In recent weeks we’ve watched elderly people abused, homeowners harassed by protesters, burning buildings, and looting justified by radical left activists who justify theft as compensation for the hurts of the past and a fundamentally unfair economy.
Democrats are all but silent about what they created. The message is that only Trump’s rhetoric causes violence. They are more than willing to sit back and watch not so peaceful protests spiral out of control with the ridiculous argument that this is all the president’s fault:
Rather, it seems that President Trump is stoking fears about the peaceful protests taking place around the country and pushing wild conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact. Such rhetoric has led to violence, including the murder of two protestors.1
That was from Congressmen Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and Ted Lieu (D-CA). They were referring to the two fatal shootings in Kenosha, but they failed to mention the shooting of the pro-Trump supporter in Portland. That would risk placing their party’s harsh, radical left rhetoric under the same scrutiny they subject the president to every time he opens his mouth.

Library of Congress*
Radical left values tell us to hate Americans who pays taxes
Against a backdrop of radical left insurrection majority white Americans are demonized despite the fact that we will pay the bulk of the bill for what Democrats threaten to do to our economy. This is not a racial comment. It has nothing to do with white supremacy. It’s a numerical fact. Over 75% of the U.S. population is white. Marginalizing a majority with radical left socialist rhetoric about justice may play well to some elements in an election year, but in the end it’s another liberal fool’s errand doomed to failure.
Ironically, some of the tax revenue radical left Democrats need will come from jobs at large corporations they also despise thanks to a “Disappearing Corporate Tax Rate”2 that denies congressional greed heads extra cash for pandering to their base:
Twenty years ago, we had a budget surplus. Corporate tax revenues were twice as high as they are today.3
Liberal politicians complain about the injustice of low pay. They also promote taking more money than the government needs, money that could go to pay, benefits, and growth. This makes no sense, but neither does accusing the president of a terrible economy when unemployment is down and again when it goes up.
If relying on America’s fear of violent insurrection is what it takes for Democrats to acquire the power to control America’s wealth, rest assured this is a sacrifice the party is more than willing to make. The wealth grab isn’t something we’re unaccustomed to. What’s new is the endorsement of socialism and the values of a threatening radical left the party tries to excuse as part of a national movement for social and economic justice.
What American soul is Biden talking about?
This year what was left of the Democratic Party’s soul was ransomed to radicals by politicians and public officials who are willing to destroy the values that created America’s powerhouse economy simply because it benefits their political careers. Many of these people are wealthy beyond the dreams of most Americans, but as we saw with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s covert trip to the beauty parlor they don’t subject themselves to the same rules they enforce on others. Democrats in power will prosper no matter what happens to the American people.
Joe Biden calls the 2020 election a “Battle for the Soul of the Nation.”4 He’s right, but not in any way his befuddled brain seems to think. Biden’s platform is not about America’s soul and neither is anything Kamala Harris has up her sleeve, or at least not any soul worth saving. It’s not about economic justice or a more equitable society. This is about Democrats who need an excuse to seize America’s money, the voters who are dumb enough to ask them to do it, and nothing more.
Who are Harris’s everyday Americans, anyway?
Kamala Harris wore her populist hat when she claimed:
Our democracy should belong to everyday Americans, not big corporations.5
Does she mean the everyday radical left Americans wreaking havoc, the everyday conservative Americans at peaceful Trump rallies that Hillary Clinton called deplorable, or the everyday wealthy, big money Democratic elites who will stop at nothing to take over America’s wealth and means of production?
No taxation without Democratic Party representation
If Biden still remembers anything about American history he knows that unjust taxation is the antithesis of the values we were founded on. Nevertheless, inflicting excessive taxes on corporations and the rich in as punishing a manner as possible is one of his party’s primary goals. Like looting and burning, this is another expression of radical Democratic party retribution, albeit with a more peaceful expression.
Only fools believe more money makes a just society
Democrats still get teary-eyed over the Clinton budget surplus. It’s shocking that taking more money from American families and businesses than the government needs is something to be proud of, but this is how they think.
Will more money create a just society? Democrats have proved many times over that it won’t. Their spending only creates excuses for failure, demands for more money, and promises to those who inevitably get hurt by government theft that if they can take even more from taxpayers and give it to the right people life will get better for everyone.
