Government hypocrisy update February 26, 2022:
#148: Democrat hypocrites will spend your money to fight the invasion of Ukraine, but they refuse to stop the invasion of America.
Biden lap dog and Democrat Hypocrite-in-Chief Nancy Pelosi cheered the president’s response to the Ukraine crisis with the usual hyperbole that the speaker hopes we will take literally:
The response of America and our allies will be severe, ongoing and devastating for Russia, economically, diplomatically, and strategically. President Biden has made clear throughout Russia’s escalation that we will continue to impose costs on Russia that will leave it weakened in every way.324
Right. The president made it so clear that Russia invaded Ukraine on schedule.
With Biden at the helm we have no reason to share Pelosi’s optimism. What’s so infuriating about the speaker’s nonsensical sucking up to the president is her justification for U.S. involvement in the conflict:
We are united with unprecedented strength and coordination in our commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.325
Neither Pelosi, Biden, Border Czar Harris, Chuck Schumer, nor Democrats sitting in the House and Senate give a rat’s ass about America’s sovereignty or territorial integrity. Pelosi and Senate hack Chuck Schumer (D-NY) attacked President Trump and accused him of stealing money from the military for a “wasteful, ineffective wall.”326 Now that Democrats are in full control the border and the invasion from all around the world is in full swing, our military is what it will take in lieu of Trump’s wall to stop the foreign hordes. That, of course, is never going to happen as long as Democrats call the shots.
At what point will Americans raise our collective voice to these traitors who stand idly by as our nation is invaded for the benefit of the Democrat Party?
Pelosi cheered the decision when Trump’s wall was shot down by a California District Court:
For the second time this week, the Courts have resoundingly ruled against the President’s assault on the rule of law, on the Constitution of the United States and on the national security of the American people.327
Democrats are spending your tax dollars to bring an unprecedented number of illegals into America, but they consider spending on the simplest solution to protect our sovereignty immoral:
Instead of respecting the hard-working men and women who want to contribute to our nation, Republicans are trying to make American taxpayers pay for an immoral, ineffective and expensive border wall.328
Never, ever forget that Pelosi believes illegal immigrants make America American:
Our nation’s immigrants are the constant reinvigoration of America. Each wave of newcomers brings their patriotism, bravery and determination to succeed to our shores – and in doing so, makes America more American.329
If you asked Putin about his invasion, might he tell you that bringing Ukraine under Russian control makes Russia more Russian?
Government hypocrisy update March 2, 2022:
#149: we need to ban the phrase “kitchen table issues” from our political discourse right now.
In a get together with the press today, Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre mentioned the kitchen table twice. She talked about the issues discussed in President Biden’s address:
He also talked about — and when you think about those items I just laid out — prescription drugs, the things that — you know, that are important at the kitchen table — those are popular. Right?330
Later, she assured her audience that:
we’re going to speak to those kitchen table issues that Americans deal with every day – those high costs.331
Nancy Pelosi was also talking about the kitchen table:
The President spoke powerfully to the kitchen table issues facing America’s working families and Democrats’ plans to lower their costs.332
Democrats are always planning to make life better for Americans. Instead, they created the pain behind these kitchen table discussions. Their plans won’t fix the causes, like giving up our energy independence, but it doesn’t matter because they don’t care. Middle and working class Americans who eat at their kitchen tables are too far beneath powerful Democrat elites to matter.
Let’s never talk about kitchen table issues again.
It’s time we wipe “kitchen table issues” from our political discourse. When I hear these words I picture a Formica tabletop, shiny chrome table legs, and hideous, sticky green plastic-covered chairs with the stuffing coming out of rips and tears. This is where Democrats picture middle and working class Americans eating their meals while they argue over what not to buy so they can afford tomorrow night’s dinner or fill the car with gas.
I don’t know what Pelosi’s kitchen table looks like, but after she showed off her luxe freezer and stash of expensive designer ice cream while Americans suffered from the COVID shutdowns I think we can rest assured it has little in common with what Democrats refer to when they talk about working Americans and their kitchen tables. I can absolutely guarantee you that the speaker doesn’t spend her time at whatever table she eats discussing the high price of her dinner or the gas pumped by whoever drives her around.
Talking about kitchen table issues is the height of government hypocrisy when it comes from the same politicians who created these painful topics of discussion. It’s even worse when you think about how they look down on the people who put them in office, pay their salaries, and for some reason reelect the same career hacks that make their lives worse for the sake of agendas that bring in donations and only make their own lives better.
Government hypocrisy update March 6, 2022:
#150: when is low unemployment a bad thing? When hypocrite Pelosi can’t take credit.
