unabated. We’ll never see these numbers, but my guess is they would be very enlightening.
Author’s note: this update was edited after publishing on January 11, 2023.
Hypocrisy update January 14, 2023:
#215: Democrats just proved they don’t believe life has value, so why do they care about climate Armageddon?
If life has no value, then there is no reason to protect it and yet America’s progressives are pushing a massive economic transition to protect the climate and save lives that don’t seem to matter to them. In fact, their agenda promotes taking lives whenever the value of human existence contradicts their radical political priorities.
As far back as 2004, Nancy Pelosi decried efforts to impose a ban on partial birth abortions that even many pro-choice Americans find morally and ethically repugnant:
When President Bush signed the so-called ‘Partial-Birth Abortion Ban’ into law, he became the first President in history to ban a safe and medically-accepted medical procedure. It was a deliberate attack on reproductive health care and a violation of women’s privacy and their right to make their own decisions.566
Sound familiar? The rhetoric has not changed. Killing babies is safe. It’s not as if an infant can fight back.
Democrats just voted against Rep. Ann Wagner’s (R-MO) Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The bill provides:
If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.
In a nation that claims to value life this seems like a pretty basic protection. H.R. 26 criminalizes any “overt act” to kill a child that is born alive.
Democrats disagree. They killed the bill in 2020 and voted 210 to 1 against this legislation on Wednesday. They also voted 209-3 against another measure, Rep. Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) H. Con. Res. 3:
Expressing the sense of Congress condemning the recent attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches.
Both pieces of legislation were passed unanimously by House Republicans after which, thanks to a Democrat-controlled Senate, they will most certainly expire.
Politicians are a slippery breed and there are few slimier than Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who issued a press release last week that blasted “the MAGA Republican controlled House votes on anti-choice bills this week.”567
Schumer never said what bills he was referring to. Instead, he resorted to bombast and Bidenesque MAGA propaganda, likely hoping his audience would respond to anti-Republican buzzwords without giving a thought to the fact that he was covertly endorsing infanticide:
Once again, Republicans are proving how dangerously out of touch they are with mainstream America. The American people elected Senate Democrats to be a firewall against this extreme anti-choice MAGA Republican agenda.568
This is what happens when extremist orthodoxy overrides traditional American values. While I don’t have the numbers to prove it, I seriously doubt that mainstream America approves of murdering an infant after it is born. I also doubt that most Americans who listen to the lefty media and hacks like Schumer have any idea what these legislative initiatives are really about.
Genocide, assisted suicide, migrant deaths, and overdoses are all part of the Democrat anti-life agenda.
No one talks about the hypocrisy implicit in demanding that we overhaul Western economies to stave off climate Armageddon while simultaneously denying that life has value. Abortion is just a small part of this destructive progressive transition. Democrats attack the constitutional right to bear arms, but they focus on gun owners who are overwhelmingly conservative and law-abiding while they ignore the genocide in the cities they control that has nothing to do with what their propaganda calls weapons of war.
We’re becoming increasingly comfortable with the idea of assisted suicide which, while arguably justified in some desperate situations, risks spreading to afflictions for which there are other, non-lethal alternatives.
The president’s open border agenda claims migrant lives while the fentanyl that slips through takes American lives. At the same time, the idea of supervised injection sites for addicts is catching on thanks in part to Democrats like Seth Moulton (D-MA) who argue “Why Supervised Drug Injection Sites Make Sense.”569
Granted, a population of drugged, dependent citizens is easy to control. There are enormous opportunities for the political left to dominate a nation where life is no longer something we value, but an inconvenience to be sidestepped in favor of hypocritical partisan orthodoxy.
Pushing a climate change agenda so massive that it requires a complete overhaul of America’s fossil fueled-based capitalist economy while arguing that preserving life is a disposable value makes no sense unless you are a progressive elite looking down on the American people from your Washington throne. In that case, whatever brings you money and power makes all the sense in the world. All you have to do is convince the people that devaluing life is also a moral imperative.
