UPDATE December 15, 2023:
President Biden repeatedly betrayed America’s trust. Now he expects us to believe that Republicans are the liars.
When you never tell the truth it is easy to defend your actions. There is always an excuse for anything you do. You create your own reality built from lies. The hard part is convincing others after they discover you can’t be trusted.
From Day One President Biden has promoted an agenda based on lies. The more his policies hurt us, the more he insists that things are better than ever. While the middle and working classes struggle to put food on the table and forgo plans to buy a house or even a used car, Biden pats himself on the back for a booming Bidenomics economy.
If poll numbers are any indication, most Americans understand that the president’s accomplishments are smoke and mirrors. Biden doesn’t seem to care. His lies prove that he believes Americans aren’t worth the truth or even simple respect.
The president has lied to us so many times that like the old joke about lawyers, if his mouth is moving we know we are being deceived:
The administration has made significant progress at establishing a well-managed and secure border while also treating people fairly and humanely. The American people support this approach.523
Yesterday, I spoke with both Senator Schumer and Manchin and offered my support for a historic agreement to fight inflation and lower costs for American families. It’s called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.524
The economy has created 14 million jobs since I took office and 150,000 jobs in October.525
These are not minor issues. These are not gaffes from a cognitively failing president. They are lies about fundamental issues of economic and national security policy that impact every American.
We’ve also been offered a few White House statements about the president’s knowledge of his indicted son’s business activities. They started when Jen Psaki was press secretary:
The President does not discuss business dealings with family members.526
The President does not get involved in the business dealings of his son.527
He’s not involved in his son’s business dealings.528
Now it’s liar by proxy Karine Jean-Pierre’s turn:
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Look, I’m going to continue saying what I have said before: The President was not in business with his son. That still stands.529
The White House transitioned from discussing business to being involved in business to being in business to a curt refusal to even discuss the GOP’s pack of lies that came from Biden himself:
Q Can you explain to the Americans — to Americans, amid this impeachment inquiry, why you interacted with so many of your son and brother’s foreign business associates?
THE PRESIDENT: I’m not going to comment on that. I did not, and it’s just a bunch of lies.
Q You didn’t interact with many of his —
THE PRESIDENT: I — they’re lies.
Q — their business associates?
THE PRESIDENT: I did not. They’re lies.530
We are supposed to accept this as truth or Joe gets angry, but too many lies preceded the impeachment inquiry. We have no reason to believe anything he says.
Truth is an absolute defense
If Biden is being honest, then he has no reason to fight an impeachment inquiry or to withhold any records requested by House Republicans. This is a simple matter for the accountants and the banks. Truth, as they say, is an absolute defense against defamation by Republicans Biden claims are the real liars.
The president used his plan for border security as a defense against the inquiry as if problems he made worse are suddenly at the top of the fixit list. He lied that Republicans won’t help secure the border:
We have to address the situation at our southern border, and I am determined to try to fix the problem. We need funding to strengthen border security, but Republicans in Congress won’t act to help.531
Defending an impeachment inquiry that accuses him of lying with another lie is not the wisest approach, but at least lying about our open border is not an impeachable offense, though many would argue it is a treasonous abuse of office.
Biden lied about truth in his inaugural address. The lies never stopped.
As the White House responds to Republican demands for information in the days and weeks ahead, we should remember Biden’s comments about truth in his inaugural address:
There is truth and there are lies.
Lies told for power and for profit.
And each of us has a duty and responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders – leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation — to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.532
It probably never occurred to him that he is the liar America must defeat.
We are waiting for the president to “defend the truth and defeat the lies.” To date, all we hear are more lies.
523“Action the Biden-?Harris Administration Has Taken to Address the Border Challenge.” whitehouse.gov. June 15, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/15/action-the-biden-harris-administration-has-taken-to-address-the-border-challenge/, retrieved December 13, 2023.
524“Remarks by President Biden on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.” whitehouse.gov. July 28, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/07/28/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-inflation-reduction-act-of-2022/, retrieved December 13, 2023.
525“Statement from President Joe Biden on the October Jobs Report.” whitehouse.gov. November 3, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/11/03/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-the-october-jobs-report/, retrieved December 14, 2023.
526“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, July 9, 2021.” whitehouse.gov. July 9, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/07/09/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-jen-psaki-july-9-2021/, retrieved December 14, 2023.
527“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, April 27, 2022.” whitehouse.gov. April 27, 2022. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/04/27/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-jen-psaki-april-27-2022/, retrieved December 13, 2023.
529“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell.” whitehouse.gov. August 14, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2023/08/14/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-and-fema-administrator-deanne-criswell-2/, retrieved December 14, 2023.
530”Remarks by President Biden Urging Congress to Pass His National Security Supplemental Request, Including Funding to Support Ukraine.” whitehouse.gov. December 6, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/12/06/remarks-by-president-biden-urging-congress-to-pass-his-national-security-supplemental-request-including-funding-to-support-ukraine/, retrieved December 15, 2023.
531“Statement from President Joe Biden on Baseless House Republican Impeachment Stunt.” whitehouse.gov. December 13, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/12/13/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-baseless-house-republican-impeachment-stunt/, retrieved December 14, 2023.
