Hypocrisy Update August 19, 2021:
#109: Pritzker attends visitation for slain police officer Ella French
If I was a Democrat and especially a bigwig like Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker I’d be too ashamed and embarrassed to show up at a visitation for a slain police officer. I’d think about the no cash bail law I signed not too long ago. I’d think about my party’s anti-police narrative. I might even consider the urban battleground that Democrat-controlled Chicago has become, a city so besieged by criminals and violence that even the expressways surrounding it are no longer safe.
Perhaps these kinds of conscience-devouring thoughts are why I could never be a Democrat. Pritzker is, though. Whatever ails Illinois will never be his fault any more than the sad state of affairs in Chicago will be the fault of Mayor Lori Lightfoot. They know the jargon to spew to the public. They are insulated from the bloodshed. Pritzker certainly has no familiarity with what it means to risk your life for the salary Officer French made. He does know how these appearances work. Make a few scripted comments if anyone is listening. Look sympathetic. Hope you get the deceased’s name right.
As much as Democrats like to point their finger at Republicans for being in the same party as Donald Trump, Pritzker is a leader in the party of defund the police. Showing his face at a police officer’s visitation is the height of hypocrisy. Democrats’ anti-police narrative tells the nation that the police are brutal, racist thugs and opens the door for an open season on cops just like Illinois’ no cash bail bill means an open season on law-abiding residents.
Hypocrisy Update August 27, 2021:
#110: Democrats still silent on Biden’s 25th Amendment incapacity
What Americans and the world witnessed yesterday was a prima facie example of why we have a 25th Amendment. During his afternoon appearance following the deaths of 13 Americans and an untold number of Afghans President Biden seemed stupefied and was obviously struggling to get his words out. The president was correct. It was a very bad day. Bad days are when we need presidential leadership more than ever. We don’t have it.
No leadership from Biden, but plenty of reasons to be fearful
Not only do Americans not have the leadership we need during this crisis created by a stumbling White House, we have every reason to be fearful of what is wrong with our president and what this might mean for the security of our nation. By all appearances President Biden is clearly “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”
Pelosi: four physicians and four psychiatrists to judge Trump
All Donald Trump had to do was get up in the morning and he faced cries for his removal. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used the “unable to discharge” language in October 2020 when she demanded the 25th Amendment be used against a clearly competent president. She joined Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) to establish a “Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of Office.” The anti-Trump duo suggested members of Congress choose four physicians and four psychiatrists to get the job done.213
That didn’t happen. Trump was clearly on top of his game.
Pelosi again demanded that we apply the 25th amendment after the January 6, 2021 riot because of Trump’s alleged “unspeakable assault on our nation and our people.”214 She tried to impeach him twice and would probably do it again if private citizens could be impeached.
Cawthorn letter demands Democrats invoke 25th Amendment
Yesterday Congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) sent a letter to Vice President Kamala Harris and members of Biden’s Cabinet requesting that they invoke the 25th Amendment:
When I look to our commander in Chief, I do not see someone who maliciously makes poor decisions. And yet, today we witnessed devastating, heartbreaking American carnage as a direct result of his inept and incompetent actions.215
Will this go anywhere? Will Biden be removed by the 25th Amendment? Absolutely not. Democrats will turn Afghanistan into a victory over terrorism. They will turn the 13 U.S. casualties into heroes which they are, but they will do it falsely to make themselves look good with no admission whatsoever that the reason these Americans died was an incompetent president in the White House.
America’s survival should not rely on partisan politics. History will judge the Democrat Party harshly for not invoking the 25th Amendment and removing Biden from office now. Of course, that leaves us with President Kamala Harris and the consequences of another dangerous Democrat Party decision.
Biden never says it, but I will. God bless the United States of America. With Joe Biden still at the helm we need that blessing now more than ever.
Hypocrisy Update August 27, 2021:
#111: was Ashli Babbitt a victim of racism, Trump hatred, or both?
Now that the story of Ashli Babbitt’s killing by Capitol Police is out we can see very clearly the hypocrisy behind Democrats’ attacks on the police.
