Government hypocrisy update December 19, 2021:
#136: top Democrat blames the people for high prices and supply chain meltdown
How can it be that Democrats are in charge of Congress and the White House and everything bad that happens is always someone else’s fault? With Trump gone their last refuge is to blame the American people for the problems they create.
House Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) admits that Americans are struggling with high prices and inflation. Who is to blame?
Struggling with rising costs and inflationary pressures that relate to the supply chain and relate to some price gouging that is taking place by people who worship at the altar of greed in a way that is hurting consumers, hurting farmers, hurting ranchers and others.289
Leave it to the ingenuity of Americans that we have time to gouge each other while, according to the Biden White House, we are busy giving each other COVID because we’re thoughtless and selfish and won’t take orders from this president.
Jeffries admits that it’s not all our fault:
It’s a shame that instead of working with Democrats to try to address the issues confronting the American people with respect to inflation, they [Republicans] continue to fan the flames of dissension and focus on everything other than jobs, the economy and inflation.290
That said, Jeffries segued to the contempt charges against Mark Meadows and the newest Democrat racism bill. He didn’t explain what these divisive efforts have to do with jobs, the economy, and inflation, but you’ve probably guessed what his solution is to our economic woes: we need to Build Back Better by spending money we don’t have to fix problems caused in part by Democrats spending money we don’t have.
That’s how liberal economic geniuses like Jeffries think. God help us if they ever manage to “get our work done For The People.”291
Government hypocrisy update January 2, 2022:
#137: Democrats open 2022 by mixing blasphemy and hypocrisy to honor their myth about January 6th.
Now that the distraction of the holidays is over Democrats face the harsh reality of how 2022 will likely end. Unless they manage to pass their “voting rights” election fraud bill, we can welcome 2023 by washing our hands of the deranged foolishness House Speaker Nancy Pelosi indulges as her party prepares to celebrate the first anniversary of the January 6th riot:
I write to make you aware of the activities that will be held that day. The House will not be in session, but a full program of events is being planned, based on Member input. These events are intended as an observance of reflection, remembrance and recommitment, in a spirit of unity, patriotism and prayerfulness. All events will be live-streamed, so that Members can watch and participate from their districts.292
The events include what’s sure to be an embarrassing display on the steps of the Capitol:
Prayer Vigil, 5:30 p.m. ET (Center Steps, U.S. Capitol): for Members of the House and Senate to join in an observance of the day in prayer and music.293
I don’t know what prayer has to do with this. Does God approve of lying, propagandizing, and destroying America for personal gain? Democrat Party members’ solemn pronouncements speak to unspeakable arrogance and outright blasphemy:
With heavy hearts and a clear purpose, we have again been called to protect our Constitution and defend our democracy. With the eyes of the world and the presence of God upon us, we must do our solemn duty.294
Democrats did that solemn duty in 2021. The results were not good and frankly, they should hope God was looking the other way while they lied and deceived the American people.
Blasphemy in support of hypocrisy? Never stop reminding Democrats what they did in 2021.
Democrats don’t have much from 2021 to trot out to their base who, if poll numbers can be believed, are joining Republicans to wholeheartedly reject Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Charlottesville was so long ago that it’s too time-consuming to resurrect the memory, so January 6th is all they’ve got at the end of a disastrous year in politics.
Republican, on the other hand, have plenty to talk about even if we don’t include the violent urban riots party members justified during their 2020 election races. We can thank Democrats for a 2021 replete with surging crime, the explosive spread of COVID-19,* high prices, high inflation, massive illegal immigration, a shameful exit from Afghanistan, an oppressive agenda of woke stupidity, promoting teachers unions that indoctrinate our kids with CRT, targeting parents as domestic terrorists, and a legacy of disinformation and lies that will haunt them for years to come.
Did I miss anything?
Against this backdrop of abject failure and abuse of America’s trust, Pelosi & Co. expect us to sit back and watch her party invoke the name of God to protect a democracy we no longer recognize from their mythology about January 6.
There should be a very special place in hell for politicians who mix their hypocrisy with blasphemy to justify their lies and misdeeds. I’ll admit it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the inside of a church, but I still find it offensive in the extreme that these hacks fall back on God to justify the hypocrisy behind what they did to America in 2021.
*To be fair this isn’t really their fault, but since Democrats blamed Trump for COVID-19 deaths it only seems right that they share the blame for the 2021 death toll on Joe Biden’s watch.
