Hypocrisy update April 5, 2022:
#158: Democrat politicians tolerate shootings because they refuse to face up to the big problem with their gun violence narrative.
On Sunday Nancy Pelosi got in front of the weekend’s mass shooting in Sacramento:
As a Californian, I am personally devastated by this horrific shooting.363
Personally devastated for how this shooting reflects on her party’s failed, be kind to criminals anti-crime policies, perhaps. Pelosi is a prominent resident of a liberal state that is noteworthy for bringing back train robberies, If California doesn’t provide enough examples of violent crime, there is no lack of evidence in other states and big cities in the grip of her fellow Democrats.
After that hypocritical comment from a politician who should also be personally devastated by her district’s massive homeless problem, Pelosi tacked on the usual Democratic talking points. She dodged the truth and instead took credit for accomplishments that haven’t happened, as if ramming legislation through a Democrat-controlled House is a major feat:
Moved by the tireless activism of survivors and advocates, House Democrats have passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and the Enhanced Background Checks Act: commonsense and urgent action that will help end the bloodshed. Democrats will not relent until we enshrine this life-saving legislation into law, because inaction is not an option.364
Gun violence hypocrisy: the Democrat narrative comes first, shooting deaths last.
The problem with Democrats’ approach to crime and gun violence comes from the same place as their refusal to acknowledge the violence that characterized the George Floyd peaceful protest riots. They are terrified of angering their base by speaking the truth, so they use a gun violence narrative that attacks legitimate gun owners and firearms dealers to score points with left-wing activists while urban shootings flourish.
We’re learning more about the Sacramento tragedy. Media outlets including WGN News reports365 that the individual arrested yesterday was charged in part with being a convict with a loaded firearm. However this tragedy plays out and whether or not more suspects will be arrested in the days to come, Democrats will ignore the big picture in favor of their vote-getting anti-Second Amendment crusade.
Most Americans already know the truth. Individuals who are banned by law from owning firearms and especially those who have outstanding arrest warrants are not going to voluntarily submit to background checks for anything. Neither are criminals, gang members, illegal immigrants, drug dealers, or anyone else intent on owning a gun to commit an act of violence and especially violence for profit.
These individuals will take advantage of Democrat Party policies in liberal cities with be kind to criminals policies that, to the amazement of no one but Democrats, have massive crime problems. That includes my state’s largest city. Chicago is notorious for street crime, car jackings, and gun violence. Far left Governor J.B. Pritzker responded with criminal justice legislation that includes a no cash bail provision. The new law takes effect in January 2023, two months after his next reelection bid.
Democrats will cry racism, but the following graphic tells the truth about gun violence:

Left-wing politicians who try to explain away the rise in crime in Democrat-controlled cities will do anything in their power to shift the blame away from their liberal approach to criminal justice. Yes, black lives matter and mass shootings are devastating, but neither of these things is as important to the left as amassing political power even if that power means standing by while people of color murder each other with impunity.
Author’s note April 6, 2022: as of this morning two more individuals have been arrested for being prohibited persons in possession of a firearm. Democrats will tell you this mandates background check legislation. People who want to solve the problem will tell you that California and other liberal states have a criminal justice problem that includes no cash bail, community policing laws that prioritize forgiveness and social services, and letting people out of prison who should stay there for a very long time.
Hypocrisy update April 7, 2022:
#159: What do illegals and a rabid fox have in common? The most egregious kind of government hypocrisy.
In a stroke of genius Texas Governor Greg Abbott formally announced plans to ship illegals welcomed by President Biden’s open border policies to our nation’s capitol.367 The White House and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas leave Abbott little choice. With the elimination of Trump’s Title 42 the flood of illegal immigrants Biden’s policies have already welcomed is expected to turn into a veritable tsunami.
Your pain doesn’t matter as long as Democrats don’t feel it, too.
