We are ten months into 2020. Democrats have made every aspect of our lives worse. This is quite an accomplishment when you consider how bad this year has been for most Americans. Democratic politicians’ blind hatred for Donald Trump, their disdain for the American people, use of misfortune and death as a bargaining chip, and their shocking plans to discard our economy, values, history, and traditions made a terrible 2020 almost unbearable. That’s before we talk about the fear-mongering, the lockdowns, and the threats of everything from mask fines to imminent death that descended on us from incompetent party hacks who run liberal state and local governments and would never accept the kind of responsibility they accuse Trump of abdicating.
No one who opposed or even dared to question the pronouncements of Democratic Party elites was spared this year. We should be equally unsparing in our assessment of their hate-filled, anti-American politics.
We can never forgive Democrats for 2020. If America votes to hand over power to Joe Biden and his team of tin gods we will never forgive ourselves, either.
These are ten great reasons to never forgive Democrats for 2020
1. Democrats banked their future on hate
Democrats used every opportunity they could dream up to make Americans hate Trump, our institutions, our public safety employees, our values, our economy, and each other. That wasn’t enough, so they resorted to turning a blind eye when far left activists incited a race war in their cities and used the police as an excuse. There had to be a backstory to justify this urban terror. That meant turning America into a racist, amoral, valueless country where no sane person would want to live.
It was all for the sake of one election.
It is plenty obvious to many of us that the real racists are the ones who separate white from black and brown because they see something to gain from exploiting our differences.
2. Democrats used the pandemic to scare us into socialized medicine
COVID-19 was a godsend to Democrats. It even helped promote their race war when the data showed disparities in COVID mortality. They ignored the fact that the health care system allegedly responsible for so many deaths is the system they designed, legislated, and forced on the American people with promises that turned out to be another liberal pack of lies.
The lies just kept coming in the third presidential debate. Joe Biden parroted the same false promises about cutting premiums and costs that we heard in 2010.
Biden also mentioned his public option plan. Socialized medicine is back. It still has enormous appeal for many Democrats who eagerly spread fear about losing our health care coverage the moment the coronavirus struck. Even though many in the party signed on to dump the Affordable Care Act in favor of fully socialized Medicare for All, they still baselessly threatened our health insurance and turned the ACA into something akin to legislative godhood:
The Affordable Care Act has become engrained as a pillar of our health care system over the last 10 years. If the Supreme Court were to strike down the ACA during the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States health care system could immediately collapse.1
Threats about Trump leaving Americans to die from pre-existing conditions and COVID-19 were just more lies, of course. The White House promised the opposite, which is a far cry from Obamacare’s universal coverage and its 30 million uninsured:2
According to the previous Administration, however, only 2.7 percent of such individuals [with pre-existing conditions] actually gained access to health insurance through the ACA, given existing laws and programs already in place to cover them.3
Long before we heard about the coronavirus Kamala Harris and her House and Senate colleagues joined the effort to get rid of the ACA in favor of an even worse idea modeled on Bernie Sanders’ crackpot socialism. They didn’t propose Medicare for All because Trump denied health care to Americans. They did it because they blew it with their first attempt at socialism. Now they want to cover up what they’ve done to suffering Americans with a new health care provider: Washington Democrats who want the power to control us through our hospitals and doctor’s offices.
3. Democrats threaten to destroy the federal balance of power
In a media interview last Sunday Nancy Pelosi talked about the House’s role in overturning bad Supreme Court decisions.4 That won’t be an issue after Democrats pack the court and turn SCOTUS into House of Representatives #2.
Biden doesn’t want to talk about his party’s plan to destroy the federal balance of power. He doesn’t have to. Democrats furious about the constitutionally-mandated Barrett nomination will do everything in their power to ensure that all future legislating from the bench comes from the left.
I’d like to hear someone ask a more important question, though. Were Democrats planning to pack the court anyway?
Of course they were. Justice Ginsburg’s death forced them to admit it.
4. Democrats place party before people
Would you rather be hungry or starve in the street?
Relief negotiations have dragged on endlessly with Nancy Pelosi absolutely determined to beat down the White House and get every cent her party can tuck into the next massive spending bill.
