Hypocrisy update October 27, 2022:
#197: Hypocrite Pelosi claims Democrats honor men and women in blue.
Despite the outrageous violence that rages in Chicago with weekend shooting totals that make national headlines, Democrats’ midterm message for Illinois voters consists of only six words: no exceptions for rape or incest. This is repeated over and over and applied to every Republican running for office even though the state is controlled by the Democrat Party and there is no possibility that abortion will be outlawed or any restrictions imposed. They want you to believe that this single issue is all that matters because state Democrats own the bloodbath in Chicago and have done nothing to stop it except pass the no cash bail SAFE-T Act.
Democrat candidates across the country use a similar approach to duck the issue of crime. They want you to believe that crime is about AR-15s and the Second Amendment and MAGA Republicans and not what’s really happening in their cities that has voters concerned for their lives.
Nancy Pelosi had a rare moment of clarity yesterday about what happens when you downplay what voters care most about. Her solution is to gaslight her party into believing that public safety is one of their top priorities:
As Democrats, we believe that every American deserves to live in a safe community, which is a necessary foundation upon which America’s families can thrive.505
Just because you deserve something doesn’t mean you are going to get it. No matter. The gaslighting continued:
Thanks to the courage, resolve and unity of our Members, the Democratic House has honored our sacred oath to the American people: to “protect and defend.”506
She claims:
our House Majority has taken strong action to honor our men and women in blue with the resources they need to prevent crime, while building stronger, healthier relationships between law enforcement and those they serve …”507
That’s not just gaslighting. It’s shameless hypocrisy of the highest order.
Attacking the police for racism and brutality does not “honor our men and women in blue.”
It wasn’t that long ago that our cities were on fire. Democrats ran their mouths about peaceful protests and proposed legislation to hamstring law enforcement while they gave a pass to violent radicals:
Physical and psychological violence perpetuated by law enforcement results in deaths, injuries, trauma, and stress, and disproportionately affects marginalized populations. This [Anti-Racism in Public Health Act] bill would take a public health approach to combating police brutality and violence by creating a dedicated law enforcement violence prevention program at the CDC.508
This is what Pelosi said about the police:
Sadly, despite mass protests across America and a renewed focus on the crisis of racial injustice, the epidemic of police brutality continues – with more police killings occurring last year than in the year before, and with communities of color and vulnerable groups disproportionately bearing the brunt of this cruelty. We must act decisively and urgently to end the injustice.509
This is what she supported:
This [George Floyd Justice in Policing Act] legislation includes bold reforms, which ban chokeholds, stop no-knock warrants, end the court-created qualified immunity doctrine, combat racial profiling, and establish strong new standards and protections to prevent and combat police misconduct.510
That doesn’t sound like strong action to honor our men and women in blue. It sounds like Democrats profiling the police as violent, brutal racists with predictable results.
Lies and hypocrisy won’t bring shooting victims back from the dead. They won’t heal those permanently disabled by violence. They won’t win a midterm election, either. Now, days before judgment is rendered by the American people Pelosi thinks she can convince her party that they are the party of public safety so they can go out and tell the people how much they have done to support the police and keep us safe.
She deserves credit and our scorn for trying.
Hypocrisy update October 31, 2022:
#198: When elections denials start next week, will anyone hold Democrats accountable for undermining democracy?
Election denier Hillary Clinton is prepping Democrats to deny the results of the 2024 presidential election that she warns is already under attack by Republican extremists. Sore loser Clinton has no credibility after her campaign spread the unprecedented Trump-Russia collusion hoax, but that doesn’t mean her words won’t have an impact. People on both sides of the partisan equation tend to give credibility to what they want to believe.
What we do know for a fact is that Democrats have a long and storied history of denying the results of elections. The trend began in earnest after Al Gore lost to George W. Bush in 2000 and extended through Clinton’s claim that Trump was an illegitimate president and Stacy Abram’s refusal to concede the 2018 Georgia governor’s race to Brian Kemp.