In a just world use of force by the police is about right and wrong and protecting the public and the police. In Democrat Land the dividing line between right and wrong is skin color. Nothing hammers that point home better than the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.
Last night I listened to a local news report about the Capitol officer who was cleared for killing “a rioter.” This dehumanizing phrase was tossed out several times before Babbitt’s name was mentioned. Various news outlets including CNN refer to Babbitt as a “pro-Trump rioter.”216 Can you imagine the media or any Democrat referring to George Floyd as a criminal suspect?
Babbitt was a real, live, breathing person. Turning her into a thing makes it a lot easier to accept the hypocrisy implicit in forgiving her killing.
You probably know where I’m headed with this. The narrative in the wake of the George Floyd killing became so extreme that there is never justification for a police officer to use force against a non-white offender. Even when use of force is unavoidable riots break out, stores are looted, fires start, and the unfortunate officer is pilloried by attention-seeking activist politicians, the media, and the court of public opinion long before the facts are revealed.
The police did not have a policy to shoot looters, rioters, or arsonists last summer. They were reined in by liberal public officials wringing their hands over slavery while their cities burned.
What happened on January 6 was different. Granted, Babbitt should not have been where she was but she was unarmed. How many times have you heard the phrase “unarmed black man” since George Floyd’s killing?
Babbitt was an unarmed white woman. All Democrats unconditionally agree that shooting unarmed Americans is fundamentally wrong and deserving of punishment if the victim has some political value. That usually means not being white.
Unfortunately, Ashli Babbitt was a “pro-Trump rioter.” That entitles her to nothing from the left but derision and hypocrisy from Democrats ready to pounce on the next police-involved shooting of an unarmed person of color.
Hypocrisy Update August 28, 2021:
#112: Biden and Pelosi commemorate Women’s Equality Day and forget one very important thing
How do you mock Women’s Equality Day? You pat yourself on the back for advancing women’s equality while you hope no one will mention what you just did to doom millions of women and girls who can now forget about equality and start worrying about staying alive.
Anecdotal accounts poured in of the Taliban’s attacks on women and girls while President Biden and House Speaker Pelosi commemorated Women’s Equality Day by insisting we protect voting rights by not protecting them.
Women in Afghanistan don’t have to concern themselves with voting rights thanks to Biden’s disastrous U.S. withdrawal.
During Pelosi’s public appearance on Thursday we heard about “the pride we take in Vice President Harris, that’s for sure” and “the Biden agenda for women.”217
We also heard from the White House:
I call upon the people of the United States to celebrate and continue to build on our country’s progress towards gender equality, and to defend and strengthen the right to vote.218
There was not a single word about the millions of Afghan women and girls under Taliban control. It’s not America’s responsibility to protect these women in perpetuity, but Biden’s abrupt withdrawal and his massive gift of the American military hardware left behind will add to the bloodshed to come.
The president abruptly cancelled much of Donald Trump’s legacy in favor of his own damaging policies while choosing to blame Trump for what went wrong when he pulled out our troops. For Biden to shift the blame after he put so many women and girls in harm’s way while calling on the U.S. to strengthen gender equality stinks of narrative hypocrisy and the White House’s continuing refusal to accept any responsibility for the consequences of Biden’s actions.
The president chose the coward’s way out and blamed Trump for what has happened instead of standing up straight and explaining to the nation why he didn’t do more to make sure women and girls were protected despite our withdrawal. Biden is the command-in-chief. He has already proved he can and will do whatever he wants.
Unfortunately for Afghan women and girls “whatever he wants means not doing anything. Biden didn’t even mention Afghanistan on Women’s Equality Day. Neither did Nancy Pelosi. Perhaps that was wise. They used the occasion to misrepresent voting rights in America. No need to add another layer of lies to further mock women’s rights.
