UPDATE May 24, 2023:
Democrats have lied to us too many times to be trusted about the debt ceiling.
George Santos’ (R-NY) legal problems have absolutely nothing to do with the battle over the debt ceiling, but this didn’t stop House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) from using Santos to inflame the ongoing budget negotiations:
Today, Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries held his weekly press conference where he emphasized that House Democrats remain committed to protecting our economy from a catastrophic default, while extreme MAGA Republicans continue to hold our economy hostage while shielding serial fraudster George Santos from any accountability.429
If Jeffries wants to distract with talk about accountability, a better place to start would be the stunning allegations about America’s president from House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY). This isn’t how Democrats play this game or any other. Instead of being honest about things that matter to Americans, we are handed a litany of lies, distractions, and obfuscation. We have a secure border that isn’t, Trump-Russia collusion that wasn’t, an Inflation Reduction Act to fix the climate, and now a debt limit war Democrats continually divert to partisan threats instead of productive discussion.
Just shut up and say yes.
When someone lies to you once, everything they say is suspect. When lies are how they conduct business, then you have no choice but to reject everything they say. This is where we are at with the Democrat Party as they try to convince us why Republicans should shut up and say yes to their president’s budget.
Instead of serious talk about the issues impacting the federal budget and our debt and deficit, Democrats are feeding Americans a steady diet of fear-mongering. We’re warned about Republican “Child Deportation” and “Default on America” bills which, like Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay Bill,” do not exist. For weeks they have threatened a looming, catastrophic default they know from experience is not going to happen because the political fallout for both sides would be too much to bear.
This is how Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Ted Lieu (D-CA) contributed to the negotiations yesterday:
This is beyond the norm. And if you describe this as a negotiation of both sides’ issues, you’re misleading the public because Republicans see this button here that they push and crash the economy. So, they can say, “Hey, you don’t provide billions for a border wall? We’re going to push this button and crash the economy. You don’t go to agree to these devastating cuts that are going to cause over 100,000 jobs to be lost. We’re going to push this button here and crash the economy.”430
Hyperbolic squawking from the House peanut gallery is at best an annoying sideshow. The two who matter are Speaker McCarthy (R-CA) and Joe Biden.
When it comes to honesty, it’s hard to dispute Biden’s record.
Our president is not capable of honesty. His tale of traveling 17,000 miles with Xi Jinping, the “Joey, baby” Amtrack story, repeated claims that Vladimir Putin is responsible for the jump in gas prices, pushing the Inflation Reduction Act as a bill to reduce inflation, his DHS Secretary’s claim that the border is secure, and a litany of statements about the budget prove we can’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth or anyone in his White House.
Yesterday, Karine Jean-Pierre continued to spread the pervasive lie that Biden created 12.7 million jobs:
If you think about how this would take back all the progress that we’ve made in the last two years with this President — when you think about 12.7 million jobs; when you think about unemployment at 3.4 percent, which is the lowest that we’ve seen in his- — in history; all of the gains that we have made to get the economy back on our — on its feet: Yeah, we can see that go away.431
As Fox News observes, jobs came back after COVID-era shutdowns ended, not because of any overt actions on the part of the Biden administration.432 In fact, Biden took away jobs with his authoritarian vaccine mandates.
3.4% unemployment? Trump’s rate went down to 3.5%. Is .1% really a historic accomplishment, or like the 12.7 million jobs created just a return to where we were, in part because Democrat Party lockdowns were lifted?
Deception aside, the left’s solution to growing an already bloated federal budget is to endorse the usual Democrat sob story about millionaires and billionaires who don’t pay taxes at the expense of impoverished Americans who never seem to do better no matter how much money liberal politicians throw at their problems. Biden’s solution is to hire more IRS agents for a government that is already weaponized against the same American people his party expects to pay the tab for bloated spending:
The fact that they are — we’ve provided for the number of — we got a lot of input from serious economists and former administration officials in both parties that we need more people who are qualified to be able to look at the tax returns of the thousand billionaires in America — very complicated stuff.
It’s estimated that if we had the appropriate number of tax — tax personnel, that we would save somewhere between — we would generate somewhere between $200 billion and $400 billion in tax revenue.433
That’s a pretty wide margin for error, but facts are not the president’s strong point. In remarks on Sunday he took credit for cutting the deficit by $1.7 trillion. The New York Post434 observes that in the past he incorrectly applied the same figure to the federal debt, which he actually increased by $3.7 trillion.
As far as the deficit is concerned, the Cato Institute435 points out that the decrease was due to the drop in pandemic relief spending and not any efforts from the Biden administration.