On Friday Nancy Pelosi was quick to applaud the February 2022 jobs numbers showing 3.8% unemployment:
These extraordinary gains, including the best job growth in manufacturing and trucking in nearly three decades, are powered in large part by our American Rescue Plan and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.333
This is a great number, but what’s curious is how 3.6% unemployment during the Trump years is a crisis while 3.8% under Biden is a historic accomplishment.
Government hypocrisy in action: a 3.6% jobless rate means struggling families. 3.8% is extraordinary.
This is what Pelosi had to say with the release of the November 2019 jobs report that showed a 3.6% jobless rate:
Despite some encouraging numbers, the November jobs report offers little solace to the farmers and hard-working families who are struggling to stay above water with the costs of living rising and uncertainty surging.334
Wringing her hands over the hardships Americans were suffering because of Trump, she promised things would improve thanks to Democrats:
When we lower out-of-control prescription drug prices, we deliver huge savings for patients, employers and taxpayers – which we will reinvest in the search for cures and historic new vision, dental and hearing benefits for Medicare beneficiaries.335
We got more complaints after a great December 2019 jobs report showed continued 3.6% unemployment:
December’s jobs report caps a year of growing uncertainty in our economy, rising desperation in farm country and surging costs of living for hard-working families.336
Pelosi promised again that her party was hard at work to improve on Trump’s booming economy:
House Democrats will continue our work For The People, delivering legislation to lower health costs and prescription drug prices, raise wages by rebuilding America’s infrastructure in resilient, job-creating ways and clean up corruption in Washington.337
The speaker was still spouting these empty assurances on Friday:
That is why Democrats are working to make more goods here in America, lower the costs of prescription drugs, energy, child care and more, promote fair competition to bolster small businesses and bring down prices for consumers, and ensure every American can find a good-paying job.338
Those cost of living increases? They’re a work in progress, too:
Now, more must be done to help ease the burdens of American families across the country who are under pressure from rising prices.339
Sounds like it wasn’t all Trump’s fault, after all. Perhaps she should check in with the president to see what role his pandering to progressives might play in the burdens American families are suffering.
What happened to those half a million workers, Nancy?
The speaker didn’t mention one number that stands out in the February 2022 report. The number of long-term unemployed was 1.7 million, half a million higher than it was for the months she criticized when Trump was president.
About those reduced prescription drug prices? Our struggling families are still waiting on that, too.
Government hypocrisy update March 8, 2022:
#151: White House energy hypocrisy proves how much progressives hate the American people.
Jen Psaki still refuses to back down from her ridiculous stance on American energy production and the Keystone XL Pipeline. The issue came up again yesterday thanks to Fox News’ Peter Doocy, who asked if Biden would cancel the order that killed the project. Psaki turned aggressive and answered his question with a question:
Are you suggesting that would solve the gas prices issue?340
When asked if reinstating Keystone would be faster than dumping fossil fuels she retreated to her progressive climate fantasyland:
I actually don’t think it would. The Keystone was not an oilfield; it’s a pipeline.341
Psaki seemed to contradict her boss when she insisted that his strategy to go begging is not the answer:
But if we’re looking to the future and what — how — what we can do to prevent this from being a challenge in future crises, the best thing we can do is reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil, because that will help us have a reliable source of energy so that we’re not worried about gas prices going up because of the whims of a foreign dictator.342
Last time I checked Iran and Venezuela were not only foreign oil producers, they are our adversaries.
With no suggestions how middle and working class Americans can afford Teslas, she predictably shifted gears to the standard progressive fallback: she blamed Donald Trump:
I don’t think anybody is advocating for Iran to continue acquiring a nuclear weapon, perhaps except for the former president who pulled us out of the deal.343
What we really heard from Psaki is that the Biden administration is so weak, so incompetent, so absolutely clueless that the only alternative the White House can come up with in a nation with tremendous energy resources is to reinstate Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.
That’s a contemptible argument and more lunacy from a White House and Democrat Party determined to hurt American families to make a political point. Only the radical progressives steering this administration are deluded enough to believe their own nonsense, but since they are the ones in charge that means the rest of us are harmed for at least the next ten months. Hopefully next year we can undo some of the damage Biden has caused, though the money lost from American paychecks because of energy policies that are purposefully designed to hurt people is never coming back.
When Biden cancels Russian oil imports what’s the plan for the American people?
We’re hearing reports that Biden will score political points this morning by announcing that America will say no to Russian oil. We could applaud this too late decision if he had a plan to make up the domestic deficit that doesn’t create more problems. He doesn’t, or at least we haven’t heard it yet. That means even more pain for us because the White House found a way to drive the message home about the costs of relying on fossil fuels without a realistic solution to the new problem created today.
Good work, Joe. You managed to hurt our people again so radical climate progressives and from what we’re hearing, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran can celebrate more victories on your watch instead of American companies that provide American jobs.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.