The Biden administration has repeatedly demonstrated that agenda and sticking to the radical left’s narrative are all that count no matter how much pain descends on the American people. The results have all but doomed the Democrat Party’s hopes to stay in power, but ironically this has only strengthened Biden’s resolve to inflict his damaging priorities on our nation.
In what started as a refreshing change of pace, a story about an aggressive fox on Capitol Hill went from funny to ugly after the animal was found to be rabid. NPR reports that the fox bit nine people before it was captured. This begs the question of why the animal was still running loose after attacking its first victim, but that’s an issue for another day. For now, let’s focus on what a rabid fox, illegal immigrants, and Democrats have in common.
A rabid fox and too many illegals have Democrats’ government hypocrisy in common.
Democrats followed up the oppressive state and local COVID restrictions flouted by party elites by punishing our country with radical policies designed to please activists and hang everyday Americans out to dry. They joined the president to usher in mass illegal immigration, unsustainably high food and gas prices, explosive inflation, rampant crime, and an LGBTQ-obsessed, anti-parent public school system knowing that most of these things will not affect them or their families.
Where does the fox fit in? Nothing symbolizes what Democrats under Joe Biden have done to our country better than a vicious, rabid animal that mindlessly attacks the innocent people in its path. It’s time the problems these arrogant, abusive, self-interested hypocrites dump on the American people for their own political benefit arrive in Congress’s backyard. Thanks to Texas’ governor, vengeance may be ours faster than we hoped.
Hypocrisy Update April 10, 2022:
#160: Not your typical Republican superspreader.
Democrats celebrate, throw COVID caution to the wind after blasting Republicans for maskless ceremony.
On Friday the New York Post reported that 53 of the guests attending Washington’s Gridiron Dinner have since tested positive for COVID-19.368 That didn’t stop a blatantly maskless Rose Garden celebration seven days later for the Biden administration’s first and we hope only Supreme Court confirmation. The event featured a mask-free Kamala Harris hugging an also maskless Ketanji Brown Jackson despite a cascade of infections among party elites that included Pelosi’s announcement the day before that she, too, has COVID.
At this point Americans had already seen the picture of COVID Nancy kissing the president, an act that by itself would be banned in most business places where touching others, especially others of the opposite sex, is strictly verboten. Apparently liberal elites aren’t as vulnerable to legal liability or the virus as the rest of us despite the astounding head count of high level Democrats who just revealed that they are COVID positive.
The excuses included Jen Psaki’s ridiculous assertion that the Pelosi-Biden kiss wasn’t close contact. When asked about safety precautions at White House events during her Friday press conference Psaki, who recently had her own bout with COVID, responded:
Well, clearly, we did the event — the historic event today outside. That was, in part, to ensure that we could have a huge number of people on the South Lawn celebrating the confirmation of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. But also, we know that having events outside is better for safety protocols. There’s no question about that.369
The question is why Democrats didn’t apply the same guidelines to Donald Trump and his Rose Garden event for Justice Amy Coney Barrett?
Outside is safer for Democrats, but unsafe and irresponsible for Trump and the GOP.
Democrats adopted a very different stance after President Trump held the requisite Rose Garden ceremony to announce the Barrett nomination. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) claimed the process was illegitimate and that:
The masks were off at that Rose Garden ceremony, in more ways than one. Republicans made it clear they would stop at nothing to confirm Justice Ginsburg’s replacement before a presidential election just weeks away. Yes, the masks were off.370
Elizabeth Warren accused Trump of stealing a Supreme Court seat before she attacked Republicans for doing what Democrats just did:
The Rose Garden ceremony to celebrate the nomination turns into a coronavirus superspreader event? Republican Senators brush it off. Republican Senators will press ahead with hearings while members of the Judiciary Committee are in quarantine and some of them refuse to get tested.371
Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth accused Trump and the GOP of politicizing the virus and ignoring the science as she added her criticism to the Democratic vitriol:
As Donald Trump held numerous in-person rallies with thousands of maskless supporters in close proximity. As he held an unnecessarily in-person political convention and then, last weekend, as he hosted what now appears to have been a super-spreader event simply to further their desperate power-grab for a Supreme Court seat that could put millions of Americans’ healthcare at risk.372
We haven’t heard any outrage from Democrats about their top officials contracting COVID, but Duckworth didn’t hold back on Republicans:
Late this week, my disbelief turned to sadness as senior White House officials, several of my Senate colleagues and the President of the United States were stricken by this devastating disease. As the fear that more than 7.3 million Americans have faced in recent months suddenly became all-to-real for Republicans who have spent much of this year denying.
