Hypocrisy update June 22, 2022:
#171: Schumer & Biden want us to spend billions for overdose problem even though they are one of the root causes.
Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) eyes must have rolled in his head like marbles as he calculated the billions in taxpayer dollars he could spend thanks to our opioid crisis:
First, the senator detailed his formal push to supercharge the federal funds that help the nation, New York, and Capital Region combat the public health crisis that is opioid addiction by $3.2 billion dollars to bolster evidence-based prevention, treatment, and addiction recovery services like those at Albany’s Addiction Care Center. 421
That’s on top of the tens of billions in Biden’s new budget:
Adding to these investments, Schumer said that the Biden administration’s proposed budget includes $21.1 billion for HHS to further support prevention, treatment, and interdiction efforts.422
$4 billion was tucked into the American Rescue Plan. Taxpayers spent $30 million on “enhancing harm reduction interventions like syringe services programs.”423 When he was done adding up the numbers, Schumer predicted that we could “boost the total pot to $42.5 billion.”424 With all that spending are we still able to pass out free crack pipes? Schumer didn’t say.
The money just flows when Democrats want to save lives. Perhaps it distracts them from the blood on their hands from all the fentanyl flowing into the country, or maybe they just like spending money on a problem they have worked so hard to make worse.
What’s so horrible about our drug overdose crisis aside from the loss of life is that America’s president colluded with Democrats to make it happen. Our southern border is wide open. Customs and Border Protection is intercepting massive quantities of fentanyl, which is a pretty good sign that massive amounts are also slipping through. Officers are overwhelmed thanks to Biden administration policies and now, in the wake of the migrant whipping hoax, also have to worry about being punished to please the White House even if they do nothing wrong.
The CBP website lists report after report of fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine smugglers trying to bring their wares into our country. Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) reported yesterday:
During the 2022 Fiscal Year, over 5,300 pounds of fentanyl seized at our southern border by CBP officials, this administration’s outright denial of this crisis has caused this drug to become the number one killer of young adults in America.425
Unfortunately for the Americans who will lose their lives to fentanyl, Democrat immigration orthodoxy declares that admitting as many illegal immigrants into the U.S. as possible comes first. That means overwhelming our interdiction resources. The resulting carnage is collateral damage we are forced to tolerate while shelling out billions for a problem the White House and congressional Democrats helped create and continue to sustain.
Hypocrisy update June 24, 2022:
#172: Hypocrite Dem Caucus Chair Jeffries uses Roe decision to remind us why we’re going to vote his party out of Washington.
Sometimes it’s best to think about something before you commit pen to paper even if your brain is exploding and your eyes are rolling around in your head because of a Supreme Court decision you have no control over and your voters are going to be very unhappy about.
This would have been a good day for Democrats to act like responsible public servants. They could call for calm and constitutionally-approved peaceful protest instead of the Democrat-approved peaceful protests their foot soldiers engaged in during that long, violent summer of George Floyd.
Suffice it to say this feels a lot like the build up to those riots. Releasing the decision on a Friday doesn’t help and neither do the angry statements coming from Democrats like House Democrat Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries.
Jeffries speaks of the court’s “assault on freedom, the Constitution and the values shared by a majority of Americans” and forcing “the views of a radical minority on the vast majority of Americans who cherish freedom.”426 His “radical minority” could just as easily be the Green New Deal socialists who have manipulated our witless president into precipitating a recession. It probably never occurred to the congressman that the Second Amendment has been around a lot longer than Roe v. Wade or that Democrats who do exactly these things are why their poll numbers are in the toilet and voters are panting to get to November so they can vote for Republicans who really do believe in freedom, the Constitution, and American values.