What’s so incredible here is that the same old story still works with voters who either don’t know any better or have nothing left to lose.
This year economic injustice is an especially big hit with deluded white guilt liberals who think ingratiating themselves with Black Lives Matter and other radical left movements makes them better people. Their numbers are well represented in the throngs of peaceful protesters battling the police even though white Americans are supposed to be the problem and not the solution. When they find themselves unemployed and their parents stripped of their wealth and assets, do they seriously believe there will be a place in socialist heaven waiting for them in our new, equal, 100% just society?

Department of Justice photo**
No price tag to fix our crises of injustice
When the smoke clears and the glass stops breaking is the radical redistribution of wealth6 what we need to save America’s soul or to destroy it once and for all?
Democrats endorsed this pseudo-socioeconomic when they unveiled their THRIVE Resolution:
The bold economic renewal plan being revealed tomorrow is a culmination of labor, racial justice, environmental, indigenous, and other groups efforts to address racial injustice, the climate crisis, and economic justice in this moment of overlapping crises.7
That’s a lot of crises. How much of America’s wealth will they need to fix them? They don’t give us a figure because they can’t possibly have one, but for now let’s assume the price for swapping capitalism for socialism masquerading as socioeconomic justice will be jaw-dropping beyond anything taxpayers can imagine.
There certainly won’t be room for the America we know and love:
THRIVE lays out the unifying principles necessary to build a society that enables dignified work; increased racial, economic, gender, and environmental justice; healthy communities; and a stable climate. The THRIVE agenda is built on eight pillars, which span from creating millions of good, safe jobs with access to unions to averting climate catastrophe while investing in Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities.8
Unions and climate catastrophe? Sounds like the Kamala Harris-backed Green New Deal that will kick start America’s journey to socialism.
Low unemployment only means more injustice
It’s easy to incite anger from people who will have a hard time surviving no matter what the economy does. They hear what they want to believe. Democrats are more than willing to enlighten them.
When Trump failed to give Barack Obama credit for his administration’s pre-pandemic 3.5% unemployment rate he was accused of being “false or misleading” and creating “revisionist history”9 because:
In important ways, the economy under Donald Trump has lagged behind the economy under Barack Obama.10
That bit of nonsense from Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) came before the unemployment rate climbed thanks to state and local officials who shut down their economies. There was no overt act from the White House to kill jobs and businesses, but the president is still blamed for high unemployment by politicians who also refuse to give him credit for historic low unemployment.
This is a stance only partisanship can make sense of. It’s the same kind of partisanship that justifies using American deaths for political purposes no matter how much it offends every value the soul of America holds dear.
Nothing will destroy America’s soul as fast as trying to benefit from American deaths
It’s incredible to consider that Joe Biden feels justified attacking a president for alleged but unproven remarks about our troops while he and Kamala Harris try to benefit politically from scores of American deaths from COVID-19.
Before Democrats got lucky and this virus from China killed nearly 200,000 of our people they blasted Trump and Republicans for a very appropriate name for what, intentional or not, is a bio-economic attack on the U.S.
Simply condemning the president for calling the pandemic what it is wasn’t enough, so they also accused Trump of putting lives at risk by using “Chinese virus:”
But by telling people who to blame, they are telling people who to fear and who to hate.11
Telling Americans who to fear and hate is precisely what Democrats have focused on since Hillary Clinton marginalized conservative Americans during the last election. While they throw as many conservatives under the white supremacy umbrella as possible they also rationalize Nancy Pelosi’s references to the “Trump virus.”12,13
Granted, Democratic radical economic policies are closer to communism than American free market capitalism, but that still doesn’t justify sparing Xi Jinping in favor of damning our president for America’s death toll.
That death toll is also a bone of contention with Kamala Harris. She displayed a very inflated view of her senatorial powers when she took credit for the FAA funding reauthorization approved two years ago:
Earlier this month, Kamala Harris urged FEMA and HHS to obtain an accurate count of COVID-19 fatalities based on legislation she passed in 2018.14
Harris vented her displeasure with our COVID-19 death toll because she wants it to be higher than reported:
Since then, the Trump administration has suggested fewer deaths than what is being reported, spreading misinformation to the American public.15
That remark from May 2020 is another example of how Democrats strategized to use COVID-19 deaths to their advantage long before the numbers mounted up.
