UPDATE February 18, 2022: Democrat liars prove their lies aren’t worth fighting for.
When the going gets tough what do Democrats do?
They quit.
After a dark, tumultuous 2021 the lights are coming back on. Midterms are on the way. The woke vermin who have been trying to control what we do and how we think are scurrying for the exits.
On Thursday Speaker Pelosi announced that another Democratic lawmaker is throwing in the towel. According to the House Press Gallery Casualty List this makes 30 quitters to date despite her party’s vow that:
House Democrats are making sure all working people know that somebody has their back.112
That somebody is the Republican Party. Americans are rejecting the anti-Americanism spread by left wing politicians like quitter Peter DeFazio (D-WA), who claims “racial hate” is “entrenched in American society.”113
We’ve had quite enough of that particular lie for now. Democrats have a knack for creating racial hate wherever they want to find it. They don’t care about the impact of their lies and false rhetoric on a fundamentally good nation comprised of fundamentally good people who believe in fundamentally good, sound American values that have sustained us for generations.
House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) assures the nation that “No Matter What it Takes, We’re Going to Defend Our Democracy.”114 How they go about that defense is the antithesis of democracy, a word they turned into a hackneyed reference to whatever Democrats want whether the people agree or not.
The growing number of resignations proves that “what it takes” has limits. Democrat lawmakers’ pride takes precedence over defending their notion of democracy. That pride looks to take a drubbing from voters who are tired of being called racists, white supremacists, domestic terrorists, and “Trump supporters,” a favorite catchall for all three crimes. The American people resent being targeted for holding political beliefs protected by a Constitution and Bill of Rights we value. Most of all, we detest the hypocrisy of ruling elites who have made it abundantly clear that aside from the taxes we pay, Americans are little more than excrement on the soles of their expensive designer shoes.
The wokeness ship is sinking. Lawmakers are scurrying for the rail.
Why are so many Democrats refusing to continue the fight for what they say they believe in so strongly? Because they never believed their destructive, woke nonsense in the first place. The current incarnation of their party is built on lies and the myth that America is a fundamentally rotten, amoral place that no sane person would want to live in until Democrats make it habitable.
When you speak from a position of near absolute political power it’s easy to commit, to say and do what you want. The true measure of character is what you do when faced with adversity, like a catastrophic midterm election.
When the going gets tough, Democrats quit.
Don’t trip over your long, pink tails on the way to the rail.
UPDATE February 22, 2022:
There is no GOP tax increase plan, liar.
Leave it to Nancy Pelosi’s press office to blame Republicans for precisely what Democrats are doing as their fears about the November midterms become too overwhelming to bear. As the party backs away from progressive agenda items like defunding the police and open borders in a phony attempt to make themselves seem re-electable or at least likable, Pelosi’s press flunkies are blaming the Republican Party for a plan they admit comes from a single GOP senator, Senator Rick Scott of Florida.
Misinformation, disinformation, or an outright lie? Maybe all three. Your choice.
This is the claim made by Pelosi’s press office:
To those who’ve been waiting for Republicans to unveil an agenda, wait no more: in a splashy eleven-point plan unveiled by a top Senate Republican leader, the GOP declared its explicit intent to raise taxes on “over half of Americans” – doubling down on the long-standing GOP ambition of making seniors and families already struggling to make ends meet pay higher taxes.115
This is the truth:
The GOP didn’t declare anything. Senator Scott did. Even the title of the Politico article the speaker’s press office uses to make its false claim confirms: “Rick Scott pushes own GOP agenda as McConnell holds off.”
So the statement that the GOP plans to raise taxes on over half of Americans is a lie. Does Senator Scott want to do this? At this point I neither know nor care. Considering we’re starting with a lie is there any reason to waste my time or yours to ferret out more deceptions and false information from the speaker’s office?
I don’t think so, either.
UPDATE March 1, 2022:
Democrats celebrate Black History by reminding us about lynching.
I thought Black History Month was a celebration of Black Americans and their many accomplishments. I was wrong. February was really “America is Racist and We Will Never Let You Forget It Month,” or at least that’s what it was for Democrats.
