If voters hand a Joe Biden win to Democrats don’t look to the Supreme Court to protect your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Your three inalienable rights are not in the Constitution. There is no guarantee anywhere that they won’t disappear after the election. We do have every reason to fear that a feckless President Biden will be a dupe for Democratic Party extremists determined to re-imagine what life, liberty, and happiness mean. That’s bad news for us. We’ll get to keep our lives, but we can kiss liberty and happiness goodbye.
Less government lets you keep your three inalienable rights
America exists because we rejected too much government. Little has changed over the centuries. Unless you have nothing, more government doesn’t mean more happiness. For the majority of hard working people lots of government just means paying for lots of expensive political problems that never get solved and lots of new programs we don’t need and can’t afford.
Donald Trump promised to make America great. Democrats rejected that idea out of hand. That should tell us something. Their leadership is content to offer the American people burning cities, working age people protesting in the middle of a workday, and children murdered in the street in hopes of using the loss of American life, property, and faith in our country to gain power.
This tells us more than enough about what a Biden win will mean for the country.

Biden won’t protect them*
Can Biden’s 43 plans change the course of history?
A Biden win will “change the course of history,”1 or at least that’s what he claims. “Joe’s vision”2 includes 43 different plans for a country that was doing just fine before his party used a pandemic to shut down schools and the business sector in Democratic states to create a massive economic downturn before the election.
In the end this is all about the lives, the liberties, and the happiness of the American people. A Biden win will not protect any of these things because his platform is all about inflicting more government and all of its costs on the people.
Who really values your inalienable rights?
The best way for the government to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is by interfering as little as possible. Less government means more freedom, less spending, and lower taxes, which added together bring more happiness. This should not surprise anyone. More bureaucracy only brings happiness if you are a Democrat selling big, intrusive government.
Those who back a Biden win aren’t selling less bureaucracy or government interference this or any year. Not only is promoting dependence on fat, bloated government a hallmark of neo-American liberalism, the emphasis has shifted from the usual litany of federal handouts and social programs to the extremes of economic reorganization and outright socialism.
This year the Democratic Party has more opportunities than ever to push an agenda that will strip us of our rights to live our lives, make a good living, and be happy without Washington sticking its greedy paws into our affairs. If Democrats prevail your income will be moderated by the party. Our values will be dictated by special interests. Addressing climate change will be an excuse to invoke socialism and reorganize an economy that makes America the envy of the world.
Even your inalienable right to stay alive thanks to our health care system will be moderated by whatever costs the government the least for the most people. Your life will be subject to approval by politicians who still use the same false argument that sold unaffordable Obamacare to push a much more socialist approach:
The Medicare for All Act of 2019 would ensure that Americans could go to the doctor of their choice and get the care they need, when they need it, without going into debt.3
Sound familiar? The difference the second time around is that Medicare for All is forecast to cost over $30 trillion.4 That makes the $2.2 trillion hit our deficit will take this year because of pandemic relief passed to date little more than the cost of a Federal Government cup of coffee. 5
Don’t fear a Biden win. Fear these people instead.
The people to fear are not the ones you see on your news feed roaming the streets in burning cities. Don’t fear Joe Biden, either. He’s just an aging, flaccid excuse for his party to take over our lives. Biden is just as useless and weak as he sounds on the rare occasions he emerges from his hidey hole to stumble over his facts.
A weak President Biden is exactly what the Democratic Party wants. This is the real reason we should fear a Biden win. He’ll only be a figurehead. The best we can hope for is that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will call the shots and we won’t suffer the whims of the extreme voices in the party.
We have even more to fear when we look at a few of Biden’s short list picks for vice president. No wonder he is suffering a massive crisis of indecision.
A real Green Deal? Socialism will steal your money and with it your inalienable rights
Biden assures voters that the Green New Deal is a “crucial framework.”6
That’s an absolutely terrifying admission made worse by the 100 House Democrats and 13 Democratic Senators and Independent Bernie Sanders who cosponsor the green scheme for your money.
It’s stunning to think that any American would attach their name to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal or anyone who supports it. Biden VP hopeful Karen Bass cosponsored the resolution in the House. Kamala Harris did the same in the Senate. The estimated tab for this neo-socialist fantasy including health care runs as high as $93 trillion. That’s a $65,000 bill for every household in the nation.7
Many Americans don’t make that much money in a year, but how can we say no to saving the planet and embracing the socialist economic values that Democrats insist make us better people? We can’t and we won’t if Biden wins and gets the Democratic machinery behind the tax code. We will keep our lives subject to the constraints of government health care, but what constitutes liberty and happiness will be the terms of our economic surrender.