The president drew the line for a wealthy “fair share” tax increase at incomes of $400,000 or more.436 While this isn’t dishonest – he can set the bar wherever he likes – it disregards the massive inflation tax on necessities of life like food and fuel caused by the administration’s economic policies and the end of American energy independence. We repeatedly hear claims about lower prices that the monthly CPI reports dispute, but that doesn’t stop the credit-taking.
There are serious issues impacting the economy and the lives of every American, but what we keep hearing is fantasy. Not only is the truth optional, it’s an impediment to how Democrats manage our money.
If America wasn’t so deeply mired in our $31.4 trillion debt and Democrats weren’t scheming to fleece taxpayers for everything from reparations to providing health care to illegals to saving the planet from the left’s climate Armageddon, we could overlook their lies as politics as usual. Biden calls scrutinizing the financial records of wealthy Americans “very complicated stuff,” but reigning in a budget isn’t all that difficult if you prioritize not spending money you don’t have.
Anyone managing the family finances or the cash flow for a small business knows that a budget is simple. It’s cash in vs. cash out. If you don’t have enough cash, you don’t get to have everything you want.
Democrats determined to spend more don’t care because it’s our cash. It has little value to politicians who lie repeatedly about the state of the economy, don’t seem in the least bit concerned that we don’t trust anything they say, and will continue to spend too much money to advance themselves despite the impact of the federal debt on America’s future. When they need more money, it’s back to the trough to blame taxpayers for not handing over enough.
They lie about that, too.
UPDATE June 3, 2023:
Lies are for Democrat losers.
It takes a phenomenal amount of gall for any Democrat and especially radical extremist Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) to turn a bipartisan budget victory into a big win against GOP extremism. In a boastful media interview posted before Thursday’s House vote on Kevin McCarthy’s budget deal, he tested our patience with the tiresome nonsense we’ve come to expect ever since the speakership slipped from his grasp:
Earlier today, we had to rescue House Republicans from their own extremism. And we’re prepared to make sure that we rescue the economy from a catastrophic default.437
The threat of default was a fraud and a lie. Most of us realized this weeks ago, but Jeffries had little to lose by yammering to friendly media that will accept whatever he says at face value:
We’re thankful that he [President Biden] managed to arrive at a resolution that protected Social Security, protected Medicare, protected Medicaid, protected veterans, protected the very important climate change provisions in the context of the Inflation Reduction Act, protected education, protected public safety and protected the American people from the extreme MAGA Republican proposed cuts that would have hurt the health, the safety and the economic well-being of the American people.438
With the debt ceiling bill passed, Democrats can trade their lie about GOP plans to destroy Social Security and Medicare in favor of something bigger and better. They are good at this. It’s not too early to think about 2024. Perhaps Hillary can help them dig up another dossier to prove Donald Trump is colluding with a foreign government to interfere in the 2024 race.
If this is a victory for Democrats, why won’t they tell the truth?
Victory speaks for itself. There is no reason to lie, so if Democrats are the big debt ceiling winners why can’t Jeffries be honest?
For example, the Inflation Reduction Act is a historic lie and a fraud perpetrated on the American people to fix the disastrous consequences of a joint White House-Democrat Party far left anti-fossil fuel and spending agenda that spiked inflation. Instead of a bill to reduce this self-inflicted pain, we got a sneaky, watered-down Green New Deal to appease climate Armageddon extremists. Most of us understand this. There is no reason for Jeffries to maintain this deception.
Democrats offer two options for what the minority leader calls protecting education. We can guarantee unions the right to keep our students in Democrat-controlled cities barefoot and stupid, or we can school kids in fringe sexuality and the benefits of poisoning their bodies and hacking off their genitals because transgender extremists say it will improve their lives and prevent them from being transphobes. You choose. It’s your tax dollars that fund their public school system.
Protecting public safety doesn’t mean what it sounds like. It doesn’t give you the right to safely walk the streets, or to work in a store without having to watch thieves ransack the shelves and threaten your life. Funding public safety means paying for DAs that don’t prosecute and mental health professionals who will explain to repeat violent criminals why they should calm down and be nice. Just remember, if someone breaks into your home or store you best not defend your person or property. You will be the one who goes to jail.
A new day, the same old lie from two accomplished liars.