We can ignore Jeffries’ angry, inflammatory hyperbole as the ravings of a liberal politician unfamiliar with not being able to force his party’s will on the American people whether we like it or not. What we can’t ignore is his concluding subliminal threat:
In the days and weeks that follow, we will organize the supporters of freedom like never before seen on this deeply personal issue. Vote like your life depends on it because the quality of life for millions of Americans hangs in the balance. The battle lines have been drawn. We will never surrender.427
Battle lines? Organize the supporters of freedom? Americans do plan to vote like our lives depend on it. We’ll do it peacefully and constitutionally. Those votes don’t look to be going to Democrats and angry liberal hypocrite Jeffries just told us why.
Hypocrisy update June 30, 2022:
#173: Will Democrats display their hypocrisy, or will they denounce illegitimate Supreme Court’s decision on Remain in Mexico?
Today we will listen to overjoyed Democrats celebrate the Supreme Court’s axing of President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy. The Biden administration can breathe a sigh of relief. The Migrant Protection Protocols can join the rest of our border protections in the White House trash bin. One more barrier to the massive flow of illegal immigrants invading our country has been eliminated.
Since the Roe v. Wade decision Democrats have insisted that our highest court is illegitimate, that it must be packed to ensure left-wing decisions, and that Justice Clarence Thomas should be impeached. A plan to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh was ignored along with the law that protects those sitting on the court from intimidation and violence.
This time Democrats got what they wanted. The Biden administration received a green light to continue its human trafficking and to bring as many criminals, as much fentanyl, and as many unknown, unvetted illegals to our country as possible. Conservatives will not be happy. Will we riot in the streets? Threaten violence and make good on those threats?
Of course not. Enforcing ideology with violence is the agenda of the left. Still, Democrats need to explain why they will abide by the decision of a Supreme Court they spent the past week denouncing as illegitimate. Either they were lying to the American people to undermine our third branch of government, or Remain in Mexico needs to stay in place because the court has no legitimacy. Which is it, Democrats?
Hypocrisy update July 2, 2022:
#174: F*** Lori Lightfoot. Chicago will profit from SCOTUS abortion decision.
In case you missed Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s F*** Clarence Thomas rant during her city’s “Pride in the Park” celebration last weekend, RedState’s Bonchie wrote about the incident and includes a video clip that shows all you will be able to stomach.428
America has more than its fair share of bad Democrat mayors and governors including Illinois’ own J.B. Pritzker, but when it comes to flat-out objectionable behavior Lightfoot takes the cake. In public appearances she is angry and confrontational when she should be apologizing for a city we have to think twice about setting foot in. I worked in the Loop for years and never worried about being robbed or shot even while walking to the train at night. It wasn’t an issue. Now I stay away.
Lightfoot’s attack against Justice Thomas while pandering to a friendly audience was repulsive and wholly lacking in the basic civility that a great American city deserves from its mayor. Role model she is not in a city that desperately needs one. Nearly every day brings new reports of juveniles arrested for car jackings and murder.
Like other Democrat-ruled cities and states, nothing is going to change in Illinois because of the SCOTUS Dobbs decision. To the contrary, Illinois plans to expand abortion access. The governor and Lightfoot no doubt see an opportunity for Illinois to make a buck as an abortion tourism haven:
In Illinois, we are a state committed to expanding access to reproductive health care including abortion care, contraception access, fertility treatment and gender affirming care. We’ve made it clear that we trust people to make the best decisions for themselves about their own reproductive health.
In Illinois, we will hold firm to these rights and continue to work with stakeholders to expand them.429
Illinois has a grand opportunity to market itself as the place to be for those eager to terminate their pregnancies. Chicago is already making money with legal marijuana tourism, so abortion vacations are a slam dunk.