On the final day of Black History Month the House passed H.R. 55, the Emmett Till Antilynching Act. The bill declares lynching a federal hate crime. In a rare display of bipartisanship every House Democrat and all but three Republicans cast yea votes for the bill. This was a good thing. There was no reason not to pass the legislation.
What’s offensive is Democrats’ campaign to find us perpetually guilty of past history we’re not responsible for and to use it against us in the present.
Joe Biden used the annual BHM commemoration to remind us about slavery, Jim Crow, and redlining. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), who now has less than no credibility after his baseless persecution of Donald Trump, gave a history lesson about the purpose of lynching:
Throughout history, lynching has been employed as an extreme form of informal group social control and has often been conducted with the display of a public spectacle for maximum intimidation.116
In case you weren’t clear on right and wrong and what America stands for, Nadler reminded us:
Today, we acknowledge this disgraceful chapter in American history, and we send a clear message that such violent actions—motivated by hatred and bigotry—will not be tolerated in this country.117
Lynching is not tolerated in this country without or without the hate crime bill, but Nadler is wrong that we don’t accept violent action motivated by hatred and bigotry. Thanks to the dominance of the Democrat Party legality is now an issue of skin color and political affiliation. Right and wrong are relative and as much a political as a legal judgment. We see how this works in the disparate treatment of BLM “peaceful protesters” and those who participated in the January 6 riot.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also reminded us that our racist past is still with us. She used her Black History Month stump to attack the police:
Nearly seven decades later, the brutal murder of Emmett Till is forever seared into our collective memory. Sadly, hateful attacks are not yet a relic of the past: from the scourge of police violence to assaults on houses of worship.118
And then she made a ridiculous statement that the nightly news in our cities tells us is a lie:
That is why the Democratic Congress is hard at work empowering our legal system with more tools to bring perpetrators to justice.119
Perhaps she should have checked with the progressive wing of her party first. She didn’t define “perpetrators.” Does she include criminals we set free with no cash bail so they can hurt more people? Does empowerment include defunding the police in violent cities to protect Americans from the “scourge of police violence” or letting loose countless unvetted migrants because restricting their activities runs counter to the Democrat narrative that only good people come to the U.S. illegally?
The truth is that in a nation of nearly 330 million people bad things will happen. Some of these bad things are racially motivated. They don’t happen every day. They aren’t emblematic of what America stands for or what our people believe. Perhaps that’s why Democrats like to reach far into our past to reinforce a racist vision that has political value for their party and its activist base. They are determined to enforce this vision of America because they have nothing to offer in the present. Like the Trump-Russia hoax, the Democratic agenda is built from lies promulgated by very experienced liars who care nothing about this nation apart from what it can do for them.
America has every reason to celebrate Black History. It’s unfortunate that the contributions of Black Americans are overshadowed by Democrats’ insistence that we turn back the clock because their racist vision is the one they prefer.
UPDATE March 14, 2022:
Pelosi’s office blasts tax hike that hasn’t happened while Democrats and Biden administration hurt middle and working class Americans for real.
Last month I wrote about a hit piece from Nancy Pelosi’s press office claiming Republicans plan to impose a tax hike on more than 50% of Americans. This was a lie. The tax proposal came from a single senator, Florida’s Rick Scott.
It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when you have to rely false messaging because you have nothing to offer except lies. Undeterred by the truth, Pelosi’s propaganda meisters are sticking to their story about a sweeping Republican tax hike. They call it “higher tax hikes,” whatever that’s supposed to mean:
While Republicans plan to squeeze America’s hardest-working families with higher tax hikes and try to rip away their health care, Democrats are still hard at work to pass legislation to further lower everyday prices, fight inflation and cut taxes for middle-class families, paid for by finally making giant corporations and the wealthiest pay their fair share.120
I’m not certain what “further lower everyday prices” is supposed to refer to, either. Prices are going up with no end in sight.