Will reporting more deaths make Americans feel safe? No, but it will give Democrats more power to scare us into never leaving our homes so we don’t reopen an economy that works best for them if it is completely and utterly destroyed.
Economic stagnation is not an American value, but it is certainly a political value for the Biden-Harris ticket. With our best in the world private industry racing towards a solution, why on earth would a vice presidential candidate asking us to trust our nation to a “Harris administration” also tell Americans not to trust a vaccine that could save countless lives because the timing gives the credit to Trump?
She does it for the same reason Democrats stake their claim with radical left activists who tell us we can’t trust most Americans, either.
Radical left values make Americans the problem
Radical activists and complicit lawmakers turned “white” into a racial slur. They deny it by insinuating that the majority can’t be discriminated against or subjected to injustice. Meanwhile, they cultivate hate by manipulating negative images of our society and history and bullying cowardly public officials into adopting their divisive rhetoric about justice.
Democrats display lukewarm negativity for violent protests. New York Representative Nydia Velazquez suggested we pass the costs of the damage to taxpayers:
Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez (D-NY) has written Governor Cuomo urging him to officially designate damage from recent looting of small businesses a disaster. Doing so would allow impacted New York City small businesses to apply for federal disaster loans through the Small Business Administration.16
We hear a similar argument from activists who claim that looted businesses weren’t harmed because they have insurance. This makes sense when you have no knowledge or experience with how things work in the real world.
Instead of a bill to charge rioters and looters with hate crimes and domestic terrorism, Rep. Velázquez proposed legislation to crack down on the police.
Under Velázquez’s bill, police officers who recklessly use excessive force in civil rights violations that result in death or serious bodily harm could face up to life in prison. Lesser offenses would engender fines beginning at $10,000. 17
The real recklessness comes from public officials who promote this kind of solution to open the door wide to radical left insurrection. It’s hard to imagine they think they can dupe the public into believing this kind of insanity is responsible policy, but when we look at their obdurate refusal to confront reality this is the only conclusion we can draw.
Democrats ignore their own Charlottesville message
Congressman Vincente Gonzales (D-TX) shifted the argument against radical left violence when he responded to the Minneapolis looting and a Trump “thugs” Tweet with this:
People of color, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians alike, have become increased targets of violence and hate crimes because of this president’s rhetoric. His words have stoked xenophobia and hatred.
From the shootings in El Paso to the events in Charlottesville, his words have emboldened racism and given way to an America, I do not recognize.18
The looting and violent protests are a new America most of don’t recognize, don’t want, and are not responsible for. The Democratic Party’s retreat, as always, is the death at the 2017 Charlottesville rally:
Sadly, Donald Trump’s praise of violent white supremacists in Charlottesville stands in stark contrast to his attacks on peaceful protesters across our nation who have filled the streets to demand justice and change following the murder of George Floyd.19
Democrats keep returning to the Charlottesville incident because there are so few instances of conservative violence to use in their propaganda and no examples of conservative groups looting and burning. They are all but silent on the death in Portland just as they will deflect every other act of violence from their base with the moronic excuse that it’s all Trump’s fault.
If any of this was in service to making America a better place it still wouldn’t be acceptable. A dimming Joe Biden, very scary Kamala Harris, and the radical left that stands behind them are more than willing to destroy the soul of America for the sake of a political power grab. That means the more American deaths from COVID-19 the better, the more damage to the economy the better, the more hatred towards white Americans and law enforcement the better, and the more damage and destruction in our big cities, the better.
Congressman Gonzalez was right. This is an America we don’t recognize. Where he’s wrong is that Trump and anyone who supports him is responsible for this attempt to destroy the soul of America once and for all.
UPDATE November 18, 2020: violence is now legitimate political expression for the radical left
When BLM demonstrations broke out after the George Floyd incident activists, Democratic public officials, and liberal members of Congress backed the “peaceful protests” despite widely available footage of looting and violence that were conveniently ignored. When Trump intervened in Portland the federal law enforcement personnel he sent to restore order from lawlessness were compared to the stormtroopers of Nazi Germany. Even an October anti-Semitic attack on Jewish Trump supporters in New York was swept under the rug despite Democratic propaganda that our president is the one who encourages anti-Semitism.