By Friday the threat was over and the government funding bill was well on its way to being signed. Liars Jeffries and Joe Biden were still hard at work thanks to the May jobs report, which gave them the opportunity to add one million more jobs to another thoroughly discredited lie that the president created 12 million new positions.439, 440
After tossing out that phony figure, Jeffries got down to the real business at hand. He attacked the GOP for not fulfilling the Democrat Party’s lies:
Extreme MAGA Republicans are determined to undo this progress and spent months threatening to detonate our economy if they didn’t get their way. House Democrats are working to build an economy that works for everyday Americans while the extremists have shown that they’re willing to put politics over people by defaulting on our nation’s debt.441
His disappointment that America didn’t default on the debt is understandable, though no one with the mental capacity of a snail believed this would happen. If what Jeffries said is true, Republicans had the power to force a default. Why didn’t they? Because Jeffries is lying again.
In the absence of political power, House Democrats have two options. They can be honest, tell the truth, and do right by the American people by working with Republicans to make America better, or they can continue to resort to lies, fabrications, deceptions, and half-truths. Sometimes that’s the only option losers and failures can see.
429“Leader Jeffries: “We Find Ourselves in the Midst of a GOP-Manufactured Default Crisis.” democraticleader.house.gov. May 18, 2023. https://democraticleader.house.gov/media/press-releases/leader-jeffries-we-find-ourselves-midst-gop-manufactured-default-crisis, retrieved May 22, 2023.
430“Chairman Aguilar: Speaker McCarthy Needs to Get Serious Before He Sends the Country Spiraling Into a Recession.” dems.gov. May 23, 2023. https://www.dems.gov/newsroom/press-releases/chairman-aguilar-speaker-mccarthy-needs-to-get-serious-before-he-sends-the-country-spiraling-into-a-recession, retrieved May 24, 2023.
431“Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.” whitehoiuse.gov. May 23, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2023/05/23/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-34/, retrieved May 24, 2023.
432Haskins, Justin. “Debunking Biden’s 4 biggest lies about the economy.” Fox News. February 22, 2023. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/debunking-bidens-4-biggest-lies-about-the-economy, retrieved May 24, 2023.
433“Remarks by President Biden in a Press Conference.” whitehouse.gov. May 21, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/05/21/remarks-by-president-biden-in-a-press-conference/, retrieved May 22, 2023.
434Nelson, Steven. “Biden falsely says he cut national debt by $1.7T – after increasing it $3.7T.” New York Post. December 13. 2022. https://nypost.com/2022/12/13/biden-falsely-says-he-cut-national-debt-by-1-7t-after-increasing-it-3-7t/, retrieved May 24, 2023.
435Boccia, Romina. “Debt, Deficits, and Default in President Biden’s State of the Union.” CATO Institute. February 8, 2023. https://www.cato.org/blog/debt-deficits-default-president-bidens-state-union, retrieved May 24, 2023. (licensed under Creative Commons.)
436“Remarks by President Biden Before Meeting with Speaker McCarthy to Discuss the Debt Ceiling.” whitehouse.gov. May 22, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/05/22/remarks-by-president-biden-before-meeting-with-speaker-mccarthy-to-discuss-the-debt-ceiling/, retrieved May 23, 2023.
437“Leader Jeffries on MSNBC: “We Had to Rescue House Republicans From Their Own Extremism.” democraticleader.house.gov. June 1, 2023. https://democraticleader.house.gov/media/press-releases/leader-jeffries-msnbc-we-had-rescue-house-republicans-their-own-extremism, retrieved June 2, 2023.
439“Leader Jeffries Statement on the May Jobs Report.” democraticleader.house.gov. June 2, 2023. https://democraticleader.house.gov/media/press-releases/leader-jeffries-statement-may-jobs-report, retrieved June 2, 2023.
440“Statement from President Joe Biden on May Jobs Report.” whitehouse.gov. June 2, 2023. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/06/02/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-may-jobs-report/, retrieved June 3, 2023.
441“Leader Jeffries Statement on the May Jobs Report.” democraticleader.house.gov. Op. cit.
Continued on next page
You’ve got it exactly backwards. Republicans are the lying bullies. Period. The end. Idiot.
Difficult to do without a congressional majority, but with any luck after midterms next year there will be plenty of Republican bullying to make up for the lunacy we’ve suffered from the left.
Thanks for reading, even if I am an idiot.
your one of the un-educated people, could be receiving monies from the SATAN children in washington dc, in other words THE STEALING & LAUNDERING LAIRS CALLED democrats! The above voting for lairs – when TRUTH Meets them in Face- they only know to say bad things bout the REPUBLICANS, more than likely you don’t have a profession other than waiting for the free deposit.
Nope! Nice try though. The “h” in democrat stands for honesty. Democrats are allergic to facts and think with their asses! No brains at all! Go f*** yourself democrats!