Pregnant people, or whatever trending woke label applies to expectant mothers who come to Chicago and manage to not get shot, robbed, have their car stolen, or all three on the way to an abortion clinic can take comfort knowing that the Windy City’s angry, foul-mouthed mayor is very familiar with children dying. It’s not an issue. It happens all the time. There is no age restriction. Kids who aren’t born qualify and so do children who were born only to be shot dead like the 5-month old murdered in her car seat just a week ago430 or the girl who made it all the way to age 17 only to be killed riding her bike yesterday afternoon.431
I’m writing this on Saturday morning. By the end of the day more killings will be added to yesterday’s list. This is a three-day holiday weekend, so that list will be even longer than usual. Lightfoot has the First Amendment right to say what she will about Clarence Thomas, but responsible Chicagoans also have the right to respond with a resounding F*** Lori Lightfoot as her city’s children are murdered and abortion is promoted. How many kids have to die to satisfy her?
Hypocrisy update July 5, 2022:
#175: F*** Lori Lightfoot, Part II: Chicago celebrates the Fourth with 71 shootings.
As of 6:16 this morning ABC 7 Chicago reports [link expired] that 71 people were shot and 8 killed in Chicago during the Fourth of July Weekend.432 WGN TV reported yesterday that this weekend’s shootings in Lori Lightfoot’s city include a ten-year old struck three times while in his bedroom.433
Instead of pandering for political support and obscenely denouncing a Supreme Court Justice over an issue that will not impact Illinois residents and may ultimately bring more money into the state, Mayor Lightfoot could have devoted all of her time and effort to the gun violence that past three-day holiday weekends warned would be even worse than Chicago’s typical daily carnage. Her attack on Justice Thomas was based on lies and fearmongering about the impact of the SCOTUS decision. The gun violence in Chicago is very real and what happened this weekend was entirely predictable, but the victims lack political clout and in Chicago that can be a very dangerous thing.
Hypocrisy update July 15, 2022:
#176: Hypocrite Senator Elizabeth Warren really does want the government to control our private health care decisions. She just doesn’t want conservatives involved.
Ersatz Native American Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is losing her mind over the audacity of “six radical Supreme Court justices”434 to make a legal decision without seeking her party’s approval first. America as we know it is about to end and for once it’s not Joe Biden’s fault:
By overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decided that the government – not the person who is pregnant – should determine private health care decisions, denying women the right to control their own bodies and exacerbating the nation’s shameful maternal mortality crisis,” said Senator Warren. “This is an emergency – and we need to treat it like one. Declaring a national and public health emergency will help ensure that abortion and other reproductive care is accessible, affordable, and available.”435
This is not the first time an increasingly shrill Warren has shouted fire in the absence of flames, nor is it her first plea for a national health care emergency. In May 2020 she joined socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) in an effort to use the COVID pandemic to cement federal control over American health care with the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act:
The Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act would simply leverage the existing Medicare payment infrastructure to affordably and efficiently pay all costs of treatment for the uninsured, and cover all out-of-pocket costs such as copayments and deductibles for those who already have public or private insurance. The bill also halts medical debt collections, prohibits private insurance companies from increasing cost-sharing, and requires ongoing data collection and weekly reporting on health disparities related to COVID-19. The legislation would be effective until a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available to the public.436
That sounds a lot like the start of the single payer, Medicare for All federal health care system Warren pushed before she dropped out of the 2020 presidential contest. When she denounces SCOTUS justices because “the Supreme Court decided that the government – not the person who is pregnant – should determine private health care decisions” she isn’t saying that she doesn’t want the government to make the decisions. She is saying that she doesn’t want the Supreme Court to make any decisions Democrats don’t agree with.
Federal control over your health care decisions, even if it means losing your job for not getting a COVID vaccine or rationing health care for the masses to reduce costs, is just fine with Warren as long as conservatives are forbidden to take part in the process. That applies especially to conservative voters in red states whose opinions about abortion on demand are not the same as Warren’s.
Democracy can be a bitch when you are on the losing side, especially when you despise the concept. Warren and her colleagues will do everything they can to make sure the voice of the people has no role to play in reproductive health care decisions no matter what the Supreme Court just said.
Hypocrisy update July 19, 2022:
#177: Pelosi talks matters of life and death, but death and more death is what Democrats offer.