The speaker assures her colleagues in a letter that a bill might come before the election. She also mentions that:
How the funding is allocated determines how we save lives, livelihoods and the life of our American Democracy.5
What does American democracy have to do with putting food on your table or helping pay the rent? Nothing. That’s why the letter was addressed to “Dear Democratic Colleague” and not “Dear suffering American we let down again.”
Perhaps we are being too harsh with Pelosi. She represents San Francisco and probably thinks misfortune and homelessness are the norm for Americans.
This is not public service. It’s Democratic Party service.
5. Democrats are eager to trade American greatness for wealth and power
I’m no scholar but I can’t think of a single economy that prospered because it transitioned from free market capitalism to socialism. America will not be the first. If Democrats get what they want we will likely be the last to do something this stupid and destructive.
There is nothing good about what our tin pot leftist lawmakers have planned for the world’s greatest economy. There are plenty of great things waiting for these party hacks who live in multi-million dollar estates while telling the American people that socialism is the path to American greatness.
They always forgot to add that it’s all about their greatness, not ours. Everything has a price and we will pay it.
6. Democrats side with China against America

D. Hartman/U.S. Dept. of State*
It’s astounding to think that anyone who calls themselves an American would blame our president for COVID-19 mortality, let China off scot-free, and condemn anyone who mentions the “China virus.”
China knows better than to blame China for a virus that killed over a million people. It’s not in their interest. That’s why they don’t do it. Democrats will also spare China and target any American and Donald Trump, in particular, for the merest suggestion that the communist mega power is responsible for killing 222,000 Americans.
China is responsible and they deserve to pay for what they’ve done. Democrats will do everything in their power to make sure that doesn’t happen. Instead, they will continue to blame Donald Trump while they gradually hand over global hegemony to our most threatening competitor.
7. The Democratic Party encouraged white supremacy
Members of the Democratic Party permitted urban destruction and race riots while they countered the violence with inflammatory, anti-American rhetoric that would inevitably elicit a response from the far right.
Encouraging extremism from the left encourages pushback from the extreme right. That’s what Democrats want to shore up their lie that Trump supports white supremacy while they turn their backs on their leftist supremacist fringe. In Democratland there is no such thing as leftist domestic terrorism, so this is a pretty safe position to take.
8. They attacked our freedom of religion
Nothing is off the table if it’s anti-Trump. If Christ was resurrected again and offered himself as a Supreme Court justice, Democrats would fault him for his religion if he dared to trespass on any of their sacred legislative cows.
9. Illinois Democrats denied voters the right to fair information about their unfair fair tax
Illinois voters get a chance to vote on our very own “fair tax increase” amendment this year. When you can’t sell a fair tax because it’s unfair what do you do? You misrepresent it. That’s what Democrats did in Illinois while their governor threatened taxpayers with the consequences for not passing his amendment so we can pay more for the Democratic wreckage and ruin that destroyed our state.
10. Democrats pushed for rights for illegal immigrants while they left Americans wanting
Fooled you! When was the last time you heard about immigration? It came up in the third presidential debate, but the black community is in vogue with the liberal left again. Too bad for illegals. Maybe next time.
To be fair to irresponsible liberal lawmakers, there are retroactive relief payments for illegals in Pelosi’s Heroes Act. That’s a good precedent for her party and a terrible precedent for taxpayers that will never go away until a President Joe Biden colludes with congressional Democrats to hand us 11 million new U.S. citizens.
Are 10 reasons to never forgive Democrats enough or do we need more? Let me know!
UPDATE November 12, 2020:
11. Radical progressivism is now flagrant totalitarianism
The party that pledged to restore America’s democracy didn’t waste any time resorting to totalitarianism. The threats are building. Do Trump supporters need to add an extra lock to their doors?
We don’t know whether Joe Biden will lock down the nation or enforce a national mask mandate. It doesn’t really matter. Rest assured that whatever he is contemplating will be relatively benign compared to Chuck Schumer’s deceptive promise to “change America.” That’s the threat to beware.
Progressives created a climate where something as fundamentally anti-American as the Trump Accountability Project (Trumpaccountability.net) and its call to action to “Remember What They Did” can flourish. Threatening the employment of Trump supporters is another new tactic that’s frightening not because it poses a real threat – it does not and businesses will soon regret what progressives will do to the economy – but because it shows that this election was, in fact, about voting in hate. It had nothing to do with democracy because progressives don’t care about democracy. Their goal is to flush out and punish anyone who disagrees with their agenda.