Hypocrisy update January 18, 2023:
#216: Progressive border deniers blast Trump for Biden’s crisis, demand no restrictions to illegals’ legal rights.
When you lose any semblance of allegiance to the truth it opens vast horizons for how you view the world. Just ask Joe Biden. He invents reality as he goes along and could care less that we know he is lying every time he moves his mouth. House progressives are little different. The real world that real Americans live in is a distraction at best, more frequently an annoyance disregarded in favor of whatever twisted worldview suits their priority of the moment.
Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) suffers greatly from this delusion that reality is irrelevant to politics. After two years of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party controlling the executive and legislative branches of our government and passing all manner of abusive spending legislation that reality-based Republicans’ opposed, she joined Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D-IL) to blame Trump for their catastrophe at the border:
We recognize that President Biden has inherited a broken immigration system, and that he has taken steps to restore it by ending the Trump administration’s discriminatory and xenophobic implementation of Title 42.570
Do they mean restoring the broken system they blame Trump for? Does it even matter, given how divorced they are from the facts? Progressive Jayapal has proved over and again that she is a far-left nitwit who, like Kamala Harris, is still stumbling around in the dark looking for root causes when the real root cause is staring us in the face:
We must address the root causes of this crisis, including reconsidering Trump-era sanctions that have fueled much of the economic deterioration that triggered the latest wave of migration.571
Let’s resolve their befuddlement. The root cause for migrants, asylum seekers, illegals, and what have you streaming across our border in record numbers is that they love and understand the idea of America a lot more than progressive Democrats. That’s a disturbing thought, but these migrants know a good thing when they see it. They understand that people like Jayapal and Garcia and Harris and Biden are willing to give our country away to whoever wants a piece just to ingratiate themselves with activist donors who also hate this country.
Root causes or not, Jayapal and Garcia called Biden’s plan to “triple refugee resettlement from the Western Hemisphere”572 commendable as long as we don’t do anything to restrict the mass of humanity swarming into America:
However, the new Department of Homeland Security proposal also includes expanding the use of Title 42, a public health law weaponized by Donald Trump to deny legal rights to asylum seekers, as well as potential regulations that would restrict the legal right to seek asylum. That is unacceptable.573
Dead Americans are unacceptable too, but the lives progressive worry about are the lives of the foreign nationals and future voters their party lays claim to:
Democrats must refuse to participate in Republicans’ games with people’s lives.574
We could remind Jayapal, Garcia, and their progressive ilk that if Democrats and Biden had not made it clear to the world that come one, come all is America’s immigration policy we could have saved migrant lives and American lives as well. We might even remind them that “our American values”575 include living in a sovereign nation, but what’s the point? For the time being, progressives who suffer from the delusion that their demands have something to do with making America better are relegated to the backwaters of pending political obscurity thanks to a Republican House we trust to make sure their brand of abusive nonsense remains imprisoned in the vast, empty space between their ears.
Hypocrisy update January 19, 2023:
#217: Democrats agree that political violence is bad, but only if it doesn’t benefit them.
After standing idly by while violent protesters used George Floyd as an excuse to loot and burn America’s cities, after turning a blind eye to the threats against Supreme Court justices over the Roe v. Wade leak that led to an assassination attempt against Brett Kavanaugh, after ignoring attacks against women’s health centers that do not provide abortions, Democrats finally decided that political violence is bad, but there is a catch. It’s only bad if it doesn’t further a narrative that relies on outrage against anything that doesn’t align with left-wing orthodoxy.
Despite repeatedly refusing to even acknowledge political violence directed at their opponents and the American people in the case of the 2020 race riots, Democrats attacked a Republican resolution to protect churches and pro-life facilities.