Undermining public confidence in our elections doesn’t end with blatant election denial. Democrats know they can get away with unfairly influencing elections and proved it with the media coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 presidential campaign and the failure to hold anyone in the Clinton campaign accountable for their meddling. Despite this shabby record, our president blamed the assault on Paul Pelosi on right-wing election deniers:
But you can’t condemn the violence unless you condemn those people who continue to argue the election was not real, that it’s being stolen, that all the — all the malarkey that’s being put out there to undermine democracy.511
There will always be people living on the fringes of our society. Holding a political party and Americans who vote for that party responsible is irresponsible, unethical, and wrong. Sadly, America’s president is no stranger to extreme rhetoric targeting Americans who refuse to support his agenda. Now Clinton is backing up his divisive, un-American remarks about MAGA Republicans, extremists, and semi-fascists to help Democrats get their election denial ducks in line for 2024.
If polling is accurate and Democrats lose big next week, it’s more than safe to predict that the propaganda and disinformation about election interference and stolen contests will last until the last vote is cast in 2024. Neither Biden nor anyone in the party will hold Democrats responsible for undermining confidence in our electoral process, but watch the machinery of Democrat-controlled Washington descend on any Republican who voices the same concerns.
Hypocrisy update November 5, 2022:
#199: Nazis and roaches are the left’s last, best hope.
Joe Biden beat the word “democracy” to death on Wednesday night during a weak, pointless display of Democrat Party desperation. Joe doesn’t want a democracy any more than the movers and shakers in his party. They want a one party, authoritarian state they can rule in perpetuity. Their angry threats about Republican rule are exactly what they have in mind for us in the unlikely event that they retain power after the midterm elections. Rest assured if they win, they will never be in the position of losing again.
Frankly, I expected more from the president’s speech. When it comes to pre-election rants we need to give credit where credit is due and for once our angry, divisive president failed to deliver. Joe comes in third place in the Democrat Party Midterm Follies.
Who are the big winners?
First Place: Congressman James Clyburn turns to Nazis for help.
First place goes to Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC). The House Majority Whip stooped to the one thing that any sane, rational politician knows to never do. Clyburn turned to Nazis to make his appeal to voters. As the New York Post reports, the congressman threatened that voting for Republicans puts us on the same path already trod by Weimar Germany.512
Remember when Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer made a similar mistake? All hell broke loose. Spicer violated one of the most important rules in public life: never, ever mention Nazis or Hitler because whatever you say, it won’t go well.
There are exceptions, of course. Spicer was a Republican. Democrats will go mute about Clyburn’s comments that show a stunning degree of hate for conservative Americans and an absolute rejection of democracy. His insinuation that Republicans are Nazis at heart and will quickly recreate the Third Reich if given half a chance is truly disgusting and akin to Biden calling Republicans semi-fascists. This was a concerning, anti-democratic plea to safeguard the system by putting it in the hands of the radical left forever, or else.
Second Place: Sunny Hostin claims Republican women are white roaches.
If The View’s Sunny Hostin wanted to milk a little extra publicity for herself, there are better ways to go about it than calling women who vote for Republicans roaches. With the notable exception of Rep. Clyburn leaning on Nazis to make his point, this one is hard to beat and may well go down as one of the worst attacks on women in memory. At least she was careful to relegate her attack to white women in the suburbs, as Fox News points out,513 but when you have already dug a hole this deep why hold back?
I doubt that Ms. Hostin made the connection between her remark, the Democrat Party’s likely fate on Tuesday, and Nietzsche’s observation that insects sting because they want to live. Her comment was not sourced from deep thought or lofty principles. It was an ugly, hateful attack on American women to put herself in the spotlight and should be remembered as such.
Third and Dead Last: is that all you’ve got, Joe?
The president traveled to Chicago yesterday. He chose a city and state his party destroyed and where the outcome of elections is rarely, if ever in doubt. Why? Illinois guarantees a friendly, even adoring audience. The president is not a popular figure these days even in Democrat circles, so instead of campaigning where he will only do more damage and isn’t wanted anyway, it’s a safer bet to go to Chicago despite the city being an unpleasant example of what happens when we vote for Democrats.
The White House makes it clear: hate speech is not tolerated.
While the left accuses Republicans of being Nazis and cockroaches, Karine Jean-Pierre wants you to know that hate speech is not welcome:
But to your question about our concern: Look, there’s no place for hate speech. We’ve been very clear about that. We’ve condemned that. No space — no space for — for hate speech or harassment on social media.514
She didn’t qualify what she meant by hate speech, but I think it’s safe to assume it has something to do with Republicans.
Hypocrisy update November 7, 2022:
#200: Border Czar Harris says she loves America.