Government hypocrisy update January 6, 2022:
#138: Democrats promote their idea of democracy under threat of violence
The anniversary of January 6, 2021 is finally here. Democrats can barely contain their glee. No one is more elated than House Speaker Pelosi, who continues her obsession with the word “democracy” as if it means something to her party.
Yesterday Pelosi posted an Associated Press interview in which she claims that “Democracy won”295 even though Donald Trump called for an insurrection.296
She concluded by saying that:
America will always prevail and that we will survive – even what we went through last year.297
Part of what she said is true. If Democrats prevail with their legislative agenda “we will survive.” Whether America will survive is another issue altogether.
The biggest threat from January 6, 2021 is how Democrats responded. They used the event to advance themselves while poisoning national morale after a terrible 2020 because they knew they could get away with it. A riot turned into a massive insurrection. America’s president was behind it. Our nation’s survival was at risk. None of it was true anymore than their Trump-Russia collusion hoax was true, but that didn’t matter. They told their base what they wanted them to believe.
American’s terrible 2020 is the problem with the Democrat Party’s narrative about January 6. At the behest of their lawmakers in Congress, the media, and radical activists Americans were subjected to a national uprising that was not only tolerated, but promoted. Violent looting became reparations. Attacks on the police were the fault of racist law enforcement. Businesses were destroyed to no great alarm from Democrats. The time had finally arrived to punish Americans for years of alleged racial injustice because of a handful of incidents politicized to arouse anger, hate, and violence.
The difference between the Democrat Party’s 2020 race riots and what happened on January 6 is that no matter what Pelosi and her ilk claim, January 6 is over and done with. All that’s left is their McCarthyesque inquisition. In contrast, another violent national uprising is always on America’s backburner, patiently waiting for an incident Democrats can politicize to mobilize the violent elements in their base. This constant threat of nationwide violence was created by Democrats and figures decisively into their vision of American democracy. It’s a lie, a fraud, and it should not be tolerated.
During remarks made yesterday, radical Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland used “democracy” seventeen times, as if it holds some special significance to a left that willfully puts the American people in danger. Garland promised:
We came to work here because we are committed to protecting our country — as our oath says — from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Together, we will continue to show the American people, by word and by deed, that these are the principles that underlie our work.298
“Our work” is like Pelosi’s “”we will survive.” It has nothing to do with mainstream Americans, some of whom live each and every day in fear because of liberal law enforcement policies that forgive violence from Democrat Party sacred cows. Democrats release violent criminals, reject the idea of American sovereignty, attack the police and most important, do everything in their considerable power to turn American against American while they prime the nation for the next event that will precipitate coast to coast riot, looting, and violence.
Garland claimed that his department would show Americans that the DOJ is committed to protecting our nation. We know what that means. The big question is who will protect the people from Biden, Garland, Pelosi, and the rest of their party?
Government hypocrisy update January 16, 2022:
#139: Biden immediately contradicts his administration and his party in statement about the Colleyville, Texas standoff.
The president issued a short statement after the Colleyville, Texas hostage crisis came to an end last night. The remarks were short on words but long on hypocrisy. In fact, it only took two sentences to contradict Biden and the Democrat Party three times:
But let me be clear to anyone who intends to spread hate—we will stand against antisemitism and against the rise of extremism in this country. That is who we are, and tonight, the men and women of law enforcement made us all proud.299
So what’s wrong with that statement?
1. Democrats only take a real stand against anti-Semitism when it doesn’t come from one of their colleagues. We’re all familiar with the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel remarks from Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). In response, Democrats give feeble lip service to condemning anti-Semitism. Then it happens again and the cycle repeats itself. Are they afraid they will be accused of Islamophobia for living up to their words?
2. Biden’s voting rights speech in Atlanta last week was an ode to anti-conservative hate for liberal Americans. It was so bad even members of the left scratched their heads and wondered if Biden dug their hole even deeper. The president followed up his angry diatribe by admitting his party’s election fraud bill probably won’t get done. That’s great news for our democracy, but it doesn’t erase his hateful words.
3. Despite the president’s praise for “the men and women of law enforcement,” we just got news from The Daily Wire that the White House is planning a police reform order. This is another Democrat priority that predictably went nowhere in Congress. The George Floyd incident justified everything from turning a blind eye to looting and arson to suspending cash bail and penalties for crime. Democrats called federal officers storm troopers and accused local police departments of racist brutality. Whatever Biden has up his sleeve before the courts slap down another overreach, blue states successfully put Americans in harm’s way through dangerous liberal anti-policing strategies that show how much they revile the notion of law enforcement and the men and women who make it their life’s work.