Democracy means agree or be punished
That’s where we stand a little over a week after the election. Democracy means we either embrace radical progressivism or face certain punishment from Democrats.
Democrats are ready to sort the right from the left and punish the right to the farthest reaches of what they can get away with. They will enjoy a lot of latitude once Joe Biden is bullied into stuffing his administration with progressives. That will include a new attorney general to justify what they do.
After this election we no longer need the term “radical progressive” or even “radical Democrat.” They’re all radical now in their zeal to punish Americans for four years of Donald Trump. Thank the Democratic Party for transitioning us from democracy to totalitarianism in one short week. That’s an accomplishment new to our history that we will regret for many years to come.
UPDATE December 24, 2020:
12. Don’t forgive Democrats for their $600 Christmas insult to the American people.
Democrats finally got what they wanted: a relief bill they could take credit for without helping anyone. The House Democratic Caucus insulted our intelligence after the deed was done:
With passage of the coronavirus emergency relief and omnibus package, the American people should know that help is on the way.6
There was no mention of how much of that help is going overseas.
They patted themselves on the back for a job well done:
We are also thankful to each Member of the House Democratic Caucus for ensuring that no one, regardless of race, regardless of ethnicity, regardless of region, regardless of zip code, is left behind.7
And then they went home.
$600 payments are an insult to Americans made worse by everything else they spent on in the omnibus package that, inexplicably, Republicans agreed to. Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. The GOP has never been big on relief spending. For their own reasons Republican lawmakers don’t care any more than Democrats. The difference is that Democrats keep telling us that the American people are what matters. Now we know once and for all that we don’t.
UPDATE December 30, 2020:
13. Democratic Party lawmakers betrayed their oath
Incoming members of the House and Senate swear to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. That oath does not expire after the words are spoken. Party politics does not absolve members of their obligation to the Constitution and the people of America.
Democrats protected domestic enemies
Democrats ignored their oath this year to our detriment. They failed to defend us against domestic enemies They referred to domestic terrorists as peaceful protesters. They ignored the fires, the violence, and the urban devastation. Instead of living up to their sworn duty to defend the nation they incited radical left aggression by insisting that not only Trump, but all America is racist.
In a June 15, 2020 letter Democratic Chairs on the House Oversight Committee including Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) insisted we divert our attention away from the president’s “wildly exaggerated rumors” about Antifa and instead investigate white supremacists who were interfering with peaceful protests.href=”#note8″>8
While they made this assertion Americans sat back and watched stores being looted, cars being burned, and havoc wreaked against business owners in our cities by individuals who were clearly not white supremacists. Many were not even white.
Democrats protected foreign enemies
Democrats let foreign enemy China off the hook for the coronavirus pandemic (see #6). Instead of pursuing the evidence that our greatest competitor not only covered up information about the virus that is still killing Americans but worked in concert with WHO to manipulate the facts, they blamed the people for not following draconian state and local crackdowns that ruined lives while the virus continued to surge.
When evidence came to light before the 2020 election about the possible involvement of then presidential candidate Joe Biden with his son’s China dealings, Democrats worked in concert with the media and big tech to whitewash the story which effectively denied voters the right to make an informed decision at the polls.
Democratic Party attacks on the Constitution continued throughout 2020. Freedom of religion came under fire. Churches were shut down but pot shops and liquor stores remained open. Freedom of speech was attacked as our every word was censored by those looking for the slightest insinuation of racism.
At least we held on to freedom of the press. The media worked in concert with Democrats to dictate values in line with Joe Biden’s candidacy instead of reporting facts while every Trump word and deed fed their propaganda machine.
Flagrant propaganda hid behind every Democratic Party attack on our Constitution this year. Party loyalty came before our founding document and the American people. That meant defeating Trump at any cost. Are Democrats so foolish and arrogant that they think they can make up for this now that they have what they want?
We can never forgive and never forget what Democratic lawmakers did to our Constitution, our rights, and our vision for the greatest nation on earth. They need to be reminded each and every day what they’ve done and come 2022 they must be held accountable.
UPDATE January 1, 2021:
14. 2021 is the year to fear the Democratic Party
Socialism. Riots. Defund the police. Shut down the economy so Democrats can support the nation.