Is Biden unable to make up his mind or does he not want us to know who his running mate will be? No matter how far he kicks that can down the campaign trail his choice end in the same place. We know what we’re getting with Bass and Harris. On Monday Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth used COVID-19 to pander to climate activists as part of a divisive attack against Republicans who object to another sweeping pandemic juggernaut:
We stand in strong opposition to the [Republican] HEALS Act and will fight to ensure that the needs of environmental justice communities are centered in any future COVID-19 recovery package.
Earlier this year, members of the Senate Environmental Justice Caucus wrote to Senate Leadership requesting assistance in the fourth COVID-19 relief package for environmental justice communities to help reduce pollution, which impacts COVID-19-related health outcomes, as well as stimulate the economy.8
Nancy Pelosi likes to use the word “justice,” too. It’s a big seller these days. What we don’t hear about is the justice in efforts to add every conceivable leftist special interest to the bill that will be issued to taxpayers if Biden and his party prevail.
Bad judgment call: why would Biden invite Rice to the ticket?
Susan Rice has been out of the public eye. Now she’s back. This is where we left off three years ago with the Gaetz Amendment that inquired about:
The role of Mr. Comey and former National Security Adviser Ms. Susan Rice in “unmasking” people involved with then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign, and the subsequent widespread dissemination of that information to intelligence agencies.9
Rice also turned up in a May 4, 2020 letter to the FBI from Representatives Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Mike Johnson (R-LA) requesting documents relating to the investigation of Michael Flynn:
On January 20—the last day of the Obama Administration—Ambassador Rice sent an email to herself to memorialize this [January 5, 2017] meeting, writing that President Obama insisted that his team be “mindful” whether there would be “any reason that [it] cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia” with the incoming Trump team.10
After years of threatening Trump’s impeachment, Biden should be smart enough to know what will happen if he chooses Rice for his running mate. No wonder he’s keeping quiet.
So where does all this leave our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
Like a Joe Biden presidency, your pursuit of happiness will be whatever serves the Democratic Party’s quest for power. Living up to your values can bring happiness too and being an American is a value in itself. That will change as we cheapen and give away what generations have worked hard to secure and died to defend. Liberties we take for granted and don’t even think about will vanish as they come under fire from party special interests who will always come first no matter how much their demands cost.
Life in America is a wonderful thing. For four years Democrats have told us that our country is a racist, sexist, climate-killing, abusive, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, fundamentally unfair, anti-Democratic, authoritarian hellhole.
They even cast Make America Great Again as a slur against our country. That should tell you all you need to know about where President Joe Biden will take us and what that means for your inalienable rights.
UPDATE August 7, 2020: nothing from Bass, Harris, or CBC on Biden diversity remark?
Well, Joe Biden finally showed his face yesterday. He emerged from wherever he is hiding from Trump and lost no time stumbling over a pretty simple question about Cuba. His answer had a lot more to do with the Democratic Party’s choice for president
than our relations with the beleaguered island state.
The word “diversity” is pretty important to Democrats. In fact, it’s a favorite because it’s one of the preludes to hanging the “systemic racism” label on America.
Perhaps Biden’s handlers didn’t explain what diversity means and why it is so important to the party to get it right, or god forbid maybe he escaped from his hiding place and no one noticed.
It doesn’t matter now. That horse is out of the barn.
It’s lucky for Biden Democrats can forgive just about anything when it comes to one of their own, especially when it means removing Trump from office. We haven’t heard any outrage yet. A quick visit to Karen Bass and Kamala Harris’ congressional websites don’t show any outraged press releases like we would expect if Trump said something equally foolish, uninformed, and insensitive (and to be fair, he does from time to time). House Democrats are quiet. The Congressional Black Caucus, which Bass chairs, talked about the 1965 Voting Rights Act yesterday. There was no mention of Biden.
There is a reason for this. The only thing Democrats are interested in is getting Trump out of office. They would run a chimpanzee in a suit if they thought voters would vote fall for it and frankly, given the hatred they have stirred up I have no doubt that monkey would bring in the liberal vote.
Once he is in office Biden can go back to sleep. It’s safer for the party than letting him out in public. Then Harris, Bass, Rice, or whoever finally gets the nod can sit down with Pelosi and Schumer and go about the business of showing you what your three inalienable rights are worth.
Sweet Dreams, Joe.
Wake up, America.
UPDATE: August 12, 2020: Harris it is. Can her masks in the mail bill protect our lives?
