Hypocrisy Update April 11, 2021:
#93: attacking law-abiding citizens and ignoring urban hellholes
Is hellhole one word or two? It doesn’t really matter any more than it matters what Joe Biden is signing to make America safe from gun violence. Instead of going after criminals the president is making a political statement while the violence in America’s urban hellholes flourishes and liberal nitwits flap their lips about going easier on criminals.
Democrats have backed themselves into a corner and the president has little choice but to tag along even though it’s no secret where much of our gun violence comes from. Just turn on the news in Chicago about the latest drive-by shooting of a child while party hacks like Governor J.B. Pritzker boast about state legislation to abolish cash bail.
While scores of people are shot dead in our cities the president adopts an authoritarian approach that relies on his do-nothing years under order-crazed Barack Obama.
In a March 26, 2021 press conference Say Nothing Press Secretary Jen Psaki praised the 23 executive actions passed while Biden was vice president as “one of the levers that we can use.”156 She concluded:
And so we have to address this epidemic, address the threat of gun violence across many avenues. And he will — he’s committed to doing that.157
The White House confirmed the threat of gun violence long ago:
Despite significant progress, gun violence remains a national tragedy.158
Nevertheless, we are a long way from ridding America of the scourge of firearms violence. As a nation, we can and must do much more.159
Except this wasn’t Joe Biden’s White House or even Barack Obama’s. It was Bill Clinton’s.
Wokeness, decarceration, fears of racism, and no cash bail laws were not the only priorities when Clinton was president. Even though he was a Democrat, Bill still called for a massive, 300% increase in assistance to state and local law enforcement and tougher penalties for violent crimes.160 Now his party looks for ways to forgive and forget while targeting political opponents.
A December 30, 2020 Chicago SunTimes retrospective on Chicago’s 2020 year in gun violence reported 4,115 people shot. Over 11,000 illegal guns were confiscated.161
These are appalling numbers, but they are not what spurred Biden and his party to push emergency background check measures and new legislation as their panacea for gun violence. The trigger was the Atlanta spa shooting that Democrats pounced on because they could also use the incident to leverage racism. This was a tragedy to be sure, but to target what happened as a prima facie example of our gun violence problem is dangerously misleading.
Democrats push their liberal gun violence fantasy by threatening to crack down on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, gun dealers and responsible Americans exercising a constitutional right Biden claims is not absolute. Meanwhile, they send the same destructive messages on crime that created an immigration disaster for their president.
In addition to eliminating cash bail Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley’s (D-MA) People’s Justice Guarantee:
offers a vision of true justice, healing and accountability. It would reduce our prison population and finally usher in an era of mass decarceration.162
17 Democrats agreed to cosponsor her resolution.
We are supposed to believe that background check legislation, emptying our jails, healing criminals, and eliminating cash bail is the solution to the “public health epidemic”163 of gun violence in our cities. It’s a much-anticipated partisan attack on responsible gun owners. When that’s finished, what are we going to do about the illegal guns that are doing the shooting in our cities and the drugs that give gangs an economic incentive to pull the trigger? If their solution is anything like the border, Democrats will continue to divert the problem and focus their attention on other, more partisan concerns that have a more worthwhile payoff.
Hypocrisy Update April 13, 2021:
#94: encouraging violent unrest while hiding in an armed camp
In statements made on Twitter Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib declared the Daunte Wright incident a racist act. She claimed it wasn’t an accident despite the audio feed and obvious shock of the police officer. Tlaib also called for an end to policing.164
Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) also leveraged the tragedy for his party:
I’m as horrified as I am incredulous that such a mistake is even possible, and this news comes as little comfort to a community that has lived in fear for far too long.165
Then he tossed gasoline on the fire by citing the Chauvin trial and turning what appears to be a terrible mistake into a call to action:
I join my fellow elected official and community leaders in calling for mourners and protestors to do so peacefully. But we’ve been mistaking quiet for peace for far too long, and real peace requires real justice.166
Minnesota is set to be the perfect flashpoint for Democrats to push through their anti-police, decarceration agenda while crime erupts in our cities and illegals freely trespass our Southern border. While liberal lawmakers obviously don’t care about the impact of their words on Americans who live and work next to the violence they will justify as protest, they didn’t have a problem turning the Capitol into an armed camp to protect themselves from violent unrest.
After the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot Tlaib spread fear of “Trump loyalists” who “continue to plot armed insurrection on social media platforms.”167
We should remember those words and the inflammatory encouragement that will come from the House this week as we watch the violence erupt in Brooklyn Center that Democrats, no doubt, hope will spread and engulf our nation.