And this weekend, my sadness turned to outrage as it became clear that even this appears unlikely to change Republicans’ irresponsible behavior.373
When it comes to public health, hindsight can be a valuable tool. It’s possible that Democrats’ blind hatred for Trump and Barrett clouded their memory of the 2020 Rose Garden get together. More likely they hoped we wouldn’t remember as Democrat after Democrat tests positive for COVID after the Gridiron shindig. By Friday it was already clear that the virus was making the rounds among their elites. Nevertheless, they threw caution to the wind in favor of their orgiastic celebration of Jackson’s confirmation.
Remember this as the new variant makes the rounds and Democrats who run your cities and states tell you the masks have to go back on, or else. They won’t have to follow their orders, but you will and they’ll make you regret it if you don’t.
Hypocrisy update April 13, 2022:
#161: White House obstructs CBP and then blames Abbott for the very same thing.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is on a roll. First, he followed through on his promise to ship illegals to Biden and the Democrats’ doorstep in Washington, D.C. Then he decided that protecting Americans from whatever is being trucked over the border should be a priority despite the Biden administration’s turning a blind eye to the flood of fentanyl, human beings, and God knows what else coming into our country.
The White House precipitated the ongoing catastrophe across our Southwest border. The administration is still seeding an unknown number of illegals around the country. We don’t know who these people are or where they are being dropped off. The repeated surges that overwhelm Customs and Border Protection and our Border Patrol agents and prevent them from doing their jobs are about to get a lot worse thanks to the president’s cancellation of Trump’s Title 42 protections.
This is all happening because the Biden administration doesn’t care about America, Americans, or the consequences of its willful, historic failure to protect our nation’s sovereignty. Radical priorities come first.
We found out this morning from Jen Psaki that the White House does care about pushback in the wake of Governor Abbott’s enhanced border safety inspections:
The continuous flow of legitimate trade and travel and CBP’s ability to do its job should not be obstructed. Governor Abbott’s actions are impacting people’s jobs, and the livelihoods of hardworking American families.374
The Biden administration has obstructed CBP’s ability to do its job since the president’s first day in office by ensuring its resources are constantly overwhelmed. We don’t know how much of what’s coming across the border is “legitimate trade and travel” and how much is illegal activity. What we do know is that the White House will ignore anything that contradicts the Democrat Party narrative that illegals are coming here for the sole purpose of making America a better place even if they’re stashed in trucks with pockets full of fentanyl.
The Biden administration is determined to make America a worse place for everyone except big money liberal elites. That much has been obvious from Day One. Now Abbott has stepped up to show America what a real leader does while Biden shows America what a president who despises our country and its people does.
Hypocrisy update May 2, 2022:
#162: First Amendment hypocrisy: Biden’s guardians of the truth are enemies of the people.
At the end of a week during which our Democrat-controlled government announced plans for a Disinformation Governance Board, Joe Biden attended the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and made what sounded like a joke:
The free press is not the enemy of the people — far from it. At your best, you’re guardians of the truth.375
It turned out this was not a joke. The president was serious.