Yesterday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi affirmed her commitment to the “Democratic Legislative Agenda to Defend Americans’ Freedom, Health and Security.” Along with her constant attacks on the Supreme Court justices she denounces for extremism for failing to do her party’s bidding, Pelosi seeks attention by spreading spurious threats she vows to prevent:
Our Right to Contraception Act will preserve the essential protections found in Griswold v. Connecticut. Our Respect for Marriage Act – which, proudly, is bipartisan and bicameral – will defend the right to marry whomever you love, as found in Obergefell v. Hodges and Loving v. Virginia.437
She probably thinks that we can be distracted from the pain caused by her party and the president with disinformation about issues that are important to a minority of left wing ideologues hiding in their delusional woke bubble. The truth is that fear mongering about same sex marriage is not something we lose sleep over when we can’t fill our gas tanks or find formula for our babies.
Pelosi’s strategy is to catastrophize about these “matters of life and death.”438 They are not. You can trust me on that. Besides, “matters of life” are not what Democrats are selling.
Democrats bring death to Americans and unlucky migrants, too.
When it comes to genuine life or death matters, Democrats bring us death and more death. They promote death by abortion. Their criminal justice policies bring death by violent crime and their border policies lead to death for migrants and death by fentanyl for Americans. Even Pelosi’s ridiculous fear mongering about contraception has nothing to do with life. It’s about preserving a SCOTUS ruling to prevent life.
What’s so hypocritical about the speaker’s stance aside from her party’s shameless promotion of taking lives because their agenda comes first is that even if the Supreme Court ruled tomorrow that we have no right to contraception or same sex marriage it would make no difference.
Democrats famously ignore the laws they disagree with. For all practical purposes immigration law no longer exists. They promote protests outside of the houses of Supreme Court justices which is a clear violation of the law. The destructive 2020 riots were ignored with the moniker “peaceful.” At the state and local level everything from pre-trial incarceration to federal marijuana laws are routinely ignored by Democrat public officials.
Nancy Pelosi can rant about life and death until she is even bluer in the face than usual, but Democrats bank their future on promoting death wherever Americans are unfortunate enough to find it. This is a terrible thing to contemplate and it’s only going to get worse as ideology takes the place of preserving the sanctity of life.
Hypocrisy update July 21, 2022:
#178: Government extends transnational crime emergency after Democrats make prospects for cartels and gangs better than ever.
Cartel bosses in Mexico and Central America probably toast our government every time they sit down to count their earnings. Drug smuggling and human trafficking are more profitable than ever thanks to Democrats’ refusal to secure our border.
It’s not as if Democrats aren’t aware of the problem or the enormous threat not having a border poses to our security. Even our woke White House admits in today’s emergency declaration:
Significant transnational criminal organizations continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States.439
Acknowledging we have a problem doesn’t mean Washington will do anything about it. You can swap out “President Biden” for “significant transnational criminal organizations” and still be right on the money because this is largely his doing. That makes it outrageously hypocritical to declare an emergency for a crisis the White House made exponentially worse for Americans and enormously profitable for transnational criminals. As Congressman Bob Good (D-VA) points out:
Even with successful interdiction efforts, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have confirmed that transnational criminal organizations like MS-13 are making billions of dollars in profit from smuggling humans, drugs, and other illegal contraband across the Southern Border. According to CBP, traffickers made $411.5 million in February 2021 alone.440
February 2021 was the first full month of the Biden presidency.
There is no point in extending a national emergency that is integral to the Democrat Party’s lawless open border agenda. With Democrat majorities in Congress and control of the White House progressives were finally able to cancel U.S. immigration law, open the southern border, and allow transnational crime to flourish. The term “great replacement” infuriates them and immediately elicits charges of racism and white supremacy, but if this isn’t what they are doing why would our elected officials intentionally hand transnational criminals the best moneymaking opportunity they have seen in years and then declare their own policy a national emergency?
Government hypocrisy is not nearly a strong enough denunciation for what Democrats have done. Let’s call this what it is: treason.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.