We hoped the violence was over after the election cycle ended, but the Trump rally in Washington last weekend raised a much darker prospect. Is violence now a justifiable radical left expression of political disagreement?
Video footage again shows Trump supporters attacked by insurgents, including a clip from NBC 4 Washington20 that shows an attack on rally attendees sitting at a restaurant.
Democrats’ willingness to rationalize or outright ignore violence taught demonstrators that this is a valid form of political expression. This new outbreak against those who disagree with radical values should be warning enough about how policy will be enforced as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris assume control of the country and their street troops feel even more empowered to act out their aggressions against anyone who opposes their beliefs.
Now we can expect conservative-leaning Supreme Court decisions to be met with burning and looting. Cities responsible enough to protect their citizens and businesses will have to prepare well in advance for the 2022 congressional elections. If Georgia goes belly up for Republicans and the Senate goes Democratic, what will successful defund the police legislation and a permissive eye towards cities who let the radical left dictate their public safety efforts mean for Americans who disagree?
Have a look at Portland.
1Letter to Hon. Christopher Wray in “Reps. Jeffries & Lieu to Director Wray: Is the President Using the FBI to Pursue the Plane Loaded With Thugs Conspiracy Theory?” September 2, 2020., retrieved September 15, 2020.
2“Neal Opening Statement at Hearing on the Disappearing Corporate Income Tax.” Richard Neal. February 11, 2020., retrieved September 10, 2020.
4Retrieved from on September 10, 2020.
5“Harris, Feinstein, Senate Democrats Introduce Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United.” Kamala D. Harris. July 31, 2019., retrieved September 14, 2020.
6 “Economic Justice.” Black Power Rising.
7“Haaland, Markey, Schumer to Reveal Clean, Just Economic Recovery Plan.” Deb Haaland. September 9, 2020., retrieved September 16, 2020.
8Rep. Omar Co-Leads Comprehensive “THRIVE Agenda” to Address COVID-19, Climate Change, Racial Injustice, and Economic Crises. Ilhan Omar. September 10, 2020., retrieved September 17, 2020.
9“Facts On The Trump Economy (Since You Won’t Get Them At SOTU). Don Beyer. February 4, 2020., retrieved September 11, 2020.
11“Democratic Leaders of Color: Trump’s Use of “Chinese Virus” Endangers Lives.” Deb Haaland. March 17, 2020., retrieved September 17, 2020.
12“Transcript of Pelosi Weekly Press Conference Today.” Nancy Pelosi. July 23, 2020., retrieved September 16, 2020.
13“Transcript of Pelosi Interview on CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.” Nancy Pelosi. July 21, 2020., September 16, 2020.
14“Harris Leads Call for Accurate Count of Fatalities and consistent Statistics During COVID-19 Pandemic.” Kamala D. Harris. May 15, 2020., retrieved September 10, 2020.
16“Velazquez Asks Cuomo to Declare Looting A Disaster, Enabling Federal Small Business Loans.” Nydia M. Velazquez. June 12, 2020., retrieved September 17, 2020.
17”Velázquez Bill Would Impose New Standards, Penalties for Police Abuses.” Nydia M. Velazquez. June 22, 2020., retrieved September 17, 2020.
18“Congressman Gonzalez Statement on President Trump’s Overnight Tweet About Looting.” Vincente Gonzalez May 29, 2020., retrieved September 16, 2020.
19“CAPAC Members on Third Anniversary of White Supremacist Rally in Charlottesville.” Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.
Aug 12, 2020., retrieved September 16, 2020.
20“More Details Released on 21 Arrested During Protests, Clashes in DC.” November 15, 2020., retrieved November 18, 2020.
*Keppler, Udo J. The Seeds of Socialism. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Web., retrieved September 20, 2020.
**“Aftermath of fire lit near perimeter fencing of Hatfield Federal Courthouse.” 18 Arrested, Facing Federal Charges After Weeknight Protests at Federal Courthouse in Portland. Department of Justice. U.S. Attorney’s Office. District of Oregon. July 24, 2020. Retrieved from on September 20, 2020.
Author’s notes: edited after original publish date of September 18, 2020.
Images added September 20, 2020.
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