Recently dethroned Rep. Nancy Pelosi set the stage:
Instead of joining Democrats in condemning all political violence unequivocally, House Republicans have put forth an insufficient and divisive resolution that advances their extreme anti-choice agenda and diminishes a woman’s right to choose.576
What Pelosi’s canned statement supporting an opposing Democrat Party resolution doesn’t reveal is that the language in Diana DeGette’s (D-CO) H. Res. 27 is specifically directed towards protecting abortion clinics. Not a single attack against a facility that doesn’t provide abortions is mentioned in the resolution’s history of offenses, including the attacks on pro-life centers after the Roe v. Wade leak. The language is purposely inflammatory and includes a phrase that could be construed to exclude facilities that don’t kill babies:
Whereas extreme rhetoric continues to fuel a hate-filled climate that is dangerous for individuals who provide or access comprehensive health care services:577
There is not a Democrat alive who would call the facilities protected by the GOP resolution “comprehensive.”
The Republican resolution has the virtue of stating specifically what it resolves to protect instead of using language that seems constructed to mislead. That’s a problem for Democrats who deem a ban on political violence against churches and pro-life centers to be anti-choice:
Additionally, Congresswoman Ross voted against a resolution that singles out acts of violence to further an anti-choice political agenda, while failing to protect healthcare facilities. Neither piece of legislation went through a single House Committee before coming to the floor for a vote by the full body.578
Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ) lied outright. He claimed that the GOP resolution prevented women from obtaining an abortion:
Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. voted against two bills today to prevent women from obtaining legal abortions nationwide. The first bill, H. Con. Res. 3, would condemn recent attacks on anti-abortion facilities without any mention of increased assaults on pro-choice clinics and medical professionals.579
Why so much anger? The resolution proposed by Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) is pretty simple and straightforward:
(1) condemns recent attacks of vandalism, violence, and destruction against pro-life facilities, groups, and churches;
(2) recognizes the sanctity of life and the important role pro-life facilities, groups, and churches play in supporting pregnant women, infants, and families; and
(3) calls upon the Biden Administration to use all appropriate law enforcement authorities to uphold public safety and to protect the rights of pro-life facilities, groups, and churches. 580
This would not be an issue had Washington’s political left not tacitly endorsed political violence by ignoring the George Floyd race riots, the attacks against conservative justices, and the violence directed at pro-life centers. Democrats have proved over and again that they can’t be trusted to stand up against political violence that doesn’t benefit them. If they did, there would be no need for Johnson’s resolution.
Hypocrisy update January 25, 2023:
#218: Pritzker orders Illinois flags flown at half-staff after California shootings.
The numbers just don’t add up. The recent shootings in California that took 19 live were horrendous and tragic, to be sure. No one is arguing that, but a January 24, 2023 decision by Illinois Governor JB Pritzker raises a perplexing question:
The Department of Central Management Services has received notice from Governor JB Pritzker that all person or entities covered by the Illinois Flag Display Act are to fly the flag at half-staff in honor of: all of the lives lost in the California shootings.581
Why aren’t Illinois flags flown at half-staff permanently to honor the victims of shootings, stabbings, vehicular assaults, and all the other methods used to maim and kill our fellow human beings in Democrat-run Chicago that we hear about every single day and in double digits every Monday morning?
The answer is politics, of course. Pritzker just finished celebrating Illinois’ new assault weapons ban. The shooters in Chicago apparently haven’t heard about it or are using a different type of firearm. The numbers keep rolling in and while they are less than what we’re used to during Chicago’s hot, violent summers they are still embarrassing for a Democrat who will eventually have to face the fact that his party’s de rigeur prohibition on “weapons of war” won’t keep anyone safe from the day in, day out violence that takes scores of lives in this state.
