Hypocrisy update February 16, 2021:
#79: McConnell brings a white flag to a gun fight
It wasn’t enough to lose a presidential election, a Senate majority, and maintain a minority in the House of Representatives. Former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) did what no Democrat will ever do. He trashed a Republican president and blamed him for the Capitol riots when he could have simply acknowledged that justice was served. His actions were a cowardly betrayal that his Democrat colleagues must still be laughing about behind his back.
Is it McConnell’s long-standing relationship with President Biden that led him to decide that this is the heaven in which he wants to serve?
McConnell bought into the Democratic Party’s argument that the Capitol rioters were mindless automatons steered by Rasputinesque Donald Trump with no capacity for independent thought or judging right from wrong:
The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President.106
Even worse, he ignores the implications of his own anti-Trump rhetoric:
74 million Americans did not invade the Capitol. Several hundred rioters did.
“And 74 million Americans did not engineer the campaign of disinformation and rage that provoked it.
“One person did.107
Now these 74 million Americans will suffer thanks to a catastrophic, radical Democratic Party agenda that McConnell and his Republican colleagues failed to counter with a better plan for America while they half-heartedly supported their party’s candidate through four tumultuous years.
Trump upset business as usual in Washington. Political hacks who have hung around the Capitol for far too many years were offended that he dared to trespass on established, do-nothing party politics. Even after two impeachment acquittals McConnell wasn’t finished trashing this Republican president.
For all his faults and overheated rhetoric Donald Trump understands that the extremity of the Democratic Party’s demand for power can’t be met with conciliatory speech or empty hope that Democrats will join hands with Americans who don’t support them. They are only emboldened by his kind of flaccid gamesmanship.
At the end of an overlong anti-Trump screed published on the day of the acquittal McConnell justifies the decision not to convict on the grounds that that “constitutional duty” came first.108
The minority leader is up against a ruthless, mean-spirited opposition that takes no prisoners. When it comes to their own ranks Democrats forgive everything from Bill Clinton’s transgressions to Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism. No speech, no rhetoric is too inflammatory if it supports the Democratic Party’s cause.
McConnell’s words will be repeated ad nauseum by Democrats who will use it to Republicans’ detriment throughout the 2022 and 2024 election campaigns. He foolishly brought a white flag to a gun fight. Whatever his motivations the Senate GOP needs a leader, not this Democratic Party facilitator.
Hypocrisy update February 23, 2021:
#80: Democrats nominate an attorney general who values the rule of law
During yesterday’s Merrick Garland hearings Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) made this lofty statement:
We Are Confident That You Can Rebuild The Department’s Once Hallowed Halls. That You Can Restore The Faith Of The American People In The Rule Of Law. And That You Can Deliver Equal Justice For All.109
Does someone write this nonsense for him or does he make it up himself? There is so much hypocrisy in these three sentences his colleagues must have rolled in the aisles with laughter.
From the rule of law to lawlessness
Durbin must be skipping staff meetings. With Biden and the Democrat Party in charge the rule of law is dead and gone. Lawlessness took its place.
We no longer enforce immigration law. Instead the policy is catch and release. The Biden administration reimagined the meaning of “crime” to give a pass to illegal immigrants.
Instead of locking up dangerous criminals Durbin’s party advocates eliminating cash bail and putting them back on the street. Decarceration and defunding the police take the place of making cities with escalating violence safer for their law abiding residents.
Just in case that’s not enough to kill the rule of law, when the radical left commits violent crime there is an unspoken agreement amount liberal politicians to ignore it.
Unless they are condemning the rule of law any Democrat who mentions these three words is telling a lie.
Hypocrisy update February 27, 2021:
#81: not calling their $1.9 trillion bill the American Rescue Lie
Democrats don’t seem to like America very much but that won’t stop them from trying to sell the nation $1.9 trillion in spending with the preposterous assertion that it has something to do with rescuing America and Americans.
In the interest of decorum we won’t call Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) statement in support of the American Rescue Plan a lie. Let’s call it a grotesque, hypocritical exaggeration of the truth:
The COVID-19 pandemic is a once-in-a-century tragedy. It requires a once-in-a-century continuing, comprehensive and compassionate congressional response. That is what the American Rescue Plan represents. It’s our hope that some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle will stop playing politics and support the effort to meaningfully support the American people.110
The argument is always the same. We are right. Agree with us on behalf of the people.