532“Inaugural Address by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr..” whitehouse.gov. January 20, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/01/20/inaugural-address-by-president-joseph-r-biden-jr/, retrieved December 14, 2023.
Continued on next page
You’ve got it exactly backwards. Republicans are the lying bullies. Period. The end. Idiot.
Difficult to do without a congressional majority, but with any luck after midterms next year there will be plenty of Republican bullying to make up for the lunacy we’ve suffered from the left.
Thanks for reading, even if I am an idiot.
your one of the un-educated people, could be receiving monies from the SATAN children in washington dc, in other words THE STEALING & LAUNDERING LAIRS CALLED democrats! The above voting for lairs – when TRUTH Meets them in Face- they only know to say bad things bout the REPUBLICANS, more than likely you don’t have a profession other than waiting for the free deposit.
Nope! Nice try though. The “h” in democrat stands for honesty. Democrats are allergic to facts and think with their asses! No brains at all! Go f*** yourself democrats!
False. You’re confused because you think the news is real. The news is not real. In reality, 85% of republican reps are democrats. They’re all lying Satanists who want to destroy America. Hence the wars, destruction of the dollar, the illegal alien invasion, refusing to use our own oil and natural gas. Etc. if you want to live in reality swap out fox and cnn for info wars. Propaganda will trick you and make you sound stupid so avoid the “news”
Such as?
A Republican does anything wrong its all over ythe news even if it is all lies like with Trump this election era. A democratic lies daily and its published as gosphel!! There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
Spot on, antiobama. There is no better proof than their new Inflation Reduction Act. Democrats are so arrogant that they don’t even try to hide the fact that they lied to Americans about the purpose of this bill or what it will accomplish. As you rightly point out, when they lie it’s gospel and anyone who reveals the truth will be denounced and cancelled by Big Tech and their complicit media.
There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
When Dems say the violence is part of their agenda. They are telling the truth. They plan on using as much violence to make legal Americans afraid to stand up to them
Exactly right, Mea. All it takes is a liberal dog whistle to get the violent, peaceful protests started. As long as Democrats control Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and the FBI, left-wing domestic terrorists have nothing to worry about.
Democrats are the biggest damn liars that ever lived or at least one of the biggest liars but anyway they are big time liars who don’t the meaning of the word truth and honesty, they think we’re fools who believe their lies but not all of us are foolishly enough to believe their lies and they like to feed us a heaping load of their bullshit lies and put blame on anyone and anything that they can put blame on cause that trash isn’t going to take blame for nothing cause it’s easier to put blame on someone else or something else but their favorite person to put blame on is Trump and he’s always been their favorite person to pick on, it isn’t bad enough that they used Covid-19 to do that stupid mail in ballot thing all so they can steal the election away from Trump but then they keep right on with their bullshit cause I think they feel threatened by Trump and I think they always have felt threatened by him especially now, I think they’re scared that Trump might run again in the 2024 election and win and get back in office and they sure don’t want that and I hope Trump does run again and wins because this country needs him back as President and I don’t give a damn what the birdbrains out there think cause they’re no damn better than the trash out there, doing the damage to America cause they support them and vote for them and when they do that, that makes them no better than they are cause they support the garbage doing the damage and to me that’s like a slap in the face cause to me when you support them, it’s like you support anything and everything they do, good or bad so I say” WAKE UP, AMERICA!
Wow! Faye, I think you covered it. I haven’t decided whether they lie because they think we’re too dumb to see through what they say, or because they don’t care what we think. Probably both. As far as Trump is concerned, I wholeheartedly agree. Democrats and sadly, many Republicans are terrified of a leader who won’t play their game of stringing us along, hurting Americans in the process, and doing absolutely nothing to make our country better. Trump got things done and Washington still hates him for showing how worthless and self-interested our elected officials are. The best way for him to end their hate is to be reelected. Afterwards he can’t run again and this will go away.
You’re absolutely right Faye. I live in Washington State where we do mail in voting all the time I am absolutely positive that Washington State enacted disability without the vote of the people so that the Democratic party that enacted it could continually steal the elections year after year after year trying to find something Democrats need to be removed their party should be disbanded based on their willingness to sell our country to foreign interest Joe Biden has proven that but yet the mainline media doesn’t seem to be too interested in checking into it that’s because they know it’s the truth. I don’t
What good does it do to point out democrat lies. The GOP won’t do anything about it.
I don’t disagree, Michael. They will hold hearings. They will issue a report. Nothing will come of it because they don’t have the political might and too many in the party don’t want to rock the boat that keeps lawmakers fat and happy.
You’re not wrong only it will take more than just a majority. Unfortunately most Republicans are so afraid that they won’t stand up to the lying oppressive Democratic regime. This is half of the problem. The other half of the problem is that none of the political individuals Republican and Democrat alike are willing to give up their ability to conduct insider trading based on knowledge that they receive from different committees. Thank you for listening I wish that my thoughts were not the truth.
I wish you were wrong too, Paul, but your comments are spot on. The willingness of the GOP to bend to the will of the Democrat Party is infuriating, including their support of the last omnibus spending package. Democrats know better.
As far as insider trading is concerned, let’s relegate that to the same list as term limits and an earmark ban. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is a lot less than the difference between politicians from either party and the American people. Both know where their money comes from.
Thanks for reading and offering your thoughts.