Hypocrisy update May 25, 2022:
#168: no matter what Democrats promise, protecting kids from school shootings is not their priority.
Last night our divisive president blamed the gun lobby for the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Nancy Pelosi took advantage of the opportunity to blame Republicans without naming them:
For too long, some in Congress have offered hollow words after these shootings while opposing all efforts to save lives.399
Across the hall Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer luxuriated in the political mileage to be gained from senseless tragedy and murdered children:
The problem in the Senate is simple. Too many members on the other side of the aisle are disconnected from the suffering of the American people. Too many members on that side care more about the NRA than they do about families who grieve victims of gun violence.400
This isn’t true. Even Schumer probably cares about keeping kids safe, though no doubt politics will always come first.
That’s the problem.
School shootings promote congressional stonewalling.
It would be foolish and irresponsible to blame this tragedy on Joe Biden or Democrat Party divisiveness or to target Republicans with the spurious argument that we can prevent mass shootings with politically-motivated gun control legislation. In the days and weeks and months ahead there will be lots of talk about all these things and maybe another executive order from the White House that will be shot down in the courts. Both sides will insist they are right. There is no tragedy, however horrible, that can’t be exploited for political benefit when an election is just around the corner.
Having just sent tens of billions to Ukraine and with even more COVID relief money unspent we should ask Democrats and the Republicans who agreed to this spending why funding school security isn’t a priority. It’s not as if school shootings are something new. Neither are the platitudes and legislative nonsense offered in response.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) spoke of the shootings at Sandy Hook and Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High when she introduced H.R. 5428, the School Shooting Safety and Preparedness Act to collect data to make schools safer:
This bill requires the Department of Education (ED) to publish an annual report on indicators of school crime and safety.401
Annual reports don’t stop bullets. They are good for press releases and credit-taking. Instead of action, Americans were offered this:
Crucially, this law would create a definition for ‘school shooting,’ which does not exist in federal law.402
The bill was marketed as “a key prevention measure providing the framework to obtain the data needed to be pro-active.”403
That’s a lot of Kamala Harris-style gobbledygook that means doing absolutely nothing, which is what H.R. 5428 is doing as it sits months after it was introduced in the House.
This is how Democrats address children murdered in our schools while they sit on billions of dollars of our money.
Democrats horde your tax dollars. Why won’t they use billions to save children’s lives?
The National Center for Education Statistics reports that we had 130,930 elementary and secondary schools for the period 2017-2018.404 This is government so the numbers lag, but it still gives us a ballpark figure.
Congress just sent $40 billion to Ukraine. There is also $100 billion405 in unspent American Rescue Plan funding and who knows how much more unspent taxpayer cash lying around Washington. Instead of spending some of this money to save kids from bullets, congressional Democrats occupy themselves with progressive priorities like using the public school system to sexualize elementary school students.
$1 billion is a lot of money. $140 billion is a phenomenal amount of money. I’m not naïve enough to think the solution is that simple, but that’s not my point. Congress spends on what is important to congressional politicians. Right now Democrats are the ones calling the shots. This is what is important to them and to President Biden:
The gun lobby and Republicans have stonewalled gun legislation efforts for years, but we will not give up. It is the responsibility of Congress to answer this call. The American people are waiting on us to take immediate action to save innocent lives.406
If that’s true, Democrats should do it. How much security can we buy with $40 billion, $50 billion, $100 billion, or even $1 trillion, a figure progressives toss around like pocket change? How many door barricades, metal detectors, lockdown devices, bulletproof glass panels, and armed security guards can we buy instead of funding their Green New Deal socialism?
Democrats are right. We can fix the problem if we want to. They just don’t want to badly enough because fighting with Republicans over gun rights is more important that the lives of our kids.
UPDATE June 1, 2022:
Nancy Pelosi’s disgusting Pride Month commemoration reveals that victimhood is what she values most about the LGBTQ community.
When was the last time you complimented someone you respect by saying how much they are hated?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s short, nasty statement about Pride Month shows what makes the LGBTQ community so valuable to her party: hate. Instead of honoring LGBTQ Americans for all the things about them she finds outstanding, she commemorated “53 years of Pride” by talking about hate, fear, extremism, assault, violence, persecution,407 and all the other trappings of liberal political victimhood that make the LGBTQ community so popular with Democrats.