The Biden administration is not joking about its plans to guard the truth, either, though many of us agree with Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) that placing the sanctity of the First Amendment in the hands of Homeland Security also sounds farcical:
“I confess, I at first thought this announcement was satire. Surely no American Administration would ever use the power of Government to sit in judgment on the First Amendment speech of its own citizens. Sadly, I was mistaken. Rather than protecting our border or the American homeland, you have chosen to make policing Americans’ speech your priority,” wrote Senator Hawley. 376
Perhaps the person who hired Nina Jankowicz to run the White House’s information filtering efforts never bothered to inform the president that our new arbiter of truth called the news story about his son Hunter’s laptop a “Trump campaign product.”377
If they had, would it have changed anything? Not likely. Campaign product or not, unlike the Clinton campaign’s anti-Trump Steele Dossier this time the story was true. Our guardians of the truth made sure voters either didn’t know about it or assured them it was disinformation.
Jankowicz testimony: allegations of voter fraud and ballot harvesting are pollutants.
In a statement to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Disinformation Fellow Jankowicz compared allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election to QAnon:
It [Facebook banning QAnon conspiracy accounts] is an encouraging step, but QAnon is only one of the pollutants affecting the health of the information ecosystem and our democracy. As the 2020 election season draws to a close, unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud and ballot harvesting continue to gain prominence on the platform.378
Unsubstantiated is in the eyes of the partisan. Considering she works for an increasingly radical Democratic administration what will it take for allegations of voter fraud to be sufficiently substantiated? The Hunter Biden story was true, but with Jankowicz Disinformation Board in charge would this “Trump campaign product” have seen the light of day?
At the Correspondents’ Dinner the president made another confusing remark that wasn’t a joke:
The First Amendment grants a free press extraordinary protection, but with it comes, as many of you know, a very heavy obligation: to seek the truth as best you can — not to inflame or entertain, but to illuminate and educate.379
The press has been doing plenty of illuminating and educating to the Biden administration’s benefit. Now it has the extraordinary protection it needs to push tales of the president’s historic accomplishments without fear of contradictory “disinformation.” In its current, primarily left wing incarnation our “guardians of the truth” are no friends of the people and no matter what the president says, the Biden White House just demonstrated that it is no friend of the First Amendment.
Hypocrisy update May 4, 2022:
#163: How can Democrats defend women if they don’t know what they are?
Democrats are good with colors. They recognize black people, brown people, and even white people when they need someone to blame.
Gender is different. When it comes to simple, basic concepts even children understand like man vs. woman they tend to get tripped up in their own hilariously foolish, woke rhetoric. Ridiculous, gender-denying terms like “birthing people” and “menstruating people” raise a very simple, very basic question:
How can you defend someone because of their gender when you can’t define what it is?
Enter Nancy Pelosi. She stood up for the rights of women while joining fellow Democrats who are beating their chests and tearing out their hair because they finally have a midterm election issue that isn’t about the failure of everything they stand for. First, she blamed Trump380 for the second time since the leak was announced on Monday. Then she made a statement that seems impossible:
The Republican assault on Roe v. Wade is the latest manifestation of their decades-long disrespect of women. Democrats respect women and their freedom.381
Correct me if I’m wrong, but last time I checked Republicans don’t have an issue identifying women. They know what they are. They are even comfortable with divisive terms like “woman” and “women.” Disrespecting the very idea that women exist is the province of Democrats and a woke base that has veered so far off the rails that we’re supposed to agree that the concept of gender that has served mankind for centuries is 100% completely inaccurate and wrong.
Perhaps this explains Pelosi’s cheerleading for Joe Biden’s new Supreme Court pick. Despite Ketanji Brown Jackson’s inability to define what a woman is during her confirmation hearings, the speaker insists she will defend our rights:
On the bench, Judge Jackson will be a relentless defender of individual rights and the rule of law.382
Whether or not this is true remains to be seen, but how can our new SCOTUS justice defend the rights of women when neither she nor Democrats who applauded her cofirmation can pinpoint just who precisely these rights should apply to?
Can men have abortions?
The woke left has entered the realm of pure ideological stupidity with pregnant man emojis and their insistence that simple, biological functions like menstruation and pregnancy are unrelated to gender. As Democrats strive to come up with something that doesn’t make them look like failures and fools, are we about to hear the gender-inclusive argument that men can have abortions, too?
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.