Kamala Harris stumped in Chicago yesterday. I suppose it makes sense for her to spend valuable campaign time in a true blue state that makes her feel valued instead of a state with a close race where she risks getting booed off the stage.
The vice president seemed on the verge of one of her word salads as she spoke of the fragility of democracy, a popular topic among Democrats who seem convinced the sky will collapse if they aren’t in control despite overwhelming evidence that they are the ones who delivered us to the sorry place we’re in that has voters so incensed:
On the one hand, when a democracy is intact, it is extraordinarily strong in the strength it can give its people to protect and fight for their rights, for equality, for justice. Incredibly strong. On the other hand, it is incredibly fragile. It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it. And so fight we will. (Applause.) And so fight we will. And so fight we will!515
One way the government validates how “strong in the strength” we are is by protecting what is ours. This is one of Washington’s fundamental obligations. Not only should our vice president understand this, Harris was tasked early on with protecting our border. Perhaps this was because of her great love for America:
And this is a fight born out of love of country. We love our country. We know what we can do. We are prepared to stand. We are prepared to organize.516
Still, if this is true why hasn’t our Border Czar made good on her vow to stand firm by battling the foreign invasion she insists won’t stop until she’s figured out the root causes of why anyone would want to trespass into the country she adores? It’s a puzzling question. Maybe Harris is overly generous and wants to share the things she loves about America with the world. If this is the case, she has been remarkably successful.
It’s also possible that Harris doesn’t give a damn about America and cares only about advancing Joe Biden and the Democrats’ plan to flood what’s ours with as many illegals as possible so they can turn them into recipients of massive social spending and one happy day, voting members of their party. Some call this a Great Replacement. Knowing the anger this elicits from sensitive left-wingers let’s just call it a very un-American plot to make sure our democracy isn’t intact for Americans much longer.
Hypocrisy update November 8, 2022:
#201: confused White House messaging makes the best argument yet for privatizing vote counting.
Yesterday, Karine Jean-Pierre told us that it may take “a few days”517 to know the results of today’s midterm elections. We also heard that the president will probably address the nation about the results tomorrow night, which doesn’t make a lot of sense if Jean-Pierre is right and ballot counting is still underway, unless there is an absolute landslide for Republicans.
Alongside ruminations about Russian meddling, voters were assured that we have nothing to worry about:
People should have confidence in their election system. As we have said many times before, having the right to vote is the most sacred right, and people should really exercise that right. And — and they should feel safe in their — in their — in their election process.518
We don’t have faith in our election process because politicians including our president cast blame on the system. Election denier Hillary Clinton is already at it again, warning about the theft of the 2024 contest. Stacy Abrams still thinks she’s the governor of Georgia and Donald Trump continues to stir up his base over the 2020 defeat.
There will always be doubt. Politicians on both sides use it to exploit our fears. Congressional Democrats tried to take advantage with their “For the People Act.” A wholly partisan bill to federalize elections was a stunningly bad idea that should have been called the “For the Democrats Act.” Fortunately, it went nowhere.
Anything valuable that government administers is by nature slow, inefficient, and often unreliable and rife with fraud. The growing politization of federal agencies and reliance on states to deliver a red or blue majority adds further doubt that any government administration of elections can be trusted.
When the American people need to be reassured that this pivotal midterm election is safe and secure, we get just the opposite from a White House that represents a party with a long history of denying elections.
Since politicians with the loudest public voices and something to gain are the ones who cast the most doubt on the sanctity of our electoral system, it’s time to take the process out of the hands of government. There is almost no possibility that privatizing the vote counting process will deliver a worse result than a system that America’s president uses to destroy our faith in the right to vote:
The extreme MAGA element of the Republican Party — which is a minority of that party, as I said earlier, but is its driving force — is trying to succeed where they failed in 2020 to suppress the rights of voters and subvert the electoral system itself.
That means denying your right to vote and deciding whether your vote even counts.
They’ve emboldened violence and intimidation of voters and election officials.
It’s estimated that there are more than 300 election deniers on the ballot all across America this year.519
That’s not what we needed to hear as tensions flare in anticipation of the outcome of today’s contests. While casting doubt about election outcomes may have a big payoff for politicians who lose, there should be no question about how votes are tallied. Government inefficiency, confused messaging, and unavoidable partisanship make these insinuations possible. It’s time to find a better way to get the job done.