Yesterday’s surprise was no surprise. Politicians have an amazing ability to forgive and forget when it benefits them. Biden is no exception. Bad behavior during the debates is forgiven. Kamala Harris is on the ticket.
While Americans wait for Congress to do something to help other than blame Trump for making an effort, Harris knows the issues we need to tackle: new legislation for environmental justice and climate change disinformation, health care for illegal immigrants and help for their children at the border, temporary protected status for Venezuelans, diversity in Congressional oversight, school infrastructure spending while her party’s union interests back school closures, and free phone calls and video conferencing for prison inmates.
She also joined fellow Democrats who demand that Trump stop interfering in Portland and other cities. Anyone paying attention knows how well that is working out. Destruction might be good for Democrats who think they can hang the blame on Trump, but it’s not good for the people stuck living in our new urban war zones. Riots seriously interfere with the pursuit of happiness and in some cases, life itself.
Fortunately, there is also time for the basics. The senator teamed with Bernie Sanders on a $5 billion bill to distribute face masks to everyone in the U.S. through the postal service.
When you have so much to do it’s hard to keep track. The same day she backed Sanders’ masks through the post office bill, Harris sent a letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy demanding to know:
Recent news articles report that you are seeking to make major operational changes that will delay the mail and potentially leave it less secure. I am writing you seeking information on how operational changes reportedly being imposed by you will affect the ability of Americans to rely on the Postal Service to vote by mail in the upcoming elections,” Harris writes.12
We get it. This is politics. When the media barks with its version of the truth, politicians jump.
Besides, relying on the Post Office to send out coronavirus masks is one thing. The Democratic vote is quite another.
Author’s note: in the interest of fairness perhaps we should give Rep. Bass a pass on this one. If I was her, I wouldn’t want to risk bringing back that uncomfortable remark about Castro, either.
1https://joebiden.com/, retrieved August 2, 2020.
2https://joebiden.com/joes-vision/, retrieved August 2, 2020.
3“Harris, Colleagues Introduce Medicare for All.” Kamala D. Harris. April 10, 2019. https://www.harris.senate.gov/news/press-releases/harris-colleagues-introduce-medicare-for-all, retrieved August 1, 2020.
4“Greg Walden raises concerns about $32 trillion government-run health care system.” Greg Walden. February 6, 2019. https://walden.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/greg-walden-raises-concerns-about-32-trillion-government-run-health-care, retrieved August 1, 2020.
5“An Update to the Economic Outlook: 2020 to 2030.” Congressional Budget Office. July 2020. p. 2. https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2020-07/56442-CBO-update-economic-outlook.pdf, retrieved August 4, 2020.
6 “Climate.” JoeBiden.com https://joebiden.com/climate/, retrieved August 3, 2020.
7“Top Ten Questions Americans Need Asked to Understand the Green New Deal.” Energy & Commerce Republicans. April 18, 2019. https://republicans-energycommerce.house.gov/news/top-ten-questions-americans-need-asked-to-understand-the-green-new-deal/, retrieved August 3, 2020.
8“Congressional Leaders on Environmental Justice Issues Respond to Republican COVID-19 Proposal That Ignores the Needs of Communities of Color During This Crisis.” Tammy Duckworth. August 3, 2020. https://www.duckworth.senate.gov/news/press-releases/congressional-leaders-on-environmental-justice-issues-respond-to-republican-covid-19-proposal-that-ignores-the-needs-of-communities-of-color-during-this-crisis, retrieved August 5, 2020.
9“Gaetz Amendment Passes Committee; Requests Information About Clinton and Comey Scandals.” Matt Gaetz. July 27, 2017. https://gaetz.house.gov/media/press-releases/gaetz-amendment-passes-committee-requests-information-about-clinton-and-comey, retrieved August 5, 2020.
10https://republicans-judiciary.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2020-05-04-JDJ-Johnson-to-Wray-re-Flynn.pdf, retrieved August 5, 2020.
11“The Masks for All Act.” Harris.senate.gov. https://www.harris.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/FINAL Masks for All – Summary (1).pdf, retrieved August 12, 2020.
12“Harris Demands Answers on Postal Service Plans to Secure Vote By Mail for Upcoming Elections.” Kamala D. Harris. July 28, 2020. https://www.harris.senate.gov/news/press-releases/harris-demands-answers-on-postal-service-plans-to-secure-vote-by-mail-for-upcoming-elections-, retrieved August 12, 2020.
*Image: “Print #3 of the Declaration of Independence.” National Archives Catalog. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/1656604, retrieved August 5, 2020.
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