Now that we have added a death toll from protests to the economic damage it's time for Americans to ask a question. Why are Democrats so determined to turn a valid issue into the scam of the year? In the hands of the Democratic Party racial injustice is an opportunity that serves the temporary needs of a political campaign and nothing more. Democrats don’t seem to realize … [Read more...] about Scam of the Year is Campaign Against Racial Injustice
Race in America
The Race in America category is about how our government, society, and institutions respond to racial differences.
Race in America is our most valuable political issue. The Democratic Party just struck election year gold after years of stirring the race pot. Post-Obama America started out angry and divided. Liberals used Donald Trump's presidency to label conservatives racists and white supremacists. A death at a Charlottesville, Virginia white nationalist rally fanned the flames and gave this portrayal the appearance of credibility.
Now we've got more than we bargained for after heavily politicized incidents involving law enforcement culminated with the unwarranted, police-involved killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020.
On the docket now is a slate of new and revisited reforms including taking down symbols of the confederacy, restructuring or abolishing police departments, paying reparations, and extending federal assistance to under served minority communities.
Our politics claims to address the racial pain that tortures America, but politicians' dependence on this issue presents a tremendous problem. The politics of racial conflict are simply too vital to the back and forth between Democrats and Republicans to give us much hope that one day we can move past our history.
BLM Will Fail Because American Politics Thrives on Racism
If you pull the violence we're seeing from protesters out of the equation, Black Lives Matters' goal of sustainably transforming America away from racism sounds reasonable enough (that just changed and not for the better, as we discuss in a June 26, 2020 update). It will play a lot better than extreme demands like defunding police departments, whatever that means to … [Read more...] about BLM Will Fail Because American Politics Thrives on Racism
Liberal Lies About Race From Democrats Do Not Define Us
Over 325 million people live in America. Most of us are good, decent, and law-abiding. We are not racists. Two infinitesimally small groups and Democratic Party politics changed that. Now good people are subjected to furious demands to accept a false premise about our country. The weak succumbed. They bought in. In the background lurk the liberal lies about race Democrats … [Read more...] about Liberal Lies About Race From Democrats Do Not Define Us
Black and Brown People are Favorite Liberal Casualties
How did “black and brown people” sneak up on us? We hear this phrase from liberal Democrats all the time. If these words came from a Republican they would be criticized as patronizing and more likely deemed racist, but this is liberal speak and not conservative speak. Democrats get away with it even when using black and brown casts people and communities in an unfavorable … [Read more...] about Black and Brown People are Favorite Liberal Casualties
Slavery Reparations Can’t Put a Price Tag on Black Lives
What is the price tag on injustice to a life? That’s the impossible question 29 Democrats signing on to move slavery reparations forward with H.R. 40 have to answer. By acknowledging blame, issuing a national apology, and compensating black Americans for wrongs that began four centuries ago can we atone for problems we have no way to measure? A national solution must come … [Read more...] about Slavery Reparations Can’t Put a Price Tag on Black Lives