Hypocrisy Update April 16, 2021:
#95: blaming the police and society for Adam Toledo’s death
The media and political left are busy exploiting the video released yesterday of a 13-year-old being shot by Chicago Police.
Chicago Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia talked the party line:
Despite repeated calls for police accountability and systemic reform, Latino and Black youth continue to be killed by police. We must acknowledge decades of policies that perpetuate systemic racism, sanction policy brutality, and fail our youth.168
On top of blaming racism and police brutality Garcia points out that “we failed Adam.”169 If he wants to take the blame that’s fine, but “we” didn’t fail anything. Why was a 13-year-old boy on the streets of Chicago at 2:30 in the morning?
Garcia argues for “justice and meaningful reform at every level of government to ensure this never happens again.”170 That’s a sweeping, unreasonable political demand and another hypocritical indictment of society that should instead focus on the violence in this Democrat-controlled city in a state that just legislated away cash bail.
The problem is it will happen again. It’s not the fault of the police, though the left does its best to extrapolate isolated incidents to the whole of law enforcement while it ignores the dangers, risks, uncertainties, and split-second decisions inherent in the job.
Nevertheless, there is accountability to be had in Adam Toledo’s death. If the boy had been home in bed and not on the street at 2:30 in the morning he would be alive today.
Hypocrisy Update April 21, 2021:
#96: our government demands justice but justice is not what politicians want
Everything about the George Floyd incident demanded that our judicial system deliver justice.
On Tuesday justice was served.
Except it wasn’t and may never be if Democrats running our government have their way.
Judicial justice is not legislative justice
By the end of the day it was pretty clear that judicial justice was not at all what our government was after. A verdict was reached, but according to the White House this was just a start, a mere flash in the pan on the way to true, Democrat-dictated legislative justice.
It turns out that George Floyd was an excuse at best, one of a very small number of questionable police-involved killings. This one resonated because of a horrendous video clip. It was politicized out of all proportion to the problem the radical left demanded we fix by defunding law enforcement.
This week justice was delivered under the threat of violent nationwide upheaval. National Guard troops were activated. Windows were boarded. A powerful member of the U.S. House of Representatives incited open confrontation in lieu of a decision predetermined by the politics of race. Even America’s president, who should have had the wisdom to remove himself from the proceedings, made a very public phone call expressing his hope that the verdict would be the right one.
The verdict was handed down. Vice President Kamala Harris declared:
A measure of justice isn’t the same as equal justice.171
The president echoed Harris’ words:
Today — today’s verdict is a step forward.172
Radical Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) agreed:
Despite today’s guilty verdict, this system can never deliver true justice for George Floyd and his family. True justice would be George Floyd, alive today, at home with his fiancé, children, and siblings.
“The truth is that we never expected justice from this trial. We demanded accountability. Today, a jury delivered accountability and Chauvin will face consequences for his actions.173
I think “retribution” is the word Pressley meant to use. Certainly there was retribution last summer. Few were held accountable. In fact, Harris backed bailing out protesters in Minneapolis who all but destroyed portions of the city.
After spending nearly a year demanding justice for George Floyd our government’s leaders refuse to support the notion that justice is done when the judicial system renders a verdict at trial. Even before the jury finished deliberations Biden tossed out the idea of an independent judiciary separate from politics by simply picking up the phone. Maxine Waters issued a threat in lieu of a guilty verdict. This is not what our system of justice is all about. This is what politics is all about and the hypocrisy of demanding justice from a system you are willing to undermine in favor of a wholly partisan agenda.
Democrats had no intention of honoring the decision of the jury as justice delivered. Instead, this was a reason to move forward with a destructive anti-policing, pro-criminal agenda.
We heard over and over from lawmakers that the verdict will never “bring George Floyd back to his family.” The truth is no verdict will ever take America off the hook because there is no political value in unity.
You can’t have a fair trial when the jury knows for certain that if they don’t deliver the verdict dictated by politics cities will burn, businesses will be destroyed, and people will be hurt or worse and no one will step in to stop the violence because destruction is the justice the left really wants.
I suspect Democrats would have been infinitely more satisfied had Chauvin been found not guilty on all counts. That certainly serves the needs of activists, congressional lawmakers, and the White House better than a guilty verdict.
Guilty certainly changed nothing for Harris. She wasted no time stirring the race pot after the jury announced its decision:
Black Americans — and Black men, in particular — have been treated, throughout the course of our history, as less than human.174
That’s where the Chauvin trial and George Floyd delivered America. Hypocritical Democrats were never interested in the justice they demanded and they certainly have no interest in our judicial system. This is about forcing their agenda through Congress so they can prove once and for all where justice really comes from.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.