Since she didn’t have much of anything good to say, Pelosi focused on promoting the Democrat Party:
Democrats have long been proud to march and fight alongside tireless LGBTQ advocates, whether combating the HIV/AIDS crisis, repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ or enacting landmark hate crime legislation.408
She could have commented on the diversity of the community or all the ways LGBTQ Americans make our nation a better place, but instead she chose to spread a little fear and lots of hate for her political opponents:
As right-wing forces attempt to silence LGBTQ voices and threaten to wind back hard-won progress, the struggle against hate remains as urgent as ever. Across the country, extremist Republicans are waging an all-out assault on the safety and well-being of the LGBTQ community – from targeting trans children in Texas to bullying LGBTQ students in Florida.409
At least there is a goal in sight, though if I were a betting man I’d wager Democrats will make sure Americans know that goal is never attained:
The promise of our Democracy will only be realized when every American can enjoy the freedom to reach their fulfillment, without fear of violence or persecution.410
LGBTQ Americans, beware. Pelosi’s party doesn’t have a good track record for advancing those they elevate to victimhood. Just ask America’s black community how being the Democrat Party’s raison d’etre worked out. You won’t like the answer.
Hypocrisy update June 4, 2022:
#169: all mass shootings matter, even the ones Democrats don’t benefit from.
After America suffered two horrific mass shootings in less than two weeks the tragedies and especially the racially-tinged Buffalo, New York incident played into the hands of Democrats and the White House. Biden and Harris were promptly dispatched for photo-ops and divisive remarks. In Buffalo the vice president stepped all over herself and contradicted everything the Biden administration stands for:
We are a society that is governed by rules, most of which were designed — those rules — to, at the very height of the purpose, prevent against harm, to promote safety, and to have a common order that we all agree a civilized society should agree to that ensures that there will be safety and that we can prevent chaos.411
Whatever that mess of words was supposed to mean, Harris’ suggestion that our society under Joe Biden has anything to do with being governed by rules would be absolutely hilarious if the setting for her comments were not so unforgivably grim.
The vice president must be skipping Monday morning staff meetings. What kind of civilized society allows deadly drugs and criminals to spill across its border and more important, ignores citizens murdered en masse because they are deemed to have little political value?
Undeterred by the White House’s astounding, whole of government hypocrisy that contradicts every word she said, Harris pressed on:
And what I know is that we also have to come together as one nation, undivided, standing with each other.412
Coming together as one nation is what Biden promised to get elected. He lied.
There are two questions Democrat Party hypocrites who beat their chests and pontificate about gun violence need to answer: do all shootings matter and do all lives matter? Clearly, the answer to both questions is no.
Illinois Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth and Rep. Robin Kelly introduced a congressional resolution to mark June 3, 2022 as “National Gun Violence Awareness Day” and the month of June as “National Gun Violence Awareness Month.” Kelly’s recommendation?
I encourage my constituents and all Americans to wear orange this Friday, June 3rd, to help bring attention to this national emergency and show your support for gun violence prevention efforts,” said Congresswoman Kelly.413
Parading around in no gun violence orange in Englewood or West Garfield Park seems like a bad idea, but that’s me.
All three lawmakers have offices in Chicago. We can be confident they are more than familiar with the violence in the city that’s ramping up again with the warm weather. According to WGN, 54 people were shot with 9 killed over the Memorial Day weekend.414 Biden didn’t mention this on Thursday night, probably because he knows that none of what he recommends will do anything to stop the daily carnage in his party’s cities.
Instead, the president informed the nation’s gang members – including those he imports across his open border – what kind of black market, no background check or red flag law to worry about firearm they should buy:
A .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out, may be able to get it, and save the life. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.415
To be fair to the president, gang shootings don’t really matter to Democrats. Sure, they give lip service to black and brown gun violence in the cities they control, but this kind of mayhem and killing isn’t very useful politically. They would rather talk about police brutality and systemic racism to justify no cash bail laws and ridiculous statutes like California’s Proposition 47 that make it clear crime is a relative concept, at best.