WTTW reports that there were 55 murders in Chicago in December 2022 to top off a year with 688 killings and 2,832 shootings.582 According to the Chicago Sun-Times, 37 people were killed in the city since the start of 2023.583
No flags were flown at half-staff to honor these victims. Perhaps they lack political value and the chance to show solidarity with a state just as wayward and irresponsible as Illinois. The violence in Chicago also represents a political liability and embarrassment for a governor who signed the SAFE-T Act and will soon have to explain why people in Chicago still aren’t safe.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot is up for reelection next month. Rubbing her face in failure was probably deemed in bad taste, as well. In any event, don’t plan on seeing any flags at half-staff to honor Chicago’s victims. We’ve become pretty jaded about the mayhem in the city. It’s hardly even news anymore. If we just ignore it, maybe it will go away.
Hypocrisy update January 30, 2023:
#219: Biden administration’s hypocritical demands for accountability should infuriate every honest American.
Race Baiter-in-Chief Joe Biden didn’t let the Tyre Nichols tragedy go to waste. On Friday, the day the police body cam video was released, he told us:
It is yet another painful reminder of the profound fear and trauma, the pain, and the exhaustion that Black and Brown Americans experience every single day.584
Like most Democrats, Biden picks and chooses what “reminders” are best to politicize. Progressives view racism as critical to their politics. The rest of us understand that this is fundamentally unethical and wrong.
We can only imagine the disappointment when the peaceful protest the president called for failed to spiral out of control and spread nationwide to shore up the White House narrative of lies about race in America. Kamala Harris did her part to help the president fan the flames of unrest:
The persistent issue of police misconduct and use of excessive force in America must end now.585
Democrats are the ones making sure this issue will never end. They have done a superlative job of politicizing accounts of police misconduct to give the appearance of a national epidemic. The problem is that in the absence of observable national outrage their argument that we live in a racist country falls flat on its face.
This is politics. It has nothing to do with what happened to Tyre Nichols. Out here in the real world the officers were arrested and charged. Now we place our trust in a justice system that works for some and fails others.
Those others include the American people. We have every reason to believe that President Biden not only holds himself above the law, but in fact is above the law. Harris used her stump to demand two things this administration would be wise to never mention:
I join President Biden in his call for accountability and transparency.586
She called on Americans to “demand that our justice system lives up to its name.”587
In Nichols case this is imperative. We have no reason to think it won’t happen despite the doubts politicians like Harris will raise for their own benefit.
In Joe Biden’s case we have every reason to believe our justice system will not only fail us, but will support the president, deceive the public, and attack anyone who stands in the way of this administration’s malfeasance.
Either unaware or not bothered by his blatant hypocrisy, the president persisted as he pushed the envelope:
We must do everything in our power to ensure our criminal justice system lives up to the promise of fair and impartial justice, equal treatment, and dignity for all.588
The stinking elephant in the room is the same hypocrite who has the arrogance to utter these words. Biden and his hired Cabinet hacks are completely and utterly bereft of honesty, integrity, transparency, and accountability. From spreading the border agent whipping hoax to the hands off treatment of son Hunter to the FBI raids on Donald Trump to the attacks on our Constitutional rights, justice and accountability mean absolutely nothing to this administration. They are punishments for those with less power and influence.
The 87,000 IRS agents Democrats hired are a pretty good indication of how much accountability they expect from us. Meanwhile, they also demand sensitive House committee assignments for the likes of serial liar Adam Schiff (D-CA) and China-compromised Eric Swalwell (D-CA) that call for trustworthiness, integrity and accountability, as if past history is forgotten and wholly irrelevant.
The Biden White House is the most opaque in memory. The president is accountable for nothing, not even for giving us his sad dupe of a press secretary who is forced to publicly humiliate herself with non-answers that protect the president from the growing evidence that he is not on the side of America or the American people.
At least we can thank the Biden White House’s accountability hypocrisy for the creation of a House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government. It’s no secret that Washington is actively working against our interests. As Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) points out:
A ploy? It’s not a ploy when the Department of Justice treats parents as terrorists, moms and dads who are simply showing up at a school board meeting to advocate for their son or daughter.