Hypocrisy update November 10, 2022:
#202: the president appeals for decency.
I’m still puzzling over a statement President Biden made during yesterday’s post-midterm address:
One is that I said we’re going to restore the soul of the country, begin to treat each other with decency, honor, and integrity. And it’s starting to happen. People are — the conversations are becoming more normal, becoming more — more — how can I say it? — decent.520
I don’t know what makes the president think that the political rhetoric is any less heated than it was before the midterms, but suspect it has a lot more to do with the diminished power of congressional Democrats that puts his agenda at risk than any change in the tone of the nation.
When the president of the United States calls Republicans semi-fascists with the world watching it’s not the sort of thing we can just brush off and forget because he suddenly realized that a new Congress might make his life uncomfortable. You don’t forget being called a threat to the country you love, either, or hearing from every liberal public voice in America that you are hell bent on ending our democratic system of government forever.
Neither do we forget when a prominent member of the Democrat Party claims that America will veer into neo-Nazism if Republicans prevail in an election.
The White House is a busy place. There’s a lot going on. It’s entirely possible that Biden’s communications geniuses forgot that restoring the soul of the nation and semi-fascism are now inextricably linked in the minds of Americans and especially conservatives. We were the number one threat to America’s survival until the last ballot was cast and we’re not going to forget it because the president sees rough political waters ahead.
Decency, honor, and integrity are the very last thing this administration deserves from right-minded Americans who have been targets of hate, derision, and intimidation because our political beliefs don’t align with those of the radical left. The conversations are most certainly not becoming more normal. This is wishful nonsense. What has changed is the tone that the president believes will best serve his interests without the security of an overwhelming Democrat Party majority.
Hypocrisy update November 15, 2022:
#203: Democrat bill brings back Jim Crow.
With the transfer of power just around the corner Nancy Pelosi is still boasting her party’s accomplishments, as if passing partisan bills when you have House and Senate majorities and a willing signer in the White House is some sort of feat.
Bringing back Jim Crow to throw a little extra cash at unions is a genuine feat, albeit one we’d hoped was behind us. Joe Biden minimized Jim Crow’s impact by falsely calling state legislation to secure elections and curb vote fraud Jim Crow 2.0. Now Nancy Pelosi is praising an old, discriminatory Jim Crow era law built into her party’s massive infrastructure spending bill:
When President Biden signed the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we seized a once-in-a-century opportunity to strengthen our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, create millions of good-paying Davis-Bacon jobs and reconnect communities divided by projects of the past.521
The left works hard to find systemic racism in every facet of American society, so it’s surprisingly hypocritical that a 1931 law designed to discriminate against black workers to protect white workers who belonged to unions should be so popular among Democrats.
Davis-Bacon was passed nearly a century ago and despite what Joe Biden would like us to believe, Jim Crow is dead. Attacks on taxpayers are very much alive, though, and the Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage provisions in the Infrastructure Bill are a perfect example. Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) proposed H.R. 2218 to repeal the Davis-Bacon Act. He argues:
“Without repealing Davis-Bacon the Biden infrastructure plan is a taxpayer funded gift to Big Union Bosses. It is simple: Davis-Bacon Act drives up prices for taxpayer-funded construction, and eliminates opportunities for hardworking Americans.”522
Instead of eliminating this taxpayer-punishing throwback built on racism from federal infrastructure projects, Biden’s Department of Labor doubled down in March 2022 with a proposed rule that among other things changes how it updates data on prevailing wage rates. As Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) observes:
Despite what the Biden administration touts, this proposal will do nothing to create good jobs or improve infrastructure investments. Instead, the rule will drastically increase the cost of federal construction—thereby slowing American growth. Prevailing wage rates, determined by a completely unscientific wage survey process, are notoriously inaccurate, unfairly favor unions, and levy huge costs on American taxpayers.523
Democrats aren’t stupid. They know where their money comes from and with congressional majorities and Biden in the White House unions have never had it better, whether that means taxpayer-funded infrastructure projects designed to pay the highest wage rates possible or public schools that indoctrinate our kids into the gender-confused Democrat Party way of life.
Still, one would think that Democrats should be a bit uncomfortable about their support for Davis-Bacon knowing where the law came from and what it represents. When it comes to big money donors I suppose they can set principles aside. America’s legacy of Jim Crow racism is best reserved for attacking their political opponents.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.