Government hypocrisy update January 19, 2022:
#140: hypocrite Harris sums up why we don’t like Biden or the Democrats in one brilliant sentence.
The effort to put America’s elections under Democrat Party control is about to crash and burn. Despite the requisite Senate vote, the usual overblown speeches appealing to a democracy Democrats are trying their best to destroy, and the cascade of blame Schumer and Pelosi will dump on Republicans it will be over. All will be lost.
Federalizing the ballot box is such an arrogant overreach that Democrats probably haven’t thought much about the consequences of failure. Their hateful words in support of this doomed to fail legislation will haunt them for years. They should have chosen them more carefully.
Enter walking, talking political liability and do-nothing Vice President Kamala Harris. At a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event in Washington she stuck her foot in her mouth while invoking the Constitution to threaten members of the Senate who won’t agree to hand our elections to the Democrat Party:
As I’ve said before, there are a hundred members of the United States Senate, and I’m not going to absolve — nor should any of us — absolve any member of the United States Senate from taking on a responsibility to follow through on the oath that they all took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.300
Incoming senators vow to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The only “enemies” Democrats, Biden, and Harris show any inclination to defend America against are the parents of school children and white conservatives, both of whom are portray as threats.
The overwhelming effort to take control of our elections makes the Democrat Party our most dangerous enemy, but there are many more and Democrats are doing nothing to defend us.
Illegals swarm across our border bringing COVID, drugs, criminal backgrounds, and the threat of terrorism. Border Czar Harris does nothing to stop it. Public safety is an afterthought as criminals are released to the streets to commit more crimes and hurt more people. The attack in West Allis, Wisconsin that killed five and injured dozens is an extreme example of this that would have instantly been labeled domestic terror had the driver been white. Political hell would have broken loose, but the driver was not white. We’ve heard almost nothing about it since it happened.
China’s role in a pandemic that is still killing millions around the globe and will probably never go away is on a permanent backburner while more Americans die and our economy continues to be impacted. Afghanistan was handed to the Taliban in an unbelievably foolhardy stumble that puts us at risk for years to come.
I could go on, but there’s no point. The failure to defend our nation against real threats while Democrats push a narrative of lies about voting rights is an egregious dereliction of Constitutional duty that no Democrat and certainly not Harris or Biden deserve absolution from. This is why the poll numbers are so low and why so many Americans don’t like them. If Harris wants to pontificate about shirking responsibility, she should look in the mirror while she runs her mouth.
Government hypocrisy update January 28, 2022:
#141: clueless Biden prides himself on delivering dignity to workers.
It’s astounding that with all the big brains in the White House no one in the Biden administration seems to understand inflation, what causes it, and what it does to Americans who are just trying to get by. A leftist economic agenda that seems purposely designed to destroy Trump’s booming economy hurts us at the pump, hurts us when we open our heating bills, and hurts us again when we go to the grocery store. Numbers assigned to our pain are as high as $175.00 per month per household301 and $3,500 per family for Biden’s first year in office.302
The president makes it abundantly clear that he doesn’t care about anything that negatively impacts the nation if it conflicts with the Democratic agenda. What’s important to Biden and congressional Democrats is that they stick together and ignore, deny, or lie about the things the American people care about so they can focus on the things America’s radical fringe cares about like climate change and gender identity and illegal aliens.
Jen Psaki’s joke about the “tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed” perfectly sums up the Biden administration’s what me worry attitude towards the pain it inflicts on Americans. Families impacted by high prices and inflation don’t buy treadmills even when the supply chain functions as it should. They worry about buying food and keeping their homes warm, something wealthy autocrat Biden doesn’t have to concern himself with.
How does the president respond? He takes more credit for improving people’s lives. Today he rubbed workers’ noses in the damage he’s caused by priding himself on raising the minimum wage for federal contractors and employees to $15.00 because:
A job is about more than a paycheck. It’s about dignity.303
Inflation and price hikes be damned. This is another economic victory lap and nothing is going to interfere with the good deed he’s done:
This increase will provide those workers and their families a little more breathing room. And because we know that higher wages boost productivity and mean lower job turnover, these orders will allow the government to do its work better and faster.304
Not only that, some day every American worker might benefit from Biden’s generosity:
I continue to urge Congress to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, so that American workers can have a job that delivers dignity.305
This is what America is all about, isn’t it? A job that delivers dignity and a self-absorbed, completely clueless president who thoughtlessly takes it all away.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.