This nonsense would be hilarious if the truth were not so shocking. Joe Biden and his party are responsible for our soaring gas prices. Instead of a mea culpa or two and positive steps to fix a problem progressives and their president created, Biden maintains his ridiculous argument that our high prices are Putin’s fault while Pelosi’s people spread phony scare stories about a GOP tax hike to the people Democrat policies hurt the most.
“Republicans plan,” “Democrats are hard at work,” and “further lower everyday prices” refer to things that haven’t happened. What has happened are across the board price increases and gas prices, in particular, that are a direct consequence of the Democrat Party’s destructive progressive climate agenda and Joe Biden’s witless decision to go along for the ride.
UPDATE March 18, 2022:
Time for Biden, Pelosi, and Congressional Democrats to stop lying to America about the Putin Price Hike.
We expect Democrats to lie and blame others for their failures. It’s what they do absent any notable achievements. They insult our intelligence with lies that are so transparent only the most jaded progressive would take them seriously.
Is this because they are stupid, or because they believe we are?
Pelosi: more kitchen table talk because of Putin’s Price Hike.
In a press conference yesterday Nancy Pelosi again marginalized hard-working Americans by referring to our kitchen table worries. She took credit for lowering costs, though most Americans who live in the real world probably wonder why they haven’t seen the results:
The kitchen table concerns of America’s working families are tangible, they are ongoing, and we need to address them. Over the kitchen table, people have to decide: are they going to pay for food, for rent, for education, for credit card bills, whatever their needs are – the same needs that keep them up at night, the decision as to what to pay for. So we must continue to lower costs, increase jobs, increase – increase pay.121
America’s working families are a lot smarter than Pelosi thinks and are likely very concerned about why their leaders feel the need to lie to them. The truth is that Democrats are so obsessed with their Nanny State socialism that they sincerely believe we are naïve, needy, stupid, and helpless without them. We will believe anything they say because they are wealthy elites who know better. to that end, Pelosi insinuates that what we’re paying at the pump can’t possibly be Joe Biden’s fault:
Let me see what else I was going to tell you. But – oh, in that regard, we have to address the Putin Price Hike: gas hike. It has – since he started amassing troops earlier this year, the price at the pump has gone up 75 cents. We’re doing everything we can to minimize the Putin Price Hike at home.122
“Doing everything we can” does not include what the White House should be doing. Eighteen Republicans on the Congressional Oversight and Reform Committee pointed this out yesterday in a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken:
Trading the imports from one irrational and unpredictable dictatorial regime to another is not sound foreign policy. When the United States previously unleashed its energy production capacity, we saw that our country can provide enough energy resources for ourselves and our allies.123
White House spokesperson Jen Psaki ignores Biden’s dangerous policy of circumventing our domestic energy industry by alleging we have 9,000 unused oil leases. Yesterday Pelosi set the number at 6,000,124 though it doesn’t really matter what number they throw out because we can’t believe anything they say. Democrats govern with lies and as they feel their grip on power slipping away they stray farther and farther from the truth.
Russia, Russia, Russia doesn’t cover up what Biden has done.
In case we missed the lie about Putin’s Price Hike, the White House made it absolutely clear after a National Climate Task Force meeting:
The Task Force focused on how agencies can continue supporting the President’s commitment to addressing Putin’s Price Hike from his unprovoked war against Ukraine, minimizing pain at the pump here at home, continue rapidly deploying clean energy, and keep reducing emissions that cause climate change.125
Biden’s progressive climate agenda won’t minimize pain at the pump. It’s making it worse. Democrats need to explain how working class Americans can afford electric cars to make this pipe dream possible:
They [Climate Task Force] noted when electric cars are powered by clean energy, homes run on clean electricity, and our grid is more resilient and reliable, autocrats like Putin won’t be able to weaponize fossil fuels against other nations.126
Putin won’t be able to weaponize energy now if Biden adopts an intelligent domestic energy agenda. Instead of rational policymaking in the here and now, the White House is looking to the day when we’ll never need to fill our gas tanks again.