Hypocrisy Update August 31, 2021:
#113: proclaiming Overdose Awareness Week while illegals and fentanyl flow across our border
The president has been signing proclamation after proclamation lately, as if taking a position on something equates to action. It doesn’t. Nowhere is this more obvious than Biden’s recent “Proclamation on Overdose Awareness Week, 2021:”
During Overdose Awareness Week, we recommit to taking bold actions to prevent overdoses and related deaths, and enhance our support for individuals with substance use disorders.219
“Recommit to taking bold actions” probably sounded clever to White House media hacks, but what does it really mean? According to Customs and Border Protection it means this:
Despite the slight drop for February, CBP is seeing a drastic increase in fentanyl seizures this fiscal year – more than 360 percent higher than this same time last year. For all Fiscal Year 2020, CBP intercepted more than 4,700 pounds. Just five months into this year, CBP has seized nearly 5,000 pounds.220
That was from CBP’s February 2021 Operational Update. A few months later the situation didn’t sound much improved:
CBP continues to see a surge in fentanyl seizures; seizures in Fiscal Year 2021 through June are 78 percent higher than all of Fiscal Year 2020.221
What’s the difference between 2020 and 2021? Joe Biden.
A July 27, 2021 Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs hearing discussed what Biden’s border policies brought to the U.S.:
Senator Portman highlighted that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents are overwhelmed by the surge of migrants at our southern border as well as the record amounts of illicit deadly drugs, like fentanyl, coming across the border and into the United States.222
The proclamation announcement hit all the right notes. The president even included “racial disparities in responding to the overdose epidemic.” The sorry truth is the choice comes down to whether we slow the rush of illegals to staunch the influx of lethal drugs or make empty promises about stopping the overdose epidemic. We already know which one Biden chose.
Hypocrisy Update September 3, 2021:
#114: Biden voters got what they asked for, so why the low approval?
What stands out about President Biden’s historically awful approval rating is not how low it is, but the blatant hypocrisy behind the number of disapproving Americans who must also have voted for him.
Pew Research reports that only 26% say Biden “has done an excellent or good job” in Afghanistan. 42% rate his performance “poor.”223
So why is the president’s overall approval rating hovering just over 40%? Have Biden voters already lost faith in just eight months?
What happened in Afghanistan, what’s happening at the border, and what’s about to happen to our economy if the president does what he promised during the election is what Biden voters asked for. They got what they wanted. Biden delivered. It doesn’t require a woke political scientist to figure out that a Biden presidency was a catastrophe waiting to happen. If you voted for Joe, rest assured that more of the same is on the way.
So I’ll ask again. Why such a low approval, Biden voters? Did you make a big mistake?
Hypocrisy Update September 5, 2021:
#115: Opposing anti-Semitism while your party gives it safe harbor
Joe Biden spoke out against anti-Semitism in today’s Rosh Hashanah commemoration. He insisted that America’s to-do list includes:
To give hate no safe harbor, and speak out with clarity and conviction against antisemitism wherever and however it manifests.224
Did no one tell the president that anti-Semitism is alive and well within his own party and has been for quite some time with no action from Democrats who refuse to punish the same behavior in their ranks that they condemn in the harshest terms when it comes from anyone who isn’t a Democrat?
In June Republican lawmakers introduced a censure resolution to address anti-Semitic remarks from Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA):
Last week, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar compared the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban,” said Rep. Tenney. “Sadly, this is not out of character for ‘The Squad,’ who have made a habit of trafficking in anti-Semitic rhetoric. Their actions have been completely unchecked by Democratic leadership in the House, even as vile attacks against Jewish Americans are rising.225
15 pages of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel remarks supported their resolution. 24 House Republicans cosponsored the effort. Not a single Democrat stepped up.
2019 H. Res. 241 fared no better with no Democrats agreeing to cosponsor language condemning anti-Semitic remarks made by Rep. Omar.
This is not to say that Democrats were silent. They issued weak press releases as if their empty words were the same thing as dealing with their anti-Semitism problem. In February 2019 Adam Schiff (D-CA) said this of repeat offender Omar’s anti-Semitic comments:
It’s never acceptable to give voice to, or repeat, anti-Semitic smears.226
It may not be acceptable, but it’s certainly tolerated by Democrats. Biden talks about no safe harbor for hate. Anti-Semitism found that safe harbor within his own party.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.