If Democrats, Republicans, and the White House are really interested in stopping gun violence they should do this first.
All mass shootings matter, but not all are politically useful. If the Biden administration and Democrats want to get together with Republicans and mobilize the nation as Biden demanded last week, then they can start by doing one simple thing: loudly and publicly decry the atrocious, never ending mass shootings that take place in our big, liberal cities instead of sweeping the mayhem and carnage under the rug because it contradicts the Democrat Party narrative that we need to defund the police, be kind to criminals, empty the jails, and blame everything on racism and white supremacy.
Will they do it? Not on your life. All lives don’t matter, especially the black and brown lives Democrats use at election time while they refuse to acknowledge the horrendous violence suffered by their disadvantaged urban base. Pinning gun violence on conservatives makes for better politics. It’s a far safer approach than angering the far left fringe with the ridiculous suggestion that stopping crime saves more lives than enabling criminals.
Hypocrisy update June 16, 2022:
#170: Don’t ask us to do the right thing for your DACA Dreamers until you shut down Biden’s open border and stop encouraging illegal immigration.
Other than the Biden Economy the only thing Democrats deserve more shame for than illegal immigration is trying to blame the problem they created on Donald Trump. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) made these ridiculous comments in support of her U.S Citizenship Act:
The prior administration was so focused on the wall that it did nothing to address the root causes of why people are coming to our Southern Border. It was a limited and naive strategy that failed. And people continue to migrate to the United States – even today – because of it.416
While Border Czar Kamala Harris’ eyes cross trying to get her empty head around these root causes, illegals are storming our border in records numbers because unlike Democrats they know America is a wonderful place to live.
Democrats and the Biden administration are doing everything in their power to make sure their immigration travesty continues unabated. The point man for their efforts is Alejandro Mayorkas, the auteur of Barack Obama’s DACA program.
Yesterday’s 10-year anniversary of the Obama order we can’t get rid of gave Nancy Pelosi a chance to celebrate illegal immigration by thanking those responsible for her party’s Dreamers:
Thank your parents for bringing you to America. You are a tremendous asset to us.417
Then she made an even more disturbing comment:
But all of us know that what we have to do is not only maneuver in the House and Senate, but mobilize in the country. The American people support Dreamers. We need them to weigh in with other elected officials here in Congress.
As you know, we have a court case coming up that we want to win, but we need to be prepared.418
These are frightening remarks considering how Democrats mobilized violent leftist agitators in preparation for the Roe v. Wade decision and then refused to speak out against what almost happened to Justice Brett Kavanaugh. After stonewalling a bill to provide additional security for justices Pelosi finally relented, but we got the message. Only the left deserves protection from violence and domestic terror.
Mayorkas helped saddle us with DACA and now he’s in charge of ignoring our immigration laws. Every day more illegals trespass into our nation and give us another reason to say no to extending relief to DACA recipients or any other illegals. Nevertheless, Democrats are pushing for passage of their American Dream and Promise Act:
House Democrats call on our Republican colleagues in the Senate to end their opposition to this vital legislation so that we may finally send it to President Biden’s desk for signature.419
They don’t say much about the unsavory provisions in the bill that make it a non-starter. Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) points out:
Instead of focusing on the undocumented children who have been here for years, the Democrats’ bill gives green cards to young adults who illegally entered our country as recently as late last year. The bill also lacks responsible eligibility requirements and would provide green cards to criminals, including gang members. By granting amnesty to such a wide range of undocumented immigrants the bill would provide incentives for more illegal immigration, and worsen our crisis at the border.420
Those who received temporary DACA amnesty are doomed by that border crisis. Democrats’ promotion of Illegal immigration is so outrageous and so contrary to our rule of law that Republicans only consideration should be securing the border, halting the influx of foreign nationals, and then deporting those who Biden and Mayorkas allowed in.
When that’s done maybe we can talk about DACA. Too bad for the Dreamers that as long as Biden is president and Mayorkas controls Homeland Security they are useful as political pawns and that’s about it. Enough is enough.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.