False. You’re confused because you think the news is real. The news is not real. In reality, 85% of republican reps are democrats. They’re all lying Satanists who want to destroy America. Hence the wars, destruction of the dollar, the illegal alien invasion, refusing to use our own oil and natural gas. Etc. if you want to live in reality swap out fox and cnn for info wars. Propaganda will trick you and make you sound stupid so avoid the “news”
Such as?
A Republican does anything wrong its all over ythe news even if it is all lies like with Trump this election era. A democratic lies daily and its published as gosphel!! There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
Spot on, antiobama. There is no better proof than their new Inflation Reduction Act. Democrats are so arrogant that they don’t even try to hide the fact that they lied to Americans about the purpose of this bill or what it will accomplish. As you rightly point out, when they lie it’s gospel and anyone who reveals the truth will be denounced and cancelled by Big Tech and their complicit media.
There is no news without truth and the democratic party would self destruct if they had to tell one iota of truth as they are 100% liars, cowards, cheats and thieves!!!
When Dems say the violence is part of their agenda. They are telling the truth. They plan on using as much violence to make legal Americans afraid to stand up to them
Exactly right, Mea. All it takes is a liberal dog whistle to get the violent, peaceful protests started. As long as Democrats control Homeland Security, the Justice Department, and the FBI, left-wing domestic terrorists have nothing to worry about.
Democrats are the biggest damn liars that ever lived or at least one of the biggest liars but anyway they are big time liars who don’t the meaning of the word truth and honesty, they think we’re fools who believe their lies but not all of us are foolishly enough to believe their lies and they like to feed us a heaping load of their bullshit lies and put blame on anyone and anything that they can put blame on cause that trash isn’t going to take blame for nothing cause it’s easier to put blame on someone else or something else but their favorite person to put blame on is Trump and he’s always been their favorite person to pick on, it isn’t bad enough that they used Covid-19 to do that stupid mail in ballot thing all so they can steal the election away from Trump but then they keep right on with their bullshit cause I think they feel threatened by Trump and I think they always have felt threatened by him especially now, I think they’re scared that Trump might run again in the 2024 election and win and get back in office and they sure don’t want that and I hope Trump does run again and wins because this country needs him back as President and I don’t give a damn what the birdbrains out there think cause they’re no damn better than the trash out there, doing the damage to America cause they support them and vote for them and when they do that, that makes them no better than they are cause they support the garbage doing the damage and to me that’s like a slap in the face cause to me when you support them, it’s like you support anything and everything they do, good or bad so I say” WAKE UP, AMERICA!
Wow! Faye, I think you covered it. I haven’t decided whether they lie because they think we’re too dumb to see through what they say, or because they don’t care what we think. Probably both. As far as Trump is concerned, I wholeheartedly agree. Democrats and sadly, many Republicans are terrified of a leader who won’t play their game of stringing us along, hurting Americans in the process, and doing absolutely nothing to make our country better. Trump got things done and Washington still hates him for showing how worthless and self-interested our elected officials are. The best way for him to end their hate is to be reelected. Afterwards he can’t run again and this will go away.
You’re absolutely right Faye. I live in Washington State where we do mail in voting all the time I am absolutely positive that Washington State enacted disability without the vote of the people so that the Democratic party that enacted it could continually steal the elections year after year after year trying to find something Democrats need to be removed their party should be disbanded based on their willingness to sell our country to foreign interest Joe Biden has proven that but yet the mainline media doesn’t seem to be too interested in checking into it that’s because they know it’s the truth. I don’t
What good does it do to point out democrat lies. The GOP won’t do anything about it.
I don’t disagree, Michael. They will hold hearings. They will issue a report. Nothing will come of it because they don’t have the political might and too many in the party don’t want to rock the boat that keeps lawmakers fat and happy.
You’re not wrong only it will take more than just a majority. Unfortunately most Republicans are so afraid that they won’t stand up to the lying oppressive Democratic regime. This is half of the problem. The other half of the problem is that none of the political individuals Republican and Democrat alike are willing to give up their ability to conduct insider trading based on knowledge that they receive from different committees. Thank you for listening I wish that my thoughts were not the truth.
I wish you were wrong too, Paul, but your comments are spot on. The willingness of the GOP to bend to the will of the Democrat Party is infuriating, including their support of the last omnibus spending package. Democrats know better.
As far as insider trading is concerned, let’s relegate that to the same list as term limits and an earmark ban. The difference between Republicans and Democrats is a lot less than the difference between politicians from either party and the American people. Both know where their money comes from.
Thanks for reading and offering your thoughts.