The battle for what America values isn’t about America and it certainly isn’t about we the people. Even Biden voters probably understand this. The war over what we believe is fought for the benefit of two political parties. We vote for one or the other and the victor decides what’s important for the party first and the American people last.
Dead Americans Are a Tragedy. So is Protecting China.
Nancy Pelosi didn’t waste any time pointing her party’s finger at Russia after reports of a massive cyberattack on the U.S. government. While less partisan minds put the pieces together Pelosi played the blame game. She continued spreading her party’s debunked claim that Donald Trump is responsible for boogeyman Vladimir Putin’s efforts to destroy whatever passes for democracy in Democratland:
Sadly and alarmingly, the Trump Administration has for four years turned a blind eye to Putin’s attacks on our American democracy, including his ongoing efforts to attack our election systems and undermine faith in our democratic institutions.
10 Reasons to Never Forgive Democrats for 2020
We are ten months into 2020. Democrats have made every aspect of our lives worse. This is quite an accomplishment when you consider how bad this year has been for most Americans. Democratic politicians’ blind hatred for Donald Trump, their disdain for the American people, use of misfortune and death as a bargaining chip, and their shocking plans to discard our economy, values, history, and traditions made a terrible 2020 almost unbearable.
Domestic Terrorists Help Democrats Shape Their Future
Have you had the conversation about what will happen if Trump wins in November? It goes like this: protesters will burn America to the ground if Biden loses. If he wins, they will loot and burn America in celebration and no one will do anything to stop them.
If Democrats Win, Their Leadership Will Not Bring Justice
It’s absolutely stunning that Joe Biden can drum up enough support to make a showing in the polls. Are Americans that desperate? Did the virus rob us of our senses? How many times do we have to go down this path before we learn once and for all what happens when Democrats win and take over the leadership of our country?
BLM Will Fail Because American Politics Thrives on Racism
Have Faith in America. Weakness Will Fail Us.
Why do we need a contentious political party to watch our backs? Just because Democrats want us to isn’t a good enough reason. It’s what President Trump would call a hoax. All we need to do is have faith in America and back public officials who agree.