Instead of creating energy jobs and fostering domestic production to bolster our national security, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) promotes his Stop Gas Price Gouging Tax and Rebate Act to levy a windfall profits tax on domestic oil producers so Democrats can afford rebates to consumers to make up for the damage their party and president have done:
Big Oil is foaming at the mouth,” said Rep. DeFazio. “After price-gouging Americans in 2021 to make record profits, Big Oil is now reaping the benefits of Putin’s price hike.127
So Trump was colluding with Russia. Now we’re told that energy producers who are the solution to the Biden price hike and could deal a serious blow to Russia are profiting because of Russia.
None of this is the least bit believable. Poor, dumb Americans like you and me who suffer because of these outrageous lies from Democrats are the ones who should be foaming at the mouth.
112“For the People.” speaker.gov. https://forthepeople.speaker.gov/, retrieved February 17, 2022.
113“Chairman Jeffries: “No Matter What it Takes, We’re Going to Defend Our Democracy.” dems.gov. January 11, 2022. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-jeffries-no-matter-what-it-takes-were-going-to-defend-our-democracy, retrieved February 17, 2022.
114“Statement from Rep. Peter DeFazio on Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict.” defazio.house.gov. April 20, 2021. https://defazio.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/statement-from-rep-peter-defazio-on-derek-chauvin-trial-verdict, retrieved February 18, 2022.
115“GOP Finally Unveils Their Agenda: Raise Taxes on Seniors & Hard-Working Americans.” speaker.gov. February 22, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/22222-1, retrieved February 22, 2022.
116“Chairman Nadler Floor Statement in Support of H.R. 55, the Emmett Till Antilynching Act.” nadler.house.gov. February 28, 2022. https://nadler.house.gov/news/
documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=394792, retrieved March 1, 2022.
118“Pelosi Statement on House Passage of the Emmett Till Antilynching Act.” speaker.gov. February 28, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/22822-4, retrieved March 1, 2022.
120“New State-By-State Analysis of GOP Tax Hike Plan: Crushing Tax Increases for Families Across America.” speaker.gov. March 14, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/3822-1, retrieved March 14, 2022.
121“Transcript of Speaker Pelosi’s Remarks at Weekly Press Conference.” speaker.gov. March 17, 2022. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/31722-6, retrieved March 18, 2022.
123“Letter to Honorable Antony J. Blinken.” republicans-oversight.house.gov. March 17, 2022. https://republicans-oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Letter-to-Blinken-031722.pdf, retrieved March 18, 2022.
124“Transcript of Speaker Pelosi’s Remarks at Weekly Press Conference.” speaker.gov. March 17, 2022. Op. cit.
125“Readout of the March National Climate Task Force Meeting.” whitehouse.gov. March 15, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/03/15/readout-of-the-march-national-climate-task-force-meeting/, retrieved March 18, 2022.
127“Rep. DeFazio Introduces Bill to Fight Big Oil’s Greed and Provide Rebates to American Consumers.” defazio.house.gov. March 16, 2022. https://defazio.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/rep-defazio-introduces-bill-to-fight-big-oil-s-greed-and-provide-rebates, retrieved March 18, 2022.
Continued on next page
You’ve got it exactly backwards. Republicans are the lying bullies. Period. The end. Idiot.
Difficult to do without a congressional majority, but with any luck after midterms next year there will be plenty of Republican bullying to make up for the lunacy we’ve suffered from the left.
Thanks for reading, even if I am an idiot.
your one of the un-educated people, could be receiving monies from the SATAN children in washington dc, in other words THE STEALING & LAUNDERING LAIRS CALLED democrats! The above voting for lairs – when TRUTH Meets them in Face- they only know to say bad things bout the REPUBLICANS, more than likely you don’t have a profession other than waiting for the free deposit.
Nope! Nice try though. The “h” in democrat stands for honesty. Democrats are allergic to facts and think with their asses! No brains at all! Go f*** yourself democrats!
False. You’re confused because you think the news is real. The news is not real. In reality, 85% of republican reps are democrats. They’re all lying Satanists who want to destroy America. Hence the wars, destruction of the dollar, the illegal alien invasion, refusing to use our own oil and natural gas. Etc. if you want to live in reality swap out fox and cnn for info wars. Propaganda will trick you and make you sound stupid so avoid the “news”
Such as?