A ploy? It’s not a ploy when the FBI pays Twitter $3 million, not one, not two, but $3 million to censor American citizens.
It’s not a ploy when the Department of Homeland Security tries to set up a disinformation governance board because we all know that the Department of Homeland Security can tell what’s good speech and what is bad speech.589
Calling for accountability and transparency in Memphis while holding himself, his administration, and his family above the law is Joe Biden 101. The difference between the two is that the wheels of justice in Memphis will likely deliver on that promise. President Biden will never be held to the same standard. We all know it. So does he.
563“Gov. Pritzker’s Statement On The Passage of Protect Illinois Communities Act Banning Assault Weapons.” Illinois.gov. January 10, 2023. https://www.illinois.gov/news/press-release.25887.html, retrieved January 11, 2013.
564Connolly, Danny and Koulouvaris, Theodora. “Bill offering abortion, gender-affirming care protections heads to Governor Pritzker’s desk.” wcia.com. January 10, 2023. https://www.wcia.com/news/capitol-news/bill-offering-abortion-gender-affirming-care-protections-heads-to-governor-pritzkers-desk/, retrieved January 12, 2023.
565“Statement by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Illinois Becoming Ninth State to Enact an Assault Weapons Ban.” whitehouse.gov. January 11, 2013. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/01/11/statement-by-white-house-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-on-illinois-becoming-ninth-state-to-enact-an-assault-weapons-ban/, retrieved January 11, 2013.
566“Pelosi Statement on Federal Court Ruling That Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Is Unconstitutional.” Pelosi.house.gov. June 2, 2004. https://pelosi.house.gov/sites/pelosi.house.gov/files/pressarchives/releases/June04/CourtRulingPartial-Birth060204.html, retrieved January 14, 2023.
567“Majority Leader Schumer Statement On House Republicans’ Extreme Anti-Choice Agenda.” democrats.senate.gov. January 11, 2023. https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/majority-leader-schumer-statement-on-house-republicans-extreme-anti-choice-agenda, retrieved January 14, 2023.
569“Why Supervised Drug Injection Sites Make Sense.” moulton.house.gov. December 1, 2019. https://moulton.house.gov/op-eds/why-supervised-drug-injection-sites-make-sense, retrieved January 14, 2023.
570“Congressional Progressive Caucus Leaders on Biden Administration’s Border Enforcement Announcement.” progressive.house.gov. January 6, 2023. https://progressives.house.gov/press-releases, retrieved January 18, 2023.
581“Honoring All Of The Lives Lost In The California Shootings.” illinois.gov. January 24, 2023. https://www.illinois.gov/news/press-release.25957.html, retrieved January 25, 2023.
582Masterson, Matt. “Chicago Homicides Declined in 2022, But Total Still Among Highest Since ‘90s.” news.wttw.com. January 4, 2023. https://news.wttw.com/2023/01/04/chicago-homicides-declined-2022-total-still-among-highest-90s, retrieved January 25, 2023.
583Howe, Jesse and Boyle, Andy. “Homicides in Chicago: a list of every victim.” graphics.suntimes.com. January 25, 2023. https://graphics.suntimes.com/homicides/, retrieved January 25, 2023.
584”Statement from President Joe Biden on Tyre Nichols.” whitehouse.gov. January 27, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/01/27/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-tyre-nichols/, retrieved January 29, 2023.
585“Statement from Vice President Harris on Tyre Nichols.” whitehouse.gov. January 27, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/01/27/statement-from-vice-president-harris-on-tyre-nichols/, retrieved January 29, 2023.
588“Statement from Vice President Harris on Tyre Nichols.” whitehouse.gov. Op. cit.
589“Jim Jordan on Why the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is Necessary.” judiciary.house.gov. January 10, 2023. https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/jim-jordan-on-why-the-select-subcommittee-on-the-weaponization-of-the-federal, retrieved January 30, 2023.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.