Except Democrats are wrong, very wrong and they know it. We will hear for years about the atrocious abuses in this House bill. The spending includes $350 billion in bailouts for states like Illinois that refuse to manage their money and shut down their economies hoping for this Democrat Party handout. Nancy Pelosi gets her Silicon Valley underground railway. Family planning organizations like abortion vendor Planned Parenthood get money too, even though their business is reducing the population and not adding to the number of hands out. There are environmental justice grants and funding to preserve and maintain Native American languages.
This litany of spending vehicles is so ridiculous Pelosi’s House must have been rolling in the aisles when they cast their votes.
Senate Democrats are panting to get their hands on this pile of taxpayer abuse with the outlandish claim that they will:
join with President Biden to save American lives, support struggling families and get our children safely back to school.111
Hubris prevents them understanding how much of the pandemic destruction was caused by officials and bureaucrats from their own party. This is a Democrat rescue plan that should be called the American Rescue Lie.
Government hypocrisy doesn’t get much better.
Hypocrisy update March 1, 2021:
#82: celebrating Women’s History Month by canceling women
Today is the start of Women’s History Month. Nancy Pelosi pretended to be in a celebratory mood:
Women’s History Month is an opportunity for all Americans to celebrate the extraordinary achievements and contributions that women have made and continue to make to our nation. Since our nation’s Founding, our progress has been inextricably linked to the courage and commitment of millions of women from every background and corner of the country who have worked to build a brighter future for themselves, their daughters and all Americans. 112
I say pretended because just last week she cheered the passage of H.R. 5, the Equality Act:
We are so excited that today the Equality Act will come to the Floor. We have passed it in the House before – the Equality Act, H.R. 5 – to end discrimination against the LGBTQ community. This time it will be not only passed in the House, but on a path to a signing at the White House. We’re very excited about that. 113
This is another piece of sneaky liberal politics that isn’t what it sounds like. The bill swaps identity for biology by placing a prohibition on discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identification.
By now you’ve probably heard what this could mean. Women’s sports are doomed thanks to men who identify as women. Creepy boys will hang around in girls’ school restrooms. There will be lots of new opportunities to stir up trouble in the name of gender neutrality and non-discrimination.
Only time will tell if any of this will happen. The bill has to clear the Senate first and this is about hypocrisy, not the legislative process. Pelosi wins the hypocrisy prize again by swapping the science Democrats revere for the identity politics that brings them power and cancelling women in the process.
If only they could legislate away genitalia we could eliminate men and women once and for all. I’m sure Democrats have someone working on it.
Hypocrisy update March 3, 2021:
#83: rewarding smoking with the COVID vaccine
Illinois added smokers to the priority list for the current Phase 1b round of COVID-19 vaccinations.114 The state also includes vulnerable people in danger because of obesity and the chronic health conditions it creates. Others lucky to get the vaccine in this phase are illegal immigrants classified as essential workers and felons sitting in prison.
For the rest of us who don’t smoke, try to stay healthy, and follow the law salvation from COVID-19 still seems like a very distant hope. There are too many more deserving people in front of us.
Rewarding smokers is an especially egregious affront to people waiting for their shot. Smoking is already punished with sky-high sin taxes, stomach-turning public service messages, and all manner of private and public sanctions meant to deter this bad habit. So why are we rewarding it now? Is the strategy to save the lives that public health departments warn are going to be cut short anyway, or is this another equity judgment because of the higher mortality from smoking-related illnesses among minority Americans who are disproportionately impacted by this virus?.115
With the health costs from smoking already adding to our atrocious national health care tab rewarding cigarette use with a life-saving vaccine doesn’t seem like the kind of message our health authorities should send, but neither does giving the shots to felons and illegals.
Since a law-abiding, healthy lifestyle seems to be to my detriment I’m going to cut this update short, go buy a pack of smokes, stop by a liquor store, and maybe visit my local legal weed shop for good measure. If government health hypocrisy is going to dictate who gets saved from COVID on the basis of their bad habits I don’t want to be too healthy to be one of the lucky ones.
Continued on next page
Boy, Civil Candor you sure called it the way it is. All screwed up! It is hard to see how supposedly intelligent men and women can destroy a country without even trying. All the President and Congress has to do is disagree with each other, pass some stupid legislation and then tell the taxpayers that it is all for their own good and that of the country. Talk about the rise and fall of a country, the US under this administration, will beat all previous records in getting the job done quickly..
Supposedly intelligent …
Good lord…what a load of garbage. Thanks so much for bringing me to this garbage site, Google! ?
Thanks, Nunya. If it incited you enough to take the time to make a comment, I’ll take that as a compliment.