A Republican does anything wrong its all over ythe news even if it is all lies like with Trump this election era. A democratic lies daily and its published as gosphel!! There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
Spot on, antiobama. There is no better proof than their new Inflation Reduction Act. Democrats are so arrogant that they don’t even try to hide the fact that they lied to Americans about the purpose of this bill or what it will accomplish. As you rightly point out, when they lie it’s gospel and anyone who reveals the truth will be denounced and cancelled by Big Tech and their complicit media.
There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
When Dems say the violence is part of their agenda. They are telling the truth. They plan on using as much violence to make legal Americans afraid to stand up to them
Exactly right, Mea. All it takes is a liberal dog whistle to get the violent, peaceful protests started. As long as Democrats control Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and the FBI, left-wing domestic terrorists have nothing to worry about.
Democrats are the biggest damn liars that ever lived or at least one of the biggest liars but anyway they are big time liars who don’t the meaning of the word truth and honesty, they think we’re fools who believe their lies but not all of us are foolishly enough to believe their lies and they like to feed us a heaping load of their bullshit lies and put blame on anyone and anything that they can put blame on cause that trash isn’t going to take blame for nothing cause it’s easier to put blame on someone else or something else but their favorite person to put blame on is Trump and he’s always been their favorite person to pick on, it isn’t bad enough that they used Covid-19 to do that stupid mail in ballot thing all so they can steal the election away from Trump but then they keep right on with their bullshit cause I think they feel threatened by Trump and I think they always have felt threatened by him especially now, I think they’re scared that Trump might run again in the 2024 election and win and get back in office and they sure don’t want that and I hope Trump does run again and wins because this country needs him back as President and I don’t give a damn what the birdbrains out there think cause they’re no damn better than the trash out there, doing the damage to America cause they support them and vote for them and when they do that, that makes them no better than they are cause they support the garbage doing the damage and to me that’s like a slap in the face cause to me when you support them, it’s like you support anything and everything they do, good or bad so I say” WAKE UP, AMERICA!
Wow! Faye, I think you covered it. I haven’t decided whether they lie because they think we’re too dumb to see through what they say, or because they don’t care what we think. Probably both. As far as Trump is concerned, I wholeheartedly agree. Democrats and sadly, many Republicans are terrified of a leader who won’t play their game of stringing us along, hurting Americans in the process, and doing absolutely nothing to make our country better. Trump got things done and Washington still hates him for showing how worthless and self-interested our elected officials are. The best way for him to end their hate is to be reelected. Afterwards he can’t run again and this will go away.
You’re absolutely right Faye. I live in Washington State where we do mail in voting all the time I am absolutely positive that Washington State enacted disability without the vote of the people so that the Democratic party that enacted it could continually steal the elections year after year after year trying to find something Democrats need to be removed their party should be disbanded based on their willingness to sell our country to foreign interest Joe Biden has proven that but yet the mainline media doesn’t seem to be too interested in checking into it that’s because they know it’s the truth. I don’t
What good does it do to point out democrat lies. The GOP won’t do anything about it.
I don’t disagree, Michael. They will hold hearings. They will issue a report. Nothing will come of it because they don’t have the political might and too many in the party don’t want to rock the boat that keeps lawmakers fat and happy.
You’re not wrong only it will take more than just a majority. Unfortunately most Republicans are so afraid that they won’t stand up to the lying oppressive Democratic regime. This is half of the problem. The other half of the problem is that none of the political individuals Republican and Democrat alike are willing to give up their ability to conduct insider trading based on knowledge that they receive from different committees. Thank you for listening I wish that my thoughts were not the truth.
I wish you were wrong too, Paul, but your comments are spot on. The willingness of the GOP to bend to the will of the Democrat Party is infuriating, including their support of the last omnibus spending package. Democrats know better.
As far as insider trading is concerned, let’s relegate that to the same list as term limits and an earmark ban. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is a lot less than the difference between politicians from either party and the American people. Both know where their money comes from.
Thanks for reading and offering your thoughts.