Raphael Warnock??
This was 2020, the year Democrats said yes to extremism. There were rumblings before 2020 warning us where the party was headed. Democrats were mustering their forces to take this giant ideological step ever since Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders (D-VT) first introduced Medicare for All and leftist darling and whack job Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) slapped down her version of socialism excused by climate change on the House legislative table.
In the Senate, incoming Vice President Kamala Harris concurred. She cosponsored both bills and is ready and waiting to be our president as soon as Joe Biden throws in the towel.
This scenario is too horrifying to contemplate, but a Harris presidency is entirely in line with her party’s drift to embrace an extreme left agenda comprised of every bad progressive idea imaginable.
Decarceration, mass forgiveness for illegal immigration, defunding the police, reorganizing the economy to suit socialists disguised as climate activists, and a final government takeover of our health care system are ready and waiting.
If you’ve kept up with the news about what’s going on in Portland, you get the picture.
In the meantime Georgia’s Raphael Warnock has a good chance at a U.S. Senate seat. The fact that his candidacy could happen at all, much less stand a good chance of succeeding is a pretty good indication of where the drift to the left brought the Democratic Party.
We can’t ever forgive Democrats for 2020. We have good reason to be very afraid of them in 2021.
UPDATE January 11, 2021:
15. Pelosi won’t put her biggest failure of 2020 behind us
At what point will Congress decide that it’s best to question Nancy Pelosi’s sanity? They have warned us about Trump’s stability since the 2016 campaign, but are more than willing to sit back and listen to the 80-year old speaker who is third in line for the presidency and rules the House of Representatives spout paranoid delusions about Donald Trump and nuclear war.
We have to assume that Pelosi is familiar with the protections for our nuclear arsenal. We also should assume that the speaker is betting the public thinks the president has a big, red button on his desk he can punch at will to begin World War III.
Instead of worrying about a man who actually cares about America, we should worry about Pelosi’s obsession with removing Trump from office and her increasingly unhinged claims about the threat he poses to our nation.
2020 is over. Pelosi didn’t get what she wanted. Impeachment failed. With a new Congress it’s time to admit defeat, let Trump ride out his last few days in office, and do something worthwhile before this gets out of control and Democrats decide that Russia pushed Trump to instigate the Capitol Hill riots. If she thinks that a successful impeachment will quell the anger simmering across America then she is even more deranged than she’s letting on.
1“On 10th Anniversary Of ACA, In The Midst Of COVID-19 Pandemic, Mucarsel-Powell Calls On Trump To Drop Lawsuit To Repeal Health Care Legislation.” Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. March 23, 2020. https://mucarsel-powell.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=430, retrieved October 20, 2020.
2“Executive Order on An America-First Health Plan.” WhiteHouse.gov. September 24, 2020. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-america-first-healthcare-plan/, retrieved October 20, 2020.
4“Transcript of Pelosi Interview on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” Nancy Pelosi. October 19, 2020. https://pelosi.house.gov/news/press-releases/transcript-of-pelosi-interview-on-abcs-this-week-with-george-stephanopoulos-0, retrieved October 20, 2020.
5“Dear Colleague: Update on Coronavirus Relief Negotiations.” Speaker.gov. October 20, 2020. https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/102020-0, retrieved October 21, 2020.
6“Chairman Jeffries Statement on the Passage of the Coronavirus Emergency Relief and Omnibus Package.” Dems.gov. December 21, 2020. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-jeffries-statement-on-the-passage-of-the-coronavirus-emergency-relief-and-omnibus-package-, retrieved December 24, 2020.
*D. Thompson in Hartman, Leigh. “In China, you can’t say these words.” ShareAmerica. June 3, 2020. https://share.america.gov/in-china-you-cant-say-these-words/, retrieved October 24, 2020.
8“Oversight Committee Chairs Demand Trump Administration Investigate White Supremacist Activity at Protests.” Oversight.house.gov. June 15, 2020. https://oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/2020-06-15.CBM%20JR%20SFL%20to%20Barr-DOJ%20and%20Wray-FBI%20reWhite%20Supremacists%20at%20Protests.pdf, retrieved December 30, 2020.
Author’s note: graphic added and text edited for content after original publish date of October 23, 2020.
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